My SD Card's been decapitated!! - Hero CDMA General

NOOOOOOO! My cousin tried to partition my sd card for me and said he knew what he was doing. Next thing I know, everything is missing from my sd card including nandroid backups, PLUS it cut my memory down from 16gb to 13gb. Is this normal or what? He did it through the boot menu and did 512 for the swap and 512 for the other. Not sure what that means, but I'm pretty sure I got ****ed here. Any help would be appreciated. thanks in advance.

Sounds like he formated as NTFS or something with huge Allocation Units or something.

MuzikJay said:
NOOOOOOO! My cousin tried to partition my sd card for me and said he knew what he was doing. Next thing I know, everything is missing from my sd card including nandroid backups, PLUS it cut my memory down from 16gb to 13gb. Is this normal or what? He did it through the boot menu and did 512 for the swap and 512 for the other. Not sure what that means, but I'm pretty sure I got ****ed here. Any help would be appreciated. thanks in advance.
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When you partition your card it also formats it.
The reason the capacity dropped is because it has been partitioned so that only the partition that you see, is only 13gb.
You have never made a backup of your SD card? You could tell your cousin to not touch your things.
A good piece of advice:
Always make backups of backups, on different media. Hopefully you have some nandroids saved to your desktop/laptop.
Sorry about that. Might be better in the future to do it yourself and follow guides on here. They are pretty straight forward and usually indicate when backups should be made. Sorry but those files are gone.

Partitioning a drive or card erases its contents.

You are F'd in the A! I feel your pain, I accidentally partitioned without saving all the stuff on my SD card first. Sorry for your loss.

damn. looks like it was my mistake then. well did he at least partition it right? so I don't have to again? lol. Im currently going through different file recovery programs in hope lol

Keep in mind, you can use a partition manager such as paragon partition manager to partition without formatting. Thats how I did it.

You should have lost 1 gig, not 3 if he formatted it correctly. Also, 512 swap is probably not a good idea.
Like the poster above recommended, use a partitioning program to sort your card out.. and yes it will format it again.

Get Test Disk (Opensource Disk Recovery) It will likely be able to recover everything no problem.

danknee said:
You should have lost 1 gig, not 3 if he formatted it correctly. Also, 512 swap is probably not a good idea.
Like the poster above recommended, use a partitioning program to sort your card out.. and yes it will format it again.
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damn, so should i partition it again? and lower the swap to 512 or will that just take even more space away from the 13gb?

MuzikJay said:
damn, so should i partition it again? and lower the swap to 512 or will that just take even more space away from the 13gb?
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Not through recovery, sounds like you have several ext partitions already. I use Paragon Partition Manager and you will have to load the card in a card reader outside of the phone.
Personally I don't use swap at all, the heavy read/write cycles kill sd cards at a much faster rate than even a2sd. Most guys that run a swap use 32 or 64 megabytes and 512 is fine for a2sd.
If your card really decreased 3 gigs in size then you will probably find that you have 3 swap partitions, 3 ext partitions and one 13gb fat32 partition. It would literally take 5 minutes to delete the extra partitions and restore the card with a partitioning program.

data recovery
If you add files or data to the card it will be very hard or impossible to recover. Run data recovery software on the disk immediately and it should find most of your data.
connect the card as a removable disk to a pc and try that software, you should be able to restore most of the stuff

Droidish said:
Get Test Disk (Opensource Disk Recovery) It will likely be able to recover everything no problem.
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worked great! thanks!

So if i go to boot menu and choose, "Wipe SD:ext partition" will that get me back to 16gb or can I never get back that extra space?

MuzikJay said:
So if i go to boot menu and choose, "Wipe SD:ext partition" will that get me back to 16gb or can I never get back that extra space?
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No, but if you simply select the option to 'partition with ext', it should recover most of your space other than that used for the ext (a2sd) partition.

