I was in my room using my n1 at two am, so everything is quiet. I Have that usual high pitched ringing in my ears that I often get when things are quiet. The strange thing is, when I turned wifi on on my nexus, the high pitched ringing I was hearing began to fade then changed pitches, kind of like if I was tuning an old radio. When I turned wifi off, the pitch changed yet again.
Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk
Macmee said:
I was in my room using my n1 at two am, so everything is quiet. I Have that usual high pitched ringing in my ears that I often get when things are quiet. The strange thing is, when I turned wifi on on my nexus, the high pitched ringing I was hearing began to fade then changed pitches, kind of like if I was tuning an old radio. When I turned wifi off, the pitch changed yet again.
Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk
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Man, with hearing like that I feel bad for you... whenever your parents were doin the nasty growin' up you probably couldn't even turn the radio high enough to block it out
Too much drugs
I have the same ringing when its quiet. I'll be trying this out soon!
Maybe swapping wi-fi channels quickly i can make a tune?
Macmee said:
I was in my room using my n1 at two am, so everything is quiet. I Have that usual high pitched ringing in my ears that I often get when things are quiet. The strange thing is, when I turned wifi on on my nexus, the high pitched ringing I was hearing began to fade then changed pitches, kind of like if I was tuning an old radio. When I turned wifi off, the pitch changed yet again.
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Lol.. Time to put the tin-foil cap on.
get your ears checked
Macmee said:
I was in my room using my n1 at two am, so everything is quiet. I Have that usual high pitched ringing in my ears that I often get when things are quiet. The strange thing is, when I turned wifi on on my nexus, the high pitched ringing I was hearing began to fade then changed pitches, kind of like if I was tuning an old radio. When I turned wifi off, the pitch changed yet again.
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Dude, I'm thinking its the speakers. Not on the phone, any speakers you may have lying around (alarm clock, pc speakers, laptop...). It's common for phones to cause interference with any kind of speakers that are around. Speakers don't even have to be powered.. I betcha that's that.
Or, as someone mentioned... too much drugs.
Sent from a my apartment's crapper. Seriously, turn off your tapatalk thing in settings.
DarkDvr said:
Dude, I'm thinking its the speakers. Not on the phone, any speakers you may have lying around (alarm clock, pc speakers, laptop...). It's common for phones to cause interference with any kind of speakers that are around. Speakers don't even have to be powered.. I betcha that's that.
Or, as someone mentioned... too much drugs.
Sent from a my apartment's crapper. Seriously, turn off your tapatalk thing in settings.
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That's true with GSM because the frequency it operates at is with in the range of audible frequencies for humans. A human ear can typically hear a range of typically 20 Hz to 20 kHz and WiFi operates at a much higher frequency than that, so there's no way a human can hear it. I suppose it is possible for one of the supporting chips to be oscillating at an audible frequency though.
So yes, sounds like a case of too many drugs.
I have no idea what's wrong, maybe I'm an alien. It's really annoying though that I can hear whatever the heck my phone's doing!
Hmm... I looked it up and 802.11b transmitters actually have a 50Hz packet rate, which is audible. So maybe you could be hearing it after all, but not directly. A set of speaker wires and speaker would be needed to reproduce the sound. I don't think anything in your body would work well enough as an antenna.
Could it be possible during the initialization of the wifi radio that it runs are a lower frequency (or even due to malfunction)?
Macmee: I usually hear these high pitched sounds when a television or monitor is left on but nothing is tuned in. I live in a loud house (3 sons plus dog) so I usually only hear these things at night once everything quiets down. I have not noticed my N1 making these sounds. I'll see if I can replicate with my N1 tonight (unless I go drinking ).
Just out of curiosity, can you hear the difference between an mp3 converted at 196k bit rate vs one converted at 128k ?? I know I used to be able to.
Those of you that have gotten your phone, what's your speaker quality like for the front speaker? I noticed that mine is scratchy for higher pitched sounds like a girl talking, but sounds okay for lower pitched sounds. Does anyone else have the same issue? I might try going to the AT&T store tomorrow and seeing if they have any in stock I can exchange mine for.
