HardSPL kit for ROSE (S740) by jockyw2001 - S740, S743 ROM Development

HardSPL kit for ROSE (S740)
Brought to you by JockyW (jockyw2001)
March 20, 2010
Download: http://forum.xda-developers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=296559&d=1269109944
1. connect your ROSE with your PC by USB cable and boot into Windows Mobile
2. wait until ActiveSync is ready (icon green)
3. run "flash-hardspl.bat" to flash the HardSPL. It will create a backup of your current SPL
(called "spl-backup.bin") and creates a file "check.bin" in subdirectory "1" (for diagnostic purposes)
4. the phone will be rebooted automatically
5. you can now flash any cooked or original rom, splash screen or radio rom
- if your device is application locked the batch file will run with errors. To app unlock your device
Download PHM Registry Editor - v0.70 from here:
Copy it to your device and execute it.
Modify this registry key:
HKLM/Security/Policies/Policies/0000101B if set to dword:2, change it to dword:1
Reset using power button and try again.
Alternatively run the cab posted: here
- the HardSPL is based on the SPL v1.54.0000 (Rose, Shipped) for ROSE with modelID ROSE100 (check your modelID in battery compartment)
- a quick verification for correct installation is to boot into SPL tri-colour bootloader screen. In the top-left corner it should display "1.54.Hard"
- to flash back the stock SPL 1.54.0000 run "flash-stock-1.54.0000.bat"
- to flash your original SPL run "flash-your-backup.bat"
Original Asian and Orange ROMs can be found here:
I have reconstructed Elusivo's dumped rom WM 6.1 build 20279 (german):
With these rom you can easily set up a kitchen for ROSE.
Check this Kaiser kitchen tutorial for a jump start:
http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=Kaiser ROM Kitchen Tutorial
- itsme for his fantastic open source itsutils package
- pof and Olipro for many HardSPL patches
- Elusivo for testing HardSPL
If you like the HardSPL and appreciate the time and effort I have put into this then feel free to send a PayPal donation to [email protected]
or click the donate button in my signature.

-- reserved --

Yes! finally!

it means we have the hard spl now ?it would be very good !thanks to you jockyw2001

Wow these are very very good news......

thanks,I think S740 is best soon

hardspl kit for the rose never thought i would see the day
this is the best news ive had all week lol
many thanks Jockyw2001 and to all others who helped make it happen

wooohoooo DD works 100% without any hiccups
thanks JockyW ^^ and count on my donation ^^

HardSPL was tested and working with a ROSE100.
I've published it now and looking forward to your generous appreciation
Have fun!

Jockyw2001 you are a legend
no matter what anyone else says about ya ur still sweet in my books lol
thanks again

Good job dude!Mine did not pass the test so my phone si stucked in the bootloader .But maybe i`ll fixe it this days..hope so...It`s good that someone thaught about a HSPL and managed to make it

at last!thank you

Hopefully someone will cook a 6.5 ROM for us

N3m3SiS_bcn said:
PD2: Donation done! I'll wait for my salary to donate some more, I think 5$ isn't enought for this!
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Thx bro, much appreciated. I hope Churchil is as generous to me as he is for his brothers

@jockyw - See if there is something over from this months salary... And if not next month

Great Great Phantastic
Hi jockyw2001,
What a good and surprising news. I wanted sell my S740 because there was no HardSPL to expect and WinMo 6.1 isn't a hit. But now I'm looking forward to all ROM's based on WinMo 6.5. Thanks a lot for your great work!

Great! waiting for roms!
Thanks to your work.

Many thanks

finalmente che viene fuori,
prima di provarlo
dillo grazie!!!!!

My experience with JockyW (jockyw2001) HardSPL:
I could not install the referred "PHM Registry Editor - v0.70" (not build for WM 6.1 standard?)
"Total Commander" (for smartphone) ghisler.com/smartphone.htm worked for me though (I'm not allowed to post an external link - sorry).
There is an inconsistency in the first post of this thread and the output of flash-hardspl.bat concerning the application unlock:
JockyW (jockyw2001) writes in the first post of this thread:
Modify this registry key:
valuename '00001001' was set to dword:2, change it to dword:1 "
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flash-hardspl.bat writes:
Phone must be application unlocked !!
If not, add the Registry value "HKLM/Security/Policies/Policies/0000101B" with D
WORD = 1
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I guess the output of flash-hardspl.bat is correct but I'm not an expert.
flash-hardspl.bat has the word "ERROR" in its output:
ITSUTILS stream-ERROR: 80072746: Readresult=80090041
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The tri-colour bootloader screen indicates that the hard-spl is installed though.
To enter tri-colour bootloader screen follow the instructions of of baliles in this other thread
To leave tri-colour bootloader screen remove the battery
Attached is a screenshot of the output of flash-hardspl.bat


[NEW RELEASE] ◄ HyperCore Kitchen ► MULTIDEVICE !!!

