Need help how to convert mpkg to cab? - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

before windows mobile i was using linux os mobile RoKr E6 so i have linux based software in mpkg is it possible to convert mpkg into cab for windows mobile????....i need help regarding this someone plzz help me.....


Developping apps with EVC++4.0 problemmssss!

Hi ppl,
I'm new here! I'm trying to develop a COM object to integrate printing capabilities in an existing application (Airix Smart Client from NextAir). When I build my dll and update remote files with an Ipaq, the ppc registers the dll. When i try it with a XDA or XDA II it doesnt... Anybody knows why? Anybody has a working PPC 2003 COM sample?
Help please!!
can't anybody help me? :_(

Please to any coders...

Hi guys,
I was wondering if anyone would be able to port IMGFS tools to x64 as they wont run on my XP x64 machine (the only OS i have). Im kinda stuck for rom cooking otherwise. Also if someone has the time to help i'd be very willing to learn how
Thanks a lot.

Lobster MONE100 Windows Mobile

Any solution to unlock
Lobster MONE100 Windows Mobile
need help plz

noob question

how do i get a new windows on my mobile phone?
can somebody help me?
trinity upgradation
just check out trinity upgrade file you will get information

[Q] Is it possible to install Android on Motorola mc65

Hello everyone.
I need some help on Motorola mc65. It has windows mobile 6.5 OS. Is it possible
to install Android in it? If so, can you provide me some information on how-to?

