possible to port over samsung moments 2.1? - Hero CDMA General

ok samsung just got their 2.1 leak
is it possible to somehow get this on the hero? like complete transfer, with no sense etc...

Already talked about.....

Have are own leak who care's just adding more of the same posts. If you must have it go to the market and download home switcher and switch to stock android launcher. There now you have the moment leak.

chippillie said:
Have are own leak who care's just adding more of the same posts. If you must have it go to the market and download home switcher and switch to stock android launcher. There now you have the moment leak.
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1. you are being unnecessarily rude.
2. yes there is a post on this already.
3. I am working on getting a port of this to boot tonight.

obelisk79 said:
1. you are being unnecessarily rude.
2. yes there is a post on this already.
3. I am working on getting a port of this to boot tonight.
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Your a **** I was about to go to bed!
But I am still going to bed, drop me a PM if ya need any help on this would love to try it out!

Seriously not worth the time to port it. You'll end up with virtually the same functionality as Darchstars AOSP 2.1 build. Depending on what kernel your using if you use 2.6.26 then camera and video recording aren't going to be possible and I'm afraid that if you use the leaked HTC 2.6.29 kernel your going to run into problems with the touch screen since HTC has a non standard power management implementation in that kernel that doesn't play nice with android and the touchscreen even though getevent will show screen presses from event1. Unless someone has the source for that 2.6.29 kernel so you could revert the changes. The only good that might come out of the leak is functioning mms and visual voice mail.

I'm merely doing a straight port, going to get it to boot then release it for someone else to mess with.

I'm just saying that for others just because it's a phone from sprint doesn't meant that it's magically going to work. Some people here understand and some don't. It's not impossible port it just that it's not going to be fully functional when it is ported. Your working with something built for different hardware. Sure you can swap the libs to get it going but you'll end up with something we pretty much have already in the AOSP 2.1 build.
I gave in to temptation and I'm working on it too. Converting the factoryfs.rfs is taking forever.

I wasn't able to find a way to convert them... I'd love to know how, but I managed to find a system.img someone dumped shortly after the leak was posted. Thats what I've been working on.

Link? Cause this is taking forever. It's a ruby script I'm using.

http://www.mediafire.com/file/0ncjzjnymzm/Moment 2.1 DD03 System Dump.zip

thanks. i attached the ruby scrips that convert the rfs to a mountable vfat image.

pretty fresh build from 04.03.2010

awesome... I just need the ramdisk from the leak to get this booting now.

Did u try using the ruby script to extract rootsfs.rfs? The init.rc might be in there. Unless there is a boot image floating around the web that we can extract and use.

Havent tried it yet


Droid has been rooted!

