line in my camera - Tilt, TyTN II, MDA Vario III Accessories

my camera when im ready taking a pictures, it have a line...what does it mean?
someone help to fix this problems?

Camera broken, had the same problem.
Needs to be replaced in service

Same with me, broken camera


HD2 camera problem - pink color

My phone fell down on floor few week ago and from that day my photos are pink/purple. When I start camera it show picture ok for few milliseconds and turn to pink/purple. Also when I take photo I hear some noise in camera and photo is all pink/purple. But when I take photo with flash I got photo with texuture but its pinkish. Same as with video camera. These two are takken on same location with flash and no flash.
Do you know solution for my problem. I changed few roms and problem stays.
Shoul I change hardware?
What part should I change?
Whole camera or just this square camera module?
Or any other solution...
I think it s a fault of the camera itself...You can start opening the hd2,it s very sinple to reach the camera,you have only to take off 4 screws,and controll the little cable that go to the motherboad,and take off and reinsert the camera module.If you need the camera you can contact me in pm,I have one working from a faulty hd2,and I can give it to you for really cheap.
OK thanks on answer. I already opened HD2 so its not to complicated for me. I can change parts. The problem is I dont know which parts do I need to change. So you are saying that I need to change only camera module. This one on photo bellow is camera module? Am i right?
So I ordered this camera module online..Hope that will fix the problem!
It seems that this is rare problem with camera.
IS there Anyone else that knows solution to this problem?

[I9505] Front camera module problem

I recently replaced my broken screen. I manipulated everything gently with proper tools. But i noticed when i was putting back the front camera module it splitted into 2 parts..
See the image attached, the arrow show where it splitted.
Since then front camera doesnt works and makes my camera apps FC.
Any idea or should i just buy a new module ?
Sent from my GT-I9505 using xda app-developers app
Seems like it did split from a place where there was not joint. Maybe some important component is broken causing it to fail.
I have exactly the same situation. just bought a new one from ebay low price about 8eur.
Any way to solve this?
Hi, I'm new in the forum as a member, but I've looked here for a lot of info. Now I'm having same issue with the camera module... isn't there any way to solve it without buying a new front facing camera module?

[Q] Galaxy S5 G900M : front camera distorted image issue?

I just got my Galaxy S5 (G900M). I am experiencing an annoying issue while using the front camera (selfie style...). It appears that the image is distorted if the phone is not straight in front of the object. I guess my sensor is defective or something. I tried to set the camera differently but no changes. Did you have this problem? Is it an hardware issue? Any fix?
Thanks for your feedback.
PS: see attached how my pics look like.
Nobody to help me? I did some researches, I am not the only one apparently but I did not see any 'solution' to this problem. I am going to return the phone.

Camera blurry problem

My nexus 6p is now about 1 month old and since yesterday i noticed my rear camera has been producing unfocused and blurry images. It also make a little cracking noise when i open the camera app or switch back to the rear camera from the front facing camera. Please help me please. I tried to clean the lens and I even buy fv camera 5 and try manual focus but it did not work. The images produces from the rear camera are now even worse than the front facing camera.
koalalookatme said:
My nexus 6p is now about 1 month old and since yesterday i noticed my rear camera has been producing unfocused and blurry images. It also make a little cracking noise when i open the camera app or switch back to the rear camera from the front facing camera. Please help me please. I tried to clean the lens and I even buy fv camera 5 and try manual focus but it did not work. The images produces from the rear camera are now even worse than the front facing camera.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
From what you describe it sounds like the VCM/AF Actuator has malfunctioned.
Try this Download Freedcam from play store
Make sure you give it permission to access camera
Settings > Api > Camera 2
Then set Focus to manual then activate Focus Peak
Then move focus wheel if you start seeing yellow higlights/ outline that means its focusing if no highlights then AF Broken.
Also try Reset Device if no go i suggest you return the device
Sent from my NX503A using Tapatalk
I tried to reset but it did not work also I tried moving the wheel but no luck. I ship this unit to Vietnam which is where I'm currently living so I cannot send it back. Also the cracking noise every time I open my main camera really worried me, it does sound like something went wrong from the inside. I have been taking fine and focused image up till now. I find this happened the day after I went home raining without an umbrella or raincoat. It was a small rain and the device was not soaked in water it was just having little splash of water on it. I wondered if this was the reason
After I googled this problem there seems to be others having the same problem as me and they are sending back their devices
Hi koala . Did you send back yours too? I bought this phone about 5months back. I have the same problem. Any chance of a replacement?
Hi, Did this ever get resolved? I ordered a replacement camera module and tools to fix it myself. The repair guide is from Repair Universe. Here's the video on YouTube.
Did you update to Nougat already? I do not experience this, but it might be because I'm still on Marshmallow.

Help: Back camera stopped working

I don't know if I dropped my ze551kl too many times or something happened while flashing, but the back camera does not work at all now. When I launch the pixel camera or any camera app, it launches the front camera. The led flashlight no longer works either. Can anyone offer any suggestions to troubleshoot or is this a hardware problem that is probably unfixable?
