Application.Clock force close - Nexus One General

Does anyone encounter this problem when they open the Clock app? Black screen will appear, then often, it will ask to Wait or Force Close the Clock application.

no one has this problem? and if they encounter it, is there a fix?

Want to provide more information about your phone and how often does this happen? It only has happened maybe twice on my phone, but I was experimenting with diff ROMs and kernels which caused other funky things to happen on my phone.

It's pretty much stock OS from Android.
Firmware: 2.1-update1
Build NumberL ERE27
It happens I say...50-60% of the time when I open my clock application.


Browser Error

Ever since the latest 2.2 update I've been experiencing a LOT of odd browser behavior - One of the most annoying one is:
"Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error"
But really nothing ever loads. Now if I restart the phone completely there's a good chance that the page will display with no problems.
Is anyone experiencing the same thing? Is there a fix for it? Any help would be greatly appreciated as this has become quite a pita and renders the phone useless for anything else than phone calls.
?? Never heard of that problem before.... which ROM are you on? Try force stopping browser from application settings instead of rebooting the phone.
TeckniX said:
Ever since the latest 2.2 update I've been experiencing a LOT of odd browser behavior - One of the most annoying one is:
"Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error"
But really nothing ever loads. Now if I restart the phone completely there's a good chance that the page will display with no problems.
Is anyone experiencing the same thing? Is there a fix for it? Any help would be greatly appreciated as this has become quite a pita and renders the phone useless for anything else than phone calls.
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Android 2.2
Build number: FRF91
Pretty much the default OTA update provided by Google
I've never seen this problem. Go to application settings and then choose "Clear Data" (it will clear all your bookmarks and cache), then Force Stop to restart the browser.
I went ahead and cleared everything - Even did a fresh flash from the latest ROM obtained from google.
Same issue - One of the main site that keeps throwing these errors is - Anyone on their nexus one feel like checking this link:
Error is:
line 36 at column 10: Opening and ending tag mismatch: link line 0 and script
I think the line is wrong, and it's probably looking at the xhtml validation failing since the 2 css link tags weren't closed properly. Pretty GAYYY if you ask me. When did I ask my Android phone to care about mis-match tags??
TeckniX said:
Ever since the latest 2.2 update I've been experiencing a LOT of odd browser behavior - One of the most annoying one is:
"Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error"
But really nothing ever loads. Now if I restart the phone completely there's a good chance that the page will display with no problems.
Is anyone experiencing the same thing? Is there a fix for it? Any help would be greatly appreciated as this has become quite a pita and renders the phone useless for anything else than phone calls.
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just so you are not alone in this issue, i have had some strange issues too....using the stock browser, i will be on cnn's website, click a link , and all i get is a blank page, it never loads to the link i clicked...i have no work-around other than using dolphin which i have no issues with at all.
Sweet - Finally someone else is having that problem
I've installed dolphinHD and kinda liking it.
Just wished the default browser would work too.
For ****s and giggles I opened up a 'bug' on google:
Who knows maybe someone will look at it.
that page opens perfectly fine for me with no errors.
Cyanogen 6.0 RC1

[Q] Anyone else experience stock messaging closes?

So I've been experiencing an issue with my Epic. I dont remember exactly when it started, could be about a week after I got it which may also have been when I first rooted but I'm not sure.
But the stock messaging just shuts down periodically, no force close error message, it just shuts down. Happens right when I open it, if I open it a few times sometimes it will let me get into writing a message, then it closes and the message is totally gone.
This is the only app this happens with, except when I try opening apps right after booting but I suspect that is more related to boot process and Startup Auditor preventing certain things from running.
Anyway, has anyone else experienced this or have any help? I haven't seen any other reports, anyone thing the modified MMS.apk which is floating around might help? Thanks!
EDIT: okay so if I could delete this i would... just realized as i typed this out that I had Startup Auditor set to "keep disabled...." ugh