MuzikJay said:
So if i go to boot menu and choose, "Wipe SD:ext partition" will that get me back to 16gb or can I never get back that extra space?
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If you don't want to use a2sd you can get all of it back with a partition program.
Otherwise do what the last poster suggested and reformat your card with 32 or 0 swap and 512-1gb ext3 from Recovery.

thank you both so much

Don't forget, most companies sell cards in increments of 1,000, where a computer would read them in increments of 1024. So it's very likely your 16GB card would be read at about 14.5 to 15GB under normal circumstances.

hahaha "my cousin"


[How-to]Darktremors apps2sd on Froyo

Edit: I made some scripts that you can run from gscript lite found in market for free. This script will mount the last partition so your windows pc will see it. There is one for mount and one for unmount. Plug your phone in pc and run the mountsd script and your window should pop up on the pc with the folder showing the partition that your froyo rom is using. If you have your card partitioned differently then these instructions then you can just edit the mountsd script where it says /dev/block/mmcblk0p4. Change the 4 to the number of the fat32 partition that you want it to mount.
If you want to copy from froyo partition to recovery partition try this
Conap said:
No need to stop being lazy but you gotta give me a minute script and run it in gscripts. In File Manager if you press the home button you will see sdcard and sdcard2. sdcard is the froyo partition and sdcard2 is the recovery partition of the card. I am sure you can get to it in astro too but don't have it downloaded to test. Just navigate to the root folder of the phone and it should have the sdcard2 directory. This will stick untill you reboot then you will have to run the script again.
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We all have seen that froyo doesn't like partitioned sd cards. After many attempts at partitioning my sd card for another project i'm working on I figured out a way to install the "old" apps2sd on Froyo. I know alot of people preferred the way it was done in 2.1. Froyo seems to use the last partition on the sd card at least untill the 7th partition which it stops looking after that. Amon's recovery works with the first partition on the sd card. So the solution is to put a Fat32 partition as the first partition then put your ext3 and swap partitions and then a 4th partition as fat32 for the phone to use when booted. The important thing to remember is to put any rom's you want to flash on the first partition. Your nand backups will also be stored on the first partition. Pictures, music, video's, stuff you download to the phone and any other normal stuff that uses sd card will end up on 4th partition. I will give instructions using a program called gparted. I think it is available for windows also. This should work with any type of partitioning software.
I will leave the original instructions at bottom of post but after a lot of partitioning my sd card for this project and the ubuntu/debian project and the DualRom project I've found that this method is a little better. I believe someone else linked to this method somewhere in this thread
Conap said:
ok try this...boot phone into recovery...hopefully you have amon's recovery cause I don't think clockwork uses parted(not sure). Then type or copy/paste these commands:
adb shell
parted /dev/block/mmcblk0
rm 1
rm 2
rm 3
rm 4
mkpartfs primary fat32 0 2000
mkpartfs primary ext2 2001 2500
mkpartfs primary linux-swap 2501 2550
mkpartfs primary fat32 2551 7948
Depending on the number of partitions on your sdcard currently it may say error after the rm 1,rm 2, rm 3, rm 4 commands. You can ignore them.
Then reboot your phone or copy the file you want to flash back on to card and flash it.
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1. BACK UP YOUR SD CARD!!!!!!!!(this will erase all data on sd card)
2. Plug your phone into your pc and mount the sd card(like you would if transferring files from pc to your card)
3. Open GParted and on the bar at the top click Gparted then devices and choose the phone( should be the second in the list if you only have one hard drive and no other external storage devices connected)
4. On the gparted screen you will see the partitions of your sd card. There should only be one at the moment if you are already using froyo. Right click on all of the partitions and click unmount and then delete. This will delete everything on your sd. Please be sure you have backed up your card.
5. You should now have one line that says unallocated.
6. Right click on unallocated and click click new. It will bring up a screen that has size and type of partition sizes. The only things you need to change are the size and type. For the first partitions I used 2000mib in the new size box but I keep around 5 Nand backups and 10 to 15 rom's stored on my card at a time. If you do not do alot of nands and store alot of roms you could probably make this partition smaller. Then under file system choose fat32 from the dropdown menu and choose add.
7. Right click on unallocated again and click new. This will bring up the screen to chose size and file system again. Normally people use 500mb for the ext3 partition for apps2sd. You can adjust the number to fit your needs. Choose your size and then make the file system ext3 and click add.
8. Right click unallocated again and click new. This partition should be around 50mb and choose file system as linux-swap.
9. Right click unallocated and new again. This will be the partition you use for your media on your phone such as pic's or music. You will want to use the rest of the space left on your card for this partition. Choose fat32 for the file system and click add.
10. You should now see 4 sections listed. First and last should be fat32, second ext3 and 3rd linux-swap. If it looks correct you hit the checkmark button at the top of the gparted screen. It will make all changes to your sd card. You can then unmount your card and make sure your phone reads it. I reccomend taking 1 picture before copying the stuff you backed up back onto your card.
Remember to put your Nand folder and any roms onto partition 1 and all other stuff you backed up on partition 4. When your card is setup you can go to to get the zip to flash to install the apps2sd. Install apps2sd as per instructions on that thread.
I have apps2sd currently running on my phone with CELB3.2 and it is working fine. I set my card up on a linux machine with gparted.
you are the man Conap ...currently running your 3.2froyo, which BTW is smooth as heck....what I hate the most about froyo is there A2sd setup ....and you have just solved that problem
rvpartsguy said:
you are the man Conap ...currently running your 3.2froyo, which BTW is smooth as heck....what I hate the most about froyo is there A2sd setup ....and you have just solved that problem
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Well if you or anyone else that has windows test's this can someone report if you can access both fat32 partitions when you mount the phone in windows....
