Exchange with server on port 444 - Nexus One General

My company exchange server is published on port 444.
h t t p s :// exchang e
When i go to my Nexus to configure my Exchange account, if i write in server textbox the link with :444, "next" button is disabled.
Is any way to setup my exchange account with port 444?
Thank you!

Thanks for the replies

Yes, unfortunately this isn't usable right now - you need to go with a 3rd party app such as RoadSync or TouchDown.
I use TouchDown and although the interface is a little bit "clunky" it is functional and works a treat.
I have looked into building a variant of the exchange sync supporting alternate ports, but havent had time recently. I did post this request to the Android development buglist - but nothing so far...


I need PUSH email from my company email account HOW??????

I think title says most of it.
I need push email from my companies corporate email system.
We have a Blackberry server but I have yet to find a working Blackberry client for the Wizard?
On my old PDA2K I have been using Smartner Duality which worked great HOWEVER this does not seem to be compaitble with the Wizard so suddenly I have lost my email capability and need to get it back urgently.
Any ideas out there folks?
PS Smartner client on my desktop in the office used to 'forward' all my outlook mail via a special server they had and thence to my PDA2K.
It is this kind of functionality I am lookiing to replace UNLESS someone actually has the Blackberry client software!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
for MS's push you'll need to wait for a ROM update with AKU 2.0
for the time being you can just set your wizard to sync with your exchange server over the net (wifi/gprs etc) every x minutes
You can try vgsmail by geoffreycross to be found in the thread 'push-email now available' it's developed for 2003 & there are posts by yzzard to get working under 2005 as well. Need to add some reg.keys manual.
Cheers, M
DeanJ said:
for MS's push you'll need to wait for a ROM update with AKU 2.0
for the time being you can just set your wizard to sync with your exchange server over the net (wifi/gprs etc) every x minutes
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My company is running a REAL OLD version of Exchange server and our Firewall will not allow PDA's to connect!!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately this is not an option for me.
oltp said:
You can try vgsmail by geoffreycross to be found in the thread 'push-email now available' it's developed for 2003 & there are posts by yzzard to get working under 2005 as well. Need to add some reg.keys manual.
Cheers, M
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I don't think we have IMAP enabled on our mail server and I would still haev a firewall problem so this won't work for me either. :evil:
Do they support the imap protocol? if so try vgsmail.
Sorry didn't catch your last post, forget this one pls.
I doubt they actually block PDAs since Activesync just runs over port 80 and the mail apps just use standard mail ports. More likely they don't have the appropriate software set up to active sync. Sounds like you might be better off waiting until the next ROM updates (Rumors put it as close as this week, but deffinetly before the end of Q1 this year) and possibly looking into a hosted exchange solution and having your work email forward there.
I don't know if Vodafone offers the same thing as T-Mobile here in the states but see if they have corporate email access available, T-Mobile does and it works ok, similar to Smartner (i used that when I was running 2003SE) it works on my network and it is really locked down from outside access and they have disabled pop and imap access plus we are running Lotus Notes (man it sucks)

directpush protocol questions (exchange replacement possible?)

I am using mail2web free service to have my mail pushed to my WM5 device, but I don't like the idea of forwarding my private email to a company I don't know and I don't trust.
Normally I have my email at a home mail server running linux, and I was wondering if there's any open/free solution compatible with directpush technology to replace the need for an exchange 2003 server.
If it does not exist (i have been searching and couldn't find it), what is preventing someone of writing a free replacement? patent issues? authentication issues? I haven't sniffed the protocol yet, but I think it's impossible that no one has thought about it before... wouldn't you like to have your home imap server pushing your inbox to your PocketPC phone? If the protocol is not very obscure it should be easy to write a daemon that does it...
any thoughts or experiences?
Kerio Mail Server has the push compatibility.
Not free though, but it is an alternative to Exchange.
Their latest beta supports it. I reported a bug to them re: contacts getting corrupted but they say they fixed that in the latest build.
Can't retest now since that server is at another site I won't be visiting for a while.