I know. This is the hero forum. But if anyone has a droid or knows someone with one maybe we can get a dump?
Forgot to, post the link
awesome! i'd expect you goons to have vanilla 2.0 ready for the mass sprint crowd by tomorrow right? lol isn't a dump all we'd need? pardon for my ignorance but what changes would be made to be compatible to the cdma hero?
Excellent! Now we just need a full rom dump (not just the /system folder which is all that's available right now).
flipzmode said:
Excellent! Now we just need a full rom dump (not just the /system folder which is all that's available right now).
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I could use those apk's to build a "fuller" AOSP... that is assuming data can be made to work.
Thats what I'm hoping for. So please everyone who has access to a droif, root it and get a dump for us. Please
I was excited for droid users to find out it had been rooted. Now I am really excited because I didn't even think of the benefits it would bring to us!
flipzmode said:
Excellent! Now we just need a full rom dump (not just the /system folder which is all that's available right now).
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Request made @ AllDroid
WhiteWidows said:
Request made @ AllDroid
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Sweet. Post back here if they provide it please. I can only watch so many forums. heh.
So let me get this straight, a full dump from the Droid will help us get 2.0? If so AWESOME! I have a friend who has one, I'm sure he'll be rooting tonight I can get a dump tomorrow if you don't get one sooner.
NCX001 said:
So let me get this straight, a full dump from the Droid will help us get 2.0? If so AWESOME! I have a friend who has one, I'm sure he'll be rooting tonight I can get a dump tomorrow if you don't get one sooner.
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It's more of a theory than anything. But if we can get their rom booting on our phone then we have a much better chance of getting things working rather than the gsm version we've been hacking up to try and work.
If anyone has access to a rooted droid then let me know. Although it will be much better once they have access to nandroid because pulling these files while the phone is booted up doesn't always work.
flipzmode said:
It's more of a theory than anything. But if we can get their rom booting on our phone then we have a much better chance of getting things working rather than the gsm version we've been hacking up to try and work.
If anyone has access to a rooted droid then let me know. Although it will be much better once they have access to nandroid because pulling these files while the phone is booted up doesn't always work.
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I don't think that's true.. our kernel/drivers are way different than theirs.. we will be about the exact same point that we are now, and there are full rips out of the droid now on alldroid.org
nelson8403 said:
I don't think that's true.. our kernel/drivers are way different than theirs.. we will be about the exact same point that we are now, and there are full rips out of the droid now on alldroid.org
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I agree but it's a lot easier to make a trackball work, to make leds work, and to make wifi work rather than trying to make it work on a radio that it wasn't designed for.
The image that the guy posted on alldroid is corrupted. It won't unyaffs. And based on the file size I would say it's just a system dump anyways.
Thanks to whitewidow I was able to get my hands on the boot.img by copying it off of /dev/mtd. The build went smoothly however it reboots instantly after the HTC logo. It is never recognized by the debugger. So this is either caused by corruption from how we obtained the boot.img, or the architecture / processor are just too different to work on ours at all. I am not the type that can build kernels from scratch though so maybe someone out there better than me will get it soon.
flipzmode said:
I agree but it's a lot easier to make a trackball work, to make leds work, and to make wifi work rather than trying to make it work on a radio that it wasn't designed for.
The image that the guy posted on alldroid is corrupted. It won't unyaffs. And based on the file size I would say it's just a system dump anyways.
Thanks to whitewidow I was able to get my hands on the boot.img by copying it off of /dev/mtd. The build went smoothly however it reboots instantly after the HTC logo. It is never recognized by the debugger. So this is either caused by corruption from how we obtained the boot.img, or the architecture / processor are just too different to work on ours at all. I am not the type that can build kernels from scratch though so maybe someone out there better than me will get it soon.
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I'm pretty sure stuff compiled for the OMAP arch. Droid is not going to work in our Qualcomm arch. Heroes. I tried using "chat-ril" executable from Droid on my Hero and that doesn't work at all. OMAP and MSM have their own kernel trees as well, so their kernel probably won't boot on the Hero.
It's OMAP alright.
You wont get any of the normal binaries to run.
You can however grab some apks from it.
There is a dump out already btw, has been for almost a month now.
There has been a system dump yes but we are talking about a full dump including the boot.img file.
Boot image contains nothing useful for our purposes.
If you absolutely have to have the boot image someone posted it over on alldroid.org.
is it possible to get the new lockscreen from newly updated droid as verizon has spreaded 2.01 update for droid? cheers

/system dump of new Google/HTC phone running flan

Got a chance to play around with this today. Pics of the phone and system dump below.
This is NOT an update.zip, but it can be used to build one in capable hands. So don't go sucking my bandwidth please!
nicccce going, i like the pics.
If it helps I uploaded it over at
I've got unlimited bandwidth so hopefully that'll take some of the strain off yours!
Nexus One Dump?
I'm a little surprised this isn't up here yet. There is a dump floating around rumored to be Nexus One. You can find it at AndroidSPIN.com.
Has anyone poked around at all?
It's right where it should be in the Development and Hacking > Android software development forum: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=600190
I've had a quick look through this and found some interesting files.
Most notably, something called 'GenieWidget.apk'.
When are non blurry camera's going to hit the market? Nice dump though hopefully this will get ported to the Behold II....*cough*
like @wpbcubsfan said there is already a topic about that in the right section : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=600190
New boot animation : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAFSEsEZnnE&feature=player_embedded
Do you try to push the apk in another device or do you think it 'll need some modification of some files ?
imfloflo said:
Do you try to push the apk in another device or do you think it 'll need some modification of some files ?
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They need to be resized and odexed or whatever so it can run on your G1/mytouch or whichever you have. Theres this script in the G1 section that does deodexes or something.
Ace is right. The sizes are to big for dreams and magics. is there even a way to resize the files? also, custom roms are going to become harder now that there are different sizes for phones, but im guessing cyanogen is going to make roms for the neXus
aw, i was kinda hoping that this would be in a .img format so we can load it up and play with it in the emulator
SDK Emulator
Is there anyway I can take this dump and use it in the SDK emulator?
Yes, this is the Nexus One.
The boot animation works without modification on the Droid.
Could anyone provide boot.img also
Our guys have been trying to push some of the apk's but not had any luck so far. Has anybody got any apk's from this onto any other build yet?
I tried with my phone and the emulator, but I am a newb. Most of the new apks require Android 2.1 by the way.
if you tried the same method of installing the new maps fex week ago? they modify a file to let G1 thought it was on 2.0 kernel or 1.6 don't remember (system or settings files don't remember) after that the apk works on G1 and we can find it via the market. ask MLIGN he made the change.