The most complex KITCHEN a begginer cook may ever need.
Easy to use but also very complex, it can be usefull to anyone.
Why ask and wait for others to make the perfect ROM for you when you got the power to do it yourself ?
~. Base ROM .~​* NO BASE ROM ! but ANY ROM !
~. Best part .~​* IT USES TADZIO TOOLS
~. It will install .~​Core folder on the system drive. Some tools and settings required.
HyperCore folder on the Desktop. There is your kitchen. You can move it wherever you want.
The place where you actually use it is HyperCore\Panel.
~. How To .~​- First of all edit the file named "Device.txt" located on the "Core\ACK\" folder located on systemdrive (mostly drive C:\)
Edit as following.
If you have a :
HTC Wizard : " set device=Wizard "
HTC Hermes : " set device=Hermes "
HTC Artemis : " set device=Artemis "
HTC Herald : " set device=Herald "
HTC Universal : " set device=Universal "
HTC Trinity : " set device=Trinity "
HTC Prophet : " set device=Prophet "
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Save it and then you're good to go.
It's much similar to the old Core kitchen...so those of you who used it ...will feel comfortable with it. Regenerated batch scripts, better, and i hope bug free.
~. Guides .~​* Hermes Cookbook - THANKS to sambartle
* My Way of cooking
* How to ADD/REMOVE programs -THANKS to mfrazzz
~. Notes .~​Since this is still a public BETA, I await your problems/ideas/concepts.
If you spot a bug, i suggest to send me a PM as well as a post on the thread.
I suggest having a ROM to make a backup in case you do something wrong
I created and tested this tool for WindowsMobile 6 , but WM5 should work OK too.
~. Download .~​
Special thanks :
* Papamopps - for real support
* nandlal_mk - for answering questions and DSM editor
* mfrazzz - for being a calm, intelligent and helpful person
* mUn - for finding the time to answer some of my questions
* molski - for i started working on his tools and still used some of them
* Tadzio - for his tools and patience
* bepe - for his tools
* the-equinoxe - for his splash-screen tools
* naboleo - for his initflashfiles generator
* dutty - for his NBH Tool
few others that surely i forgot to mention Sorry..
great work anichillus, thankyou for sharing this with the community. I look forward to xploring your kitchen.
This looks great, I only have two questions, any issues in building the ROM or adding packages that have already had tadzio tools applied?
In your opening post you mentioned that you are able to use with any device with small modifications, what are these for a Hermes if any?
Thanks again for the new toy!
BTW, looks very professional and I love the web site, great explanations.
Follow originally thread here :
The HTC Wizard side of the forum
Lurch3559 said:
This looks great, I only have two questions, any issues in building the ROM or adding packages that have already had tadzio tools applied?
In your opening post you mentioned that you are able to use with any device with small modifications, what are these for a Hermes if any?
Thanks again for the new toy!
BTW, looks very professional and I love the web site, great explanations.
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None that i know of. It shouldn't have any problems.
But i strongly reccomend that if you don't have a HTC Wizard to ask before you try and do anything.
It's written also in the tutorial
I don't take credit for some of the applications that are included in this kitchen ... like bepe's package tool , tadzio's modified mamaich tools...and of course some of the 3rd party apps.
I take the credit only for the whole thing....i busted my ass of to gather all that and make them easy to use
The moddifications :
Almoust all programs are included already. I would only have to edit some batchfiles to use other programs or other commands for same.
If you know what you are doing, you could use it yourself
For Hermes there are some neat stuff in Tools\TTools - thx to tadzio of course
We use one RUU you use another....stuff like that
One friend of mine built an Terra ROM with this...it's not that hard
anichillus said:
Follow originally thread here :
The HTC Wizard side of the forum
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Hermes Please
First question, tried to dump ROM and I am getting an error
Error ! There is no nk.nbf in the core/extract/source
I place the ROM NBH in that folder, originally was name RUU_signed.nbh, I tried to rename to nk.nbh, didn't matter.
I am using a hermes.
See next post waiting for the Hermes modifications.
Lurch3559 said:
Hermes Please
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I will, give me little time to sleep lol
I will made moddifications for
HTC Herald / Terra/Wing
and I will do it for the Hermes too, but be litle patient.
You should use the "Dump nb and bin" and use the "Extra" way
The HTC Wizard uses a nk.nbf ..not a nbh. so...extract the .nb and run it thru the Dump nb and bin ... the extra option
You could extract the .nb with the little app in Tools\TTools\Tadzio\ ROMBaker.exe
You have to rename the *.nb into OS.nb and move it into Extract\ folder
It will split....but you won't be able to make it back unless you edit the
C:\Core\Tools\Batch\Create_ROM.bat according to your device....
anichillus said:
I will, give me little time to sleep lol
I will made moddifications for
HTC Herald / Terra/Wing
and I will do it for the Hermes too, but be little patient.
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Thanks I will, I just finished working nights also, I should get some zzz's also, I was just excited when I found a tool that appears to be very user friendly.
Enjoy your rest.
Lurch3559 said:
First question, tried to dump ROM and I am getting an error
Error ! There is no nk.nbf in the core/extract/source
I place the ROM NBH in that folder, originally was name RUU_signed.nbh, I tried to rename to nk.nbh, didn't matter.
I am using a hermes.
See next post waiting for the Hermes modifications.
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The .nbh has to be extracted by nbhextract.exe in "tools" folder. then you will recieve os.nb, splash.nb, spl.nb etc
the os.nb can be placed in "extract" folder and then dump it by using "dump .nb and .bin" from extract panel.
papamopps said:
The .nbh has to be extracted by nbhextract.exe in "tools" folder. then you will recieve os.nb, splash.nb, spl.nb etc
the os.nb can be placed in "extract" folder and then dump it by using "dump .nb and .bin" from extract panel.
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Yes, correct
but he has to use the "extra" option in "Dump .nb and .bin"
his rom is different ..anyway...i will make it work for hermes too, just give me a day
Lurch3559 said:
Hermes Please
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and Universal
My Best regards,
Thanx for release
and for pre-beta testing
so as of now, this will or will not work for the Wing? my device isn't CID Unlocked but i'd love to donate back to this site by creating a rom especially since this seems very easy with your kitchen. i don't wanna mess up anything so please let me know if this version works with the wing also or if its one of the new ones your making soon, thank you
blackout203 said:
so as of now, this will or will not work for the Wing? my device isn't CID Unlocked but i'd love to donate back to this site by creating a rom especially since this seems very easy with your kitchen. i don't wanna mess up anything so please let me know if this version works with the wing also or if its one of the new ones your making soon, thank you
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I cooked a terra rom with this - by using the wingdump imgf_raw.bin and the xip from terra rom. you dump the rum by using "dump .nb and .bin"
The only mistake i did - was editing the .hv files BUT i forgot to convert the boot.rgu back and that bricked my device.
But you can cook a rom. YOu only have to use PKT "manually". That´s all. Just follow the steps from the kitchen.
I cooked for example a terra rom without transcriber, autoupdate und included batterystatus and totalcommander - no problems with this, when using Aserg upgrade_rom.bat for falshing.
BTW - do you have an official WWE ROm for flashing - if something goes wrong? OK - it will be WM5 then but you can flash?
good luck.
papamopps said:
I cooked a terra rom with this - by using the wingdump imgf_raw.bin and the xip from terra rom. you dump the rum by using "dump .nb and .bin"
The only mistake i did - was editing the .hv files BUT i forgot to convert the boot.rgu back and that bricked my device.
But you can cook a rom. YOu only have to use PKT "manually". That´s all. Just follow the steps from the kitchen.
I cooked for example a terra rom without transcriber, autoupdate und included batterystatus and totalcommander - no problems with this, when using Aserg upgrade_rom.bat for falshing.
BTW - do you have an official WWE ROm for flashing - if something goes wrong? OK - it will be WM5 then but you can flash?
good luck.
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I wouldn't test it on my phone because I don't have it CID Unlocked and couldn't risk it getting bricked as Tmobile hasn't released the official rom for download yet but i'll see what I can do as into building a rom. If you get a free chance this week, wanna walk me through it?
Glad to see you are providing my tiny initflashfiles generator. You added a great functionnality with the automated cab extraction. Well done !
So if I understand this correctly, if someone posted their dump from the Wing I could proceed to cook and flash to my unbranded P4350 using Aserg's method without the possibility of bricking since i have the official HTC WWE that I can re-flash?
xander803 said:
So if I understand this correctly, if someone posted their dump from the Wing I could proceed to cook and flash to my unbranded P4350 using Aserg's method without the possibility of bricking since i have the official HTC WWE that I can re-flash?
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For the wing dump you need the XIP from terra dump - but you find it in the Wing-dump thread from Herald forum.
And yes - you can cook - if you have an official rom. SO no worry to brick - you can go back to WM5. lol
Have a try. BUT you must use the "manual" way from PKT. Just follow all teh steps from kitchen. And use the "Dump .nb and .bin" from extract panel.
papamopps said:
For the wing dump you need the XIP from terra dump - but you find it in the Wing-dump thread from Herald forum.
And yes - you can cook - if you have an official rom. SO no worry to brick - you can go back to WM5. lol
Have a try. BUT you must use the "manual" way from PKT. Just follow all teh steps from kitchen. And use the "Dump .nb and .bin" from extract panel.
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I'm about to try cooking one up today, I read the tutorial and it doesn't look too bad. If I can find the tmobile wing wm6 rom, i'll base it off that otherwise imma have to use a wm5 rom. I'll let you guys know how it goes.
blackout203 said:
I'm about to try cooking one up today, I read the tutorial and it doesn't look too bad. If I can find the tmobile wing wm6 rom, i'll base it off that otherwise imma have to use a wm5 rom. I'll let you guys know how it goes.
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I will give this a shot as well. I believe you can find the wing OS and XIP in the Herald mobile 6 forum.

