startmenu | automatic sortings alphabetically?to sort alphabetically - HD2 General

Hi ladies and gentlemen,
is there a possibility to automatic sortings the shortcuts in the startmenu alphabetically - also after installing a new programm etc.?
Many thanks in advance.
Best regards

I would suggest using Co0kie Home Tabs since you can then have the following
1. Up to 25 quicklinks on each of 3 Home Screens.
2. You can drag and move them as you wish.
3. My favourite, make the Icons transparent.
4. Host of other options.
Alternatively you need to long press each icon to place at top of screen. Not much joy there!

thank you very much for your response, but i like to sort the starmenu not the hometab.
i already use CHT, and i really like it!
for sorting my starmenu i use JWMD Icon Changer, but i´ve to sort it manualy everytime something has changed.
so i´m looking for a regentry or something like this, so sort the icon automaticly.
best regards


Toolbar: (how) can you place shortcut icons?

Have done a semi-extensive search to find a plug-in which allows you to place application shortcuts on the lower toolbar of the Today screen (not on the Desktop). True Toolbar is a step in the right direction, however, this does only show the running programs. Any other ideas? Thanks.
I know a nice program called cLaunch for launching applications directly from shortcuts on Today Screen. there are many versions to it. Here is one of them . Above all, it's freeware
Hope this is what you're looking for
Thanks, Ken_xda, but that's not what I'm looking for. As mentioned in my post, I'd like to have the shortcuts placed in the TOOLBAR on the bottom of the screen (not on the Today Desktop). The same way you can place the Quick Lunch icons in your lower toolbar in MS Windows.
maybe this one it sounds like it's in the buttom but the picture looks a bit odd
I should have mentioned it, sorry. I tried FastAccess. The idea is quite good. It adds a little toolbar to the bottom of the screen which toggles between showing/hiding icons of any programs you choose. But the execution is rather poorly done. It disabled the close/minimize button on certain applications and some design elements such as the size of the check box doesn't integrate that nicely into the existing user interface.
Try TrayLaunch from PHM....Works great and it's free!

Help with iLauncher

Hi there, i was wondering if the following is possible:
iLauncher has different tabs to display on the today-screen. I dont like the normal way of switching tabs (tabs too small for fingers). Is there a way to assign icons to the different tabs? (tapping the media-icon for example would open the media-tab with shortcuts to musicplayer, videoplayer, etc...).
Thanks to all!
Unfortunately no, i think... Although you can have an icon to open up another list of icons in another tab, but it's not displayed in the tab, but a drop down list of short cuts. It's not exactly finger friendly as well.
Yeah, i also found the drop down menu, but i dont like it at all (too small hehe). Anyway, thanks for the help!

Today Screen Launcher IDEA.. please develop..