Hmm the directpush "protocol" is pretty trivial it shouldn't be impossible to implement an open alternative.
I installed the latest Kerio MailServer yesterday. It works great!
Especially nice is that it runs on XP as well as Linux. Too bad about the price!
pof, have you had the chance to sniff the protocol?
not yet ivorh, been too busy with many other things, but this is still on the queue
Heh, got bored so I setup an exchange account and sniffed the packets.
I'll go through them and post some details when I get a chance.
great ivorh!
Can you attach a capture in pcap format?
update and thoughts
Hmm, ok a bit more thinking and digging and I'm not sure implementing an open alternative directly is that useful. Let me explain why:
The direct push only works with the outlook exchange active sync. When the device gets a "direct push" byte, it triggers a sync with exchange - the functionality is tightly bound together, and as far as I can tell you cant dip in and get it to do something else. So to get it working you would need a server providing the exchange http interface. This wouldn't be impossible but would need a lot of effort for little benefit.
I took a look at the open-exchange but that doesn't seem like an ideal solution since it would require a completely different server installed rather than IMAP or POP and as far as I can tell the Outlook connector isn't one of the open-source components anyway.
Now what I'm currently thinking would be a neat workaround would be to implement a custom "direct-push" to basically do exactly the same, have a client app on the device open an http connection to a server running, er, "OpenPush" if you like... use exactly the same technique of a keep-alive connection and occasional heartbeats, but on a message notification on the client get the client to trigger an IMAP pull.
Now this is where I need some advice.... I haven't done any Windows Mobile development yet, so can anyone tell me what sort of API is available to the messaging app? Can you/how do you trigger a mail pull? (oh someone please tell me it's not the same horrible old MAPI interface??).
PS I've just been capturing the data using a simple http proxy actually, I'll make some samples and upload them with descriptions.
Hi pof,
try funambol. It was formerly known as Sync4j. I once found it when I searched a complete sync solution that I could implement in the mailserver of my company. We are using kolab so I only tried the old Sync4j cause there is a kolab connector available for v2.3.
v3.0 implements (real) Push-Mail. Microsoft Active Push works with a http connection that is opened by the client. Funambol Push-Mail connects to a port the client opens. I didn't want to test any further cause I'm using a Wapflat and thus only get an internal IP and have to use a proxy.
Perhaps this is what you are searching for
What I forgot to say: For funambol you install a java program on your phone wich will insert the received mails in your Pocket Outlook
Ha! Ok I've whipped up a version 0.0.0 of OpenPush. and it works rather nicely!
Basically it consists of two parts one is an app that runs on the mobile and operates in the same manner as DirectPush. It opens up a socket connection to the server and waits for a notification byte. If it recieves a byte it kicks off a mail retrieval.
The other is a daemon that runs on the server and watches for a change in the users mailbox if it changes (i.e. a mail has arrived) then it pops a byte down the socket.
It just needs finishing now...
Currently the daemon is just an app that listens on a dedicated socket. I plan on turning it into a mod_perl module and using http keep-alive in the same fashion as directpush.
ivorh, that sounds cool!!
I had a look at funambol but seems too 'bloated' for my needs, I think your OpenPush will be more tight to what I was looking for, so if you want a beta tester just send a link to it
Is there any specific server configuration? I am running a Gentoo server with courier-imap, sendmail and apache2.
Any chance you could extend the daemon so other programs can tie into your new-item notification? It would be cool to write a program that can keep files synchronized over-the-air with a desktop machine using push sychronization.
Yeah it's just a prototype at the moment. So I need to write it properly next. At the moment the requirements are simply "perl". It's independent of mail system, it simply monitors a directory/file you give it for changes.
I'm going to write it to be a mod_perl module for various reasons, so the requirements will be just apache and mod_perl.
I'll hack some more tonight and try and get a 0.0.1 ready.
Well I'll keep it simple for now and just doing one job well.
Sound interesting to me.
I am new to this. Pardon me for some questions.
Do I need to buy a server at home?
This server can be any OS?
