Sense calendar Bug: Appointment Series title length - HD2 General

Today I noticed a bug in the HTC HD2 Sense calendar. As I found no description of it anwhere, I want to share it here.
The bug was observed on a genuine HTC ROM v1.66.407.1 (german).
Maybe it is more an annoyance than a bug as it does not affect functionality, but it a very unexpected and inconvenient behavior with a strange cause nonetheless.
Please excuse the possible use of wrong technical terms in my description of calendar functions as my native language is not english.
Bug description:
When you have edited a series of repeated appointments and then tap "Back" to leave the appointments detail screen, the calendar usually gets you back to the day you came from (expected behavior).
But if the appointment title has more than seven characters, the calendar will "timeport" you to the starting day of the recurring appointment series after having entered editing mode!
This behavior seems to be independent of frequency and anything else but title length (in characters). It does not depend on really editing the appointment, just entering the editing screen is sufficient.
I founfd no workaround except keeping the title short.
Anyone else who observed this and can confirm it?


Calendar bug in touch HD ?

I've got an appointment set up in Outlook on the PC for 7pm-11:30pm this evening.
When I synchronised, the home screen on the HD says "Tomorrow 19:00 - 23:30" instead of "Today"
If I tap the appointment on the home screen to enter the calendar program, it correctly shows under today's date, with nothing tomorrow.
Possible bug in TouchFlo ?
Anyone else seen this ?
Or am I being really dumb and missing something obvious ?
EDIT : After a soft reset, the word "tomorrow" vanishes. So it looks like TouchFlo failed to update the home screen properly until the device was reset.
my bug is different
I have a different bug, no mine doesnt seem to do what you say... as far as I can see...
My bug is that when you set in options to always display day, week or month view and you quit calendar and start it again, bang it goes back to Agenda view (which is rubbish)... is there a fix to get it to stay in what its asked to stay in.
truthseekers said:
I have a different bug, no mine doesnt seem to do what you say... as far as I can see...
My bug is that when you set in options to always display day, week or month view and you quit calendar and start it again, bang it goes back to Agenda view (which is rubbish)... is there a fix to get it to stay in what its asked to stay in.
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I'm seeing the same thing. When selecting the calendar or appointment from touchflo it always takes you to the agenda view as opposed to the default view you select in the calendar.
bugsy said:
I'm seeing the same thing. When selecting the calendar or appointment from touchflo it always takes you to the agenda view as opposed to the default view you select in the calendar.
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I was having the same issue.
I needed to reset my device (Pressing power button until it gives the pop up to turn off) and once it came back now it is working fine..
I can set it which way I want now and the setting is sticking...
...and more:
I got all of them... calender always opening in agenda view, a TOMORROW instead of a TODAY until reset, AND another one: IF you activate lets say THREE alarms, only the first one shows up on the today screen, no matter what time it is... So if it the first alarm is over, my Touch ELF's display would change to show to the next open one, but the HD does NOT. Ridiculous...
I see 4 every day all the call.!?Sync by activesync.How to delette this sync?
I too am bothered with this problem.
I want my calendar view set to Month view. So I've choosen Month view form the options and everything seems OK. However, everytime I choose calendar from the home screen it briefly starts in Month view, and then opens the agenda view.
I've tried everything I could find on the net to solve this problem, including:
- Adjusting the calendar to month view and afterwards soft-resetting my HD. Still the same problem.
- Adding -vm to the shortcut in the calendar shortcuts in the Windows directory and in the Windows/Startup directory. this opens the calendar in month view, but from the Home screen still no success.
- Searching the registry for relevant settings, but i'm not knowledgeable enough yet to find the correct ones.
By the way, if I set my calendar view to Day or Week, the same type of problem occurs.
Since I really don't like the Agenda view this really starts to annoy me.
Any other thoughts out there on something I could try?
Regards, Jack
i have the same problem! does anyone know abetter more fingerfriendly calendar program with tf3d integration?
Strange stuff...
I don't have the problem everybody describes, but instead next day appointments show with a DS_TOMORROW: prefix instead of Tomorrow: The font is big and it occupies quite a lot of space, looks buggy and pretty annoying.