hi. i first posted this idea on the PointUI forum.. so forgive me for the blasphemous screen.. anyway.. i jsut want to share this idea for those developers, willing to create a scrolling today screen launcher..
click thumbnail for the animated demo..
the idea is, to create a launcher that is customizable (custom icons - TGA or PNG for transparency), scrollable, and FUN.. hehe..
anyway.. it's a simple horizontal swipe and scroll.. but the added feature of the - what i call - default pane..
the default pane should be a set of five shortcut icons (user configurable) that can be easily accessed from anywhere in the horizontal list.. how? double tap the space above the icons..
for example, you have a 16 icon horizontal list, if you are in the end of the list, and you have to go back to your default pane, just double tap the space above the icons, and the list will scroll back to your default pane..
also, there should be an option for memory or default..
the memory option remembers the last position of your launcher and remains where it is even after you launched a program or switched to another window..
the default view scrolls the list back to the default pane after launching a program or every time the today screen becomes active..
this idea could not just be a today screen plugin.. it can also be a launcher that can be called via screen gesture (FtouchSL/FtouchFLO).. the difference with this launcher, is if implemented, would just be an over-window rather than a full screen launcher.. it may also be a task switcher.. depends on the developers choice..
here's a quick demo..
[/i]click on the thumbnail for the animated demo..[/i]
once again, this is just an IDEA.... for someone else with the programming prowess..
i'm just good with photoshop and ideas. but binaries and hexadecimals kill me..
Good idea..i hope some one develops it...u can try Throttle launcher
Where did you find the picture?
Have you done it by yourself?
look into ultimatlaunch also... very similar to what you are wanting
with customize icons and wallpaper... wold be good.. and a feeds infos too on the clock and events apperance
the upper part of the picture/animation is the PointUI Home interface.. no credit for me with that..
the bottom part however is mostly my creation.. (the icons used were modified from bundled stardock icons for windowsXp)
i created the bottom part and the application launcher ribbon as an idea suggestion for the developers of PointUI..
a bit inspired by the leaked wm7 pix and the iphone springboard hacks they created over at
i don't really like PointUI that much (YET, but i'm getting there), so i also suggest the idea as a native Today Screen plugin.. and an all around launcher.. a minimalist approach, compared to the touchFLO cube and it's encarnations..
i don't like ultimate launcher that much.. i'm not into Tabbed launchers.. too much space consumed..
throttle launcher looks cluttered at the moment.. too much things are rendered on screen at the same time.. it takes up much time loading and, again, screen real estate.. i'm still eyeing for its future improvements though.. especially if it will be able to get customized, as in, to be able to select the features that will be loaded, and will not..
it's not likely that all people want to see a big clock, a bunch of contact pictures, all of the shortcuts, and running programs cramped in their screen at the same time..
Would be awesome...good idea buddy.
ytsejam_ said:
throttle launcher looks cluttered at the moment.. too much things are rendered on screen at the same time.. it takes up much time loading and, again, screen real estate.. i'm still eyeing for its future improvements though.. especially if it will be able to get customized, as in, to be able to select the features that will be loaded, and will not..
it's not likely that all people want to see a big clock, a bunch of contact pictures, all of the shortcuts, and running programs cramped in their screen at the same time..
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they have a single line launcher now, it the same thing you ar requesting. I'm also keeping an eye on them i think the single line can be a nice addon to every rom. (but it has to be easy customiseble)
If you combine Ultimate Launcher with some clever today screen plugins, especially with rltoday, you can do at least the first part with customization only.
if only the creator wants to make pointui for VGA sigh..
That concept has been done here
i tried v2r and though it was not that good....this idea is awesome though i would love to see it developed
I like the concept.... I'll try to achieve something similar with my app (ThrottleLauncher) and report back with what can be done . Some questions:
Any way of getting the art work used on your screen shots?
What are the left and right arrows on the clock for?
Thanks for that cool concept!
APBilbo said:
I like the concept.... I'll try to achieve something similar with my app (ThrottleLauncher) and report back with what can be done . Some questions:
Any way of getting the art work used on your screen shots?
What are the left and right arrows on the clock for?
Thanks for that cool concept!
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This is what I've so far. I know the look is not the same but without the background's it's the closer I can make it for the today plugin. For the "poping up" app, the same theme can be used without the clocks on throttle main app. A little modification on the app will be needed to show the prevous window as background.
APBilbo said:
This is what I've so far. I know the look is not the same but without the background's it's the closer I can make it for the today plugin. For the "poping up" app, the same theme can be used without the clocks on throttle main app. A little modification on the app will be needed to show the prevous window as background.
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awesome! if you could release your today plugin ribbon, my theme would be complete! really looking forward to this
Michaelr219 said:
awesome! if you could release your today plugin ribbon, my theme would be complete! really looking forward to this
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The today plugin ribbon is really eassy to achieve with my app ;-). I've made a simple theme for you. Just uncompress the zip file into your instalation dir of ThrottleLauncher (see my signature).
After that, go to ThrottleConfig app (it must be on your programs menu) and set plugin height to 38 (or higher if you customize the icons to be bigger), then sellect Ribbon on the combo box and click "Set Today's" button. Then on the actions menu (left softkey) select Edit AppDB, add as much app's as you wish (needed fields are title, name and exec, only select an icon if you wan't to override the default of the app). Select the app's you want to be on the Used list. After all that add throttletoday plugin to your today screen.
If you wan't to make some playing with the setup you can take a look at this tutorials
You can for example eassily set the ribbon to be 2 rowed, add a clock, add contact photodial ribbon, etc etc .
edit: removed atachment as it contained an error. Look some post's below for the correct one..
APBilbo said:
The today plugin ribbon is really eassy to achieve with my app ;-). I've made a simple theme for you. Just uncompress the zip file into your instalation dir of ThrottleLauncher (see my signature).
After that, go to ThrottleConfig app (it must be on your programs menu) and set plugin height to 38 (or higher if you customize the icons to be bigger), then sellect Ribbon on the combo box and click "Set Today's" button. Then on the actions menu (left softkey) select Edit AppDB, add as much app's as you wish (needed fields are title, name and exec, only select an icon if you wan't to override the default of the app). Select the app's you want to be on the Used list. After all that add throttletoday plugin to your today screen.
If you wan't to make some playing with the setup you can take a look at this tutorials
You can for example eassily set the ribbon to be 2 rowed, add a clock, add contact photodial ribbon, etc etc .
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awesome! thank you soo much, im going to incorporate this to the m-series of my iStyle theme, youll get much credit deserved for this. im gonna test this right now! thanks again!
Michaelr219 said:
awesome! thank you soo much, im going to incorporate this to the m-series of my iStyle theme, youll get much credit deserved for this. im gonna test this right now! thanks again!
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If you need more help or find any probs you know where to find me .
APBilbo said:
If you need more help or find any probs you know where to find me .
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i installed the latest version... and unzipped accordingly, i didnt get the "ribbon" as an option in the dropdown menu... and i cant find that clock ribbon like in your screenshot, if you could post that theme like in your first screenshot, itd be much appreciated, im trying to find something similar to the ribbon in pointui... i dont know how to design it, i just would like to easily scroll through a clock, calendar, and if possible, notifications... mainly just clock and calendar... also, is it possible to have it automatically "fall into place" on the flick/scroll... all your work is appreciated... and thank you in advance
Michaelr219 said:
i installed the latest version... and unzipped accordingly, i didnt get the "ribbon" as an option in the dropdown menu... and i cant find that clock ribbon like in your screenshot, if you could post that theme like in your first screenshot, itd be much appreciated, im trying to find something similar to the ribbon in pointui... i dont know how to design it, i just would like to easily scroll through a clock, calendar, and if possible, notifications... mainly just clock and calendar... also, is it possible to have it automatically "fall into place" on the flick/scroll... all your work is appreciated... and thank you in advance
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Sorry... my fault... there was an error on the zip. Setup xml must be inside a folder called Ribbon on the setups folder and not directly inside it. Here you have an update of the simple ribbon setup and the one of the screenshots above (this last will require a little work still but I upload it so you can test it ).

