English ROM to HTC VIVA - Touch Viva, MDA Basic ROM Development

Hi my friends, My neme is Leonardo, I have a HTC viva with WM 6.1, and works fine. I'd like to upgrade the rom to english in the same version or to 6.5 english, but I've reading the forum for hours, but I got doubt because the version changes each forum I read.
My questions are:
Sould I keep the version 6.1, but just update that to English? I have an Portuguese on it. If do, where I can find the last version of it?
If you think is better change to 6.5, please link me the last version of it.
Witch risks I have to upgrade my cellphone?
On more question, Do you have an step by step to upgrade the version, and how to backup my current SO in a PENDRIVE or other divice, in order to get the original configurations back if I sell it?
Sorry for disturb yourselves, but I prefer ask before do any thing that can brake my phone forever.
Thank you very much all.
Kind rigards.
LEonardo SIlva
From Brazil.

hello and welcome...
nemsabes said:
Hi my friends, My neme is Leonardo, I have a HTC viva with WM 6.1, and works fine. I'd like to upgrade the rom to english in the same version or to 6.5 english, but I've reading the forum for hours, but I got doubt because the version changes each forum I read.
My questions are:
Sould I keep the version 6.1, but just update that to English? I have an Portuguese on it. If do, where I can find the last version of it?
If you think is better change to 6.5, please link me the last version of it.
Witch risks I have to upgrade my cellphone?
On more question, Do you have an step by step to upgrade the version, and how to backup my current SO in a PENDRIVE or other divice, in order to get the original configurations back if I sell it?
Sorry for disturb yourselves, but I prefer ask before do any thing that can brake my phone forever.
Thank you very much all.
Kind rigards.
LEonardo SIlva
From Brazil.
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hello leonardo....welcome to this great forum.
before you can upgrade your WM6.1 to 6.5 and above, you need to HardSPL your phone in which case you lose your warranty but there is a way to overcome that. The stock SPL 1.35.xx.x is available for download. I can upload it if you require it in the future. If you restore the original SPL along with the stock ROM (which is readily available) you can always fall back to your original phone state. The guide to flashing is here
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if you want to experiment and try out WM6.5, go ahead but bear in mind that the CHEFS (those experts who 'cook' custom ROMS) are yet to come up with a bugfree WM6.5 ROM.
and lastly, please don't just start a new topic for just one questions. seach in relevant forum/sub-forums/threads. I promise you that they will answer your questions and give you confidence in how to go about doing things with your WinMo.
neway...goodluck to you. and remember that the experts (not me!!!) will be always ready to answer your questions.


HTC ELF0100 in French, would like to switch to English

Hey all,
I'm a newbie to cell phone mods, the question has probably been asked before, I searched for a couple of days but cannot find how to switch OS (WM6 pro) to English.
The phone works with Canadian sim card, just have a hardtime with French version.
Could anyone point me in the right direction?
Do I need to install a new OS?
Read something somewhere about modifying Rom, but not excatly sure how to do that.
Any help would be appreciated.
I am located in Canada, HTC touch Elf comes from France.
I have MSN & Skype, if that would be easier
Flashing you HTC Touch from French ROM to any other ROM
If you understand French, follow the link below. It has everything you need to flash your Touch
Had a French ROM when I bought my ELF, flashed to Blue Elves 5.0 without any problems, then went on to try other ROMs, just make sure you got the proper flashing procedure sorted - all in the WiKi.
ryan.ragoo said:
If you understand French, follow the link below. It has everything you need to flash your Touch
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I think the OP already stated they have a hard time with French.
Everything you need in terms of resources, ROMs, software etc can be found right here, on this site. All you need to do is do some reading.
enigma1nz said:
I think the OP already stated they have a hard time with French.
Everything you need in terms of resources, ROMs, software etc can be found right here, on this site. All you need to do is do some reading.
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dear can u help me to update my elfo100 to english rom when i update elfo100 then give error that invalid vendor id plz give me some useful and simple trick to do that image version is
Please read the stickies in the rom section, or the elf wiki. These have your answer.
You'll want to CID unlock, dump your current rom etc, and flash a WWE rom (onyx etc.) Make sure you run DSIXDAs device_Info.bat so you know what you are dealing with easier, and also to make sure if it is genuine HTC.
Thread necromancy ftl....