LauncherPro always hanged in 2.2

I tried different leak rom before,
and right now I am using official froyo
Every time after starting up the system, or after mounting the SD card,
when the media scanning is finished, launcherpro is not responding and hanging.
Anyone got the same thing?
I dont want to send email to the author if this is an only issue of me
I think another update is coming soon for lp. I sometimes get a lockup and fc in 2.1 with lp
Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk
I have the same thing, it's so annoying that I switched to Zeam. Hopefully a new update will come soon.
Same thing happens to me. I am running official Rogers Froto on my AT&T Captivate. I tried looking in the logs for something, but I couldn't find anything. Send a emails to the developer.
Yea I've tried like 20 roms.always locks up and force closes after reboot. Sometime it sits for like 5 mins before the fc message pops up. I have the plus version and running Axura Voodoo.contacted tech support about it and he said that its my rom.can't be. tried 20 different Roms.pisses me off.
Killing Zombies With My Axura Voodoo Vibrant!
I have had this happen a couple of times as well. However, I have noticed that it only happens when I try to start opening things or moving between home screens before the media scanning has finished. If I let it do its thing, then it doesn't seem to hang ever. Still kind of annoying, and I don't know if that is the case with you all as well, but that seems to be what causes it on mine.
Dbarker 2 said:
I have had this happen a couple of times as well. However, I have noticed that it only happens when I try to start opening things or moving between home screens before the media scanning has finished. If I let it do its thing, then it doesn't seem to hang ever. Still kind of annoying, and I don't know if that is the case with you all as well, but that seems to be what causes it on mine.
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Nope because I always wait till the media scanner is done.but it still locks up and a fc message pops up.even let it sit for like 20 mins before but was still stuck until it errored out and fc again.they need to fix the dam bug.I even got the plus version.
Killing Zombies With My Axura Voodoo Vibrant!
LP runs fine for me, but I'm having a problem having it stick as the default launcher. Whenever I use Titanium Backup or long-press the home button, I'll get the prompt asking me which home application. There are a couple of other apps that result in the same problem, but I can't think of them off the top of my head. I've tried using Home Switcher to see if that fixes it, but no luck. I have the same problem with ADW EX.
This is happening to me as well.
If it locks up, try repeatedly hitting home, usually will give me a prompt to wait or fc. I never get this issue on my galaxy tab and it's running 2.2
Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk
Looks like there is enough evidence to show them launcher pro has some kind of problem in vibrant 2.2
This happens to me as well. Hold the hime button then go to task manager and kill lp.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
When lp acts funny for me I hit the power button then unlock it and that usually works for me.
LauncherPro has worked great on my device with 2.2 (Nero V5) the only time I seem to notice anything is when the media scan is finishing its thing and there are to many apps running at start up in the background. I use advance task killer to kill the apps that do not need to be running and I never seem to have the problem again until I reboot. It doesn't seem to me to be a LauncherPro issue, media scan seems to bring the device to its knees until it is finished. Once my device is running smooth I never seem to have that issue again only after I reboot my device.
Love my Vibrant and LauncherPro Plus is far better then all the other Launchers I have tried (in my humble opinion) but each of us have different needs I guess. I actually use almost everyone of the widgets and can not wait for the update coming when the gmail widget will be added to the Launcher.
hitman818 said:
This happens to me as well. Hold the hime button then go to task manager and kill lp.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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Yes this is what i do everytime after starting up...
But still so annoying and the should fix it.
So just to update on the topic I downloaded Launcher Pro again today and everything works well. No hanging after reboot and no other problem from what I've seen. You guys may want to give it a try.
hanbaoquan15 said:
So just to update on the topic I downloaded Launcher Pro again today and everything works well. No hanging after reboot and no other problem from what I've seen. You guys may want to give it a try.
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Actually i tried reinstall before post: (
Emama said:
I tried different leak rom before,
and right now I am using official froyo
Every time after starting up the system, or after mounting the SD card,
when the media scanning is finished, launcherpro is not responding and hanging.
Anyone got the same thing?
I dont want to send email to the author if this is an only issue of me
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I was using Nero5 and got the same problem FC alot in LauncherPro. I couldn't save the LP settings though. What seemed to fix it is removing LP and reinstall it. After that, things seem to work better and less FC with LP.
I'm using stock Froyo now with fresh LP install from the market, no FC so far. So I would say it's not LP always hanged in 2.2...but something is stuck or got carried over from previous installation/ROM. Just try remove it and reinstall LP again from Market, it should work better - at least for me, it did.
Emama said:
I tried different leak rom before,
and right now I am using official froyo
Every time after starting up the system, or after mounting the SD card,
when the media scanning is finished, launcherpro is not responding and hanging.
Anyone got the same thing?
I dont want to send email to the author if this is an only issue of me
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Same thing happens to mu phone on adw ex... when i turn my phone off and turn it back on, the screen goea blank, i can only see the notification bar scanning, but would hang on black screen then shuts off by itself.. that's with stock ka7.. now im on ka6 kies version and my phone is fine...
or maybe the cause was the lock screen? I used the pin code lock screen.. it could be it? Now im on ka6 official and with pattern lock screen, it seems fine... and i domt wanna try and use any other lock screen besides the pattern one. Ive done countless reflash because o this issue.. so no more flashing, lol.. but i could be wrong though, it could be something else that's causinrit, just speculating..
The only time I've experienced a FC of any kind on LPP, is when I had Colorize running with it. They don't play nice together. Other than that, it's been 100% stable for me with any rom.

