How hard would it be to make your own rom? - Nexus One General

Okay so I know crazy amounts of stuff about computers, --> But <-- I do not know how to code, nor do I know much about linux. How hard would it be for me to learn how to do it all? Im extremely fast learner and like I previously said, I know alot about computers?

you are going to quickly find out how little you do know about computers and mobile devices for that matter

better get some books on linux code, and there is a developers website for android with all the tools and guidance needed.


herald, wing, p4351?

hi, i want to buy a htc p4351 and i've been reading the tutorials, faqs, and stuff here, and it looks a great phone with great custom rooms, kitchens and stuff and i will probably but it...
but i dont get the differences between htc herald, t-mobile wing, htc p4351 and htc p4350, are their roms compatible? programs are also compatible?
i also want to know if you can permanently brick it or if you make a original rom backup it is impossible to brick it permanently. also the programs developed for it are in what language? java, c++, .net, all of them?
tthaks for the help
They are all the same device, just from different regions and different keyboard layouts. The insides are the same, thus the ROMs are compatable. The programs are also cross compatable...pretty much all Windows Mobile programs are.
You CAN permanently brick your Wing...tho it is rather hard. Just follow the instructions COMPLETLY. READ EVERYTHING before you start and you should be fine.
WinMo programs are usually coded in .net...but there are Java emulators, they can be written in C..its just the developers preference. Windows Mobile basically supports all the programming languages that standard desktop Windows does. You dont have to compile the programs or whatever though if that is why you ask...most come as a .cab file, which is a self extracting installer.
Hope that helps!
oh ok thaks alot i'm asking about the programming language beacuse i want to know the programing languages avaliable, or if u had to use java, .net or some obscure windows mobile specific programming language, maybe someday make some program for it lol
and about bricking: so it has the bootloader and the os, and u can upgrade then alone, no need to write to the bootloader if u just want to change the os? so even if i make a complete backup with the right memory card and stuff, if i write invalid data to the bootloader all hope is gone? the phone is dead and the only hope is opening it and writing directly into the rom?(if this is possible)
ah also is the architecture open? they provide iformation about the phone's assembly, memory map, maybe some c compiler?
again thaks a lot
bug666 said:
oh ok thaks alot i'm asking about the programming language beacuse i want to know the programing languages avaliable, or if u had to use java, .net or some obscure windows mobile specific programming language, maybe someday make some program for it lol
and about bricking: so it has the bootloader and the os, and u can upgrade then alone, no need to write to the bootloader if u just want to change the os? so even if i make a complete backup with the right memory card and stuff, if i write invalid data to the bootloader all hope is gone? the phone is dead and the only hope is opening it and writing directly into the rom?(if this is possible)
ah also is the architecture open? they provide iformation about the phone's assembly, memory map, maybe some c compiler?
again thaks a lot
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You can use C++ or C#, or the Java mobile suff, I believe.
Bootloader - This stays the same, and is seperate from the OS, but HardSPLing tweaks the bootloader, etc. And you are NOT writing crap to the bootloader, there's no reason.
ROM's - You can create your own ROM's and tweak the operating system however you like, by using a kitchen, like Ivan's SuperJustKitchen. You can mess around with lotts there.
Flashing Instructions -
Some Termonoligy - info on ROM's.pdf
thanks once again, but if something go wrong while writing to the bootloader, the battery disconnects or whatever happens will the phone be forever dead or there is still hope?
about tweaking the OS, and what if i want to make my own OS, is this possible? i mean, is the phone architecture open? there is information about its assembly, memory map and very low level stuff?
thanks once again for your time
bug666 said:
thanks once again, but if something go wrong while writing to the bootloader, the battery disconnects or whatever happens will the phone be forever dead or there is still hope?
about tweaking the OS, and what if i want to make my own OS, is this possible? i mean, is the phone architecture open? there is information about its assembly, memory map and very low level stuff?
thanks once again for your time
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Well just don't let anything go bad while HardSPLing!!! HardSPL is the ONLY thing you will be doing to the bootloader. Just be careful when doing it, and everything will go fine. The last resort option from recovering from a brick is "Goldcard", but you shouldn't need to do that.
And idk, you can do lots with Windows phones. People have ported over Android to the Wing! So that proves that lots of stuff is possible. I haven't played around with that stuff though.
As far as the architecture of the phone is considered, it is open...if you can find the information for the various components. The CPU is an Texas Instruments OMAP850, the same as the Wizard and Shadow/Juno use. As far as anything else goes you will be hard pressed to find any real reliable information for things such as the RAM or flash and such. You could possibly ask the boys over at the Wing Linux project if they would make their information available to you because I believe that it is available under the GPL.
Anywho, just as ace said, Android and good old regular Linux are both bootable on the Wing, so the support is there, albeit limited.
oh so even if it is not open there is already reverse engineering enoght to make a new os, so great
the htc wing(purple) is the phone that tmobile has....the htc p4351(what i have is the unlocked version(black)
Honestly, I wouldn't really put any money into buying a Wing/Herald; my suggestion would be to go for the HD2..