[APP] Easy Today Launcher v1.1.0.3 (VGA, WVGA, QVGA, WQVGA)

Follow me:
really nice ! thanks for sharing dude
I suggest you to move this thread to dev and hack as it compatible for all resolution :
hanackin said:
really nice ! thanks for sharing dude
I suggest you to move this thread to dev and hack as it compatible for all resolution :
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How? I have to create another topic in this section?
Sorry the question...
yeh, or ask a mod to move the thread
and you sould also to so with easy contact
Excellent little app!
REQUEST: A row of tabs for varing icon listings, as per SPB Plus?
is there a chance to add not only apps but also contacts or documents and switchers (switch sound, switch wifi)
Keystone said:
Excellent little app!
REQUEST: A row of tabs for varing icon listings, as per SPB Plus?
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Hi Keystone,
Thanks for the suggestion...
Maybe a next version!
ja-marcin said:
is there a chance to add not only apps but also contacts or documents and switchers (switch sound, switch wifi)
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Hi ja-marcin
Yes...Maybe a next version!
Looks Promising...
Just a suggest:
* possible to make it "Scrolling"? Like those TouchFLO Tabs, but... of course, they are program icons...
edit: The concept like the TouchFLO tabs... those icons only take 1 row to display, so when they have more (>6 icons in my case) those icons will drawn off-screen, then a swipe (or drag) a icon horizontally scroll the row of icons to reveal those off-screen ones
This will save a lot of screen estste when people put a lot of icon inside.
edit: This piece works well with my *OLD* Asus P750...
Nice Apps.... but locked my screen occassionally. Btw i am using TP2.
Simple feature?
> All bug reports, fresh ideas and recommendations are welcome.
How about having the option to add links to programs? And perhaps with parameters as well. In that case you can skip the option about doc's etc, since you can add link to any doc, program on memory cards etc. And we can freely add programs always located at the same place that are not installed after a hard reset.
THX super app
Awesome app. Exactly what I was looking for, need to get this moved over to Devel and Hacking. I think a ton of ppl would like this over there.
I'm using it on VZW Touch Pro btw.
Feature suggestion! Would be great if you could define the setting between icons and set say 4 icons per row and te prog automatically centres the 4 icons and assigns spacing in between them..
Excellent app - replaces the old Eten quicklinks, which suffered greatly from "losing" entries when a new shortcut appeared in \Windows\Start Menu. EasyToday does not have this "feature"
But, SELECT is only one link at a time, you have to return to the list screen for each link that you want checked. So maybe v1.2 willallows multiple selections off the list screen ?
It seems that the app is limited to just 14 icons. Is there a way to add more? I have plenty of room on my today screen.
Thank you for your software.
Like this app a lot, but have a suggestion/feature request:
Add the ability to have multiple "pages" of icons that you can flip between with a left/right swipe motion.
I know that's probably not the easiest thing to implement, but it would be awesome.
(actually just noticed Clound pretty much said the same thing -- great minds think alike!)
breakaway8 said:
Feature suggestion! Would be great if you could define the setting between icons and set say 4 icons per row and te prog automatically centres the 4 icons and assigns spacing in between them..
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Second vote for this! This is a great application for those of us who prefer today screen over the touch flow.
I would like some space between the icons to make selection easier. 5 or 4 icons per row with a buffer horizontally, vertical height is fine...
Awesome App!
Help a noob....
I've downloaded the .cab and installed it to my device. Now how do I actually use the program? Can someone please walk me through the process? I can't even find the program anywhere on my phone!
Edit: I have a diamond running the MightyRom6. Thanks!

Need help with sense slider....

I hoping someone out there could help me out. I'm trying to figure the path from icon to application that the icons on the slider have. Some icons on the slider, (photos & videos, sprint navigation, etc..) when picked, take you to a different looking version of that application versus click on the icons in the programs list. What I'm trying to figure out is, where or how do I find what application the icons on the slider are linked to, by path or otherwise. If you could provide me with any help, I would appreciate it.
Sense 2.5? Cookies Home Tab Editor allows you to change what applications launch with some of the slider tabs (along with a bunch of other awesome customizations).
You will need to have both Cookies Home Tab, and the Editor installed.
redpoint73 said:
Sense 2.5? Cookies Home Tab Editor allows you to change what applications launch with some of the slider tabs (along with a bunch of other awesome customizations).
You will need to have both Cookies Home Tab, and the Editor installed.
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I'm not trying to change the applications that the slider icons open, I'm trying to find out the path that the slider icons have.