{ROM}White Widow 4.0b3{ROM}(5-29)~DarchDroid Port~ Beta3 Rereleased!

I'm proud to present a CyanogenMod Rom on the Eris, White Widow, ported from DarchDroid by Darchstar.
Cant shut me down
This is only a beta, and therefore has a few issues to work out. the main one is the boot. As of beta 3, you have to flash it over either a nand backup of 3.1 or the actual flash of 3.1. I am not allowed to distribute 3.1 anymore, so for those of you who didnt get it earlier im sorry, do not flash as it will bootloop your phone. also to those who do have 3.1, DO NOT WIPE! Wiping will also cause a bootloop.
To fix the no service bug, download the attatched zip, and exctact the build.prop to your sdk/tools
run these command to pop it back into place
adb remount
adb push build.prop /system
then reboot
Beta 3 Rereleased!
Limited Time Release, 4.0 beta3
Stripped down,very limited release. Just wanted to give you a small taste of what I've been working on. This is far from being the final release, but I promised a sneak peek. So far it is functioning and stable.
You must install googleshits to use anything than the other basic functions. Save the file to your SD card, boot to recovery and flash the googleshits .zip file like you would flash anything else. it is an update script.
For those interested in DarchStars new kernel with BrainFuck Scheduler- First Ever Release On Eris! -download and flash the update zip included at the bottom. No wipe needed.
I encourage you to look through the settings for all the new options, things like integrated wired tethering, setting custom messages on your lock screen, and 360 degree rotation are all under there, theres too many new things to post though so take a look and see what you find.
Thanks To
Punk.Koas for his kernel
-thanks to him we have OC and multitouch
Hero CDMA Devs for getting this on the Hero
Mak and Zippy-Man for the MMS fix
Anderwebs for his ADW Launcher
Conap for hosting!
Jamezelle for putting up with my dumb questions
Cornbreadfarts for alpha testing
Special Thanks to
Darchstar for the initial port
-wifi tethering
-replaced browser with DolphinHD
-zip aligned apps for better memory usage
-removed bug report
-added Kaos's new kernel, OC and multi-touch now supported
-set ADW Launcher as the default launcher
-Wifi now works!
-Removed Open GL patch
-Removed extra Setup option
-Removed Nexus Launcher
-Added googleshits. no need to manually flash
-Removed apps such as DSUPDATE and Bug Report
-Removed both gallery apps and replaced with working version
-Removed toggle to switch between Camera and Video in the Camera app, was only causing FCs
-Added GL Patch for LWP-removing in the next update, causes transparency issues with gallery
what no mms, no wifi. no lwp, no o/c. i call that broke. default win goes to framework...
no im jsut kidding, for getting the core of hte rom done, nice work. lets see how it boots.
OC and LWP. had to check
Good job to everyone!!
Nice, will be using after wifi and mms work. Good work andrizoid, you do contribute a lot, will at least on android forums(bluedc2 btw).
nice work, no win declared until wifi and mms working!
i have a buddy working on the wlan.ko so wifi will be up half an hour.
google ****s is not installing right at the moment. getting a fix for it right now.
well, its nice and clean, but a little laggy at points.
for those that dont want to download rom for that link in OP, i have uploaded it to android.grdlock.net in my folder. here is direct link to folder: http://goo.gl/b7gd
i provided credit and backlink to this thread. andrizoid, if you want me to remove the rom from there, let me know and i will do so.
Re: {ROM}White Widow_v1{ROM}(5-23)DarchDroid Port
Will this work on 2.1 leak?
Sent via the XDA Tapatalk App
billakid said:
Will this work on 2.1 leak?
Sent via the XDA Tapatalk App
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really, you had to ask that. no this is for root only
when there is something for those on leak, you will be told about it. it will be plastered on the front page of this section with a million links from others like you asking.
and no, there is still no root for leakers.
ECLIPS3 said:
well, its nice and clean, but a little laggy at points.
for those that dont want to download rom for that link in OP, i have uploaded it to android.grdlock.net in my folder. here is direct link to folder: http://goo.gl/b7gd
i provided credit and backlink to this thread. andrizoid, if you want me to remove the rom from there, let me know and i will do so.
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Yay 4 minute download. Thanks for that lol
changed meta inf in google ****s to point it to the desire. now fully working
Waiting for WiFi.. super excited.
ECLIPS3 said:
well, its nice and clean, but a little laggy at points.
for those that dont want to download rom for that link in OP, i have uploaded it to android.grdlock.net in my folder. here is direct link to folder: http://goo.gl/b7gd
i provided credit and backlink to this thread. andrizoid, if you want me to remove the rom from there, let me know and i will do so.
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would you mind setting me up a folder?
give me a while for the wifi, gotta finish compling the kernel and test it before i release it
will be up tonight though, no worries
i dont have privavleges to make you a folder. ask jcase or zifnab or jamezelle in the irc server. info at bottom of sig.
ECLIPS3 said:
i dont have privavleges to make you a folder. ask jcase or zifnab or jamezelle in the irc server. info at bottom of sig.
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ehh. just keep it there and ill link it to your folder
testing wifi fix!
Running cyanogen on my droid, wont give up for nothing (but froyo). If you guys want to test a rom, try one based on cyanogen (wait for wifi fix)