Building and Editing Polaris ROM's

Hi All
I see now we are getting quite a few custom ROM's from the likes of bepe, panosha and other.
Great Work Guys.
But i would also like to be able to build or a least edit a ROM to exactly meet my requirement. Like adding or removing certain CAB files and making reg edits.
Have been reading a lot of other threads on the site put none seem to deal directly with the Polaris.
So i was hoping some of you great cooks (grovel grovel grovel) would wight a description on how to take a nbh file and extract and edit the different nb parts and then rebuild back to a nbh file ready for flashing.
polaris kitchen
sorry......wrong answer
I'd love that too! I want to mod an existing ROM and make it specific to my needs.
Will anyone be so kind and post a short guide how to do this? And make the topic sticky!
First, you can start with Kaiser's Kitchen...and at last, use Dark Simpson tool (htc room tool) to make nbh file (config add Polaris device in tool config)
Good place to start is here http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=Kaiser ROM Kitchen Tutorial
Yep , good one, but everything is based on Kaiser.
I don't have a Polaris Radio, neither does the HTC Rom Tool allow to cook Polaris Rom's.
Any other ideas ? Or could someone help ?
Thanks a lot in advance
The Kaiser kitchen works fine and all you need to do with the Dark Simpson ROM tool is change the Model ID from KAIS***** to POLA*****
As always read the threads before you start cooking and make sure you have Hard SPL!!
I've been reading all night ;-)
In the HTC Rom tool there is no Polar***** , strange, although I thought I downloaded the newest ini. I've read in another thread that I could use the Kaiser one as it was basically the same device, is that so ?
Other question though:
Talking about Hard-SPL- I've Hard-SPL'd mine , but do I need to include that one in the rom as well ? Like while using the HTC Rom Tool , in the SPL section ???
Second question, where can I find the radio.....nb ?
Thanks for your help, I appreciate that.
As I said set the ROM tool to Kaiser then change the Model ID to POLA***** and use as normal to create the nbh image.
As for Hard SPL... once you´ve flashed it that´s that, no need to flash it every time you change ROMs or radio...
id love to see the guide for polaris aswell.
and oem packages as well.
i did everything as it was sowen in kaiser guide, but i got an error on building system. have no idea why..
was saying that something is missing or path is icorrect smth like that
post here exact errr.U got.
here is htcrt.ini for polaris (only Polaris Option is active) simply rewrite htcrt.ini in folder with htcrt.EXE
It's not necessary to include Radio ROM when building? Right?
nope, its up 2 U what 2 include (SPL/Radio/OS/Splash)
phsnake said:
post here exact errr.U got.
here is htcrt.ini for polaris (only Polaris Option is active) simply rewrite htcrt.ini in folder with htcrt.EXE
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Thanks for the guidance. The tutorial is great but fails to mention specifics if you are not cooking a Kaiser Rom. For example, does the baserom have to come from a shipped Rom? I was using the 3.02 Kaiser Rom as my baserom. Can you do that when cooking a Polaris rom? How do I get the RUU_signed.nbh out of any other Rom. I thought about using the WM6.1 19716 Rom but couldn't extract anything. (Probably stupid questions but cant find answers in the wiki). BTW, I was getting same errors about half-way through compiling process. If I try again today, I will record the errors and post. Again, thx for help.
sgreenwood99M me i have 19716 WM6.1 for cooking. U can Use some part of any ROM but U have to be sure exactly what. In general U can Use OEMpackages freely, but be aware with drivers, baseapps....(i have perfect CZECH 19199 WM6.1 but w/o working SMS)
i've read through the Kaiser kitchen guide and it all seems to make sense however i'm not sure how much is relavent to the Polaris, for example the ingredients section talks about expanding the radio file and the rom files to folders, from the Kaiser files on rapidshare etc.
Do us Polaris users do these points too? or are there specific Polaris Radio and ROM files we use?
I have my base ROM file called RUU_signed.nbh and i've also managed to use pdocread to get the RAW files too, but just not sure where to go now?
All i want to do is remove a few cabs and add a few cabs and EXEs to my rom.
can anyone post comments on exactly which parts of the Kaiser kitchen guide need to be changed to use on a Polaris?
dont need raw's. simply put *.NBH(polaris) to BaseRom folder. Run begin.cmd(or bat?) Choose option 1.
click......... then start cook.cmd(or bat)
Do we replace the KaiserCustomRUU and the BuildOS files with ones specific to Polaris? Thanks.
yes, take udK CustomRUU & replace kaiser one, u dont need to replace anything else(except htcrt.ini ||KAIS**** replace with POLA***). And of course Polaris' *nbh
Whenever I put a Polaris nbh in the BaseRom folder, the process gives me an error that it cannot find RUU_signed.nbh.

