I think the Android App store is borked - Nexus One General

Under most popular apps, #6 is an app that monitors your service time if you're a Jehova's Witness. Really?
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I agree...horrible organization and what not, if theres one thing that makes the iPhone what it is..it's the ease of the app store and the number of apps, not to mention there quality apps. One of the few things Google could learn from Apple.

Lmao, I had to check for myself, and sure enough.. It was there lol. I guess a lot of jehovas use Android.

I had to check.....

You would think Google would have some kind of relevant idea of how to properly organize, sort, and search data. I think might be cool for them to move into that field of research. What? That is Google's business?
on a serious note.. wtf is up with the market anyways, very poor features.. why cant we search by downloads number? rating? seems like basic functionality requirements of a marketplace to me.

I believe that the best seller apps update or are reset once a month or once a week. That's the only explanation I have.

Is there somewhere to make an official request for a market filter (blacklist)? I would love to be able to blacklist publishers so they don't show in my search or any listing in the market. Genwi comes to mind as a garbage publisher that needs blacklisted.
Also, do "test" apps have to show up in the main Market? Really?? Come on.... Maybe devs should have their own sandbox market to play with.

That'll be great

What a joke, now that Jehova's Witness crap is #4. Is that organization paying Google or is the Market organization just ****ing retarded? I know that's not the 4th best selling app.

I love my nexus, but the whole market/app thing seems to be way over googles heads.
I sure hope we're not waiting for Froyo to get a better market.

whodatfever said:
Under most popular apps, #6 is an app that monitors your service time if you're a Jehova's Witness. Really?
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That really s**s...just waiting to see Scientology somewhere and I throw it out of the .....


Android 2.2 Froyo for magic??? Source Phandroid & Neowin

Quoting Phandroid: Link
"I was a bit skeptical when a user from 4chan claimed to be an “android trusted tester” and posted screenshots of a MyTouch 3G supposedly running Android 2.2 Froyo – afterall we know how easily those “About” screens are faked. But after some trolling (”No one cares, take this $#!* to XDA”) and small talk (”is it nice”, “hurr”) the OP follows up with a picture that has me (at least partially) believing. Well, not ONLY believing… also yearning for the arrival of 2.2..."
Quoting Neowin: Link
"As we now know, Google's next iteration of the Android operating system is rumored for release at Google I/O next month. To make matters even more interesting, Phandroid has posted some pictures showing a HTC Magic running Froyo. The images are not confirmed to be real, but assuming they are, Android 2.2 will add a new level of convenience to the Android Market.
One of the pictures shows a feature to "Allow automatic updating" within the Market. The example shown is with Google Maps. Assuming this picture is legit, Google is really taking their app store seriously and listening to the suggestions of its users. Whether this new feature will only work for specified applications (such as Google branded ones) remains to be seen. Such a feature has the potential to cause problems for users if the wrong apps are allowed to automatically update themselves. Developers could be able to force ads into their apps, as well as push malicious code."
And some SS (courtesy of Neowin and Phandroid):
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This mean that we will be able to run Froyo on our devices??? Would this be fake or real???
who knows if its real, but i doubt we will get 2.2 before any of the big boy phones like nexus, milestone, x10 ect ect...
we'll be getting 2.1 (well 32A anyways) sometime this summer..
i wouldnt hold your breath for 2.2 ...

[Q] Get real time location by your Phone Number?

I was having dinner with one of my buddy and he was showing off his APP from his IPHONE and said that he can see everybody's real time location by typing in the phone number. Of course being me, i said "Yeah Right". So he type in my number and i was shocked that he was able to pick up my location within 10seconds. I asked what this app is called. His respond was...HELL NO I WON'T TELL YOU LOL...so now i am so eager to find out if anybody in here know this APP Name? Anybody?
Don't worry, this is impossible. Since you were having dinner with him, he probably just showed you the GPS position of his phone.
Have him use a persons number that isn't around.
Actually..that was my first thought, but i was wrong he showed me everything, but the name of the app
Its called iTrack and its a prank app. Location is the iPhone users current location
Sent from my evo 4g
I forget ... I think latitude? will find all your gmail friends .. I tired it for like 2 seconds, cause didn't want the wife to know where I was... yes I had an iphone at the time, wife had a droid
edit.... might be this ? http://techpp.com/2009/12/24/how-to-track-a-cell-phone-number/
Completely illegal, not impossible tho. He proably didnt show you the name of the app because you could google it and find out it was a gag & you just got duped!!!!
Google latitude does the actual track real time. If enabled on both devices. HTC hero won't work with it. Tried and tested.
Sent from the Evo
yeah bro, you got punked lol
Did you know that the word gullible isn't in the dictionary? Seriously, go look! http://m-w.com.
Omg thats nuts !!
bkrodgers said:
Did you know that the word gullible isn't in the dictionary? Seriously, go look! http://m-w.com.
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You will like this thread!!!!