Custom Roms

What else do we need to start getting some custom roms like CM7 and others like XxVirusxX. What is need to take an AOSP and build it for our Elocity? I recently got and Evo 4g rooted is same day, now running CM7 rom, tiamat kernel, viper undervolt Is it possible to get these to work on this elocity?
its possible to port components and features of other roms, or to compile other roms for the a7. i compiled a clockworkmod recovery that i have posted on my twitter and elsewhere than you can use to conveniently backup/switch/restore roms and data with, which will aid in additional roms being made accessible, as loading them (and recovering from them) will be more convenient.
also gotta good /device setup for the naz10 going for use in rom compiling. mebbe i'll post it up for others when i have it near complete.
How did you get the clockwork mod to flash? Also I'm assuming you finished the key mapping that hadn't been done?
bestialbub said:
its possible to port components and features of other roms, or to compile other roms for the a7. i compiled a clockworkmod recovery that i have posted on my twitter and elsewhere than you can use to conveniently backup/switch/restore roms and data with, which will aid in additional roms being made accessible, as loading them (and recovering from them) will be more convenient.
also gotta good /device setup for the naz10 going for use in rom compiling. mebbe i'll post it up for others when i have it near complete.
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Is that why it has been so quiet in here haha
Sent from my Mynized EVo 4G
smal you can't say it wouldn't be awesome to have half the stuff you have for evo for the elocity
rombold said:
smal you can't say it wouldn't be awesome to have half the stuff you have for evo for the elocity
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Oo of course, with out a doubt, Im just sitting back waiting for one of these great devs. Hopefully they got something good from the kernel Source
Sent from my Mynized EVo 4G
i might throw my sifted kernel source up for dev types to browse thru. just the added and modified source from elocity, not the whole package, so one can see what elocity did. pretty sure i spotted changed accelerometer settings in the kernel source that could aid in correcting that issue on a kernel level possibly.
i'm still moving slow without adb access. either have some service or kernel reconfiguration to do for that one. too many fun things to do, not enough personal time to get em all done swiftly.
Sent from my X10i using Tapatalk
Time will only tell and I got plenty of it
ayup, got the key mapping working with the latest clockworkmod recovery.
it was confusing because it seems the newest version has a secondary back button. had to scratch my head a couple seconds until i figured to map it to the volume key and forget the key combinations for toggling display on and off.. tho power+search might toggle it (not really a useful feature of any concern).
oh, if you look at the devices existing keylayout, the volume or 'media_key' has the value of 213.
i left out instructions for flashing with apx on purpose. if you don't know how, you probably shouldn't, because i don't have a fix today for you if you break your device some how. i'll see about posting some complete apx backup scripts, along w/ a nvflash pack that doesn't have the added rom bloat + stock and my cwm recovery image. but that might be like in a week. i got that adb to work out, file permissions to finishing documenting for fun, and repacking the factory rom for cwm for fun.
nothing to exciting towards new features regular users will enjoy today, but something romheads/chefs/modders/themers will like to make software work and testing easier.
I Gotta get another male/male USB Wire, and I'll Be Watching out for Updated on This and Following you on Twitter no Also, Im Willing to try just as long as the directions are clear. Right Now im waiting on some HTC Sense 3.0 for the EVO. So im on XDA all Day haha
ROMBOLD: Check Your PM
bestialbub said:
i'll see about posting some complete apx backup scripts, along w/ a nvflash pack that doesn't have the added rom bloat + stock and my cwm recovery image. but that might be like in a week.
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Awesome... <3
Either one would be awesome Amon ra or CWM recovery Wonder how much the tiamat kernels require to work for us?
cwm recovery is done and available for use. questions; leave at the link you download 'em from.
i also have the factory rom repacked and install script made for use w/ cwm (and maybe factory) recovery. this should step up the ability for folks to mod and theme the existing roms. will post tomorrow, then mebbe post an nvflash/apx pack for backup/restore/recovery flashing before i get started on themeing to follow.