Well... supposedly going into the store to pick one up might be a longshot, especially on launch day, if it's to be as popular a phone as it appears it will be. As for the scratchiness of the earpiece.... it could be a defect, or it could just be the volume. Hard to say, really.
Didn't engadget say it was that the speaker were really good?
elementaldragon said:
Well... supposedly going into the store to pick one up might be a longshot, especially on launch day, if it's to be as popular a phone as it appears it will be. As for the scratchiness of the earpiece.... it could be a defect, or it could just be the volume. Hard to say, really.
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Yah, I figured it'd be a long shot. If they don't have one perhaps they can order a new one for me. I tried turning the volume down and that only made a difference if it was 1/4 or lower.
Phone mode audio quality and volume.
Well, my Atrix has decent audio on speaker phone mode, but the audio out on the ear piece is a bit scratchy on the highs if turned up to what most would consider a mid volume level. I have to keep the volume down lower than I would like to avoid the scratch.
The phone mic is also very bass heavy. This phone is a great computer, but as a phone it has audio issues, and is bass heavy on TX and RX audio, regardless of EQ settings.
Currently considering if it should go back, as I need a good sounding phone.
Anyone else underwhelmed with the phone audio clarity?
EDIT: Under settings, Call settings, "Noise suppression" was defaulted to "normal" Turning this to "off" made a massive improvement in all call audio (in a normal non-noisy environment). Now phone has decent call audio.
Hope this helps someone else... This had me concerned.
I had tried changing the option for Noise Suppression to 'Off', but it didn't make any difference for me. I took the phone into ATT and they replaced it without hassle. The new phone sounds much clearer.
I had the exact same problem with my pre-ordered unit. Went into a AT&T store today, and they were reluctant to replace it. After trying to sell accessories, they opened another one, and it sounded the same, so I left.
I went to a larger store and tried their floor model, which was perfect. The rep mentioned that they just received an e-mail about bad speakers, and replaced it without a problem (except trying to push more accessories).
So if you're picking one up, try the speaker first.
Just wanting to clarify, are those with the scratchy audio problem referring to the "earpiece" speaker or the hands free "speaker phone" speaker?
My speaker phone mode sounds great, only had earpiece issues.
And, does anyone know to which speaker the emailed "bad batch" notice was about?
Earpiece speaker
secretlevel said:
Earpiece speaker
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Thanks for that.
I had the same problem. After reading the response, went back to Radioshack and got my phone replaced. Now it sounds good.
I had the same problem with mine as well. Very bad scratchy/rattle sound at high volumes. Had the phone swapped out and the new one is perfect.
Sound quality isn't quite as good as my Samsung Focus; Motorola seems to make things unnecessarily bassy but its clear and usable.
To be fair to all those considering Note, after all praising (I still do think it's best phone in the world right now), there are definitely drawbacks.
Here is one for example:
The regular phone speaker above the screen (not the loud one on the back) is not pointing sound into one direction. You can even speak on the phone with back side of Galaxy Note put to you ear, you will still be able to hear everything clearly, even on low volume.
On top volume, it is comparable to speaker phone on some other phones, so if you pick up a phone while surrounded by other people (unless you are in very loud place) they will hear the other person.
While in the office, I noticed myself turning volume down a lot when I pick up the phone.
I dont have this kind of problem , my old Nokia phone does.
Sure someone can hear some of the content near the phone you are talking in a dead silent arwa, it's inevitable.
I feel Gnote already perform quite well compare to the other phones, like HTCs in this area
Sent from my GT-N7000 using XDA App
to be honest id rather it was loud and have the ability to turn the volume down than it be too quiet and unable to turn the volume up
as my mum used to say,if its cold its better to have a coat and be able to take it off if you get hot than be cold and need a coat and not have one
Richy99 said:
to be honest id rather it was loud and have the ability to turn the volume down than it be too quiet and unable to turn the volume up
as my mum used to say,if its cold its better to have a coat and be able to take it off if you get hot than be cold and need a coat and not have one
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It's not a question of whether badly working phone is better than no phone. It's a question of best phone being of high quality. In this case its potential privacy concern.