I'll be trying this ish later. Superb work conap. I'm on windows, I'll let you know how it goes as well
Sent from my Droid Eris using XDA App
I'm undecided if I'll try this, but if I do it'll probably more to see how it works under Windows than to use it myself.
I wish the best of both worlds, being able to have Widget apps installed to SD card, but not have separate partitions, and still be able to specify applications I want to remain in the phone memory, for speed.
No matter what, though, beautiful! Thanks for writing up the instructions!
roirraW "edor" ehT said:
I'm undecided if I'll try this, but if I do it'll probably more to see how it works under Windows than to use it myself.
I wish the best of both worlds, being able to have Widget apps installed to SD card, but not have separate partitions, and still be able to specify applications I want to remain in the phone memory, for speed.
No matter what, though, beautiful! Thanks for writing up the instructions!
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I agree it would be nice to have the option to move specific apps back to the phone. But I have seen alot of people that prefer this way so I thought i'd write this up. I actually needed partitions for other things which is why I was looking into it anyway. I now have 8 partitions on my sd card and everything still functions correctly. I did find that Froyo would read the last partition on the sd card up untill 7 partitions. When I added an 8th partition it still looked at partition 7. In case any one was interested in more partitions just make sure the fat32 is last partition untill you have more then 7 leave 7 as fat32.
Conap said:
I agree it would be nice to have the option to move specific apps back to the phone. But I have seen alot of people that prefer this way so I thought i'd write this up. I actually needed partitions for other things which is why I was looking into it anyway. I now have 8 partitions on my sd card and everything still functions correctly. I did find that Froyo would read the last partition on the sd card up untill 7 partitions. When I added an 8th partition it still looked at partition 7. In case any one was interested in more partitions just make sure the fat32 is last partition untill you have more then 7 leave 7 as fat32.
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Do you have a 16GB or larger card? Wow!
Very interesting information, thank you!
roirraW "edor" ehT said:
Do you have a 16GB or larger card? Wow!
Very interesting information, thank you!
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nope just stock 8gb...mostly small partitions for testing some ideas lol...i did find that the phone does not mount any more then 7 partitions(kernel limitation maybe) You can have more then 7 if you are useing your card for things other then the phone but for phone purposes 7 is the limit.
How do I plug my phone into my computer?
need help!!
Hi I accidently run the 'makeboot' from gparted iso on my windows Vista 32bit HDD, before I read it will damage windows boot and can only run it on SD card.
Now I have not restarted my laptop, to loose every thing, I need help to correct it!
Please guide my, what are my options.
Conap said:
nope just stock 8gb...mostly small partitions for testing some ideas lol...i did find that the phone does not mount any more then 7 partitions(kernel limitation maybe) You can have more then 7 if you are useing your card for things other then the phone but for phone purposes 7 is the limit.
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Oh, okay! Nosey people (me) want to know. Hehehe.
workshed said:
How do I plug my phone into my computer?
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You're messing with me, right? The USB cable that came with your phone, that you can also charge your phone with???
ykhehra1 said:
Hi I accidently run the 'makeboot' from gparted iso on my windows Vista 32bit HDD, before I read it will damage windows boot and can only run it on SD card.
Now I have not restarted my laptop, to loose every thing, I need help to correct it!
Please guide my, what are my options.
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You'll probably have to boot your Vista 32-bit installation DVD and run a Startup Repair. Or if the computer came with a recovery DVD that you hopefully burned after booting up the computer the first time, use that.
If you don't have any easier option, you can download Startup Repair-only burnable disc images from the EasyBCD website. Just google for it. Make sure and download the correct one (Vista 32-bit), and then you'll have to burn it to a CD and boot from it. Hopefully you're computer doesn't have any SATA or RAID setup that Vista doesn't include the drivers for, otherwise you'll have to download those and put them on a flash drive, and then you can load them from the Vista repair CD.
Good luck.
ykhehra1 said:
Hi I accidently run the 'makeboot' from gparted iso on my windows Vista 32bit HDD, before I read it will damage windows boot and can only run it on SD card.
Now I have not restarted my laptop, to loose every thing, I need help to correct it!
Please guide my, what are my options.
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There is no makeboot option on gparted in linux that i can see...if you think you have messed up the boot partition of your pc don't restart it till you fix it. Google should be your best friend on that one. I don't use windows so can't be of any help to you there....
roirraW "edor" ehT said:
Oh, okay! Nosey people (me) want to know. Hehehe.
You're messing with me, right? The USB cable that came with your phone, that you can also charge your phone with???
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What's a usb cable... is it that black thing with a square end??
Its g8 solution, good job! little tricky on windows, but worked at the end.
workshed said:
What's a usb cable... is it that black thing with a square end??
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Ooooh, you got me. LOL!
ykhehra1 said:
Its g8 solution, good job! little tricky on windows, but worked at the end.
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Are you able to get both FAT32 partitions (partition 1 for ROMs and other flashes, partition 4 for everything else) mounted with drive letters under Windows?
is there an advantage to doing this? i'm just curious
asilentcivilian said:
is there an advantage to doing this? i'm just curious
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nevermind, i found the 2.1 dark tremor thread. i assume the same results apply to froyo with this.
asilentcivilian said:
is there an advantage to doing this? i'm just curious
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some people just prefer this way. this way actually stores the whole apk on the phone and save's more room then froyo. plus you can mount your sd card while still using your apps. I did this mainly cause I wan't partitions for other things on my phone personally. It just happens that it helps the apps2sd issue too...