TWRP 2.0 (Update 3-8)..Release is soon

Hey guys just wanted to share this with you. I am working with Team Win to get a touch recovery on the A500. So far is still inop, but progress is bring made. We are gonna give another go tomorrow so wish us luck. Will keep you all posted.
1-5-12: So we are finding the using the tablet interface makes the recovery too large for our recovery partition. Team Win is probably going to have to build the recovery without an interface and then I will create a flashable zip that will flash the recovery as well as place a ui.zip on the external sdcard under twrp/theme(we can then just replace that ui.zip for different themes that come out, got a cool ICS one in mind already). The battery precentage is working but we are still working on the touch screen. New test build coming today and will have active logging enabled so that we can see more of what is happening, if touch is being recongnized but TWRP 2.0 is just not reacting to it. It's coming along though.
1-6-12: SO we got TWRP 2.0 up and running for the most part. Touch screen works and most all functions work. Get backup failures and is not sized properly but we are really, really close. Did install a rom and booted just fine. Release will be real soon, possible monday. Still have to get the resolution figured out as well, but what we have so far is very usable.
2-17.. So work on this has slowed way down due to dev on teamwin side has other projects that he is working on that is more important to him(which there is no problem with that, would just like to get this project completely going). But TWRP 2.0 has gone completely opensource. So just wondering if we can tackle this and get it up and running. We are on #twrp on freenode irc usually everyday M-F around 11am-1pm Mountain Time. If you are able and willing to help, please come and give us some fresh ideas.
3-8. Everything is working and is ready for release very soon. Some final testing and will be release. Data/media fixed and flexrom fixed. PLEASE HOLD!!
3-13. New features being added. We will have the ability to toggle back and forth between internal and external for backup location. Doing some code clean up and making sure all features are working properly. Have used it to install many roms/flashes and have yet to have any issues. It's coming along nicely. Huge thanks to Dees_Troy on TeamWin for his work on this. You da man!
I run TWRP 2.0 on my Evo 3D. Would love to see it on my A500. So much better then all the button presses to navigate through the recovery menu.
I would love to see TWRP 2.0 on the A500. I have it on my Sensation and think it is some of the absolute best development to come out of the Android development community recently. Best of luck guys.
Muahahaha. Can't wait!!!
Sent from my HTC EVO 3D using Tapatalk
Updated OP with some status update.
I used a steam recovry on my captivate that was full touch and really liked it. I dont remember any sort of oddities to get it running. Maybe talk to one of them and see how they got theirs set up.
if i can make one request i sed it on my phone and it was awesome. One thing the when selecting ROMS the font is small and often hard to hit the right one
IIRC you need to have the "itsmagic" script run at boot. When I came to the A500 scene it was already figured out so I'm not 100% sure on what it was or what exactly it does but I would recommend looking in to it. I'm sure some more senior A500 developers could help with its purpose.
Sooooooo close!
Updated OP, she is almost ready!
That is looking sweet, I like that 2nd gui alot better than the first one. A lot cleaner. rstuckmaier brought up an important point, are you including the "Its Magic" script in the recovery. I thought that was needed to fix the checksum values.
I don't see where any of the new recoveries do anything with "itsmagic" during the install process. The new GPL complient does nothing with itsmagic. Nor do thors.
Here are some screens of the boot up screen and a ICS theme.
pimpmaneaton said:
Here are some screens of the boot up screen and a ICS theme.
