Copy files in storage card while cooking & autorun - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Hi all, how can i set the app.dat file to make the system copy files to the storage card? What address should i write here?


Storage card installations

Hey guys,
Is it possible to make a program files directory on the storage card where I can install the apps?
When I now install an app it installs on the root of the SD card.
I would like to have this a little more sorted...
dont think you can specify the directory when installing. Active Sync does not give you the option
No thats the problem...
I was looking for an application that can change that...
With my SPV e200 it makes a directory on the storage card named: Program Files and install in that directory...

how to (.cab file)

how to save .cab file in storage card and not in rom

config file could not be found?

No idea what your talking about. Installation steps are:
Install the OpennetCF by copying the CAB file to your storage card. Next execute the CAB file from the storage card. Make sure to select Device to install.
Copy the RegistryWizard CAB to you storage card. Install the RegistryWizard from teh storage card by selecting it and, again, select your device to install on.

IE cache/history still storing on device, NOT SD

Ok, I'm using the program Registry Wizard, created by one of the great users on this forum...Anyways, I'm runing into a small but annying problem.
For some reason my storage card was renamed to Storage Card2, and a new folder on the device was created named Storage Card, and this is where all the IE data is being stored. I deleted this folder, and attampted to rename the actual storage card, back to "Storage Card" and it said there was an error and the folder cannot be renamed. What is the particular reason for this? I'm attempting to name it back, and THEN apply the reg hack to save all IE data to the "Storage Card" folder
Any ideas?

Change "MyDocument" location...

Hi guys!
I'd like to change the default storage location and the default MyDocument folder location to the memory card.... is it possible?
Try this:
There should be a file called "ignore_my_docs" on your SD. Cut and paste it to the root of your device.
Now just create the "My documents" folder on the SD.