[Q] Question about phone backup

Hi, i am very new here and ilack some of the basic info. so i have couples of questions. thanks very much for your answers.
1. what is the internal memory of the htc hd2? and when you partition your sd to fat32 and ext3, will the internal memory be the sum of the ext3 and the phone internal storage?
2. when you want to flash your hd2 with a new rom. do you need to format both partitions of your sd card (fat32 and ext3)
3. when i tried the latest ultimate droid rom, i saw the author posted the rom and another thing called the layout ( what does this do?
4. how do you make the phone to move or install apps in the ext3. and how do you back up those data and apps in the ext3?
and again, thanks guys for helping me out.
1 internal memory, do you mean what's available after a flash? 260 Meg or so with the small cm7 roms (typhoon for example)
No, the internal memory wont show the sum of internal plus ext BUT it will work as if it is. Say you install a 20meg program, internal mem goes down 20 but back up 20 after a restart.
2 no, when you perform the wipes through cwm it takes care of the ext partition and the .android folder on the fat32 for you.
Some apps may put data on the fat32, in which case you can delete those if you want or if you have isues.
3 the layout (clockworkmod, or cwm) sets up the various partitions on your nand (internal) memory, boot, system,cache,data. Without the layout there would be nowhere for the rom to flash into.
The main point of interest in cwm is the system partition size, big roms need big system partitions, sense roms for ex. need 250meg or more, typhoon needs 130. Flash a big rom to small layout fails, small rom on big layout wasted space.
4 you don't, if the rom says ap2sd enabled or words to that effect, it does it automatically. You can test this by loading up some apps then browsing the SD card on a Linux PC
When you run backups and such, it just does it, the phone has no idea that some of the info is on the SD, it treats it as internal.
samsamuel said:
Say you install a 20meg program, internal mem goes down 20 but back up 20 after a restart.
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i dont understand why is that? so if the rom is apps2sd supported, it will automatically install apps to ext3. then it makes sense to me that the mem goes down, but then why it goes back up???
Example, 250meg internal plus 1gig ext partition.
internal memory shows as 250meg,, install 20 Meg app which goes to ext partition BUT the system displays internal mem as 230, , you reboot the phone and check again and internal memory shows as 250 again.
oh, thanks alot, i get it. but which backup solution is the best? and how does backup using clockworldmod work? does it make a backup file to sd card?
ljaypham said:
oh, thanks alot, i get it. but which backup solution is the best? and how does backup using clockworldmod work? does it make a backup file to sd card?
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It depends what you want to back up.CWM backup will take a snapshot of your entire ROM system,data,settings,everything.A bit like a ghost image of a drive on your PC.
This way, if you install a new ROM and there is a problem,or you don't like it,you can RESTORE your original ROM and everything is back the way it was before.
CWM backup saves to the sd card.
If you just want to backup data,use something like Titanium Backup.

