hey guys,
i've found that if i tamper with the mmssms database file i can get some changes to reflect in messaging app/handcent. the caveat is that i have to restart the phone to show those changes. is there any way (via root command line, preferably) that I can force the mmssms database to have to be re-read?
any help is appreciated. thanks
i guess i need some way to stop and restart the default SmsManager?
is there a way to do this?
Hello all Newbie here with a bit of a problem!
I need to be able to recover deleted text messages on my O2 Mini-s, can anyone supply me with any information on how this may be done??
Have background in computing and basic data recovery so have not used the phone since the messages were deleted!
How are text messages stored does anyone know the data structure??
Is there a program available to dump the content of the device on to pc to allow use of a full hex editor?
I really *need* the deleted messages and would appreciate any help even if it means developing a program to achieve the end result lol
Hey guys,
today i received my P4350, i backed up my sms from my XDA-Neo with PPCimBackup and restored them onto the P4350...
But now i´ve got an unread mail in my sms folder, without any sender, message text or anything else. the receive time is always the actual time and i cant delete or move it.
has anyone of you an idea how to fix that?
I dont want to hardreset the device.
Greets Mäffjus
Additonal Info: It is running WM6 (by default).
Phantom SMS? Try to connect your device to desktop thru Jeyo Mobile Companion (trial version available at www.jeyo.com) and delete that SMS. Soft Reset.
its not working, ist shows now sms in inbox...i`m not sure why....
Maybe an error in the inbox database? can i edit the file via Hex or windows (XP) editor?
Further, do you know how i can disable the terrible sound when i sent an sms and the windows pops up? i found no entry in the registry.
hey, no further ideas?
easy as pie
just delete your sms/email inbox. It's the: " cemail.vol " In the mobile root directory. It'll be protected so you'll have to use a trick to get rid of it. Credit goes to Arkhipenko over at mobilitysite.com but here's a quick cut/paste of the solution.
I have recently discovered that my cemail.vol file went crazy: the outlook folders became misaligned.
Without much details of WHAT happened, I needed to delete cemail.vol.
It is not a simple thing since the file is constantly locked by some process (no idea which - I tried killing most of them via MemMaid to no success).
Anyway, to cut the long story short, one way to do it is to use...
Mortscript (what else!)
Create a simple script:
Delete "\cemail.vol"
Place a shortcut to this script to a \Windows\Startup folder and reset: you will have a brand new cemail.vol file when everything boots up (at least I did).
Don't forget to delete the shortcut, or you'll have a brand new cemail.vol every time you boot. "
Anything out there yet? Trying to do the ICS fix to my registry and it's telling me ACCESS DENIED.
Also, is the Snap considered Maple or Willow?
kansaskid72 said:
Anything out there yet? Trying to do the ICS fix to my registry and it's telling me ACCESS DENIED.
Also, is the Snap considered Maple or Willow?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
i had the same freakin problem, the only difference is that i have a Ozone.
so what i did was i used the attached zip, i just followed the smartphone instructions and BAM worked like a charm.
and good question about the maple or willow..cause the Ozone is considered the "Cedar"...? why so many diff names ya know?
either way..try the attached zip, it might work for u too
Closer! Now I can delete or change things in the registry, but after a reboot the changes reverse back to original!
Anyone know why this is?
I also have the Sprint HTC Snap and I'm trying to get ICS working.
What's the preferred program for editing your registry? Can we get a reprint here of which keys we need to modify?
Thanks in advance,
Hi, i think i've got a solution for this on the Sprint Snap. first of all, i'm using PHM Registry editor smartphone edition. google for this cab: regedit.Stngr_ARM.CAB
second of all, here's how to reprovision the security on the snap so you can edit the registry.
install, and then install the tools.cab on your phone from the install directory, run the security configuration manager and connect your phone to your PC, then provision "security off", seems to work so far, and the values stick after a power cycle.
However, a word of warning. When changing or deleting the ForceCellConnection, the value will revert any changes you make after a power cycle and you will lose the connection selection box in the ICS app. this is the only reg value I've found that reverts. I get the feeling that sprint had some kind of script installed that keeps checking for and replacing this particular value.
Also, when using ICS on the "Sprint" setting, it throws an error message up at me and says i need to enter a user name and password. What's going on?
Help folks,
I won't bore you with exactly what I'm doing, but I need an application to start as soon as possible - before the default launcher does for example.
The application contains settings that need to apply prior to everything else.
Is there a script I can place somewhere? If so, are there any examples you can guide me to please!?
Thanks in advance.
Hi folks,
I'm looking for a solution to a problem I found in one of my software.
I use the phone as a standalone datacollector. He is sent to one location and nobody sees or interacts with it.
I found it interesting to use Android, because it is reliable and easy to program, in addition to the hardware features necessary for my application.
I have 200 Galaxy S5 devices for that application.
The problem is that from time to time some of them decide to lose contact with the modem / SIM card.
The only solution I found is to turn off and on the data connection. The problem is that even with the rooted device in and asking for permission to manifest for android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS, when I try to change the data connection, I get a system message saying that I'm not allowed.
What should I do? Has anyone tried any solution for this?
I heard that I need to have the signature of the phone's firmware to be able to sign my software with the same key. Really?
Please do not suggest changing the APN settings to turn off and on phone data. This does not solve my problem... i`ve tried.
Thank you!
Many setprop as a terminal command or some how edit the database in settings provider
great idea, but how do you think i'll be able to tell the system that i've changed the file or the database? a reset?