Facebook App for HD2 T-Mobile Version - HD2 General

Well we all know that the Facebook application comes standard when you get the T-Mobile version phone. Well, there's a problem with the application off the bat, it does not load people's profiles or "walls". I can view my home page, pictures, friends but not their profile. I went to T-Mobile cause I couldn't find anything on the forums and he said to uninstall it and re-install it, so I did and it still doesn't work... anyone find out on how to fix it? Its kind of annoying tbh....

I never tried the application that came with the phone. Instead, I downloaded the Facebook app from the marketplace, and I have not had any problem bringing up other peoples profile. In fact, if I "click" on a name, a little window pops up that says "View Profile" that takes me straight to it.

Can you guys see videos that are posted by some of your friends on the mobile app?


Facebook probs on Android browser?

My fone bookmarks wont access my facebook profile anymore. Any address starting with www.facebook.com Keeps clicking over to
x.facebook.com or something and saying Page can't be found, showing underlined text that I think should be links but aren't to the mobile and standard site...
Do I have a virus or something?
will the page load at all? because x.facebook.com is the android optimized page. if it loads, log in, then scroll down to the bottom of the page. where there is 2 small links that you can click,
1 is the facebook mobile format
2 is the real standard facebook.
Ah. Weird that it never did that before. Have had a G1 since last year and a magic for about 6 wks and not done that before, I've always been able to browse the full site.
When I get the page, I can see log in, Standard and mobile underlined but nothing o the page works...
Hate Facebook apps as they never let me do what i want/need to do.
This facebook app looks like a winner, not sure if it is available yet though:
I have been having the same issue.
It only happens on profile pages, the rest of Facebook works fine. Same issue on G1 using JF 1.51 and Dude's cupcake. Now using MyTouch 3G same results.
I guess its a Facebook issue rather than an Android one.
I normally use the full site option for Facebook since I hate that iphone wrapper or any of the mobile sires (wish I could permanenty disable the loading of mobile versions of sites) but since us facebook issue started the full site link is disabled on profiles.

Facebook profile photos only downloaded for certain individuals

I recently got my HTC HD2 and I tried to add all of my contacts from my old phone and sync them to facebook to get contact photos. While some of the people worked fine and I got the photos and the birthdays, for some I got no information at all.
This is annoying because it is mainly those that I would like to add to my favourites that do not recieve their profile picture or birthday or any information.
I've searched this forum for a similar problem but could only come up with problems with earlier builds. This seems to be a problem for some people running the palm pre as well.
Interestingly if I use the facebook app I also cannot get the profile pictures for these people either.
Is it a privacy settings thing, or am I doing something wrong?
This is the same on my HD2 and my HTC Hero as well.. maybe facebook need to fix something?
Anyone else having this problem?
Yes I had this problem.
Think it is more of a problem with facebook mobile to be honest.
I had this, but then found a solution (for me anyway).
Go into all people then select your contact. Then select Edit Contact. Then press where the profile picture should be. A 'Set Contact Photo' option should pop up. Next to the Facebook profile it should have a downloading icon. Once that was done i selected Facebook Profile and all was working.
Hope this helps
ahh you sniped this comment in just before i posted kanesw
yea that works for me too.
I've tried that, when i click on the download button the option just stays greyed out. (the facebook profile option) I can see it trying to find the data but it doesn't work.
I've the same problem with some contacts, you can link it to the fackbook contact but it just won't download any info about them. Works fine for most facebook contacts.
kanesw said:
I had this, but then found a solution (for me anyway).
Go into all people then select your contact. Then select Edit Contact. Then press where the profile picture should be. A 'Set Contact Photo' option should pop up. Next to the Facebook profile it should have a downloading icon. Once that was done i selected Facebook Profile and all was working.
Hope this helps
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I've tried this but the facebook profile option is greyed out after i click the download button. I can see it trying to get the photo but it doesn't manage it.
You dont have to click the download icon, just leave it for a minute or so and see if it downloads it
I've found the above usually helps and if it doesnt I deleted the contact and remade it and linked it and then it worked.
I've tried everything and I still can't get some of them to work. I also can't get their albums to work or their birthdays, and they don't have a profile picture when using the facebook app either. Must be a problem there somehow.
I've noticed when I go to link a contact to a facebook profile the friend is missing. I have 400+ friends and it only shows me as having 235 friends when it goes to find the contact. I'm not sure if this is something to do with users having privacy settings on facebook and not showing up or what. However I too have several contacts with no link to facebook as they are not listed as facebook contacts thru the HTC facebook link app.
There is a privacy setting in facebook that allows users to stop other apps using their details. I guess its that as i have friends i know are on facebook but dont show up.
Definitely a privacy setting in some cases. I have a couple of friends whose profile pictures never show and I know from talking to them that they're all using the 'don't use my picture in external applications' option.
that sucks man, i have the same problem here. I guess the only way is to convince them to turn that privacy setting off, i absolutely LOVE the fact that our HD2 can grab the info from their facebook pages, it looks so cool
Settings > Privacy Settings > Applications > Settings...
They need to tick Profile picture there and tick anything else you want access to via the HD2.
Also is there any way to actually save the contact pics into outlook. It seems that the pics only stays on he phone and the outlook is not updated after syncing.
Yes, if you use the facebook pictures application in spb mobile shell instead of sense, then the facebook picture is saved to outlook as well! Dont know why this does not work in sense, it definately should!!
in HTC Albums I can only see a facebook album from one of my friends which works really good, but that's the only one.. also the intergated updates/events don't seem to work.. thumbnails and birthdays work fine..
I can't even see my own pictures.. while I'm almost sure I've tried every facebook privacy/sharing and aplication setting I could find..
any tips are much appriciated..