partition sd card?

Hi all, I've noticed lately that most of the new roms coming out require you to partition your sd card. a couple of questions;
is it perminent?
wich partition to add new files too?
can i still use stock sd card?
how big to make partition?
Thanks in advance
dca1970 said:
Hi all, I've noticed lately that most of the new roms coming out require you to partition your sd card. a couple of questions;
is it perminent?
wich partition to add new files too?
can i still use stock sd card?
how big to make partition?
Thanks in advance
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Memory size on the phone is not adequate to handle the size of certain ROMs.
No its not permanent
Ext3 for apps
As big as you want, 2gigs is what's recommended and 32 mb swap
phatmanxxl said:
Memory size on the phone is not adequate to handle the size of certain ROMs.
No its not permanent
Ext3 for apps
As big as you want, 2gigs is what's recommended and 32 mb swap
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Thanks! .
Upgrading from ext2-ext3
On a side note, I have been attempting to partition my SDcard with the 2G on my 16G C6 card. When I use AR1.8 everything goes quickly, but it will not upgrade from ext2-ext3 and says to use adb to do this (adb does not see the partition)...partition seems to be made when checking the card. On AR2.3 the partitioning goes on forever and have to do a battery pull to get it to stop. When I check the size with this version it also seems to have done the partition even with the endless process stated earlier. It however gives me the message 'opps, something went wrong' when trying to upgrade from ext2-3.
When checking from either method in TB, it shows an ap2sd partition of around 400mb and have yet to actually upgrade to ext3 from either recovery version.
Any ideas?
Use RA recovery to partition, it makes it simple.
What ROMs require this?
I guess I've been in the AOSP world for too long...
Just the virus gingersense and the virus kingdom that I know of. The virus kindom does not require it but you wont be left if much room for apps.
phatmanxxl said:
Just the virus gingersense and the virus kingdom that I know of. The virus kindom does not require it but you wont be left if much room for apps.
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Why not just ?
Better performance on NAND than SD-EXT.
phatmanxxl said:
Use RA recovery to partition, it makes it simple.
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Sorry, AR was my intention of RA. Have used both the initial version 1.8 (my first anyway) and 2.3 with no success.
Have been attempting to do it within ADB and keep getting this message when attempting to make the ext2 partition:
Input/Output error during write on /dev/block/mmcblk0
This is the process I'm using:
within adb shell
# parted /dev/block/mmcblk0
(parted) mkpartfs primary fat32 0 13991
(parted) mkpartfs primary ext2 13991 16039
this is where I get the error mentioned above and can not continue to the swap.
(parted) mkpartfs primary linux-swap 16039 16071
If I use mkpart primary ext2 13991 16039 it takes, but does not show that it is an ext2 in the files system under the partition information.
Does this even make
Never mind..erased my edit until I really screw up my it won't mount...back to the drawing board
Gave up after reading about Transcend cards and just partitioned to the single 16G. Going to get a different card/mfg and give it a go. At least I learned a bit more about ADB not a total loss.
OK..after looking through many options, may have my issue as to why RA won't perform the partition and I can't do it through ADB.....MY CARD. Apparantly there have been issues with Transcend and making an ext partition. Guess it's time to go C10 and get a new one.
Anyway...found this thread and thought it might help?
Got a new C10 card today from a different mfg and that fixed the problem!
I use gpart on ny ubuntu OS. It is NVIDIA to keep a Linux OS around guys. I can do the wholebpartitioning without erasing any files or data. soo I'm good to go. Also its fast as well.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App

[Q] Apps to EMMC?