Cook any Blue Angel ROM you Like

Blue Angel Kitchen recook any BA ROM you like
Cooking Lesson Now OPEN
I built a rom recooker, Well "2"
One for Blue Angel, and one for HIMALAYA "yes" Hima That I'll B' on HIMA forum "Bye"
I have tested on both my BA,s and my HIMA bless IT, " been flashed some 50 or 60 times" both recooker's cook good rom's first time,
About the recooker's
A basic, Cooking from dump folder, it's all manual editing ! early wm5 style, Cooks WM 5.0 ' 6.0' 6.1 ROMs just like Ather90s kitchens it all runs from a single start.bat file, That has help text at every step' A walk through some TIPs, Comes with all required tools 'reg workshop' and 'HEX editors' that launch automaticaly at every step, File loaded and open ready to edit, Used tools and files are Backed UP and cleaned up at every step, keeping things nice and tidy, Full menu driven options, Once kitchen has been built to completion the kitchen will be ready !! And NOW ! You'll be making a coffee while the test rom flashes to your phone, 2 and milky for ME pls.
You can Make a COFFEE start this tool decompile your favorite ROM, Change "Say" desktop and splash screen's, of the Rom build and be flashing to your PHONE and your coffee's STILL too hot to Drink It's that simple
You can do moor advanced cooking than that i'm "no" programer and after reading about OEM_packages apply a bit of common sence ! your "COOKING"
I'v got HTC' calc, dialer, WMP, comm,s manager HTC today_*.TSK onscreen keyboard skin all cooked in now in the colors i want ! It took one evening for the BA, A bit of reading about editing ,*rgu ,*.reg and initflashfiles.dat the initflashfiles.dat is were you customize your program folders and move files to different folders Ie: WMP Skins need installing into wmp?? folder Download A WMP_oem and study IT u'll see
1 hr for the hima,
Please NOTE the test build is also part of the kitchen Setup process It takes 15 to 20 mins and if you do it "my way" it will work FIRST TIME Then you know your rom cooker works
iInstall reg editor first. Then "read" !! ReadMe First.txt in Kitchen_BA_0.1.0 folder Put in root of drive ie: c:\Kitchen_BA_0.1.0 for best results DO not rename any part or folders of this kitchen ! you can make your own Folders but not in the "dump" enjoy
P.S. If you don't see my custom images "set" windows default for today screen that should do it
Kitchen upgrade some new tools, and help files added it shows more files than the old one, There are some files that are still hidden
don't unhide them or your rom won't work !
If you want to see the changes you will have to reset your kitchen (1) enter then (R) uppercase R enter this will delete any work you have !!
Decompilers added
Download kitchen
Now ready for use, If you have 0.1.0 version then download upgade and install
Sorry, i didn't understand the sequence of operations to install the kitchen, can you repeat it?
Harbor said:
Sorry, i didn't understand the sequence of operations to install the kitchen, can you repeat it?
Download the 3 zip files Step 1 unpack reg workshop and install IT
Step 2 unpack the other 2 zip files, In the kitchen folder there is an empty tools folder ? "JUST A PLACE MARKER" delete IT and copy the tools folder from zip file were it was,
Step 3 Copy the kitchen to the C drive !!. c:\Kitchen_HIMA_0.1.0 or c:\Kitchen_BA_0.1.0
Step 4 Now read carefully c:\Kitchen_HIMA_0.1.0\"ReadMe First" text IF you don't set reg workshop as default editor the kitchen "WILL NOT WORK"
Step 5 double click start.bat file in Swampy395_????_ROM_ReCooker_0.1.0 folder and read the screen, complete steps 1,2,3,4,5,__7,8, don't do 6, at this point. AT (3)Edit defaul.hv you "will" get an error if you have read the text then you'll fix the error and move on If you don't fix the error your rom will not work read the answer is there ?
I will support this kitchen and even do some Cooking Lessons, Please remember this is a "basic ReCooker"
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I didn't understad what this recook does. What can I do with it? I followed all the points but I've just opened and closed a rom, and now?
Harbor said:
I didn't understad what this recook does. What can I do with it? I followed all the points but I've just opened and closed a rom, and now?
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If you did as the instructions then you now have a working rom flashed to your phone the first boot screen and windows default screens have Swampy395 on them this was just to show the recooker works and setup the kitchen,
Now you can change whatever you like ! IF there's enought intrest then I will do some cooking lessons
swampy395 said:
If you did as the instructions then you now have a working rom flashed to your phone the first boot screen and windows default screens have Swampy395 on them this was just to show the recooker works and setup the kitchen,
Now you can change whatever you like ! IF there's enought intrest then I will do some cooking lessons
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I wanted this !! I was looking for someone who could explain me step by step how to cook a my ROM for BA.
I'm very interested in your cooking lessons.
Thank you swampy,
and now....i'm waiting your cooking lessons!!
Im so excited
Swampy and now? How do we change the ROM?
Change The Rom
Harbor said:
Swampy and now? How do we change the ROM?
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That’s a good question My Friend?
What are you after changing? And then I may be able to answer
I’m a bit to busy at the moment adding some new tools and improving some things for the Kitchen and preparing new guide text, So let me know what your after changing and I try to help. zip and upload the file’s and I’ll have a look Do make sure the files work on your device first I’m assuming there ether cab files or an OEM you downloaded from some ware