I am really happy to see some people trying to do just about the same I intended to. Today I started experimenting with Open-Xchange. I also have a Gentoo server that provides an ebuild for Open-Xchange, but after a bit of browsing it just seems like the thing MS Exchange and OX have in common is the similarity of their names. So installing OX and doing all the Exchange stuff with it does not seem to be an option.
So I looked into Funambol - sort of again. About a year ago I already tried to get Sync4J running to sync my SyncML phone. I did not succeed, but that just makes me eager to try it harder this time.
I also have to use a Proxy-Server for my GPRS connection but I want to have it working via WLAN, too, hence without proxy and the whole tunneling disco.
PS: Ivor, I am glad to meet You once again. When our roads crossed the last time, You just figured out how to get the CLE266 MPEG2 stuff working, respect!
A very rough pre-alpha version should be ready this weekend. I can only apologise in advance for the quality of my WM5 app!
But it's "working for me".
At the moment the "server" is a simply perl app that watches for changes to a directory or file so its pretty portable. I run it on linux since that's what my mailserver is on.
As for needing a server at home... well its entirely up to you, really you want the server running wherever your mail is retrieved from.
If the app/system gets a bit more polished and advanced you might even find independent ISP's willing to add it as a service.
Heh! Small world.
I'd also like to be considered for Beta testing when available,
I run Ubuntu 5.10 Server at home, hosting 5 domains for myself, and would Love to not have to forward them through mail2web anymore as I don't like to reply because it will go through Mail2Web. I know I can create a separate "account" in Pocket Outlook but you can only have 5. I need more than that...
with direct push over the o2 wap proxy all https conections are closed after 2 min. this is becausse all 2 minutes a new sync is needed. This eats much battery. So why is it nnot possible to mak e a ppc client that just sends the current ip adsress to the client on the server. and the server just push the email to the known ip adress. The client on ppc just has to send a new ip in case it changes. this wouldt be much better for battery life.
Thats the reason Exchange-Activesync works the way that it does. The server sends out a text message that is handled at the system level on the PPC, and this is basically an instruction to sync with the server. No unneeded traffic just to check if there is anything new.
Most Celllar service providers are using NAT technology so reporting your IP address to a server and telling it to make a connection to that IP, would just be telling the server to connect to the "gateway" back into the Cellular network. A text message sent to what is called the "SMTP Gateway" for each service provider will get to the phone no matter if the phones IP changes.

Sure to cause wrath: Reverse Engineering ActiveSync with Exchange server

Hello everyone!
As you can see by my profile, I'm a rather new member of the XDA-Dev community, and also a new owner of an HTC Tytn. I love it.
I also love open sourced or at least free software.
My problem is: I'd love to have push based e-mail feeding off of my plain old IMAP and/or POP account hosted wherever.
Of the two IMAP IDLE capable clients on WM6 (I'm using LVSW) both feel like a piece of **** along with an attached price tag. One of them was also last updated in early 2006.
I've been looking at WM Outlook and Exchange syncing. I'm thinking about implementing some sort of an interface that would provide Outlook style ActiveSync front end (hey, it's just WebDAV) to a simple IMAP/POP3 account in the background.
I'll probably start working on this just for the kicks anyway, but... would anyone else be interested in seeing/using something like this?
ivanstojic said:
Hello everyone!
As you can see by my profile, I'm a rather new member of the XDA-Dev community, and also a new owner of an HTC Tytn. I love it.
I'll probably start working on this just for the kicks anyway, but... would anyone else be interested in seeing/using something like this?
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There is software called emoze. This relies on your desktop & outlook downloading the email then Emoze sends the data to you PDA over the cell network.
The way i think that would be good is you would need a software client running on your desktop that polls your POP3 server for new headers. When it gets one it sends your PDA a token telling it to go and d/l its pop.
Im thinking of writing one cause i want it to detect if its cradled. I only want my e-mails forwarded to my phone when its not cradeled.
Just some thoughts. But if its in c# ill be happy to try help where i can.