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Great job!
cruise350 said:
That is looking sweet, I like that 2nd gui alot better than the first one. A lot cleaner. rstuckmaier brought up an important point, are you including the "Its Magic" script in the recovery. I thought that was needed to fix the checksum values.
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Yeah the first shot we were running the phone layout, Second is a tab layout but not correct res. We should get it all figured out monday.
pimpmaneaton said:
Yeah the first shot we were running the phone layout, Second is a tab layout but not correct res. We should get it all figured out monday.
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I'm certain you'll post it up in the DEV sections as soon as it's ready for "prime time"!
Thanks again for your dedication and hard work!
kjy2010 said:
I'm certain you'll post it up in the DEV sections as soon as it's ready for "prime time"!
Thanks again for your dedication and hard work!
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Yes I will, no need to just have small talk about it in the DEV thread untill she is ready to Rock&Roll. I am hoping that this will breather new life into this thread and Iconia A500 communtiy. I know I have not done a whole lot, but plan on doing more. 1st-TWRP 2.0, 2nd- New Galaxy Rom.
pimpmaneaton said:
Yes I will, no need to just have small talk about it in the DEV thread untill she is ready to Rock&Roll. I am hoping that this will breather new life into this thread and Iconia A500 communtiy. I know I have not done a whole lot, but plan on doing more. 1st-TWRP 2.0, 2nd- New Galaxy Rom.
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We need a good new Galaxy ROM! Back when these tabs first came out, M-Deejay's Galaxy port was my favorite ROM. Of course that was back when I was flash crazed, and looking for a fit to my preferences. Can't wait for it!
pimpmaneaton said:
Yes I will, no need to just have small talk about it in the DEV thread untill she is ready to Rock&Roll. I am hoping that this will breather new life into this thread and Iconia A500 communtiy. I know I have not done a whole lot, but plan on doing more. 1st-TWRP 2.0, 2nd- New Galaxy Rom.
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Thanks for this. Read up on TWRP and it sounds and looks great. Definitely looking forward to your Galaxy offering.
Great job spear-heading these efforts. They are appreciated.
pimpmaneaton said:
I don't see where any of the new recoveries do anything with "itsmagic" during the install process. The new GPL complient does nothing with itsmagic. Nor do thors.
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"itsmagic" is needed to recalculate the ROM checksum for the encrypted bootloader, which is verified every time you boot. Either you need to execute it (and Thors DOES do that, just read the install instructions for his 1.6 V2 recovery), or you need to incorporate its code into your recovery.
If you flash a new rom without recalculating the checksum afterwards, the checksum verification will fail and you won't be able to boot, essentially bricking the device.
FloatingFatMan said:
"itsmagic" is needed to recalculate the ROM checksum for the encrypted bootloader, which is verified every time you boot. Either you need to execute it (and Thors DOES do that, just read the install instructions for his 1.6 V2 recovery), or you need to incorporate its code into your recovery.
If you flash a new rom without recalculating the checksum afterwards, the checksum verification will fail and you won't be able to boot, essentially bricking the device.
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If you manually install thors kernels then yes you do use itsmagic. But his flash script does not use it nor is it included in the flash zip either. I ensure you it will be tested thoroughly before its release. I have flashed virtuous galaxy with it and it booted fine.
Sent from my Sensation Rockin MIUI 1.12.16!