P.S. I am also preparing a lesson should be next week if all goes well
PP.S. ather90 has also announced on the himalaya forum he’s doing some cooking lessons for his kitchen 3 coded in “c” It uses the same tools as mine! So keep up on both of us and you should do well! and he’s more experienced than me to
Ather90 lesson 1
swampy395 said:
P.S. I am also preparing a lesson should be next week if all goes well
PP.S. ather90 has also announced on the himalaya forum he’s doing some cooking lessons for his kitchen 3 coded in “c” It uses the same tools as mine! So keep up on both of us and you should do well! and he’s more experienced than me to
Ather90 lesson 1
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I'm goingo to wait your lesson . But the ather's lessons are good for hima. Cooking is different between, ba and hima...isn't it?
Harbor said:
I'm goingo to wait your lesson . But the ather's lessons are good for hima. Cooking is different between, ba and hima...isn't it?
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There is a difference between all devices, they all have something diffenent hardware ie some have keyboards and some have gps built in etc. I may be wrong here But i the tools used in this kitchen were used to put wm5 on hima and ba in the first place, power full tools the only limit is your brain power!! you'll find if you read that most of the roms for these devices are from hermes an artimes etc. there is no wm5 or wm6xx roms for these devices and never was?
Please Please Note that Credit for WM5 & WM6.xx Goe's to the real chefs like helmi_c, bepe, and some other fine people hows names i can't remember
A big Thanks to all you guys how made these roms possible for us Thanks guys
We will not be cooking a rom from scratch here just changing some things a bit like skins, reg tweeks,adding and removeing apps, The hard ware drivers are best left to the real chefs
read all the cooking lessons you can find you will learn some thing from them ALL
Hey all..i know i promised a Kitchen for Ba and it will be fullfilled soon this week
Thank u Swampy for linking my Post here
not every thing is for Noobs only..for E.g OEM's are same for all the devices also there are many things..
ather90 said:
Hey all..i know i promised a Kitchen for Ba and it will be fullfilled soon this week
wait mode for Kitchen BA
Hi Swampy there are 2 error when starting (1) Build New :
1. Popup debugger window "RecMode.exe" in many times
2. The Dump folder is so big if i not stop it maybe become 6G or more
I'm already follow what the Readme said:
1. Copy the "Swampy395_BA_ROM_ReCooker_0.1.0"
2. Place the ROM into Desktop but when starting it creates "Source_nk_nbf" folder then ask to put the ROM there.
3. After that everything is fine for a while then debugger window popup and the dump folder become oversized
could you help me whats wrong?
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jayzx said:
ather90 said:
Hey all..i know i promised a Kitchen for Ba and it will be fullfilled soon this week
wait mode for Kitchen BA
Hi Swampy there are 2 error when starting (1) Build New :
1. Popup debugger window "RecMode.exe" in many times
2. The Dump folder is so big if i not stop it maybe become 6G or more
I'm already follow what the Readme said:
1. Copy the "Swampy395_BA_ROM_ReCooker_0.1.0"
2. Place the ROM into Desktop but when starting it creates "Source_nk_nbf" folder then ask to put the ROM there.
3. After that everything is fine for a while then debugger window popup and the dump folder become oversized
could you help me whats wrong?
Sorry i have not had this problem do you have net framwork and visual c++ Redistributable installed on your PC if not it could be the cause ? click the links below
P.S. Let me know how you get on and i'll add to kitchen info to help others thanks hope this helps
I just reloaded my windows this morning and have not installed visual C++ yet, Down loaded kitchen ! tested fine no problem!. net 3.5 is standard on this laptop so may be just net frame work required
http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/results.aspx?pocId=&freetext=visual c++&DisplayLang=en#]
Also Goto top of page 1 and down load ReCooker 0.1.2 for your device, or the up grade for 0.1.0 kitchen
Best Regards Swampy395
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Maybe cause the ROM, i've use the latest version from sun_dream 19949 with AKU 1.2 and pvdvh 19214 AKU 1.2, if i use "xplode 19209" success no problem.
Did u ever try it with that ROM (sun_dream and pvdvh)? not support with AKU 1.2?
Thanks swampy for the reply.
jayzx said:
Maybe cause the ROM, i've use the latest version from sun_dream 19949 with AKU 1.2 and pvdvh 19214 AKU 1.2, if i use "xplode 19209" success no problem.
Did u ever try it with that ROM (sun_dream and pvdvh)? not support with AKU 1.2?
Thanks swampy for the reply.
No not yet will try in a day or 2 thanks
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ather90 said:
Hey all..i know i promised a Kitchen for Ba and it will be fullfilled soon this week
Thank u Swampy for linking my Post here
not every thing is for Noobs only..for E.g OEM's are same for all the devices also there are many things..
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Yes, I know...I gave a look at your post, and i have found some interesting things...but I'm looking for cooking lessons for BA, or a noob guide, like yours for Hima...
hi swampy395,
any updates on the lessons? Nice thing you got going over here.
Mnemonique said:
hi swampy395,
any updates on the lessons? Nice thing you got going over here.
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sorry friend due to lack of intrest i stopped, the tools work fine and theres step by step instructions as you cook try it if you get stuck PM me