[Q]please help me guys

Hi, I have elfin (HTC Touch) and I have Windows Mobile 6 professional and I want to upgrade it to 6.5 so can anyone type me a link so I can download the ROM directly because there is more than one ROM in the forum and I'm afraid to download a wrong one so please help me...thanks
First you read this guide completely.
I read it well and I knew big information about my elfin but really I don't know how to start please tell my what to do first I can tell you the info about my elfin
ROM Version:2.20.707.1B WWE
ROM Date:10/02/07
Radio Version:03.07.90
Protocol Version:
EXT ROM Version:2.20.707.101
Windows Mobile 6 Professional
CE OS 5.2.1620 (Build 18125.0.4.2)
mind my sarcasm...but he meant to say...to upgrade your device without damaging it...you will need to follow some instructions....and if you read it well and if you are a sane guy...then you would atleast EDIT your POST and remove the god damn IMEI of your device....people dont give away their IMEI jus like that you know...its something only you should know...and jus so you know...i m not trying to piss you off cos you are as we call a newbie....so here is a breakdown of what you need to do
1. your device is an ELFIN...so we know
2. jus like you unlock your sim to use your phone...you need to unlock your device...(so that it becomes writable)
3. to do so...you would need to make use of a part of software called USPL and IPL...USPL does the part of keeping your device unlocked...and IPL needs to remain the same series....if you flashed a USPL of 3.XX then your IPL shud be 3.XX series
4. now do the reading on your own this time and discover all flavours of 6.5 ROMS available here....
btw i wonder why you havent tried the official 6.1 ROM from HTC
thanks so much, first i don't know even the difference between the 6.1 and the 6.5 but when i saw some topics about 6.5 and the people said that it works better with the HTC touch so I think in that, now i made a backup ROM from the one i have is that good step and i already downloaded 2 different ROMs from the forum (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=552371 , http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=426540)
but how can i make the device rewritable is there a application i can download? and what's your opinion to upgrade to 6.1 or 6.5?
Upgrade to 6.5 Final Build 21234.
zoom-z said:
thanks so much, first i don't know even the difference between the 6.1 and the 6.5 but when i saw some topics about 6.5 and the people said that it works better with the HTC touch so I think in that, now i made a backup ROM from the one i have is that good step and i already downloaded 2 different ROMs from the forum (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=552371 , http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=426540)
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Tht's a good thing to backup your Original ROM, should be helpful in case of errors, bricking or re-servicing. (though i forgot to do mine )
zoom-z said:
but how can i make the device rewritable is there a application i can download? and what's your opinion to upgrade to 6.1 or 6.5?
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There's is no problem about being not rewritable or sort! Once you CID unlock and upgrade your IPL/SPL, you can upgrade or degrade your device to any ROM you like whenever u like!
About opinions, there are alot of people here and would obviously have their own different opinions and so you will have too! I'd ask you to try out ROMs yourself and use the suitable one you choose. If you'd like to have a stable ROM, i'd advice you to use the 6.1 ROMs and if you'd like to have newer latest builds, you can go for the 6.5 ROMs (which have been optimized to their best stable by respective cooks). In the end, its up to you which you choose as your BEST ROM!
PS: Do read if the ROM is suitable for your device, in this case- Elfin and few FAQs posted out by the ROM cook. Respect others work and last but not least Read & Search before asking Questions!!