Shaun33 said:
There is software called emoze. This relies on your desktop & outlook downloading the email then Emoze sends the data to you PDA over the cell network.
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First off, I'd like to avoid the whole using-the-desktop thing. The mails are accessible on the server, and can stay there until your desktop client picks them up. Ideally, you would use IMAP and just leave the mail on the server as long as you need it, thus having it both accessible from your desktop and your mobile client.
The approach I'm thinking of would emulate an Exchange server. You would configure this server the same way you configure outlook syncing with a real Exchange server on your phone - thus eliminating any need for development or hacking on the client side. Everyone would just be using their default messaging client installed on WM.
ivanstojic said:
First off, I'd like to avoid the whole using-the-desktop thing. The mails are accessible on the server, and can stay there until your desktop client picks them up. Ideally, you would use IMAP and just leave the mail on the server as long as you need it, thus having it both accessible from your desktop and your mobile client.
The approach I'm thinking of would emulate an Exchange server. You would configure this server the same way you configure outlook syncing with a real Exchange server on your phone - thus eliminating any need for development or hacking on the client side. Everyone would just be using their default messaging client installed on WM.
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So from My understanding this is what we got.
~ Project ~
CLIENT | HACK'D | <-----> IMAP
A/Sync <---> | Server |
WM6 | APP We Write | <-----> POP3
That should be possible but the reason that your able to recieve it in two places is because the exchnage server is the mailbox essintally. And your desktop account is also attached to the exchange server(someone jump in if im wrong) this means that it knows when something is deleted on your desktop.
So we would have to emulate both the Device and Desktop exchange server functions.
Other way is to just put a wrapper around a popserver. So it will only send the emails to the desktop once, then keep the e-mails for the device.
****Check POP3/IMAP server every x mins
New Email
D/L and Store
Ping PPC Client
PPC Downloads
Flaged as PPC received
Desktop POP3 checks pop wrapper
Because the exchange server has the builtin pop client you will never be able to get true e-mail unless you create a pop3/imap server that has the PPC ping functionality built into it, you will always have the **** step.
Just some thoughts ...
ivanstojic said:
First off, I'd like to avoid the whole using-the-desktop thing. The mails are accessible on the server, and can stay there until your desktop client picks them up. Ideally, you would use IMAP and just leave the mail on the server as long as you need it, thus having it both accessible from your desktop and your mobile client.
The approach I'm thinking of would emulate an Exchange server. You would configure this server the same way you configure outlook syncing with a real Exchange server on your phone - thus eliminating any need for development or hacking on the client side. Everyone would just be using their default messaging client installed on WM.
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you dont need to 'hack' anything... is you look at the Microsoft Exchange 2007 SDK you can write your own libraries that get called on incoming mail etc... no hacking required... how do you think Blackberry Enterirpse Server and Goodlink Server work??
The whole idea is that I want nothing to do with Exchange in the software, except to emulate it's ActiveSync features and push e-mail. No SDK, no libraries, nada.
I don't have any problems polling the POP3 server every few minutes. With IMAP it's much easier considering that a lot of IMAP servers support IDLE.
Basically, the architecture would be exactly what Shaun33 described/drew in his post.
ivanstojic said:
The whole idea is that I want nothing to do with Exchange in the software, except to emulate it's ActiveSync features and push e-mail. No SDK, no libraries, nada.
I don't have any problems polling the POP3 server every few minutes. With IMAP it's much easier considering that a lot of IMAP servers support IDLE.
Basically, the architecture would be exactly what Shaun33 described/drew in his post.
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Ok best idea is if you have the time.
1. Install Exxhange server and pair your PPC to it.
2. User packet monitoring software such as ethereal to monitor the data going back between the server and the client the best fun is going to be the fact that is SSL. But there is an option to disable the SSL then you monitor port 80.
If you post a capture file i would be willing to look into helping you develop it.
Shaun33 said:
Ok best idea is if you have the time.
1. Install Exxhange server and pair your PPC to it.
2. User packet monitoring software such as ethereal to monitor the data going back between the server and the client the best fun is going to be the fact that is SSL. But there is an option to disable the SSL then you monitor port 80.
