display lock keeps disabling/enabling while calling - HD2 General

ever since i got my hd2, i've got this really annoying problem: when i make a phone call and hold the phone at my ear, it's supposed to shut off and lock the screen using the approximity sensor. but often, this wont work right, the sensor keeps enabling/disabling the screen, causing me to unwillingly press this football-field-sized "end call" button or to activate the phone pad and pressing those buttons.
this problem seems to occur more often when holding the phone at my right ear then at my left.
anyone know a solution? (maybe keeping the screen shut off during the whole call until pressing the windows button or something?)


Button Question.

I have an issue that has gotten to be rather annoying with my Wizard. When I'm no a call, My case sometimes presses the center button on the D-Pad, and results in my call being put on hold. I thought that setting the device to turn off after one minute would eliminate the problem (my device is set to only power on using the power button when in standby. The problem is that this rule has an exception during a call. The call answer button is still active, and when the case presses it, I get my call put on hold again. There is also warning sound of any kind when the call is put on hold. Is there a way to deactivate the call answer button when on a call to avoid this issue?

How to wake up phone with power or end call button?

So I run S2U2 and have it set to blank screen on talk. This works great since I occasionally would hang up on people or press buttons when my face touched the soft buttons on the screen. However, I also have Key Lock setup so my phone doesn't randomly come on all the time and drain the battery while it's in the holster. I also had a couple occasions (before turning on key lock) where S2U2 didn't come on and I ended up calling someone without knowing it.
Anyway, the problem I run into now is that when I'm done on the phone and want to hang up, the end call button is locked out and I have to first press power to get the screen back and then hang up. Is there something in between where I can have both the power and hang up button enabled while locked? Optimally the hang up button would only be enabled during a call so it wouldn't wake up the phone when not in use. A search brought up products like AE Buttons, but I didn't see an option to do what I want.

software to lock keys during call?

Is there a software that will lock my keys and buttons including the ones on the side during a call? I'm always inadvertently hitting or pressing some button during a call.
Just press the power button to turn the display off which in turns locks the keys. you have to press the power button again to turn the display back on
thanks but i'm not looking to turn the phone OFF, i need to not have the buttons active during a phone call when the phone is ON.
I oftentimes accidentally press some button or another when I get a phone call. When I used to have a Treo 700wx there was a feature to lock all buttons during a phonecall. I'm looking for that functionality here as well.
I also had a Treo, but I don't find the need for the key lock anymore on my XV6800. I don't think I've ever accidentally pushed a button during a call.

Wake up from stand-by during call using hard keys

First I must say that my HD2's proximity sensor is broken, so when I need to use my phone during a call, I press HOME, BACK or WINDOWS button to wake the phone up, but it doesn't work. The buttons are lit for a split second and nothing happens the screen doesn't turn on.
Is there any registry tweak or some cab to fix this annoying issue??
Thanks for your help...

display wake up

Hi all,
i sometimes notice this problem on my omnia 7..
when the screen is turned off and i press the middle button the screen is not turning on.. i have to press it again or press the power button.. anyone experienced this problem?? any idea what can it caused?? I do not have any apps installed..
I have the same, sometimes the middle windows button will not wake the phone up.
When the middle button refuses to wake up the phone the camera button also refuses to wake up the phone and go straight to the camera app. I need to press the power button and then the camera button.
Do you guys know the term "it is a feature" when something in reality is a flaw - well in this case it really is a feature
If the sensors notice that the phone is in a complete dark surrounding it assumes the phone is in a pocket. Therefore it not wakes your screen up and also the camera button will not work. You can test this if you hold your thumb over the sensors next to the speaker strip.
Should your camerabutton not function in a bright setting, it is of course a different situation.
What an easy and clever answer..
Thank you very much.. next time i will think more.. OMNIA 7 rulezzz
Aaaah clever stuff!
Superb thanks