[31.07]Alex-V WM6.5 23529 Rom and Kitchen (Post 3)

First i will say thanks to all the developers.....especially...to M-Amine..was the first rom i flash..to pdaviet (no polaris at this time)....and also a big big thanks to PCARVALHO.....best rom i try..
The ground i made a rom is...i don´t need and want the new m2d with flip clock and no call history....Inside my rom pack....is a folder with m2d version 1-3.......so you can decide what version of m2d you want....
The rom is a good mix of old and new apps... ( with opera 10 beta 2)
Edit: CHome with bigger photo tab and Lock device to right softkey....and in rom folder is special stuff for CHome..
and a new 100% battery
UPDATE: EzInput 2.1 or 1.5 + fullscreenplayer fix for play videos in Album + added the old taskmanager (it´s needed to close apps correct)
Take a look...
What is in the rom...?
At this time the most htc mega
Free Memory after boot
Storage around 80mb and Program around 50mb
1. flash HardSPL--> for flash different roms ( a must have)
2. original rom--> the same like pcarvalho...
->and a hard reset if you see the calibration screen
3. my rom 23529 with EzInput 2.1
->and a hard reset if you see the calibration screen
3.1 my rom 23529 with EzInput 2.1 LITE
->and a hard reset if you see the calibration screen
3.2 my old style rom 23016 lite with 3g dialer --> around 100 mb free space
->and a hard reset if you see the calibration screen
4. For Startmenu with folder install this....(after install remove SPB Backup...its only shareware and not registered...but i need this to make this startmenu...it´s the easy way...change it in kitchen is very complicated...so follow the instructions---> for picture see post 3...
->use the file from 23518...and put on...normal mode
5. Install from my rom folder the M2D version you want...
6. radio> to fix freeze
Rom Kitchen
if you have questions...ask..!!
with kind regards...Alex
Bugs and donats
For Sync problems with outlook
I think i have it..... Have try it about 10x and it work for me...
the steps:
1. Disable the pop up for usb to pc
2. Restart the phone
3. in Active Sync/Windows Mobile Device Center-->delete all Partnerships....
4. Open Outlook
5. Connect the phone to pc (USB)
6. wait a moment-->create a new partnership
7. check the box for contacts
8. Sync
9. maybe a restart
For me it work perfect....please test it and give me a report if it work or not...
If you have problems after flash my rom....restart....flash Orginal rom + hard reset if you see the calibration screen after that flash my rom also with a hard reset....after a complete boot a soft reset
thanks..Daddycool99...for my first beer (donate)....
thanks jochenfrank for my second beer
thanks Jens Teipelke for my third beer
thanks stroger for my fourth beer
And what about us ?
sagytb said:
And what about us ?
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yeah also big thanks to all that give my rom a chance..
Some screenshot plz.
How can i delete this post...??.... (only this)
what language?
only english
lcristofaro said:
what language?
only english
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yeap...0409 english WWE....
the rom comes with EZInput 1.5.....because i think i can write faster...when wishes come for 2.0 i can reupload the rom....
wow...at this time 29 downloads and no issues....can´t believe it ..??!
Hi. Thanx for sharing ur work!
Any chance to have an italian version?! TY && Bye-
mylostnick said:
Hi. Thanx for sharing ur work!
Any chance to have an italian version?! TY && Bye-
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a whole rom in italian or for me in german is very complicated...because all programs must be rewritten...Sorry but for now i must say no...don´t have the experience... i think a italien wm6.5 rom is in polaris upgading thread..
edit: italien rom: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=548109
Unfortunately the cooker u mentioned bricked his Polaris so he can't cook anymore.
Anyway... what about a naked version of ur ROM in different languages?!
I think noone has probs installing his favorite software after flashing and, about Manilla, if u want to include it in the naked version this post perhaps can help u.
Anyway, thank u for all, indipendently by ur decision about multilanguage. Bye-
is there any chance you could give me a link to d/l the % battery meter cab only for now? im away for a while and logging throughmy polaris so i wont be able to test your rom fully now.
thanks in advance,
thanito said:
is there any chance you could give me a link to d/l the % battery meter cab only for now? im away for a while and logging throughmy polaris so i wont be able to test your rom fully now.
thanks in advance,
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Ok...hope the cab work...report it please...
edit: install sdkcerts before install battery
Edit2: after report that the cab not work > i remodul the dll -->please test the new cab
i can not test it because in my rom is this as oem version and see in my pictures it work
mylostnick said:
Unfortunately the cooker u mentioned bricked his Polaris so he can't cook anymore.
Anyway... what about a naked version of ur ROM in different languages?!
I think noone has probs installing his favorite software after flashing and, about Manilla, if u want to include it in the naked version this post perhaps can help u.
Anyway, thank u for all, indipendently by ur decision about multilanguage. Bye-
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I think about it...but not at this time...because of my work and the shift system...i have night shift....In late shift i have more time...Ok..
And please report bugs.....
But no probs...??!!? Please report....!!!
[email protected] said:
Ok...hope the cab work...report it please...
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thanx!will test soon..do i need to have sdkerts.cab install first for it to work,like other similar cabs require?
thanito said:
thanx!will test soon..do i need to have sdkerts.cab install first for it to work,like other similar cabs require?
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right...sdkcerts is a good idea...

osKitchen Zero STOCK OEM ROM Kitchens Pre-Built Ready to Cook! - Requests Welcome