If you post a capture file i would be willing to look into helping you develop it.
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Ethereal isn't called Ethereal any more, you do know that? It's been known as Wireshark for a while now. Anyway, the protocol is (almost) standard WebDAV protocol with some strange extensions.
I'm working on getting clean dumps of various bits of functionality. Will report soon!
hi guys,
i got to know about one website which is provide push mail for pop3 account for free, i tested it on JASJAR and its working fine, you can try it here may be it would be helpfull...
This certainly sounds interesting to me! Do you still think it is doable?
Sounds cool - like you said, it's all webdav oriented, and from IIS logs, getting the content is fairly easy to construct. You won't have to worry about matching up device IDs, etc, so you can ignore that and concentrate on the username with what verbs are being used (foldersync, sync, getestimate, etc)
One thing may get you is the initial connection - after configuring, it will check to see if theres a policy to set on the device after checking the user, not sure how activesync on the device will handle it if it can't get to that.
I always think its funny that MS decided to call this "push" technology, when its just the device constantly polling (probably just an xml change file, i seem to remember something like that)
Anyway, good luck

HTC Magic with Rogers ROM - Activesync not working?

I flashed RogerMagicV2a-signed onto my Vodafone HTC Magic and everything works like a charm. The device seems much faster to me now and I love the keyboard.
But I have problems getting Activesync to work. If I enter my account details including the correct server name (SSL checked) it alwas complains about wrong authentication (Authentication failed). I also checked with "Touchdown" which successfully showed my inbox using the same credentials.
Does anyone know about problems with Rogers Activesync implementation?
Server is Exchange 2007 (I assume).
Thanks in advance!
Does anyone have an idea?
First: *PLEASE* don't bump (and more important: don't bump so soon)... if someone knows the reply be sure it will be posted.
Second: As far as i know (maybe i'm wrong) there is no software named ActiveSync, are you talking about HTC Sync? If TouchDown works meybe it's a software problem so meybe you will obtain more help from the software authors .
Ok, sorry for that! I am so impatient because everything else works great and the ActiveSync support would be the last thing to make the Rogers Rom perfect!
With ActiveSync I mean the integrated support of the Rogers Rom to sync with a Microsoft Exchange Server over the air which would be great because then I could finally sync my work calendar and contacts with my HTC Magic.
Perhaps something is broken in the Rogers Rom regarding the ActiveSync client - that is my question here.
Thanks in advance and sorry again for bumping. Won't happen again
I read somewhere that the Rogers ROM's Active Sync does not support PIN security settings forced by the exchange server. This would be bad.
Search for that topic, I'm not sure if it was here at xda-devs.
Yes I also read this but our Exchange Server does not have PIN security enabled. I tried another app (I think it was Roadsync or Touchdown) and it worked there.
But I would like to have my calender and contact entries integrated into the apps, not in a separate app like Roadsync does it.
Any other ideas?
Thanks and greetings from Germany
Have you played with the Hero rom? I'm sure I saw some exchange mail options in there.
No not yet, perhaps I'll give that a try.
It's a pity, I really like the Rogers Rom...
ActiveSync Issues
I now tested
- Moxier Mail (
- Exchange by Touchdown (
and they both work.
Here is a part from Touchdown's log:
Version : 3.1.000
Class :com.nitrodesk.activesync.ActiveSyncServiceProvider121
Max Days:3
ISA Flags:destination=Z2F&flags=0
Uses ISA:false
Does anybody have an idea why Touchdown and Moxier Mail work but the integrated ActiveSync solution from HTC does not?
Of course I used the same credentials and server settings.
Help appreciated!
That is corrent....the implementation on the HTC Rogers ROM for Activesync does not appear to support basic security (ie. PIN setting) that is by default on the Exchange Mobile settings.
I requested our IT dept. put me as an exception and it works fine. This will be an issue for any corporate users. Touchdown and Moxier both support PIN security, so you won't run into problems there, but it is VERY annoying.
fflightning said:
Yes I also read this but our Exchange Server does not have PIN security enabled. I tried another app (I think it was Roadsync or Touchdown) and it worked there.