So searching thru the threads here it seems that the only way to utilize the EMMC memory on the Nook Color is to repartition the NC so that it all looks like internal phone memory? Is this correct or has there been a way found to utilize both the EMMC memory area AND the SD card?
Not sure what you are asking specifically but you do not have to repartition the Nook to look like internal phone memory to use the internal memory.
1. You can use the internal memory stock or rooted and you can repartition the internal memory so that the system and data allocations are to your preference. Typical partitioning is 1GB system and 5GB data. Plus whatever size SD card you insert.
2. You can install a custom ROM and the use of internal memory is the same as above with the standard being 1/5GB. Plus whatever size SD card you insert.
3. You can run a ROM on a bootable SD card where the ROM sees 1GB of the card as "internal memory" (also some space is used for the system and ROM) and the rest of the space on the card is seen as "SD card external memory." You can also mount the data partition of the Nook's internal memory so that the bootable ROM on the SD card also sees another data partition of 5GB. This is handy for items you want to appear to both the Nook's internal ROM and the ROM on the bootable SD card.
I'm not clear what you are asking either. Before I repartitioned I had 1/5 and ran apps that I worried about load times on from eMMC. Stuff like flashlight or aldiko that I don't sweat that much I loaded from the SD card. Because I felt the 5 was going to waste I flipped it to 5/1. Now I ignore the loss of the 1, load everything I run to the 5 and have 32 to store books, movies, music or whatever on. (Technically I could make use of the 1 if I wanted to but it's not worth it to me.)
Sent from the Center of My Mind
I have 5 gig sitting there doing nothing in EMMC partition. I would like to be able to access this memory as well as the external 8 gig card i have in it. Right now the space on the EMMC partition never gets touched.
So will the nook start to auto install to the EMMC partition if I fill up the one gig partition? or is it just going to sit there unused.
shadoes said:
I have 5 gig sitting there doing nothing in EMMC partition. I would like to be able to access this memory as well as the external 8 gig card i have in it. Right now the space on the EMMC partition never gets touched.
So will the nook start to auto install to the EMMC partition if I fill up the one gig partition? or is it just going to sit there unused.
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Except if you changed something in settings, the original installation place is the EMMC.
In case you fill all this space there, then you will have to start installing apps to SD.
For me there is no reason to install directly to EMMC, except if some app only runs from there and therefore should be installed only there (like widgets).
after the install of CM 7.2 the auto setting places apps in the 1 gig partition and apps2sd moves them to the 8 gig external card. the 5 gig EMMC partition is completely untouched.
If I fill up the 1 gig partition will they move to the EMMC? if not it appears this space will be completely wasted. I would prefer to use it as that frees up space to put music/media files on the SDcard for road trips.
I only leave apps on the internal memory I want to run faster. I noticed with my phone that once that spot start to fill up the phone runs noticeably slower.
shadoes said:
So will the nook start to auto install to the EMMC partition if I fill up the one gig partition? or is it just going to sit there unused.
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No and Yes. Unless you go to Settings>Cyanogemod settings>Application> check Use internal storage
Then you will lose the SD card and gain the 5G. You can easily go back by unchecking it again whenever you want to. (That's why I did what I did with the partition swappy stuff.)
shadoes said:
I have 5 gig sitting there doing nothing in EMMC partition. I would like to be able to access this memory as well as the external 8 gig card i have in it. Right now the space on the EMMC partition never gets touched.
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It's there, you can put anything you want in it, the question is whether the apps you use can find the files you've stashed there. Some apps can, some can't.
BeyondPod (RSS feeds) lets you put its storage anywhere you want, so I moved that and my music into /emmc, and Music found the mp3s without me having to tell it anything. I don't buy many mp3s from Amazon, so I don't know how that interacts.
Also, I swap to /emmc, which is still an experiment in progress.
So will the nook start to auto install to the EMMC partition if I fill up the one gig partition? or is it just going to sit there unused.
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No, it won't do it automatically unless you always use it, like another poster suggested.
To further clarify, once the system partition is full that's it, the only thing else it does is tell you it's full. No rolling over, no starting to install elsewhere.
All Settings>Cyanogemod settings>Application> check Use internal storage does is trick the NC into thinking the internal memory is an SD card. When you have that checked and are loading all your apps to the External memory by choosing Settings>Cyanogemod settings>Application>Install location>External you are loading them to the 5G.
The bad part about it is that you can only use one or the other, if you load a bunch of stuff to the 5G and then switch to the SD card, (uncheck the Use internal storage box), you won't be able to count on the stuff on the 5G to load properly. Same with if you load a bunch of stuff on the SD and change to the 5G.
*I've* chosen to repartition the system partition to 5G and the eMMC to 1G. 5G is so much more that I should ever need for apps it's ridiculous and because I have a 32G SD card I can just forget about the 1G.
I suppose I should repartition but I don't want to have to wipe and reinstall everything.
shadoes said:
I suppose I should repartition but I don't want to have to wipe and reinstall everything.
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I waited till I had a genuine Sandisk class 4 16G SD. I know you shouldn't have to worry if you aren't booting from it but what the heck.
Oh and Titanium Backup is your friend. It'll even get your wallpaper back. The only thing I had to manually reload was the custom boot animation.
i tried titanium with my phone and it failed horribly haha. but I will try it again. i would like to have access to that space. also need to try loading my mp3s to it via the PC. that may work as well.
shadoes said:
i tried titanium with my phone and it failed horribly haha. but I will try it again. i would like to have access to that space. also need to try loading my mp3s to it via the PC. that may work as well.
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Download the latest Titanium and backup. If possible save the *.apk file to your SD Card. Choose the "c" repartition option. After completing the repartition and format you will have a virgin install of whatever ROM you are running. Either install Titanium from the apk or download it again and do a restore, (note the amount of memory you have at the bottom). If I remember right you have to click install and done for every third party app you have but what the heck, it's better than setting there watching pixels burn. Once the restore is done look at the memory stats in Titanium again and note what memory got used. Reboot one last time and you are done.
As for the mp3's, I do all that kind of stuff through Samba. The only time I plug a wire into the NC is to charge it. I guess you could take the SD card out to do that but I've been given to understand we want to avoid taking that in and out where ever possible as well.
Another alternative to above Titanium BU tip is to sync your BU to Dropbox, zip it and after reinstall of ROM upload your zipped BU file into the SD folder Titanium makes when first installed, unzip, overwrite, and everything's there. I've never had trouble with this method. And it's fast...
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Copying from one partitioned SD card to another