Thank you very much I finally upgraded my elfin to windows mobile 6.5 and it's awesome but i still have one more thing i want to make it read and write Arabic language without convert the whole interface is there a patch? I already searched about that and i found a file but it's not an application and I don't know how to use it. before that in my old 6.0 i downloaded an application when i install it, it solves the whole situation then i tried it with the 6.5 but the start menu won't open after i installed it so i formatted the ROM.
ayyu3m said:
mind my sarcasm...but he meant to say...to upgrade your device without damaging it...you will need to follow some instructions....and if you read it well and if you are a sane guy...then you would atleast EDIT your POST and remove the god damn IMEI of your device....people dont give away their IMEI jus like that you know...its something only you should know...and jus so you know...i m not trying to piss you off cos you are as we call a newbie....so here is a breakdown of what you need to do
1. your device is an ELFIN...so we know
2. jus like you unlock your sim to use your phone...you need to unlock your device...(so that it becomes writable)
3. to do so...you would need to make use of a part of software called USPL and IPL...USPL does the part of keeping your device unlocked...and IPL needs to remain the same series....if you flashed a USPL of 3.XX then your IPL shud be 3.XX series
4. now do the reading on your own this time and discover all flavours of 6.5 ROMS available here....
btw i wonder why you havent tried the official 6.1 ROM from HTC
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are there official 6.1 rom from htc? or is it for elfin only because i can't find official 6.1 for elf..
zoom-z said:
Thank you very much I finally upgraded my elfin to windows mobile 6.5 and it's awesome but i still have one more thing i want to make it read and write Arabic language without convert the whole interface is there a patch? I already searched about that and i found a file but it's not an application and I don't know how to use it. before that in my old 6.0 i downloaded an application when i install it, it solves the whole situation then i tried it with the 6.5 but the start menu won't open after i installed it so i formatted the ROM.
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hi, first of all, the backup you have done is probably not ready to be flashed, so whatever you do, dont flash that again or u will brick your phone.
arabic? take a look at this post http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=426281
and finally, i think it will be better if u update ur ipl to 3.10 too.
thanks crapula512 but what you mean with the backup not ready to be flashed? is there any other step ?
zoom-z said:
thanks crapula512 but what you mean with the backup not ready to be flashed? is there any other step ?
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what he means is....you may brick the device with the backup you just created. so if you wana restore your original...which is the one you have backed up now...you should and can only flash that by making use of USPL or HSPL...search the forum for USPL and HSPL...and you will be given guides...
btw...you really like writing in bold letters eh...kinda makes us feel we are blind...
zoom-z said:
Thank you very much I finally upgraded my elfin to windows mobile 6.5 and it's awesome but i still have one more thing i want to make it read and write Arabic language without convert the whole interface is there a patch? I already searched about that and i found a file but it's not an application and I don't know how to use it. before that in my old 6.0 i downloaded an application when i install it, it solves the whole situation then i tried it with the 6.5 but the start menu won't open after i installed it so i formatted the ROM.
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Hi Zoom-Z
check this link http://www.ce4arab.com/vb7/showthread.php?t=153346
you will need to create n account nd download the arabic support or you can download it free from HTC after regestering to HTC eclub
after installing the arabic suit enter setup and disable arabic interface and restart
thank you so much crapula
thanks you very much crapula for this advice