Ready to Cook Stock OEM Kitchens​
It seems there is a bit of interest in Stock OEM ROM Kitchens all ready for cooking using osKitchen Zero, so I thought I'd offer up a few that I have working currently. I'm using the latest osKitchen Zero v1.33.5 found HERE because it's the BEST Kitchen out there IMHO.
I also want to take requests for Kitchens. I will do my best to make them work, but I cannot promise they will. I don't have all the devices, so I cannot test them, but I will post both the Kitchen and a ROM cooked from it for testing. At this time, I only know how to work with Windows Mobile Devices, so lets stay with that until further notice.
These will be Completely Stock and Unchanged. You can make your own modifications to them. I just wanted to give a jumping off point to those who are having trouble getting a working Kitchen.
For questions about cooking and modifying your ROMs, please refer to the thread for your device. This Thread is only to take requests for Kitchens and Posting the final results for your use. I will not go into how to Hard SPL each device, again, check your device thread for more info on that.
I'm going to start off with 4 Kitchens and we will build from there. - ATT Tilt, HTC Trinity P3600, HTC T-Mobile HD2, and HTC MEGA.
If requesting a Pre Built Kitchen, Please give me a link to the Stock OEM ROM and any extra info you think might help. I suggest finding the Latest OEM ROM.
All my ROMs and Kitchens are Custom Packaged for easy use.
The Kitchens are Self Extracting. Just Run the EXE file with my SuperMan (SuperSport) icon to extract the kitchen to the current directory.
The ROMs will be AutoFlash files. Again, simply Run the EXE file with my SuperMan (SuperSport) icon to Automatically Extract and run the RUU Updater.
Kitchens and ROMs downloads
Here they are:
1. Download HTC MEGA ROM & Kitchen
Based on "RUU_Mega_hTC_Asia_SEA_WWE_1.37.728.3_Radio_Signed_61.55t.25.38_3.54.25.25_Ship.exe"
SuperSport Custom - HTC MEGA OEM ROM.exe
This is the OEM ROM Packaged by Myself for Easy Flashing. Just run the File and follow the Instructions.
SuperSport HTC MEGA osKitchen Zero.exe Parts 1 & 2
Download both parts. Run Part1 to extract the Kitchen.
2. Download HTC T-Mobile HD2 ROM & Kitchen
Based on "Based on "T-Mobile_HD2_MR_Software_3.14.531.1.exe"
SuperSport T-Mobile HD2 Stock 3.14 ROM.exe Parts 1 & 2
This is the OEM ROM Packaged by Myself for Easy Flashing. Just run the File and follow the Instructions.
SuperSport T-Mobile HD2 Stock 3.14 Kitchen.exe Parts 1-4
Download all 4 parts. Run Part1 to extract the Kitchen.
3. Download HTC Trinity P3600 ROM & Kitchen
Based on "RUU_Trinity_DOPODASIA_WWE_3.00.707.18_6275_1.46.30.11_108_Ship.exe"
SuperSport HTC Trinity P3600 Stock OEM ROM.exe
This is the OEM ROM Packaged by Myself for Easy Flashing. Just run the File and follow the Instructions.
SuperSport HTC Trinity P3600 Stock OEM Kitchen.exe 1 Part
Download this file and Run it to Extract the Kitchen.
4. Download HTC ATT Tilt ROM & Kitchen Coming Next Week
Based on "RUU_Kaiser_CINGULAR_WWE_3.57.502.2_radio_sign_25.88.40.05_1.65.21.18_Ship.exe"
SuperSport Custom - HTC ATT TILT OEM ROM.exe
This is the OEM ROM Packaged by Myself for Easy Flashing. Just run the File and follow the Instructions.
SuperSport HTC ATT TILT osKitchen Zero.exe Parts 1 & 2
Download both parts. Run Part1 to extract the Kitchen.
5. Download HTC TOPAZ ROM & Kitchen
Based on "RUU_Topaz_S2_hTC_Asia_WWE_2.53.707.4_Radio_Signed_Topaz_61.44etc.25.35_4.49.25.91_Ship.exe"
SuperSport Custom - HTC TOPAZ OEM ROM.exe
This is the OEM ROM Packaged by Myself for Easy Flashing. Just run the File and follow the Instructions.
SuperSport HTC TOPAZ osKitchen Zero.exe Parts 1 & 2
Download both parts. Run Part1 to extract the Kitchen.
6. Download HTC ELFIN Kitchen
Based on "RUU_Elfin_hTC_Asia_WWE_3.07.707.02_4.1.13.71_03.34 .90_BLUE_Ship"
SuperSport Elfin Kitchen.exe Parts 1, 2 & 3
Download all three parts. Run Part1 to extract the Kitchen.
This one is larger because I've included 23504 and 23569
I'm interested but i have a question. Would you be prepared to to a HD2 rom with XDA_UC included and configure it in such a way that XDA_UC is launched on first boot? I've played with oskitchen before and got good results but this little trick is something that always evaded me.
As for links. You could use the tmous version you have already as a base as that would work with all Leo's
Just wondering, if my device has no HSPL, will this work too? Or if there's only SSPL? Or really nothing?
I mean, it can't work with a not-HSPL'd device, unless you was able to crack ALL SPL's out there?
M3PH said:
I'm interested but i have a question. Would you be prepared to to a HD2 rom with XDA_UC included and configure it in such a way that XDA_UC is launched on first boot? I've played with oskitchen before and got good results but this little trick is something that always evaded me.
As for links. You could use the tmous version you have already as a base as that would work with all Leo's
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You want XDA_UC with default settings? I can do that for a custom Kitchen. Will post when it's ready.
_Madmatt said:
Just wondering, if my device has no HSPL, will this work too? Or if there's only SSPL? Or really nothing?
I mean, it can't work with a not-HSPL'd device, unless you was able to crack ALL SPL's out there?
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I don't believe you can flash a ROM to any phone that does not have HSPL flashed to it. I can pull out the SSPL, but I don't think that will be all you need. What device are you trying to cook for?
SuperSport said:
I don't believe you can flash a ROM to any phone that does not have HSPL flashed to it. I can pull out the SSPL, but I don't think that will be all you need. What device are you trying to cook for?
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I cook for HTC Photon (HD Mini), but don't worry, I'm using OSBuilder now. However, I used OsKitchen before and I liked the CFC thingy. In OSBuilder I had to patch Manila manually
How do you mean "pull out the SSPL". Isn't that stealing of the work that DFT did? And SSPL is diffirent for each device, I can't imagine you want to look for all devices if they have HSPL or SSPL and implement that?
SuperSport said:
You want XDA_UC with default settings? I can do that for a custom Kitchen. Will post when it's ready.
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Yeah that would do i could probably work it out from there but if you fancy setting it up so it looks for stuff to run from \storage card\xda_uc that would save me some time.
Thanks dude.
_Madmatt said:
I cook for HTC Photon (HD Mini), but don't worry, I'm using OSBuilder now. However, I used OsKitchen before and I liked the CFC thingy. In OSBuilder I had to patch Manila manually
How do you mean "pull out the SSPL". Isn't that stealing of the work that DFT did? And SSPL is diffirent for each device, I can't imagine you want to look for all devices if they have HSPL or SSPL and implement that?
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If you can send me a link to the Latest ROM, I will convert it to osKitchen Zero if you like. Sounds like your phone is all ready for flashing, so it should work fine.
M3PH said:
Yeah that would do i could probably work it out from there but if you fancy setting it up so it looks for stuff to run from \storage card\xda_uc that would save me some time.
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Will do exactly that. I will place the download link in this post to keep the number of posts down.