But I would like to have my calender and contact entries integrated into the apps, not in a separate app like Roadsync does it.
Any other ideas?
Thanks and greetings from Germany
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Edit: wer lesen kann, sorry... habe gerade Schwachsinn geschrieben ;-)
To get it correct: I do not have to enter a "pin", I just log on using my normal Windows credentials, i.e. domain\username and password. This should work, right?
Or does "pin" mean the basic authentication using HTTP-Auth with my windows credentials?
PIN means the forced security policy, sent from the Exchange server to enable Remote Wipe for instance. On a Windows Mobile phone you need to enable the phone security key, which you have to enter after a defined time of no use or at power-on. The policy has to be managed by the phone in a way the Exchange server accepts, otherwise you are not able to sync.
Maybe that's your problem. Anyway I don't know, how TouchDown or RoadSync handle the security policy.
I think this is the problem.
To sum it up: HTC's integrated ActiveSync client does not support PIN security settings that are enforced from the Microsoft Exchange server. I also tried to set up device locking where you have to draw a line on the display - but this also did not work.
Is there a way for you developers or the guys at HTC to fix the ActiveSync client that it pretends to have PIN security settings enabled? Touchdown seems to do the same here because it works like a charm.
It would be great if some of you would find a solution for this!
Thanks for the great support here.
I'm looking for exactly that. I have Hero installed on my Magic an I can get touchdown to work - sort of. It gives me a new inbox every time I sync and then I have to refresh the folders to get rid of the "fake" inboxes and get to my mails.
It works... badly, but still...
I'm also looking for an app that'll integrate into the phone.
Any new rumors, solutions or suggestions?
Same problem here, the Rogers ActiveSync on my Magic won't work with my work Exchange server. However, TouchDown works. I heard that the Rogers ActiveSync requires Exchange web services or something like that, whereas TouchDown has real Exchange 2007 support. It seems like my corporate server only supports real Exchange 2007 synchronization :S
Has anyone found a workaround for this? I've thought about paying for an app like TouchDown, but it sucks if the Calendar isn't integrated with the phone's calendar.

A serious question - Android for work - Exchange Active Sync needed

Hi *,
From a long time i'm trying to find a rom for Magic 32B be used for work.
My needs is to have a rom with ActiveSync (Mail, Calendar and Contacts) and, if possible, lookup in the "GAL" of Microsoft Exchange.
I know many software for these features, but it's possible inclusion in a rom?
Thanks in advance!
Back in the day Eclair ROMs required you to sync your email, contacts, ect. through exchange because Google sign-in was broken. Now-a-days, the sign-in is working, but still. Point of it all is that any Eclair ROM will do what your asking. Just go to the G1 Android Development section here at XDA and find any Android 2.1 ROM you like, then go for it.
DarkOne951 said:
Back in the day Eclair ROMs required you to sync your email, contacts, ect. through exchange because Google sign-in was broken. Now-a-days, the sign-in is working, but still. Point of it all is that any Eclair ROM will do what your asking. Just go to the G1 Android Development section here at XDA and find any Android 2.1 ROM you like, then go for it.
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Thanks for the reply.
Android 2.1 ROM sync ONLY Email and Contacts. NO CALENDAR
ckale82 said:
if possible, lookup in the "GAL" of Microsoft Exchange.
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I haven't seen any rom you can do that in ...
1.6 roms seem to use the 'work email' app which is an adapted version of the htc mail app from non-google branded htc devices.
2.x roms have native exchange support, mail and contacts sync only.
I believe you could get what you're looking from the market but you'll probably have to get your wallet out and pay.
But.... the old rom 1.5 with HTC framework had this features... or i'm crazy?
ckale82 said:
But.... the old rom 1.5 with HTC framework had this features... or i'm crazy?
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That's what I thought too. However I never had a need for it and only basic needs for exchange. gmail for sure did calendar sync.