A problem with my HTC HD2

Hello everyone, I just bought my HD2 yesterday
It's the best device I ever bought, but I encountered alittle problem that I need your guys' help with.
You see i'm from the middle-east, so in the applications menu, there is an application that could localize my phone and change everything into Arabic langauge, that's my problem, I need to change it back to fully english but I don't know how, I tried hard and soft reset, doesn't seem to work...
so please can anyone help me please? and thanks in advance.
You will need to download a WWE rom from the rom section of the forums.
Aha, so do I have to search for "WWE rom" without the need of the version? coz I have ver 1.66 now, and how do I install a rom?
if my questions are already answered I apologize, but I would like to get an answer please ^^
ROMs, radios and flashing
You can find shipped (original HTC) ROMs here -
... and there is a good guide for ROM flashing here -
Thanks! I'll use this guide step by step =]

How to change HTC HD2 Taiwanese Chinese language to English version?

Please help, Anybody know to re flash ROM from Taiwanese Chinese version to English version?
Will this process damage the phone? I heard the hardware is different for Taiwanese version (from the customer service in Taiwan)
I called HTC customer service they wont help me!!, I bought wrong I thought is easy to change language. I wish I knew
Thanks for your help
uhm, by reading the Tutorials in this forum
Don't worry. Also I bought my HD2 from Taiwan. Official Rom was Taiwanese. Now, I use Customized rom which is English
Firstly you need to install HSPL, and then you can install any of customized rom. It's very easy. You can use an English rom in few minutes. I use XannyTech Pandora 1.6 and I'm very happy with this rom. You should use too.
santo63 said:
Please help, Anybody know to re flash ROM from Taiwanese Chinese version to English version?
Will this process damage the phone? I heard the hardware is different for Taiwanese version (from the customer service in Taiwan)
I called HTC customer service they wont help me!!, I bought wrong I thought is easy to change language. I wish I knew
Thanks for your help
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before you install hspl to your hd2, you must back-up your Official Stock rom, so that you will have no worries uninstalling your hspl by flashing to sd card....
Hi volkansa, Thanks for help to answer my question.
Dio you mind to give me the link and instruction to do this HSPL and how to back up the original ROM just incase I got in trouble. Im very rookie on this
Actually, I don't know any backup tool for full rom. But you don'y need to backup current rom. If you install HSPL, you can use any customized rom when you are any trouble. For example My first rom was crashed, and I downloaded another customized rom and I had easily install another customized rom with CustomRUU.exe file.
- For HSPL instruction, you should check first page of HTC Leo: HD2 > HD2 ROM Development section. You will see "[HSPL] How to Flash Everything " on that section. Then click it the link.
- and find the link of HSPL.zip then download and install it from your computer while your phone connected to your pc with ActiveSync or Windows Mobile Device Center which are depends your Windows Operation System. If you use XP you should use ActiveSync; if you use Vista or Windows 7 you should use Windows Mobile Device Center.
- After installation your phone will restarted and then it will be ready for new customized roms.
- Now you need to get backup of your personal datas such as Messages, Contact List, Call Logs, Speed Dial records etc. I use PimBackup utility for them you can try it, if you want. It's very easy. And also you should use Storage Device for backup. It's very important. If you use main storage, you will lost your backups after flashing new rom.
- Then pick you favorite roms and download it. Then use instruction of that customized rom. That's it. You have a new rom
santo63 said:
Hi volkansa, Thanks for help to answer my question.
Dio you mind to give me the link and instruction to do this HSPL and how to back up the original ROM just incase I got in trouble. Im very rookie on this
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video tutorial for installing HSPL
tnx to Mskip for the thread:
i hope this helps...
Thanks for your help! I will watch the video first since I am really new on this.
Hi Thanks for tyour help I guess, I have to do it even I m afrid braking it. I guess, you right, I dont even read chinese character! LOL.
By the way can you send me the link to your XannyTech Pandora 1.6. Is this ROM?
Ones I install HSPL I just need to install this Pandora??
Sorry asking too many question and help
santo63 said:
Hi Thanks for tyour help I guess, I have to do it even I m afrid braking it. I guess, you right, I dont even read chinese character! LOL.
By the way can you send me the link to your XannyTech Pandora 1.6. Is this ROM?