Android 3.2 - No default picker screens!

Hi Guys,
Just hoping somebody can point me in the right direction.
I flashed to 3.01 US stock from UK in order to get the updates. I updated twice to 3.2.
What I'm noticing now is that if I click on a link, that launches an associated app (browser for instance), I used to get a screen jump up and ask which app I wanted to use. So if I'd installed Firefox, Dolphin and got Stock, it would give me the option if I hadn't yet set a default.
Since 3.2 when I click the link, the screen fades out, but the options aren't showing to select which means I can't launch the link/app.
The fix is to uninstall any relevant applications until I only have one app that can launch said link, then reinstall, and I get the option again.
Anyone had this or know how to fix without reinstalling everything?
Hope that made sense....very tired so it might not have done
I had the problem I hope u didn't set Firefox or dolphin as ur default browser what I did was erase all data now I have dolphin and the default drowser all working fine here
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk
This issue has been discussed, but there are two simple ways to solve it without having to reinstall everything.
1) Simply wait and eventually it will fix itself. I know this sounds strange but it will eventually work. I am not generally patient so this one did not work for me.
2) With Autorotate ON, simply rotate the Xoom so that it has to redraw the "picker" screen. Do this when the screen dims and nothing is showing up. I have found that once you do this once for any particular file type you do not need to do it a second time.
I too was reinstalling apps to get the screen to show up, but even that did not always work.
I had the same problem and it seemed to only manifest itself after I re-installed all my apps from Tiamat/Xoom Zone with Titanium Backup. I'm not sure which app was the culprit but after uninstalling Scripter and aLogcat it started working perfect.
Hope this helps!
Same Issues !!
With opera Mobile and MoboPlayer !
HuckFinn said:
This issue has been discussed, but there are two simple ways to solve it without having to reinstall everything.
1) Simply wait and eventually it will fix itself. I know this sounds strange but it will eventually work. I am not generally patient so this one did not work for me.
2) With Autorotate ON, simply rotate the Xoom so that it has to redraw the "picker" screen. Do this when the screen dims and nothing is showing up. I have found that once you do this once for any particular file type you do not need to do it a second time.
I too was reinstalling apps to get the screen to show up, but even that did not always work.
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Will certainly check these options out. Are you saying that in the first instance, when the screen dims.,...if I left it long enough, it would appear?
Has this been put to Google on their Bugs page, Bugs's an annoying one
The Asus Transformer has the exact same problem. makes me think it could be more of a HC3.2 bug now after seeing this thread than device related.
Worse after you think you have fixed the problem every time you turn the device off and then on again on the problem begins again if you have multiple apps that can load a file or link like a web browser (I use multiple). If you have one app or set one app to be the default then you don't have the problem ....with that file or link
Easy to reset by rotating the screen ..but each time you turn on?
has anyone fixed this with a factory reset?
Factory reset will not fix this . Other browsers , media players and file managers somehow cause the problems .

[Q] Widgets freezing

I have a Problem with my Note 3 that I already had on my Note 2, but hoped that the new device and Android 4.3 would solve the Problem for me, but the Problem is still there.
It is a Problem with everything that is a widget (clock-widget, battery widget etc.).
Widgets are freezing at irreular times, so no one could predict if and when it would hapen the next time, but when the widget(s) are frozen, they Show incorrect values for time and battery-status.
The funny Thing is, that when I rotate my homescreen(s) using "Ultimate Rotation Control" from Google Play
then the widgets update themselves to the correct values,, but still don't continue to run, i.e. they are still frozen.
Now, I don't ask anybody to tell me what could cause the widgets to freeze, but I would be interested if someone knows a tool with which one could find out what Triggers that freeze (I know the exact time at which it happens, since one of the widgets that freeze is a digital clock with seconds-display).
Would be great if someone could help!
Many thanks in advance!