With regard to a finger friendly calendar - I used Agenda One, but it doesn't work from TF3D Home screen by default - the link needs to be edited, and I can't find the thread where the way to do it was described.
With regard to opening the calendar in the "right" view, it should be relatively easy to fix.
Searching the registry won't help because the links in RF3D seem to be hardcoded - this is the bad news.
The good news is that there's a Manila Patcher which allows to change things. If you know the arguments (somebody mentioned -vm), you can change those.
With regard to today's events prefixed with "Tomorrow", it seems that this is indeed a Manila bug, it just doesn't refresh data. You don't have to reset the device, disabling and enabling Manila is enough. This is not a workaround of course, because resetting is actualy easier, just to reiterate that TF3D is at fault.
Not 100% sure, but if I'm using the device around midnight then TF3D doesn't roll the appointments. If I'm not then it does.
Could be a complete red-herring though. . .
Does HTC have any bug tracking system available for the public, at least for submitting bugs?
Thanks for the tip on SSMaPa vangrieg!
Installed it, added "-vm" in the arguments box belonging to calendar.exe, and after some messages I am now enjoying my calendar in glorious Month view!
And before I forget, the other possible arguments are: -vd for Day view, -vw for Week view, -vy for Year view and of course -va for the dreaded Agenda view
By the way, this is what HTC Support mailed me after just one day's wait:
In order to solve your problem, you will need to hardreset your device. All data and settings will be deleted, so please back-up all your data first. Remove your SIM and memory card and go to Start, Settings, System, Clear Storage and follow the on-screen instructions.
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Might try that some day, but for now this seems to be werking fine!
Regards, Jack
fasty said:
I've got an appointment set up in Outlook on the PC for 7pm-11:30pm this evening.
When I synchronised, the home screen on the HD says "Tomorrow 19:00 - 23:30" instead of "Today"
If I tap the appointment on the home screen to enter the calendar program, it correctly shows under today's date, with nothing tomorrow.
Possible bug in TouchFlo ?
Anyone else seen this ?
Or am I being really dumb and missing something obvious ?
EDIT : After a soft reset, the word "tomorrow" vanishes. So it looks like TouchFlo failed to update the home screen properly until the device was reset.
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I too have this problem, and the thing at fault here is apparently the Touch Flo 3D interface. Just as described in the original post, the calendar app itself displays everything correctly, but on the Today Screen in Touch Flo, "tomorrow" entries do not change over to "today entries" when the date changes, i.e. it fails to update.
A soft reset does indeed correct the problem, but it is also sorted out if you change the calendar content in some way. This morning, for instance, I made a simple edit (changed the location variable) in one of the entries, and PRESTO! - the entries on the Today screen were properly presented.
Now, I'm not a programmer, but it seems to me that the Today screen doesn't recognise a date change as something that should trigger an update. Shouldn't it be able to force this somehow?
Speaking about Calendars, does anyone know how to change the text color of the topic while on the TFLO3D home screen.
It is a grey color and it makes it impossible to read.
Hi there, I have the same bug with Touch Flo, but no need to reset the phone. Just go in Start / Settings / Today, untick Touch Flo, do OK, this closes the Touch Flo applications. Then rego there to tick Touch Flo, this runs Touch Flo with the right information.
HTC advised me to hard-reset the device. The problem continues.
Soft resetting touch-flo does seem to cure the problem of the immediate appointment, but it is not a permanent fix.
- Steve
I have another bug in the calendar of the Touch HD.
When I create an all-day event with a reminder, it just doesn't remind me : no ring, no vibe, just the screen that is switched on, and the pop-up appear. But it works fine with a regular appointment. Do you have the same bug ?
I don't know about you guys but i wanted to test this out so i entered some false appointments for 3 days in a row and i'm on the 2nd day and it has worked wonderfully.
It doesn't say 'today' but the top rows are showing today and has 'tomorrow' for the the appointment tomorrow.
I waited till midnight and it did roll over.
Or is this problem only via syncing from Outlook or something?
I have entered a few bogus meetings for the next day on the phone itself to test out your theory and on midnight the Tomorrow tag simply stayed there.
So once again I have no idea what triggers the bug.