So many question, so little time.

Hello all,
I am new to the Android scene and I wanted to find out if there are any good tutorials on app/rom development, what are the programming languages used, etc... I know learning from scratch is probably a long and bumpy road, but it is something I am interested in. I have already rooted and flashed my phone, good times that was. Thank you all for your help.
What's your existing programming experience? You could do worse than check out the anddev forums. App development is principally in Java though you can write parts of apps in C or even assembler.
My existing programming consist of very very very basic python, and some web stuff like HTML and CSS, I would basically have to learn how to program the ones you have mentioned from scratch, I have books for most of those though. I will go check out those forums and see what I can dig up Thanks for the info.
I bookmarked that page thank you, I just got a hold of their Eclipse software and all of their beginner tutorials I can't wait to dive into this stuff.
Me too. I know C, but only have a passing acquaintance with Java & Linux; Android I know even less about, not having encountered it till getting my Hero in February. I'm working my way through Thinking in Java (Eckel) to be followed by Professional Android 2 Application Development (Meier).
Even if your grasp of Python is basic it's still a start - you don't have to struggle again with fundamental procedural programming concepts like conditional execution, program flow control & so forth. Plus Python is an OOP language, aiui (I don't know Python) so you have a head start there too
I've installed Java, Eclipse & Android's SDK on this Windows box, but I'm thinking of dual booting Ubuntu as some things just work better in Linux, especially if one wants to cross compile ROMs. Aiui Cygwin, which I already use, can be a little problematic & when one is likely to be asking for help at times, it's useful to be using a similar set up to most devs.
I have been thinking about dual booting again, I just havent had to time to partition my drive and install some sort of linux release, UBuntu is the one I am most familiar with, which isnt very, but its a start.
I am going through those video tutorials from right now, it seems to be similar to Python in the way the coding is done, I am excited.
I have also downloaded the Eclipse program, but I have the pulsar version, it seems to be geared more towards mobile development and I have gotten the Android toolkit installed and I have had the Android SDK from when I rooted my Hero (Which is awesome, running the newest Damage Control) good times.
I think I may have a java book on PDF somewhere as well, I will have to go look.
Atm I can't make up my mind between dual boot & Virtual Box, or maybe both, to see if I can wean myself off m$
I have been thinking about the dual boot option a lot since you mentioned it, not sure what to do, I may wait till this quarters class is over so that if something goes missing. it Sony be a big deal
Sent from my HERO200 using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk

