Can I install Arabic After Unlocking my phone? - Nexus One General

Can I install Arabic on my nexus one After Unlocking my nexus and installing Amon_Ra's Nexus One Recovery Image without Installing CM?


[Q] Nexus 4 Toolkit v2.0.0

Ehi Guys!
i got nexus4 and would like mod it through the nexus 4 toolkit. now i'd unlock the bootloader with root, but with stock recovery and stock rom to have the Ota 4.3.
The question is: can i flash zip file (new softkeys and themes) with the function (n ° 10) of the toolkit "to boot custom recovery without permanently flashing it" then without having a permanent custom recovery installed? Thanks for the replies!
marco845 said:
Ehi Guys!
i got nexus4 and would like mod it through the nexus 4 toolkit. now i'd unlock the bootloader with root, but with stock recovery and stock rom to have the Ota 4.3.
The question is: can i flash zip file (new softkeys and themes) with the function (n ° 10) of the toolkit "to boot custom recovery without permanently flashing it" then without having a permanent custom recovery installed? Thanks for the replies!
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Having root or a custom recovery will not effect ota update. If you mod your system files (softkeys themes) the ota will not install
spaceman860 said:
Having root or a custom recovery will not effect ota update. If you mod your system files (softkeys themes) the ota will not install
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ok! but if i use the function n° 10 of the toolkit, it doesn't permanently flash the custom recovery. it starts only a temporary custom recovery. it's true?

Nexus 4 stuck need root and recovery

Hi, recently I updated my rooted nexus 4 to 4.4.4 jellybean, which then unrooted it. I still have SuperSU installed, but once I try to run any root apps, it says I am not rooted. Looking around, I need to reroot the device, but my custom recovery TWRP has been uninstalled. I tried to install twrp with GooManager but it wouldn't download. The best option seems to be to reroot the device, but I cannot make a nan droid backup as no recovery installed. I have one but its fairly old, and I will lose a lot of data. What I need is a way to install custom recovery but I'm not rooted :/
You know this is the nexus 10 forum right?
What you need to do is flash a recovery via fastboot and then reroot.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA Free mobile app

Android 5.0 Root problem..

I have a Nexus 4, with the stock Factory Images from Google, with Andoroid 5.0.
I use the Nexus Root Toolkit from Wugfresh 1.9.6, only I can't have Root fixed.
I tried, root (also with custom recovery), tried install the root packages, but noting works..

[Q] Anyone having problem in rooting Nexus 4 with Android L 5.0?

I have followed all the procedure from this site Root Nexus 4 on but I am not able to root.
I did install cwm, supersu still after reboot cwm gets deleted and supersu doesn't work. Any suggest on what is the issue? My phone was already rooted as i was using rooted nexus 4 during kitkat and jellybean.
I have installed completely fresh new android l from official factory images.
Is there anything I am doing wrong?
Sorry for my bad english.

Using WUG for initial unlock, Recovery and Custom ROM

I'll be getting my 6P and want to be set to go day 1 for flashing the Cataclysm ROM / MOD, and a custom kernel.
Any help on a step by step guide for using WUG to do this?
?? - Since the device will come with stock ROM - I'm assuming I can just apply the CATA MOD to the device?
In that case - then all I need to do is: (using WUG)
- Unlock Bootloader
- Install TWRP recovery
- Flash CATA MOD
- Flash Custom Kernel (elementalx)?
Any updates on whether WUG's NRT can be used for systemless Root yet? (or I can just use TWRP to flash SuperSU 2.6+)
Duplicate of Using WUG for initial unlock, Recovery and Custom ROM Closed.