[BUG] No notification for "all-day" events : help needed

Hi all,
I encounter a bug that is really annoying me : I don't receive any notification for an "all-day" appointment. No sound, no vibe. The phone is switching on at the remind time, but without any sound nor vibe.
I don't have this behaviour when the appointment is not an "all-day".
I verified my settings, I even hard-reset, and I always have the bug.
Do you experiment it ?
Do you know how to correct it ?
I'm on a french HTC Touch HD with the stock rom.
Thank you.
Update :
The bug is validated. I send a mail to HTC, but no answer for the moment.
We need help to try to find if there's a solution.
Update 2 :
The bug is present in others ROM than stocks : I tried Duttys v1.8 and even WM6.5 roms from PDAViet and Davideuck and the bug is present in these roms too.
Update 3 :
I added a poll concerning this problem. Please test this problem on your HD and answer the poll + post your HD setup (especially your ROM).
Thank you !
How to reproduce the bug :
- Go in Settings/Sounds/Notifications/Reminder and check that sound and vibration are checked
- Go in the calendar to "Tomorrow"
- Add an appointment
- In this new appointment, choose "All Day : Yes", "Reminder : Remind me", then when you want to be reminded (IE it's 10:30am, so if I want to be reminded at 11am, I choose "Reminder : Remind me, 13 hours")
- Wait for the reminder :
- if you have the sound + the vibration, you can check "No, it works like a charm" and please post your setup
- if you have sound but no vibration (or vibration but no sound), check "I have the same problem" and please describe your problem in a post
- if you have the exact same problem as me (no sound, no vibration), check "I have the same problem" and please post your setup
Thank you for your help !
nobody has this problem ?
please, can somebody tests on his HD to know if it has the problem too ?
someone please ?
Did you created this appointment yourself?
Did you try to open (edit) the appointment?
When you creat or edit an appointment you can select IF and WHEN you will be remembered.
But I didnt know if have the same problem...
- Yes
- Yes
- I select to be remembered, and I'm remembered, but only with a pop-up : no sound, no vibe.
I'm remembered correctly for the others appointments (pop-up + sound + vibe).
Can you test on your HD ?
No notification for an "all-day" appointment
Yes, I observe the same effect on my Touch HD from the first minute of usage. In SKTools I see under "Notification Queue" that these appointments are marked with the comment "Allday event does not exist". But I can confirm that the event DOES exist! I don't know why this occurs. On my old MDA Touch with WM6.0 the SAME appointments have been o.k.
Thank you very much for your test ! I feel less alone
Now, we have to find WHERE is the problem...
I checked in the registry comparing with a Diamond, and I didn't find anything...
Hope we'll find help.
yogibaer said:
In SKTools I see under "Notification Queue" that these appointments are marked with the comment "Allday event does not exist". But I can confirm that the event DOES exist! I don't know why this occurs.
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Some HD have a specific NQ record for allday events. The new version of SKTools (4.4.6) properly handle such records.
I tried to clean the notification queue using some softs and tutorials (like and the bug is always there.
Somebody has an idea to resolve this annoying bug ?
I made many, many tests, hard-reset etc... and I just can't have the "all day" event reminder to work. Can you just tell me if you have this problem with your Touch HD with this phrase :
OK - Stock ROM - WWE
NOK - Stock ROM - FRE
Thank you very very much.
Install something like G-Alarm, reminders don't work as alarms
Go to Settings --> Sound --> Advanced --> select "Reminders" in the event drop down and confirm if you have the necessary options checked.
Also, in Windows "All Day" events start at 00:00:00 and end at 23:59:59. The default reminder is 18 or 12 hours (depending on your global e-mail settings), so you would get the reminder popup and sound at noon the previous day. Did the previous day also have an "All Day" event ? If so, then you may only get a vibrate if you have selected the "Automatic" option in Settings --> Sound.
These are just some of the things that came to mind, hope it helps !
Unfortunately, I really need the "all-day" event reminders to work, cause I use mainly the "all-day" events in my job
Do you experiment the same bug ?
SLVRstone said:
Go to Settings --> Sound --> Advanced --> select "Reminders" in the event drop down and confirm if you have the necessary options checked.
Also, in Windows "All Day" events start at 00:00:00 and end at 23:59:59. The default reminder is 18 or 12 hours (depending on your global e-mail settings), so you would get the reminder popup and sound at noon the previous day. Did the previous day also have an "All Day" event ? If so, then you may only get a vibrate if you have selected the "Automatic" option in Settings --> Sound.
These are just some of the things that came to mind, hope it helps !
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Thank you for your help
Unfortunately, I already checked so many times the sound settings
I have many all-day events, and I never got any sound nor vibration.
To test, it added a "test" all day event for tomorrow, and set it to remind me at 22h20 (it's 22h25 here). I also added an appointment for tomorrow at 9h an set it to remind me at 22h22. So, the phone turned on, it showed the reminder pop-up for the all-day event, but didnt' rang nor vibrated. Two minutes later, the phone turned on again, the reminder pop-up for the "normal" appointment appeared, and I got the sound I set in the sounds settings AND the phone vibrated.
I just don't understand why it works for normal appointments and not for "all-day" events
This does not solve your problem, but just wanted to let you know - over the past few days, tested this issue many different ways and always had the same result - popup is the *ONLY* notification for all-day events. No reminder sound, no vibrate - nothing, nada, nyet.
I can understand your frustration lpaso
Could this be a WinMo issue ? I mentioned this issue to a colleague of mine and he remembered having similar problems with his old Moto Q (WinMo6.0). Unfortunately, he does not have that device anymore, so no way to test
i am not sure i fully understand your problem, but wouldn't a third party application like "notification repeat enable" help on this matter?
just a thought!
Thank you for your experiences
I can confirm that it's not a WinMo problem, cause I tested it with several others WinMo mobiles (Qtek 9100, HTC Touch, HTC Diamond, HTC TyTN II) and I worked great on all this devices.
Concerning a "notification repeat enable" software could do the trick, and I'd be happy to know what software you could advise me, but I'd rather have the normal function to work
the name of the software would be........."notification repeat enable"
i attached here the cab. since i have it on my pc for a very long time, i don't remember where i got it, but it's not made by me
basicly you will not find it on your ppc as an application, but would let you add some otions on notification settings menu
i hope it helps!
good luck!
But, if I understand, it adds on some notification settings the "repeat" option right ?
The problem we have, is that we do have a notification, but only with a pop-up ! We don't have sound, we don't have vibration. But we have the pop-up, and it is repeated if we check the "repeat" option in the settings.