I'm trying to understand the most convenient way to make a copy of an SD card that has an EXT partition on it. This would need to be done anytime you upgrade from a smaller to a larger SD card, so I have to believe a number of people on these forums have dealt with it.
This is what I'm expecting to be done... please confirm if it's correct:
Make a nandroid backup, stored on the old SD card
Copy the nandroid backup to PC
Install new SD card and partition it accordingly
Copy nandroid backup to new SD card
Perform a nandroid restore
At this point, everything should be as it was, with the larger SD card. Correct? I've also noticed an alternative that would probably work, that being a partition management program like EaseUS.
My 32Gb SD card arrived so I downloaded Mini-Partition to set it up. Then when I went to copy the EXT3 partition from my 8Gb SD card, the option wasn't possible. Apparently I can't copy it into a larger EXT3 space, only unallocated space. So, I removed the target EXT3 partition, making it unallocated, and then tried to copy and resize. Apparently the tool won't let you resize an existing EXT3 partition. I installed EaseUS to try this operation and encountered the same thing.
From what I've just experienced, I'm now thinking that if I try to restore a nandroid backup onto my new card, it will override the newly minted EXT3 partition with the smaller EXT3 partition.
Searching around turned up a lot of Ubuntu/Linux information, requiring one to boot up in those operating systems and execute a long series of commands to enlarge the EXT3 partition. I'd rather not go down that path right now. Is there some easier way of doing this? If not... then I'm thinking what I need to do is move as many apps having data I need to my phone, then just opt not to restore the EXT3 partition and go back to manually move apps to the EXT3 partition again.
* bump * .... anyone?
cytherian said:
* bump * .... anyone?
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What rom are you running?
Shelnutt2 said:
What rom are you running?
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Presently running CM7.2, which supports EXT3. I'm just not getting how I can manage the EXT3 partition. When I switch to a new ROM and wipe the system, then all apps installed on the EXT3 partition would be deleted, correct?
So, what this ultimately means is that each and every time I switch ROMs, the EXT3 partition must be wiped and applications manually moved back there. It's annoying, but I haven't found any other way around this.