I switched from iPhones, where it was not an issue. If you put it tight to your ear in silent room, none else hears the person on the other end. Even on loud.
Like I've said above, on Note in silent room regular speaker (not the loud speaker) is comparable to loud speaker on some other phones. You can hear through the phone! Test yourself, make a call with screen side out, battery cover side to your ear, you might be surprised, that it's practically no difference what side you hold it to the ear, even on lowest in-call volume you can still comfortably speak with wrong side of the phone touching your ear.
I have not tried other Notes than mine, but I seriously doubt that it is one time occurrence, seems to me like an engineering issue, not enough sound insulation behind the speaker, just few thin layers of plastic.
If it is such a privacy concern, why not use a bluetooth headset or earbuds? Why not leave the room instead of taking the call in the room?
I mean there are more options that just sitting there letting everyone else hear your conversation if you feel that you have something to hide. But then again, your talking so they naturally are going to hear at least 1 part of the conversation no matter what. So I fail to see how you can really be concerned with privacy when they hear everything you say anyways, right?
If you were that worried about privacy you would send texts, emails or use an IM program to send messages so that no one knew what was being said or talked about. But since you are willing to sit in the room and let them listen to what at least you are saying, then you are not overly concerned with them at least hearing part of the conversation.
When I get a call that I dont want anyone else to hear I either leave the room, put on my earbuds or tell the person I will call them back when I can talk. So really it isnt about privacy concerns at all, it is just an inconvience for you to know that the speaker is loud. Louder than you are used to at least.
Fuuny that you mention this because i never thought i'll use those bt headsets until i own the Note. Each time i put it in my ear, my worry is not the volume but the number of heads turning towards me and the the sheepish grin that follows.
--- --- --- ---
A damn proud Galaxy Note owner.
Maybe try turn down the volume and using a case.
I wonder how those HTC phones perform because they all have ear speakers that are wide across the width of the phone itself.
eksasol said:
Maybe try turn down the volume and using a case.
I wonder how those HTC phones perform because they all have ear speakers that are wide across the width of the phone itself.
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Lol..the speaker grill on HTC phone what we call it, is just a gimmick. If we see inside, the speaker none the less is only small portion on the middle side
Sent from my GT-N7000 using XDA App
Astrum said:
While in the office, I noticed myself turning volume down a lot when I pick up the phone.
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That's a really good point. Something else to improve in the Note2 along with moving power button!
Sent from my Amiga GT-N7000 using XDA Premium.
Alright Guys,
Had this issue with my tablet for a while now, regardless of ROM.
When I'm playing music or video, if the notes or sounds are too high pitch (I think). I get horrible distortion from the speakers! I have to have the volume 50% or below to rectify this. It's typically the sound you can get with speakers when they're vibrating too hard on something. Could it be down to the casing, perhaps something is loose? Anyone else have this issue?
kashinoda said:
Alright Guys,
Had this issue with my tablet for a while now, regardless of ROM.
When I'm playing music or video, if the notes or sounds are too high pitch (I think). I get horrible distortion from the speakers! I have to have the volume 50% or below to rectify this. It's typically the sound you can get with speakers when they're vibrating too hard on something. Could it be down to the casing, perhaps something is loose? Anyone else have this issue?
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Don't really know what you are expecting from the speakers, but seems you should be able to run 75% with no distortion. If I want it loud, it ear buds for me.
shaun298 said:
Don't really know what you are expecting from the speakers, but seems you should be able to run 75% with no distortion. If I want it loud, it ear buds for me.
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Yeah not expecting great results of course, but shouldn't be distorting above 50%. Usually take the tablet out to the park for music when we're relaxing so need the volume up.
Just took the casing off, tightened all the screws and put some tissue paper in the gaps to stop any vibrations, seems to have done the trick :good: Probably had few too many drops.
If I place my Nexus 4 against my ear, I can hear high pitched screeching and some popping coming from the earpiece, even when a call is not taking place. At first I thought it was a heat issue, maybe some capacitors or something getting a bit hot and whistling, so I turned the phone off and the noises stopped instantly.