New to Android

Hello all so Im new to android I came over from BB I got sick of the worthless OS they keep updating. Im trying to get up to speed everything with android. I got root last night using the unevoked's new process. As Im reading different threads I keep hearing people refer to adb shell. What is this? I also have a PC and a MAC but I'm more of a Mac guy, is most the stuff you need to do better done on PC or can it be done on Mac's because they talk about opening a command line which of course is done in DOS. Can anyone shed light on this for me? Thanks in advance
adb is a part of the Google Android SDK. It's available for Mac, PC, or Linux. Really, it boils down to preference. I believe setup is easier for Linux and Macs, but it's still pretty easy for a PC.
You can use Terminal, or whatever. It just needs a command-line interface for you to type into.
Thank you for the link and the explanation. I think its been to long since Ive had a open source device im way behind the curve i guess. Is there a good thread or a site for someone like me to start at that will start at the beginning and explain what SDK is and everything else?
Firstly, for a general how to of what's going on with our device, adb, so on and so forth, this thread is pretty awesome:
For a more in depth explanation of development and the like hit up:
For the vast majority of what you're going to be doing, you need to be pretty familiar with command line scripts and the like. Also, if you want to write applications, you'll need to know java. If you really aren't all that interested in developing and just want to know about adb, that first link is a pretty good crash course.

[Q] need help from a developer

I need a push start!!
i have created a circle composed of 12 concentric rings.
i want to make a live wallpaper with these rings slowly spinning in opposite directions.
i have been studying numerous web threads on how to create live wallpaper, but it just seems to me that each one assumes that the reader knows a lot more about developing in java for android using eclipse than i do.
please help me get started.
i understand the basics. i have created a couple of text based applications that i've ran on the emulator and installed on my droid x. they worked as planned!
i'd be very appreciative and willing to donate lots of time and even cash to a developer who will work with me online or offline to get this project started.
i am a veteran of 30 years software development for the VMS operating system. I've also created 2 dozen or more clock applications in lua for the windows mobile operating system. i've developed management applications for monitoring and configuring over 1200 windows 2003 servers in java, vbscript, c#, .aspx, html, perl and so forth. i'm no dummy, i can code!
i've written code in just about everything, even java, but the use of xml, manifest files, the android graphics interface has me baffled. maybe it''s just too many ways to get it done that confuses me.
anyway, i'm in need of a push start and am willing to donate to someone who will patiently get me going in the right direction.
thank you!
Although I can't give you much help, I can recommend that you look through the samples that come with the Android SDK for base source code for live wallpapers.
And also, even though the many option make it seem difficult, one you play with it for a while it gets simple.
I hope that I've helped at all. Good luck!
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
well this sure isn't the response i thought i was going to get!!!!
You'd be better off asking this is in a more generic Android/App Dev forum.
This forum is DX specific (and quite frankly, a lot of people have left the DX platform for newer phones).
Try here:

Android app development help?

Hello, I am a computer science student and i need some help getting into android programming, i know a bit, but frankly it aint much.
I know C++, C#,Visual Basic,(I know C++ the most) and i am currently taking a class on Java, but I want to get into android programming too!(I made a game for android a while back using unity.)
I don't need a tutorial from the ground up.
I know how setup the environment, sdk, run, etc.
I want to learn how to work with layouts and make them look cool,
basic app functionality, work my way to internet connected apps, databases, apps with root, gestures, all that fun stuff.
I am just wondering if anyone would share any info or site that helped them.
I am not that much of a noob to programming but i am to the android sdk and a rookie with java.
if any mentor would step up or something i would really appreciate it.
Thank you.
btw if you're feeling bored check out my game!
Yes, i know its hard, i have a better version, i just haven't compiled and uploaded, i will soon.
I think best Website is always
It hasn't only the API reference, but also Training section and much more.
Whenever I don't know sth I first visit this.
According to me you should go step wise step...Watch video tutorials on YT.
You can ping me for help.
then go to java website and start learning java. Loads of tutorial stuff is on their website
then go and download the Android SDK in about 2-3 months when you've completed the above.
how to convert Shell script to apk file?????
hello gud evening to all
i am a ECE student...anyone can tell me how can i make a apk file by the use of Shell script...i have a shell script and just want to make a apk of this...
need help please...:crying:
Okay so i have been reading a lot and programming for weeks.
I am getting very comfortable with the android api. i've built a few of my own ****ty apps..
now i'm looking for a project to work on, something simple but not too simple either.
I need a little help with fragments and layouts and such, so if anybody has an idea for a project i could work on
or could teach me about fragments, feel free to post please? xD