[APP] [25/3/09] [0.9 Beta] Cell Broadcast as Operator Name (Manila+Dialer)

Hey guys, my first real contribution here. I was using the Cell Broadcast solution with a today plugin posted here.
I had two major issues:
1. With Manila, can not use another today plugin
2. Need to use S2U2 because waking up of device, otherwise device stays on for sometime and screen touches are registered.
I played a bit with the registry and found out that setting two keys will reliably set a string which would be used for the operator name hence changing the string in Manila, dialer, etc.
I intercepted the messages coming from "Network" and extracted the CB body, if the device has been on for less than 5 seconds, then I assume that the cause of wake up was the CB, hence I suspend the device, its working quite nicely for now, will need your feedback for a probable general working release this weekend.
To do / Known Issues:
- FIXED: One key is hard coded as 41006 (my operator code), need to get it from phone. Otherwise ask user for it.
- Configurable from field, "Network*" is hard coded for now.
- Autostart using Init registry
- Hide / Remove UI
- For now UI shows incoming CB messages, power events, time difference between power on and message incoming for deciding to suspend or not.
Hello. I did search on this topic too. but did not find anything else that you do. but exactly what does not work. I got a newer version? thanks

HTC Calendar - Agenda items slow to load

When I go to the calendar tab and try to view the "Agenda", the items seem to take a around 3 or 4 seconds to actually pop up on the screen.
It's the same when I start from the "Month" view and touch a date that I know has items in there (because it's marked by a little triangle) - it still takes a few seconds for those items to pop up.
It's not so much a hassle when I'm looking at only one day, but if I have to scroll through lots of dates to find a particular item, it wastes a lot of time .
Is there any way to make the items show up quicker?
i have the same problem. It takes around 7 seconds till the recurring apointments show up. The unique appointments show up directly. It's very annoying because sometimes I forget to wait as long.
I tried to reinstall the last rom, but the problem stays.
Any suggestion ?
Not sure if this helps and I don't have that issue but you could try using the default calendar app (just create a shortcut to it). I don't use the HTC calendar often as it is far less functional than the standard Windows one.
I'm having the exact same issue and it's beginning to drive me mad. Further, sometimes Text Messages take ages to send - can anyone say if they're having that problem also??
Needing a fix for this!

HELP! Expired appointment still showing in lockscreen

I have an HD2 with wm6.5 + manila 2.5.
I was looking for a fix during hours, but did not find anything...
When an appointment has just exprired, it still appears on the default lockscreen.
Example: it is now 7:16 and the appointment which was from 7:00 to 7:15 is still showing.
Actually this is the visible part of the problem.
After testing a bit, I think the issue is wm6.5 not refreshing appointment state often engough (I don't know how to explain that, but I think that the system is periodically refreshing the appointment state, which unables to know which appointment is the **current** appointment).
This would not be a big problem by itself (it actually refreshes after 2-3 minutes), but when you use a software like PhoneAlarm, which is supposed to change phone profile according to current appointment, then you have an issue: successive appointments make the automatic switch to fail, because the software thinks the "old" appointment is still active so ignores the new one...
Does anybody know this issue and how to fix it?
Anybody has this issue???
Critical for me because I make an extensive use of Pocketmax PhoneAlarm...
Any help would be much appreciated!
... I continue working on the topic.
I found in the registry the place where the "current appointment" is detailed.
It seems to be in "[HKCU]\System\State\Appointments\Current"
Also, I checked that this very key is not refreshed at the end of the appointment (behavior that I described in the first post).
As soon as some process (don't know which one) update this key, I observe:
1/ Information in this key is deleted (meaning that there is "no current appointment")
2/ Both lockscreen and phoneAlarm immediately react and adopt the appropriate status (lockscreen doesn't show the appointment and phoneAlarm switches to the correct phone profile)
The issue is that the key IS NOT updated at the end of the appointment, but some 1-2 minutes AFTER the end.
Does anybody know how to make more often system refreshment of this key?
Thanks for your help!