This is pretty annoying and surely shouldn't be happening
Yes, mine too
losimagic said:
If I place my Nexus 4 against my ear, I can hear high pitched screeching and some popping coming from the earpiece, even when a call is not taking place. At first I thought it was a heat issue, maybe some capacitors or something getting a bit hot and whistling, so I turned the phone off and the noises stopped instantly.
This is pretty annoying and surely shouldn't be happening
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I'm glad you posted that, mine does it too - and I thought I had a faulty phone.
According to support I'm the first to report such a problem, have you called support about it? - 0800 328 6081.
The more of us that call, the better the chance it's sorted (if it's possible).
I can't live with that noise, it's too loud for me as I have sensitive hearing on interference like that.
So it looks like I'm sending mine back for a refund and go buy a S3
It does sound like poor build quality in suppressing electrical interference to the ear speaker, as you say capacitors or even a processor is leaking noise to that speaker in the same way cell/mobile radio causes to external speakers when brought close to them.
WOW so many problems already with this thing!!! I don't know about this phone right now
rshea said:
I'm glad you posted that, mine does it too - and I thought I had a faulty phone.
According to support I'm the first to report such a problem, have you called support about it? - 0800 328 6081.
The more of us that call, the better the chance it's sorted (if it's possible).
I can't live with that noise, it's too loud for me as I have sensitive hearing on interference like that.
So it looks like I'm sending mine back for a refund and go buy a S3
It does sound like poor build quality in suppressing electrical interference to the ear speaker, as you say capacitors or even a processor is leaking noise to that speaker in the same way cell/mobile radio causes to external speakers when brought close to them.
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I returned it to the store for a refund - they refused to swap it for another as they couldn't hear it . I've ordered another which I should get tomorrow, and if that has the same issue I'm not sure what to do - it doesn't really sound like something that can be fixed through software, does it?
I asked on another forum and one person replied saying that there's was ok, but maybe they're ears just aren't as sensitive as ours.
I remember as a kid, I could hear CRT TVs from a long way off (no sound was coming through the speakers) and nobody else could.
losimagic said:
I returned it to the store for a refund - they refused to swap it for another as they couldn't hear it . I've ordered another which I should get tomorrow, and if that has the same issue I'm not sure what to do - it doesn't really sound like something that can be fixed through software, does it?
I asked on another forum and one person replied saying that there's was ok, but maybe they're ears just aren't as sensitive as ours.
I remember as a kid, I could hear CRT TVs from a long way off (no sound was coming through the speakers) and nobody else could.
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I think you're right, I too always heard a CRT working (I still can when I see one working!)
Maybe we're hearing interference the average user is not going to hear.
If anyone else is reading this and owns a Nexus 4, try calling your voicemail (which I assume would be free for you) - during the call wait for a few seconds and listen carefully, it's more obvious when you're not talking and in a call.
The noise is almost like having a small fly trapped between the phone and your ear at times, it also reminds me of the noise a hard drive makes at times and most of us know what that sounds like.
rshea said:
I think you're right, I too always heard a CRT working (I still can when I see one working!)
Maybe we're hearing interference the average user is not going to hear.
If anyone else is reading this and owns a Nexus 4, try calling your voicemail (which I assume would be free for you) - during the call wait for a few seconds and listen carefully, it's more obvious when you're not talking and in a call.
The noise is almost like having a small fly trapped between the phone and your ear at times, it also reminds me of the noise a hard drive makes at times and most of us know what that sounds like.
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I got it even when I wasn't on a call - a few seconds after powering up the phone and it was there
You guys are nerds
No, I can feel your pain! Hopefully you guys can sort this out and this is in general not a common problem with the N4.
i don't have this issue
It seems to be an issue with the electromagnetic shielding. I get this problem when I am next to my sound system and amplifier. Those things arent shielded. Now in school where theres basically nothing else here my earpiece is completely clean. Not even a hiss.
does it also emit a sound when it is swithced on, but the screen is off? i remember i had sth. like this (high-pitched sound) on my first google nexus s, but it was clearly coming from the screen rather than the earpiece.
