Is it possible to use pocket controller over internet? - Networking

Hello everyone
I know that there is an option to use pocket controller through WIFI,
I would like to know if is there any option to connect my device through the internet (HSPDA OR GPRS)? I tried to do it without succsses.
I want to locate my device in some place and to use his camera from my home. - like a hidden camera?
I think pocket controller can be a good software for this but i dont know how connect my device through the internet. Is someone know? Maybe is it possible with other software?

You might be able to do it with i think you can connect to it via wifi.

Wifi isnt good
I want to do it through internet and not through wireless network...

if your isp don't block the ports used then it's 100% transparent if your device is connected to wifi or 3g/gprs

How can i know if the port is blocked?
Is there specific configuration that do i need to do?
Because i didn`t succssed to connect my device through the internet ip?

there are sites you can google which show you which ports your isp blocks
or you can contact your isp maybe it's even on their site

doesn't matter if your telco don't even have firewall, you still can't connect from the Internet because you cannot see a private IP from outside.
the software must initiate the connection from your phone, so your telco will know where to forward the connection back to your phone, like msn remote assistance.


VPN, best practices and wifi in general

Hi, Ive just got an imate JAMin after a 3 year break from the Pocket PC world and im very impressed but I have a few questions.
1) VPN, how do you actually connect to it? I have enterd all the details to connect to my windows VPN server but as far as I can see the only way to initiate the connection is to tap hold on the VPN in connection manager and select connect. But it also never does anything.
2) Is there any way to select if the wireless uses b or g mode or is it totally automatic? I would like to leave it in b only mode to save power.
3) My setup is as follows. Wireless at home directly connected to the internet, wireless at work on our lan which also offers internet access. I would like to know whats the best way to setup my connections? Should I say my wireless is on the work network or on the internet? I want connections no matter where I am to always use the wifi first and then if it cant connect to use the GPRS connection. The way I have done it is to convigure everything to use my work network and added a GPRS connection to that. so the 'My ISP' option isnt even used any more.
Many Thanks for any assistance you can offer.

Dynamic DNS (DDNS) for Pocket PC!!!

I am looking for a Dynamic DNS updating software similar to the ones for PC. I found one made by TZO found here: However I already have a free DDNS service from and I want to use that service on Pocket PC's running Windows Mobile 5. Is there any type of software out there that can do this? I primarily need it to perform VNC tasks on multiple mobile phones. Thanks!
not sure about any programs to do this, but if you could how would you connect to the phone? via GPRS/3G, wifi ?
just tested and you cant ping a PPC thats on GPRS/3G from the internet, might beable to if your on the same network but i dont think you could, most ddns clients i know of use the internet ip which is different to the PPC address
if wifi then the ports would need to be forwarded from the router to the PPC unless is on your own wifi network then you would be better of giving them all there own ip
you could get them to connect to a vpn when you need to connect to them, that might allow to connect to them, but not 100% sure

thoughts on connecting through CRADLE > WIFI > GPRS in order.

hey guys heres abit of unusal question? (to be honest i dont think any of us ask any usual questions )
anyway what im trying to do is find out if there is a way to force a pda when its trying to connect to the internet to first check if internet is avaible through active sync (cradle or usb cable) then to check if WIFI is avaible then if thats not avaible to use gprs - but to use gprs as a last resort.
so the way it will work is an application needs to connect to the internet it first is forced to check for a connection through active sync if thats not avaible then to see if there can be a wifi conenction established if that fails then to connect to gprs and in the order.
i was hoping i could find what scrpits are used when the connections are established and then make a script to run the will force the device to do this.
Or even if there is a reg edit that I can do that will allow me to get this done? (would regedits be possable for this)
Id appericate your thoughts on this guys?
That's how it does work, doesn't it? At least, that's how mine works...
mine tends to connect to whatever it was connected to first - e.g. if I have messenger open via GPRS and then connect to my WiFi network, it will still use the GPRS for it's internet connection. Even if I plug it into the PC, it still uses GPRS.
This can be costly.

pocket pc like a router wifi?

is it possible to use pochet pc like a wifi modem?
I would connet my tytn with qtek modem, what do i do?
i believe that theory it could be possible
if the pda had enough lowlvl control of the wifi interface
to route and more importently handle routing several devices
ip's at once
and stay inside the timeout values
but never heard about a program that did it
could be that people just havent put all the work required into
making it
but could also be that people tried and failed
thanks for your answer,
I have configure wifi ip as a host on qtek and I have make a wireless lan with tytn and it's ok, but now I can't share connection, there are no options to do it.....

How to share activesync internet over wifi ?

Hi guys!
I found a lot of programs to share the gprs conection via wifi (converting the hd on a hotspot) but I want to share not a gprs conection ,just the internet I get via usb activesync... I was not able to make this happen with any know program.
Someone know how this can be done?
"wmwifirouter" require a conection to be dialed/conected and don't take into account activesync one.
So in short you want to use your phone as a Wireless Access Point when connected to and accessing the Internet through the USB port of the computer?
I don't think it can be done, I don't think you can have WiFi and USB on at the same time.
EDIT: Just checked and it seems you can have both at the same time.
if u want to use the internet connection of your pc via wifi, u need no programs but i only have to configure properly the wifi network card on htc and enabling internet sharing on pc's wifi connection
Mustn't you rather activate the internet sharing on the phone ?
I am with the provider Orange in France.... and the internet sharing is normally forbidden. I would like to use the phone as a wifi access point without the usb.
Can Orange see that I have activated that internet sharing ?
I would also like to do this! Particularly at work. I can connect my phone to my work computer via activesync and check email etc. It would be great to be able to share this connection with my laptop via the "wm wifirouter" or another app. Please let us know if you discover a solution - I will also investigate.