You'll want to go 3rd party and get a fancy one anyway. Should be worth the money if the feature set is important (not withstanding my opinion).
st0kes said:
I haven't seen any rom you can do that
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ckale82 said:
But.... the old rom 1.5 with HTC framework had this features... or i'm crazy?
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yep. the old 1.5 rom with htc framework does exactly this.
i know, because i still use 1.5 for just this reason.
the best rom you'll find that does this without any need for third party apps etc is enomther's the original rogers rom. (not to be confused with his the original donut roms.)
you'll find it in the G1 development forum.
in order to use GAL addresses, you have to use "add receipient" to fill out the "to" field when doing an email. then you can choose between "contacts" (google) or "company" (GAL).
you can't browse the GAL as far as i am aware, but you can search it.
EDIT: by the way, it does full exchange sync. emails, contacts and calendar.
you can get a 2.1 rom and flash the moto apps from droid that includes gal, corporate calendar. that is what i am using now.
you can purchase touchdown and it does everything you ask
on any version you want
includes searchable GAL
I trial a HEAP of different phones for work and this is pretty much what it comes down to when you are talking business use.
While i love the Android and have a N1 myself it falls over on some MAJOR areas.
1: No Client side cert capability.
2: No Encryption
3: No Group Policy Abilities
4: No Remote Wipe of the device
5: Not FIPS rated (no encryption)
The Google phone is great, i love it over an Iphone but until these issues are sorted I would NOT recommend these for business use. As far as personal phones go they are awesome !
The only phones that are correctly rated for use as far as encryption and GPO are unfortunately WM6 and WM6.5 I HATE these phones cant stand them but they are (Believe it or not) the most secure ! Lets hope when the Iphone releases their new OS in the next month or so they may become a more realistic player in the business market.
Or (Fingers crossed) Google and Droid do some real work into making these phones more secure.. If they did i know they would be more popular with the business community !
gymmy said:
I trial a HEAP of different phones for work and this is pretty much what it comes down to when you are talking business use.
While i love the Android and have a N1 myself it falls over on some MAJOR areas.
1: No Client side cert capability.
2: No Encryption
3: No Group Policy Abilities
4: No Remote Wipe of the device
5: Not FIPS rated (no encryption)
The Google phone is great, i love it over an Iphone but until these issues are sorted I would NOT recommend these for business use. As far as personal phones go they are awesome !
The only phones that are correctly rated for use as far as encryption and GPO are unfortunately WM6 and WM6.5 I HATE these phones cant stand them but they are (Believe it or not) the most secure ! Lets hope when the Iphone releases their new OS in the next month or so they may become a more realistic player in the business market.
Or (Fingers crossed) Google and Droid do some real work into making these phones more secure.. If they did i know they would be more popular with the business community !
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umm android has all those through applications available in the market ....
What are moto apps
markkohfm said:
you can get a 2.1 rom and flash the moto apps from droid that includes gal, corporate calendar. that is what i am using now.
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What are moto apps - can' seem to find it searching on xda... If anyone could enlighten me, I would appreciate it.
I whole-heartedly recommend Nitrodesk TouchDown. It's a kick-ass app for Exchange. You get push updates for Mail, Calendar, etc.
It might seem expensive relative to your average mini-app, but you have to keep in mind that this is way more useful than those.
My employer's MS exchange set-up incorporates security pin that none of the Android ROMs support - that I'm aware off! I'm currently on day 20 of the 30 day trial with Touchdown and really am impressed. It supports mail, calendar and contacts with GAL and most importantly for me I can finally log on because of the pin security support. The iPhone supports this too however the pin is required every time you want to use it for any app whereas on Android you enter the pin when launching Touchdown. Worth the $20 imo
BigRD said:
My employer's MS exchange set-up incorporates security pin that none of the Android ROMs support - that I'm aware off! I'm currently on day 20 of the 30 day trial with Touchdown and really am impressed. It supports mail, calendar and contacts with GAL and most importantly for me I can finally log on because of the pin security support. The iPhone supports this too however the pin is required every time you want to use it for any app whereas on Android you enter the pin when launching Touchdown. Worth the $20 imo
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glad we reached a consensus that business users need to stop whining about exchange and drop 20$ for touchdown
is really a stellar exchange client
hopefully there will not always be a need for this as it should be part of the base OS
The only thing that is needed comparing from the touchdown app to any Android OS to have full Exchange support is to fetch the Active Sync certificates forced by the enterprise security policy.