Received a replacement today - it's A LOT better. There's still a very feint buzz, but it's barely noticeable.
Hallucinogen775 said:
does it also emit a sound when it is swithced on, but the screen is off? i remember i had sth. like this (high-pitched sound) on my first google nexus s, but it was clearly coming from the screen rather than the earpiece.
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Yes, even did it without a simcard inside. Definitely coming from the earpiece, if I moved my ear down the phone it was quieter/silent.
What about in airplane mode?
jacklebott said:
What about in airplane mode?
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Didn't test the previous one in airplane mode, but just tried this one and it's the same.
Definitely getting the same issue with my N4; screen on or off. Can't imagine this being fixed by firmware, sounds like a bad hardware design.
I'm also once of these people who gets irritated by the sound of DVD Players/VCR/TV etc. But two other people I have shown seem to think its an issue too.
It's good to read a replacement was better, that's made my day.
The problem is certainly a electromagnetic shielding issue with the earpiece, I can stand in a middle of a field and it has that sound you often get from PC or Hi-Fi speakers when you stand close to them.
But with the earpiece you can't move it of course - so clearly a design flaw, and hopefully only on a batch?
That said, it does seem to be an intermittent fault, I've also noticed it doesn't happen within the first 10-30 seconds of a call. I wonder if the phone stops all background processes during the start of a call, but then later kicks in which causes those noises.
losimagic said:
I remember as a kid, I could hear CRT TVs from a long way off (no sound was coming through the speakers) and nobody else could.
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I can hear the high pitched noise from a CRT from, like, 100'. Can a lot of other people really not hear them? Also, deer/dog/insect deterrents that people use in their homes and yard give me an instant headache from the sound. Great. This does not bode well. Oh well, I'll cross that bridge if/when I get to it.
Same here
estallings15 said:
I can hear the high pitched noise from a CRT from, like, 100'. Can a lot of other people really not hear them? Also, deer/dog/insect deterrents that people use in their homes and yard give me an instant headache from the sound. Great. This does not bode well. Oh well, I'll cross that bridge if/when I get to it.
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Exactly that, those who can't hear those audible repellents for pets, or not hear the Apps available which also emit very annoying high pitch sounds - then would not be bothered by the noise we mention here.
I'm certain if I took my N4 into a shop, the typical response from staff would be "we can't hear it"
I have this issue with my phone as well. Screen on or off. Charging or not. Noise is still present.
Maybe my nexus 6 was just that good but it feels like the v20's earpiece speaker isnt very clear or loud....I can live with lower quality but the sound level is kind of low (hard to hear people in noisy places)
bob2300nx said:
Maybe my nexus 6 was just that good but it feels like the v20's earpiece speaker isnt very clear or loud....I can live with lower quality but the sound level is kind of low (hard to hear people in noisy places)
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Yeah its low (with my over the ear cans), went all in on a descent amp that can usb of my pc and/or directly off my phone. Like my cans to rattle sometimes. With my IEMs though it gets loud after 50-60. Id make sure you have enabled Hi-Fi sound on the phone first and found this app to be very useful in adding some punch and volume to my tracks. ----> Equalizer (by Smart Android Apps)
Sent from my VS995 using Tapatalk
JkdJedi said:
Yeah its low (with my over the ear cans), went all in on a descent amp that can usb of my pc and/or directly off my phone. Like my cans to rattle sometimes. With my IEMs though it gets loud after 50-60. Id make sure you have enabled Hi-Fi sound on the phone first and found this app to be very useful in adding some punch and volume to my tracks. ----> Equalizer (by Smart Android Apps)
Sent from my VS995 using Tapatalk
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Im talking about in call volume through the speaker that you hold up to your ear.
bob2300nx said:
Im talking about in call volume through the speaker that you hold up to your ear.
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Lol!! Oh. No not at all, that's way better than the last phone I had the lgg3.
Sent from my VS995 using Tapatalk
Check your phone call settings. There may be an option in there that was enabled by accident.