Facebook app cannot remember login info?

When I use the facebook app come with HD2, I found that the app cannot remember my email and password even though I checked "Save Login" already. I need to enter them everytime when I run the apps.
Anyone faced similar problem? Any solution?
Close the app by hitting the X in the top right corner and never select log out/sign out.
lorin.bute said:
Close the app by hitting the X in the top right corner and never select log out/sign out.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks a lot for your reply. However, actually I used X to close the program (although I use task manager to close the application instead of minimising it) instead of log out. I also noted that in the registry there is a key called "login" under facebook. However, everytime when I run the app, the program still asks me to enter username and password.
I am getting this problem also.
It all started after the phone cocked up opening an email from the sense viewer - I had to soft reset and after that the HD2 had lost all passwords, email acounts and Wi-Fi keys etc. Every thing is fine now I have re-entered the details apart from the facebook app?
I have tried re-installing facebook but that doesn't help.
I know most people recommend using the web version, but I quite like the app and this is a real pain in the ass to input password each time I use it
Any ideas anyone?
Same problem over here. It happened to me yesterday while installing and de-installing some custom manilla cab's ( sorry, I can't recall which). I had to reinsert all my passwords but the facebook app is the only one keeping asking for the login info.
I appreciate if somebody come with any ideas. Really I don't want to hard reset my device.
It doesn't happen to me at all. It didn't on my previous 3 wm phones. I don't know why you get this behavior.
Me too
I allso have this problem. My phone suddenly lost "all" settings, and now Facebook won't remember my credentials.
Me too!
Wont remember my login details?!
My phone has lost all settings today twice (wi-fi key, email settings etc), and still won't remember fb at all!
Would a hard reset be the best bet for resolving this?
No idea mate, but I hope not! Dont want to loose everything!
The same problem here. Any solutions ??
Same problem here, always requires username/pass everytime. Very frustrating
Unfortunatelly it is same here too
extremely annoying!
The solution for this has already been found. Install Omarket and search for the facebook app.