EDIT: Instead of posting a complete Kitchen with XDA_UC included, I've attached the XDA_UC EXT Package that will do what you are wanting. This package will work with ALL of the Kitchens I will be posting. Unzip the file and copy the folder "SuperSport Base XDA_UC" to the following Folder in the Kitchen:
"HD2 T-Mobile osKitchen Zero v1.33.5\Sources\Devices\HTC Leo\EXT Packages\HTC Leo Packages"
Once copied over, restart the Kitchen and find the new EXT package in the EXT Packages Tab. I hope that made sense, my mind is tired today.
SuperSport said:
If you can send me a link to the Latest ROM, I will convert it to osKitchen Zero if you like. Sounds like your phone is all ready for flashing, so it should work fine.Will do exactly that. I will place the download link in this post to keep the number of posts down.
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My phone can flash custom ROMs thanks to SSPL. But it looks like you don't get my point I meant that if you give us a kitchen made for our phone, you should eiter include a manual how to flash HSPL or flash custom ROM with SSPL. Or you should edit every kitchen you make for each phone that SSPL or HSPL is included in the RUU your kitchen has included (or generates).
SuperSport said:
If you can send me a link to the Latest ROM, I will convert it to osKitchen Zero if you like. Sounds like your phone is all ready for flashing, so it should work fine.Will do exactly that. I will place the download link in this post to keep the number of posts down.
EDIT: Instead of posting a complete Kitchen with XDA_UC included, I've attached the XDA_UC EXT Package that will do what you are wanting. This package will work with ALL of the Kitchens I will be posting. Unzip the file and copy the folder "SuperSport Base XDA_UC" to the following Folder in the Kitchen:
"HD2 T-Mobile osKitchen Zero v1.33.5\Sources\Devices\HTC Leo\EXT Packages\HTC Leo Packages"
Once copied over, restart the Kitchen and find the new EXT package in the EXT Packages Tab. I hope that made sense, my mind is tired today.
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Cool that will do just nicely. Thank you muchly!
_Madmatt said:
My phone can flash custom ROMs thanks to SSPL. But it looks like you don't get my point I meant that if you give us a kitchen made for our phone, you should eiter include a manual how to flash HSPL or flash custom ROM with SSPL. Or you should edit every kitchen you make for each phone that SSPL or HSPL is included in the RUU your kitchen has included (or generates).
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I think I understand, and I'm sorry for being dense. My mind is tired today, as I mentioned above.
If you cook a ROM using this Kitchen, after it completes building the ROM, it will ask if you want to open the ROM folder. If you say "Yes", then inside that folder, I will have the RUU Updater included so you can flash the ROM. Everything needed to flash will be there, except for HSPL. Each Kitchen will have the correct SSPL RUU Updater included for that device.
I figure people will already have HSPL taken care of at this point. Consider this an advanced thread, not for complete beginners. If someone does not have their phone HardSPL'd, or does not know how to do that, then please check the threads for your phone model to find out how to accomplish that. This thread will be solely about releasing Working Complete Stock OEM Kitchens that can be modified any way you like.
Is there any chance you can make one for the Topaz?
Kedarik said:
Is there any chance you can make one for the Topaz?
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I'd be happy to try if you get me a link to the Latest Stock ROM.
Looks like "ROM version:2.53.707.4" is the latest one. I don't have a serial number to download it from HTC.
UPDATE: Found a ROM from Europe WWE. RUU_Topaz_S2_HTC_WWE_2.53.405.5_Radio_Signed_Topaz_61.44etc.25.35_4.49.25.91_Ship.exe Downloading Now!
UPDATE 2: Just got a serial to work for "RUU_Topaz_S2_hTC_Asia_WWE_2.53.707.4_Radio_Signed_Topaz_61.44etc.25.35_4.49.25.91_Ship.exe.m21l92h" Downloading Now!
SuperSport said:
I'd be happy to try if you get me a link to the Latest Stock ROM.
Looks like "ROM version:2.53.707.4" is the latest one. I don't have a serial number to download it from HTC.
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Almost all shipped ROMs can be found here thanks to conflipper and ppcgeeks.com.
mwalt2 said:
Almost all shipped ROMs can be found here thanks to conflipper and ppcgeeks.com.
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Thank you for this, I think? Looking at that list is a little overwhelming. I'll slowly work through it, but I'd like to do requests first since I know they will be used first.
SuperSport said:
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First of all I have to say that I like your idea.
But do you really think is useful to a have a kitchen based on a stock rom wm 5.0 or 6.0 now? There is a very long road to drive to achieve a wm 6.1/6.5 cooked rom since that...
You could also post an almost updated profile (oem/xip/sys) to integrate the stock rom.
Surely I could also post my old trinity rom, 6.1 sys/nk 19965 based on ervius kitchen 1st version, with opal manila2d, but it is 0410. Probably a wwe edition here would be better...
P.S. I'm curios to try to import my old trinity kitchen into Oskitchen. I haven't trinity any more but would be nice to test the same 3 years old release made today with these new and a lot more advanced kitchens
OsKitchen converted for Omnia 2 (i920)?
Well, I use to cook with OsKitchen for the Omnia 1 and now having issues adapting to the new kitchen. On OsKitchen's thread it says it can be adapted for other devices with some processes I'm not sure how to do...
Here's a link for the latest update for the Omnia i920:
As far as I know, we only need to cook the PDA part, not CSC otherwise it won't load, and I'd be happy to test anything out that you may need. I know there are a few others interested in this type of kitchen for the Omnia 2 (i920 CDMA-not sure about the i8000 GSM)
Thanks and I hope to hear back from you!
Sorry if I misunderstood your post too, it's late and I'm tired, but my take is you can make OSK fit an OEM ROM basically no matter the device?! If you need more information, please PM me!
ONE last thing, if you build this kitchen, will I be able to edit it with new SYS/XIP, etc? can I build it off of the kitchen you create?
nickmo20 said:
ONE last thing, if you build this kitchen, will I be able to edit it with new SYS/XIP, etc? can I build it off of the kitchen you create?
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I will try to get a chance to build a ROM from the kitchen tomorrow and let you test it. If it works, I will post the kitchen. And yes, you will be able to use the kitchen and modify it any way you like.
SuperSport said:
I will try to get a chance to build a ROM from the kitchen tomorrow and let you test it. If it works, I will post the kitchen. And yes, you will be able to use the kitchen and modify it any way you like.
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Thanks for the hard work and effort! I'll be more than happy to test it out!
nickmo20 said:
Thanks for the hard work and effort! I'll be more than happy to test it out!
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I have question for you. Do you know if there is an nbh or NB file inside that update program? I tried to extract the contents, but was unsuccessful. Is it possible to start the update, then grab the NB or nbh from your temp directory? Since I don't have the same phone, it won't start the extraction process for me.