Ones I install HSPL I just need to install this Pandora??
Sorry asking too many question and help
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just like me, really afraid bricking my hd2...i bought this a month ago...but i've been experience alot of issues getting to know my phone much better..
warning: don't flash the new official roms 2.xxx coz it will change your spl to 2.0..and there is no hspl for that version...
did you download your stock rom?
yep after installing hspl...you can install any cooked roms...but follow the instructions...some cooked rom runs on higher radio....
santo63 said:
Hi Thanks for tyour help I guess, I have to do it even I m afrid braking it. I guess, you right, I dont even read chinese character! LOL.
By the way can you send me the link to your XannyTech Pandora 1.6. Is this ROM?
Ones I install HSPL I just need to install this Pandora??
Sorry asking too many question and help
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here's the thread for rom development....
I have not down load anything yet, I dont read chinese, I guess I have to ask Do I need to down load stock ROM first? Please heklp me How do I do it? I dont read Chinese language.
Then On the thread specifically to check the SPL 1.42.000 in my device. I just check it I have 1.42.000 XE? So I just need to do HSPL from the thread above right?
How do you get out Boot Loader? LOL
santo63 said:
I have not down load anything yet, I dont read chinese, I guess I have to ask Do I need to down load stock ROM first? Please heklp me How do I do it? I dont read Chinese language.
Then On the thread specifically to check the SPL 1.42.000 in my device. I just check it I have 1.42.000 XE? So I just need to do HSPL from the thread above right?
How do you get out Boot Loader? LOL
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You have to download your Official Stock Rom...so that you will have no problem uninstalling HSPL...you can uninstall HSPL by flashing thru sd card....
is it spl 1.42.000 xe? if then...you can install HSPL to your phone....
to get out the bootloader mode..you have to get the battery out and put it back again....
Hi Guys Thanks It works, But the phone is poor conection, and sound, has noise.
Please Is there update Radio?
santo63 said:
Hi Guys Thanks It works, But the phone is poor conection, and sound, has noise.
Please Is there update Radio?
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there's alot of radio available....you can see it on hd2 rom development....
thread for radio
becarefull in flashing some radio's it might not be compatible to your cooked roms.....know your cooked that you've install in your hd2...
flash us version hd2 leo
I have a question. I just got the Tmobile HD2 it can not read chinese. I want to see how can I re flash my rom make it in chinese version. Right now I have 2.10.531.1 (82076) WWE on my Rom.
can one can help.
by the way my phone hasn't unlock yet.
Don't worry, you can flash the hell out of the phone... got the standard TW mobile one and has been flashing every 1 to 2 weeks no probs with the phone at all
volkansa said:
Don't worry. Also I bought my HD2 from Taiwan. Official Rom was Taiwanese. Now, I use Customized rom which is English
Firstly you need to install HSPL, and then you can install any of customized rom. It's very easy. You can use an English rom in few minutes. I use XannyTech Pandora 1.6 and I'm very happy with this rom. You should use too.
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NooB help about htc touch 3g

Hi ppl
I am new member of this forum and i hope to learn more about this theme.
I have some questions about my htc touch 3g.
Is it possible to install WM 6.5 on the HTC Touch 3G?
How can I do?
Is there any toturial for noobs like me?
The mobile phone operating system by what is understood by a rom? Is that it?
After the installer is possible to change to Portuguese?
Sorry it both ways.
The fact that a big NOOB.
And my English.
Cumps for all users
yes its possible. first thing you need to do is install hardspl, this CID unlocks your device and will allow you to flash any rom.. Search it here as its VERY important you know what it does and how to install it.
next you can find a winmo 6.5 cooked rom from here, and maybe one with Portuguese language, Again , search for it. i would do it for you , but its close to my bedtime
thatguy1982 said:
yes its possible. first thing you need to do is install hardspl, this CID unlocks your device and will allow you to flash any rom.. Search it here as its VERY important you know what it does and how to install it.
next you can find a winmo 6.5 cooked rom from here, and maybe one with Portuguese language, Again , search for it. i would do it for you , but its close to my bedtime
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sorry but you could by some link's?
I'll research more SPL but it has been a great help for what they've had to do.

