(ask) hd2 read out incoming sms - HD2 General

used to be all my windows mobile phone can read out my incoming sms using ms voice command
now i intend to make it on hd2 but it wont make it out, i already did what used to be i did to make it out whole setting in setting (original windows mobile)>personal>voice command and choose to announce via loudspeaker (device speaker) and the option to untick the high priority messages only so normal sms will read out
anybody have a clue??

anyone help to help this out?

any words anybody?

any news about this? also having the same problems as the OP sms read out and incomming call notification voice on HD2 of MSCV not working.

is this what you are looking for:
(writer reports having success...)


Avoid sound signaling for SMS receiving acknowledgement?

Hmm i use SMS receiving acknowledgement by standard.
Can i turn off the signaling for it?
I think just a popup is enough. I dont need a "beep beep" on my phone immediateley after sending a SMS to another.
Hello messia,
As the SMS notification is a simple SMS you recieve from the network when the recipient get your SMS, you have to deactivate the sounds for incoming SMS's.
You can controll all notifcations in the settings:
Start > Settings > Sounds & Notifications > Notifcations
(Start > Einstellungen > Sounds & Benachrichtigungen > Benachrichtigungen)
If you choose "Messaging: new SMS" (Messaging: neue SMS) , you can turn off the sound for incoming SMS messages.
The downside of this is that sound notification is disabled for all incoming SMSs, not only for the send notifcations.
thx but that is not the problem, the problem is that i want a sound for a new sms i get, but i don`t want a sound for a sms that someone receives from me.
A popup for this is sufficient
I remember turning OFF the notification of sent messages previously, i think the info is in the forum somewhere, but it turns it all off. Both sound and popup.
I think it was a registry hack too. Was a long time ago, im fighting wm2005 now so havent got time to check back how i did it sorry.
yes i know how to deactivate completely but i just want to deactivate the annoying sound
it`s impossible, isn`t it?
Yes, it is impossible. The SMS you receive from the network looks the same as an sms from one of your contacts to your phone. The device cannot distinguish one SMS from another, so you can only choose to switch of the sound for all sms-es. You can also choose to disable delivery notification entirely, but then you will only get a pop-up that the sms is send, not when it is received by the other party, since the network will not send you an sms to notify you of delivery.
However, even when I am writing this, I consider two issues:
1. There is some program floating around that enables blocking certain senders of sms. That means however that the sms will not reach your phone, so this is bascially the same result as with switching sms delivery notification off.
2. BUT! Darek, the creator of DKToday ( search for him on this forum with the term DKToday, or his name dkot) uses the SMS delivery for counting the number of sms send this month. Basically, he could not find a way to extract sent sms info from the system, so instead, he chose to count the returning delivery notification sms from the network as a measure of the no. of sms sent by you. So, in some way, he must be able to distinguish delivery notification sms from normal sms, as sent by your contacts. I recommend you to contact him and ask him how that is done, maybe he can tell you what the distinguishing feature is between normal incoming sms and network sms.
Edit: After re-reading your first post in this thread, I may have given you an answer to a problem you did not have. Do you want to cancel out the sound for the incoming network delivery notification sms, or the sound from the pop-up after sending the sms ( the system sound)? For the delivery sms, see my answer. For the system sound: I have no clue...
I have written to him. Maybe he can help

alerts via bluetooth

i am just curious if there is a way to hear text message alerts through my bluetooth eaarpiece when i am using it
Doesn't voice command do this?
i dont know does it i turned off the announce incomming calls
I don't think incoming text messages would be considered incoming calls.
Perhaps there's a 3rd party Bluetooth extension that can do this (like Jetware or BlueCast). I haven't used either one, but perhaps they'll point you where you want to go...

Disable notification on rejected calls?

I have read all over the Internet, but everyone makes complaint about some missed notifications. I need the opposite. When I reject the call I DON'T want to see any notification about missed call. To reject or not it is only my decision. How to remove this annoying feature?
My device is BA (Qtek 9090) with WM 6.1.
Start > Settings > Sounds and Notifications
select Missed call from drop down menu, then untick Show message on screen
but it will disable the notification for missed call too
IN ANY Windows Mobile Device, the cancelled/rejectedcall is treated as missed call
I know this. 10x. Idea is to find some software which will make difference between rejected and not answered calls. Of course, I want to know about missed calls and don't want to use stylus every time after rejecting the call.
Really this is a mess only for me?
I have the same problem, too! I always divert my call to a fixed line phone and I want the feature you suggest badly...

Convert SMS into Missed calls?

Is there a tool existing to automaticaly convert sms into missed calls?
You know, the SMS you get after your phone was off, to tell you that someone tried to contact you. It would be more convenient instead of reading such a SMS to have a new entry in the missed calls.
So for that a tool should be able to create such entries according to a certain pattern of the message text.
Is it existing or do others at least think this could be usefull?

sms during conversation

why during conversation i am not able to hear sms ringone? i can see notify only but i get no vibrate and no sound
Because it's in a conversation?
my htc touch (windows mobile) works in a different way. i always hear sms ringtone..:-/
You can change that with Handcent SMS
If it's a htc touch on windows mobile.. Why are you posting in the Wildfire forum?
i have both
Unless there's a setting you can change I thought you weren't suppose to be able to hear sms ringtone during phone call.