Facebook App friends appear twice

Hi all,
I'm new here so please be gentle if I'm posting in the wrong place.
I have an HD2 that came bundled with the Facebook app. All was fine but I refreshed my friends list and now they all appear twice. I've tried uninstalling the app and then redownloading and installing etc but the problem remains.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks,
Did you use some other software to import your facebook contacts at some point?
Nope, I'll I have done is logged in to the Facebook app and my friends appeared in there as per the full Facebook website. I hit 'refresh' on them a few days ago to see their updated status / profile pics and ever since then they've been listed twice.
tried logging out and back in? Its also worth remembering that being logged in through the facebook program isn;t quite the same as being logged in through the 'me' contact card in your contact list.
I've tried logging out etc. It's so strange! Even the un / reinstall didn't fix it.
i take it when you log in via the pc all is fine? it isn't a facebook problem?
All fine via standard 'web based' Facebook.
In fact, it appears that the friends simply aren't getting updated. The profile pics change (sometimes) but I've added new friends via facebook on the web, and they just aren't appearing on the mobile app.
P.S. Perhaps I should be working and not playing on Facebook!!!
go too people all people, bottom tabs scroll to updates and events, (4th tab) menu update. stay on that screen (it says updating in the banner just down from top right) don't exit that screen till it has finished.
Sorry still no joy. Just to clarify, I am referring to friends listed under the Facebook app itself (middle icon on blue bar at top of facebook app).
Many thanks for your efforts so far.
ahh well in that case I'd put it down to the vast number of issues since the made changes recently. my missus always gets a blank wall untill she has refreshed the page and flivked through all her tabs and she gets the "there has been an error" popup every few minutes.

HTC Facebook for Sense

I am trying to sync contacts but nothing shows up?? No friends or info I need help!!
Get out more and meet more people.
If you are trying to get your facebook friends to show up in your contacts, go to contacts and hit menu view and make sure that facebook is checked.
Posting this in multiple threads to see if you get an answer will just get you flamed. Just an FYI.
I am to, I emailed HTC and this was their response:
Hello Greg, Thank you for contacting HTC. I understand how important it is for you to have your phone function the way it should. Right now there is an issue going on with facebook across all mobile devices, it is not specific to you or your device, we believe it is an issue with Facebook itself and hope that it is resolved as soon as possible. I hope that answered your questions, if you have any other issues or questions please feel free to contact us. HTC Technical Support.. [websites that I couldn't post]
To send a reply to this message or let me know I have successfully answered your question log in to our ContactUs site using your email address and your ticket number 1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
facebook sync is working again as of 12:30 est
I am still getting the "service currently unavailable" message. maybe it is better to just sleep on it and try tomorrow.
It syncs my pic but no others doesn't even display any contacts to chose from...
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Have to say, I removed my Facebook account from sync and tried adding it back. I can log in, but all my friends no longer show up and sync properly. So something still must be going on with Facebook.
Hopefully an update that will give us notification when a message is sent Something so simple and yet they can't implement it. How about facebook chat while we are at it. I heard rumors that Froyo should allow for push notification like it does with IPHONE. The IPHONE app is a more polished APP. Why can't they replicate that one for Android?
I am not a big facebook fan but I have friends( Yes I pay them monthly ) that likes to chat on it.
I never could get the facebook app that came with my phone to work, I ended up trying to delete it and downloading the android app from facebook.com. Works great so far except I can't (or don't know how to) accept friend requests with it.
It's not the Facebook app that isn't working. It's the Facebook for Sense that doesn't work. I've tried the suggestions above already.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
sprint made me reset my evo
sprint made me reset my evo and now i cant get my FB contacts to show up it says i have no friends. and i have plenty. We need a fix
It's fb servers that's having problems. Not Evo specific.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Weird cause the 2.2 roms load it fine?
If you are trying to get your facebook friends to show up in your contacts, go to contacts and hit menu view and make sure that facebook is checked.[/QUOTE]
This didnt work for me but there is an app called syncmypix in the market that works excellent.......
for all having issues syncing facebook contacts go to the market and download syncmypix and it does the job....
I don't think you guys seem to understand the problem. This isn't just sync'ing pics. If you wiped your Evo (or any mobile device) and try to load your friends from facebook, they won't sync.
Try it. Delete your facebook app and links, re-add them and try to sync again.
... Just installed Syncmypix and all it does is add photos. Nothing more. I don't know about others but this does not "do the job" of syncing facebook contacts. Just the pic.
Yes, this just started and you can search other web sites, many people are now reporting it. It's a problem on the server side at face book, they've changed something.
darkfluid said:
Yes, this just started and you can search other web sites, many people are now reporting it. It's a problem on the server side at face book, they've changed something.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That is what I figured when I tried to view my "facebook phonebook" in my people directory.
First it said that I didn't have any friends, so I decided to do a refresh. During the refresh, I noticed that it just hanged (with the little circle spinning in the top-right corner). Then it exited out of the program saying "unable to connect"
ok i thought it was just me but hopefully they get this fixed cause i like being able to link my contacts