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I hope this is not real!!
Awesome LOL
Just because you work at Samsung, doesn't mean you have a Samsung device. So I'm sure it's real.
septix said:
Just because you work at Samsung, doesn't mean you have a Samsung device. So I'm sure it's real.
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Hmm, I'm sure it's bad if they are tweeting from a competitor's device for their own media messages?
Please have some sense...
You are right, maybe not all Samsung employee's have a Samsung device, but as a company procedure social media should be done from Samsung devices?
If this is true then what the people at Samsung are telling us is that " hey we are selling you crap we don't consider is better than an Iphone ".
The S3 wasn't released on May 3rd right?
The bad thing is I remember looking at this very tweet and didn't even notice
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
A right **** up there, bit like the footballer Ozil from Real Madrid whom Nike filed a lawsuit against after he was seen play some games wearing Adidas boots, this may not be quite as serious but given that this the official Samsung twitter (shi*ter more like)
and whoever posted this done so from an iPod or iPhone (it says both) it doesn't look very good at all.
I bet whoever did that either:
a) was not from Samsung, but from a PR firm hired by Samsung to handle social medias, such as Twitter, FB, G+, etc
b) does not work for Samsung ANYMORE!
I bet my coins on option (a) above since it has been very common for large corporations to hire firms specialized in digital medias to handle their PR. Such firms not only have control of the social media profiles, but they also create a lot of hype and buzz using fake or unsuspicious profiles and blogs.
I have dated a girl that worked in a firm like that... once I completely understood what she does I couldn't respect her anymore, so I ditched in 3.2 seconds.
It's funny! Apple puncture.
maybe dirty marketing strategies
LOL hahaha

Nextbit Baton

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Nextbit Baton offers several benefits to users, including:
Sync: Keeps apps and data in sync across multiple devices, allowing users to move fluidly from one device to the next without missing a beat.
Pass: Send any open app in its current state to another device, saving time and eliminating the tedious process of manually finding and opening apps on different devices.
Backup and restore: Save apps and data to your Nextbit profile in the cloud, so you can always get your apps back on any device.
Nextbit’s private beta is exclusively on CyanogenMod, the leading open-source, community-driven Android OS backed by Cyanogen Inc. The future public release of Nextbit will be available first on the commercially distributed Cyanogen operating system.
“Cyanogen continues to reimagine Android by introducing bold new firsts,” said Kirt McMaster, CEO of Cyanogen. “Nextbit represents one of these platform firsts that could only manifest on a truly open Android. We enable Baton to become a native OS level feature, creating huge benefit for our users.”
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About: https://nextbit.com/about/
Press Release: https://nextbit.com/press/
Articles and videos
The Verge: http://www.theverge.com/2014/10/27/7079623/this-is-nextbits-try-at-fixing-app-switching-on-android
Engadget: http://www.engadget.com/2014/10/27/nextbit-baton-continuity-for-android/
Android Police: http://www.androidpolice.com/2014/1...nogenmod-with-app-syncing-backup-and-restore/
This looks intriguing! I'll be keeping an eye on this. Thanks Nextbit!
WEM97 said:
This looks intriguing! I'll be keeping an eye on this. Thanks Nextbit!
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I was actually an Alpha tester (can come out and say that officially now). It really is awesome and rather useful.
Nburnes said:
I was actually an Alpha tester (can come out and say that officially now). It really is awesome and rather useful.
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Lol me too. That NDA was scary. Glad I can finally talk.
Same Here, been testing it for the past 2 months. now i am just using the nextbit app on PA.
Hey guys glad to see one of us has posted to xda already, I'm about to quote Nburns and spread the word on the nexus 5 forum also just saying those alpha shirts are so soft <3

Samsung is on XDA taking suggestions

This guy seems legit. We can get our wishlists in.
I hear this guy is friends with the tooth fairy
Haha, your probably right.
telling people that they could forward "suggestions" to him about inclusions in Lollipop should alert you to his trollishness; Lollipop was probably finalized at Samsung months ago.
wase4711 said:
telling people that they could forward "suggestions" to him about inclusions in Lollipop should alert you to his trollishness; Lollipop was probably finalized at Samsung months ago.
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Sorry but he is legit. I checked his credentials. He is not a troll. This guy really works for Samsung
Here you go this is the guy.
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what credentials did you check and verify?
That picture doesnt mean anything..
Like i said looks legit.
This is from his facebook page which is tied to his email account that he ises on xda.
If you don't want to believe its ok man. It does seem far fetched.
Look at the name tag. He's not an employee. He's part of Samsung's App Academy which is sort of like an internship for high school juniors/seniors. He's still in high school.
You're right, http://www.scholastic.com/samsungacademy/index.aspx
Check this out, His post count doesn't update. Shows as N/A
XDA internal thing? Is XDA making a joke out of us?
ungraph said:
Look at the name tag. He's not an employee. He's part of Samsung's App Academy which is sort of like an internship for high school juniors/seniors. He's still in high school.
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arjun90 said:
You're right, http://www.scholastic.com/samsungacademy/index.aspx
Check this out, His post count doesn't update. Shows as N/A
XDA internal thing? Is XDA making a joke out of us?
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That's because his account has been banned/locked out.
Lol, I just noticed that after you pointed it out, Lol. Great Job Samsung
rjohnstone said:
That's because his account has been banned/locked out.
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Samsung please please stop with the fugly white interface!!
Oh and we know this isn't going to land with Samsung. Just entertaining this thread.
Mods, close this useless thread. The OP is on Cloud 9. I'd rather e-mail the CEO of Samsung, like I've done before when the Note N7000 (aka Note 1) was in the market. What a difference that made, if any, lol.