The enterprise I work for, doesn't use the Active Sync certificates forced and runs on Exchange server 2007. No issues with the Exchange Android OS. No touchdown needed.
The partner who we support has to fetch the certificates and runs on Exchange server 2003. Now, they will migrate everything to Exchange 2007..., than I want to see what will happen because they will keep the security policy or adapt it to the new infra. I'm using the touchdown, because otherwise I'll have my account locked on the Radius server.
iPhone's are even more limited. To sync an iPhone with my partner Exchange server 2003, you need the following:
- On the Inbox folder have less than 500Mb
- Be over the OS version 3.x.x
- If you make a NT password reset, you have to re-create the profile and sometimes hope for a miracle or change the domain to the complete address or insert it on the username.
Once again on the Exchange 2007, no issues.
I had the same issue with android because I use exchange calendar and mail.
CursorSense has exchange calendar, it is 1.5, but works very smooth for me. The main problem was the initially pin, I had to call my exchange IT person to remove that security so I can use it. Otherwise, you are out of luck.
I've never had success with android 1.6. I've tried the Moto apk, and many other names, adb push it to the phone, and it just doens't work. So, for me, 1.6 has no exchange calendar, but only email.
As for 2.1, it does support exchange calendar. But I'm waiting a faster rom to start using it. In the meantime, I use touchdown, which is WAYYYY better than the native software from android. The widget actually works!! The widget from android in 2.1 includes Email and Calendar, but none of them refreshes the information all the time, so you will actually have to go in the email account to see new email, and your calendar to see new updates. With Touchdown, the widget is easier to use and it updates quickly. It is too expensive, I agree.
There is another app, called Roadsync, but I don't like the UI.
ricardomega said:
The only thing that is needed comparing from the touchdown app to any Android OS to have full Exchange support is to fetch the Active Sync certificates forced by the enterprise security policy
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Well, that is down to the business running Exchange, not anything to do with Android ... enterprises should be using universally trusted certificates.
If you get a certificate error in activesync it means your exchange admin bought a cheap SSL certificate that your device doesn't trust.
Not agreed.
Ref. 1 (Wiki):
Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS) is a networking protocol that provides centralized Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA) management for computers to connect and use a network service. RADIUS was developed by Livingston Enterprises, Inc., in 1991 as an access server authentication and accounting protocol and later brought into the IETF standards.[1]
Because of the broad support and the ubiquitous nature of the RADIUS protocol, it is often used by ISPs and enterprises to manage access to the Internet or internal networks, wireless networks, and integrated e-mail services. These networks may incorporate modems, DSL, access points, VPNs, network ports, web servers, etc.[2]
RADIUS is a client/server protocol that runs in the application layer, using UDP as transport. The Remote Access Server, the Virtual Private Network server, the Network switch with port-based authentication, and the Network Access Server, are all gateways that control access to the network, and all have a RADIUS client component that communicates with the RADIUS server. The RADIUS server is usually a background process running on a UNIX or Windows NT machine.[3] RADIUS serves three functions:
to authenticate users or devices before granting them access to a network,
to authorize those users or devices for certain network services and
to account for usage of those services.
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Talking about universally trusted certificates... if the windows mobile since 5.1 version and other devices exchange services (like Symbian S60 devices up and others) work flawless ... our new gadgets are the one's who doesn't work ...
The partner that I was speaking are leaders on their security division product for decades.
Sorry, but please point out the Apps.
1: Client side cert import for access to company websites ?
2: Encryption which is FIPS 104-2 certified
3: Group Policy enforcement
Touchdown does work, but its not just exchange email which uses certification