And/or tell your correspondence to speak up. Lol.
yeah idk, my s7 sounded like crap for phone calls. could never understand the person on the other line. but my V20 sounds amazing. clear, loud etc. kills the s7
Sent from my LG-US996 using Tapatalk
I'm experiencing the same. Extremely clear, no issues whatsoever.
Speaking of the Nexus 6. That phone was hands down the best Android phone ever made. If they re-released it with a fingerprint sensor, I would buy it again. Best speakers and sound of any phone. It could have used a better camera, but other than that, 9 out of 10.
As for the speaker sound in the V20. I think it could be a a bit louder. Clarity isn't an issue for me. But it's def not very loud.
On the T-Mobile variant this thing is loud and clear. If I turn it all the way up I can hold it away from my ear in front of me and still hear the other person clear enough to understand them. definitely no issues so far involving that
Lgv20user said:
Check your phone call settings. There may be an option in there that was enabled by accident.
And/or tell your correspondence to speak up. Lol.
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What settings are you talking about?
And people calling me didnt magically decide to speak quietly just because I bought a new phone.
Mikekelso421 said:
Speaking of the Nexus 6. That phone was hands down the best Android phone ever made. If they re-released it with a fingerprint sensor, I would buy it again. Best speakers and sound of any phone. It could have used a better camera, but other than that, 9 out of 10.
As for the speaker sound in the V20. I think it could be a a bit louder. Clarity isn't an issue for me. But it's def not very loud.
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Yes loudness is the issue. Its too quiet if you are anywhere with noise like the grocery store.
Nexus 6 was a good phone but had issues (guess all phones do). The camera was pretty bad and buggy at times. Speakers were great but if you had lower battery they would automatically decrease the volume like 50% (even at max volume) that was insanely annoying. And lastly it throttled speed pretty badly when battery got low. Oh and it was pretty big, alittle smaller screen with the v20 but much smaller in the hand.
bob2300nx said:
What settings are you talking about?
And people calling me didnt magically decide to speak quietly just because I bought a new phone.
Yes loudness is the issue. Its too quiet if you are anywhere with noise like the grocery store.
Nexus 6 was a good phone but had issues (guess all phones do). The camera was pretty bad and buggy at times. Speakers were great but if you had lower battery they would automatically decrease the volume like 50% (even at max volume) that was insanely annoying. And lastly it throttled speed pretty badly when battery got low. Oh and it was pretty big, alittle smaller screen with the v20 but much smaller in the hand.
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Pull up your phone app. Make sure it's on the dial menu and hit the 3 vertical dots in the upper right hand corner. Go to call settings. The last option should be one that reads "more" . Peruse that and see what may help. Good luck.
bob2300nx said:
What settings are you talking about?
And people calling me didnt magically decide to speak quietly just because I bought a new phone.
Yes loudness is the issue. Its too quiet if you are anywhere with noise like the grocery store.
Nexus 6 was a good phone but had issues (guess all phones do). The camera was pretty bad and buggy at times. Speakers were great but if you had lower battery they would automatically decrease the volume like 50% (even at max volume) that was insanely annoying. And lastly it throttled speed pretty badly when battery got low. Oh and it was pretty big, alittle smaller screen with the v20 but much smaller in the hand.
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Only thing I can think of would be to try turning on hearing aid compatibility or maybe messing with the call clarity and noise suppression options and see if that affects anything for ya.
I have both voice clarity and noise suppression turned on and have no problems with low volume at all. I remember reading somewhere on a different phone e that the hearing aid option made it noticeably louder on that specific phone so you could try that and see if it works for this phone.
bob2300nx said:
Maybe my nexus 6 was just that good but it feels like the v20's earpiece speaker isnt very clear or loud....I can live with lower quality but the sound level is kind of low (hard to hear people in noisy places)
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Am finding the same too, this time i have the voice clarity option enabled, lets see if it makes a difference. I find it soft in a quiet room, no idea how this will work out on the street. Might be forced to get a headset in that case.
Which would be a pity becaue this phone is all about audio. My speakers are perfectly fine. Why does the earpiece have to be so quiet