Travelling overseas - keep JASJAM or go Ipod Touch? - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

I am just about to travel overseas. I plan to use a portable device purely for web surfing (booking hotels, checking email etc) in hotel rooms via Wifi. I currently have an I-mate JASJAM running one of the ROMs that I installed here a few years ago. (Schaps 3.54c. Win Mobile 6 Pro). I havent really used it much since except as a phone.
I am thinking - is there some ROM and set of software I can install on my JASJAM which would convince me not to go out and buy an Ipod touch instead? What is the state of the art these days in terms of providing a smooth browsing experience over Wifi for the JASJAM (for people who dont have great eyesight and need to use enough of browser functionality to make bookings etc)?

melvynator said:
I am just about to travel overseas. I plan to use a portable device purely for web surfing (booking hotels, checking email etc) in hotel rooms via Wifi. I currently have an I-mate JASJAM running one of the ROMs that I installed here a few years ago. (Schaps 3.54c. Win Mobile 6 Pro). I havent really used it much since except as a phone.
I am thinking - is there some ROM and set of software I can install on my JASJAM which would convince me not to go out and buy an Ipod touch instead? What is the state of the art these days in terms of providing a smooth browsing experience over Wifi for the JASJAM (for people who dont have great eyesight and need to use enough of browser functionality to make bookings etc)?
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I have the Dopod 838pro (aka JasJam?), used to run Schaps 4.3.
I personally would not surf on it unless I have no alternatives. It is kinda slow and 3G drains the batteries. Wifi would be worse! The fact that the device is at least 2+ years old would not help the battery life.
For surfing in the hotel room, I recommend a netbook/notebook.
I use my Hermes mostly for ebooks, email, calendar and as a portable dictionary/translator. On rare occasions, I have used the web browser to look up an address or bus route while on the go and a notebook is inconvenient. Even then, it is a quick 1 or 2 function access.
Like you, my eyesight is not that great and the Hermes screen is not exactly overly large!
If you insist, check out Opera Mini 5 or Opera Mobile 10....
Skyfire is good but has the biggest drain on batteries.
If you are surfing on batteries, remember to exit the browser when you are done. I find all browsers drain batteries if they are running (even in the background - perhaps because they keep the data connection active).
Good luck!


Does Universal have bad hardware or software? should I buy?

I am just about to purchase a new PDA. I am deciding between the Wizard (o2 xda mini s) and Universal (o2 xda exec).
The universal seems to have everything I want, but I am scared by the posts here.
So I have one basic question for you guys:
Do you think:
1. There are basic hardware problems which can't be resolved until there is a new version
2. It is just a buggy software/firmware issue, and this will be fixed by the current and future firmware upgrades ?
If it is 2, I will not mind buying it ?
Only a personal viewpoint, but my view is that most of the problems are being caused by software that claims to support WM5.0 - but the reality is that although they do support it, not all software is as robust as it should be. I have installed and uninstalled a whole range of applications (purchased and trial versions) - and found that many cause lock-ups etc. After trial and error I have settled on a PIM (Pocket Informant) and a closer/launcher (GSPocketMagic) that work reliably, do not cause my Universal to lock up and do not seem to have any effect on system speed. Others I have tried may cause lock-ups or at least really slow the system performance down significantly. Not sure if others have found the same - just what I have found by trial and error. Hope it helps
that is a very interesting point. I was very influenced by this article:
Also it seems if you read aximsite re: dell x51v, that Wm5 is not as compatable with wm2003se software as people think.
What also seems to be adding to the issues is that the service providers (o2, orange, etc.) are NOT aware of this and are installing applications as standard (e.g. battery meter) which actually cause lags in answering phone calls as they are not correctly for Wm5.
I guess the question is now, does the jasajr work fine when all bad the sowftare is uninstalled, and is it possible to uninstall monitoring software that service providers have installed ?
I just bought mine on Monday... great piece of kit!
If you are just going to use the software that came with it you shouldn't have any problems at all (i haven't anyway) all is working well.
I think as soon as WM2005 becomes more established and more developers cater for it the glitches will go, like NH said, it's more 3rd party software that's causing the problems
hey budo, which service provider did you buy from ?
how is surfing the internet using 3g (the real reason I want to buy it, as I will keep my normal mobile for phone calls)
My position is clear. WM5 itself has bugs and does things you don't expect. Here are just four examples of WM5 probelms which are nothing to do with third-party apps:
- If the Camera app is left on it heats-up the devices as it drains the battery
- On downloading email over GPRS/3G the Messaging app can freeze
- Media stored on the SD card when used by apps when the "suspend" option is used can cause the app to fail when you re-start your device
- WM5 can report it has insufficient memory even when it has 20MB of RAM free
- Memory leakage means you need to reset the device daily
- If you do reset it is possible to loose settings and data if this data has not been written back to the persistent storage from the real RAM
O2, and they give you 3 options for "install type" so if you want all the bells and whistles you can switch it on, or if you want just the basic software you can switch that on lol...
I have to sort my internet out for 3G, needs to be config for some reason.... but from what i have seen from GPRS it's top dog esp with sites that cater for mobile internet....
this is not good jah, i am put off again. although this could be fixed with a firmware update if htc provide that kind of thing. Anyone know their record on this for other devices ?
hey budo. If 3g is turned on, it should use it automatically for connection, even if it says gprs. that is normally how all my 3g phones have worked when 'bluetoothed' with a pda.
I assume you have seen this thread:
I am not trying to put you off but just want to make sure you have a balanced perspective. I have an Exec and all I can say is that it is "high maintenance" like all M$ based systems
thanks, i'll read.
I'm not sure I totaly agree with you about M$ stuff. I had a dell x50v and currently have an orange m500, and they are perfectly reliable and low mainentance. It does seem however that the hardware people have rushed out wm5 systems without really doing their research and I am sure M$ is responsible for a load of bugs. Roll on WM5se ......
colonel said:
hey budo, which service provider did you buy from ?
how is surfing the internet using 3g (the real reason I want to buy it, as I will keep my normal mobile for phone calls)
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Sux. This pixel doubling issue means that you don;t get anywhwere near the estate you expected. U can switch to Oz VGA but that costs a 5 min reset either way - easier to get to a PC! The other issue is that the IE browser is SO bad that 3G surfing feels like GPRS - in fact I used to fire up my laptop just to check that I had a good 3G signal in the area and was indeed surfing on UMTS!! Issue is that browser renders slowly, and cache's so badly that it actually reloads the whole friggin page when u go 'back'. I could have my laptop working on a 3G card right alongside my JJ on 3G, type in xda-developers and press 'go', and my laptop would give me the screen in seconds, whilst my JJ would take a full minute!! We're taking over 10x slower. Also, many sites do not render in PIE - blank drop boxes etc. In SA that's movie booking gone, not a SINGLE TV guide site works, and altho my private bank works, my company bank does not. However, terminal services in VGA is awesome...
I don't really have problem with 3G and PIE. I use T-mobile and o2 in the UK and the rendering etc is reasonable given that I did not expect laptop like performance on my Exec. The Exec in corp mode with GSPMagic+ is very quick.

I love my Wiz now, but why is it so lame 'out of the box'?

I love my MDA more and more now. But after my first week or two i was begining to think i had made a mistake buying it. Thanks to the kind and helpful folk around here and other forums, i now have it doing everything i wanted it to do and in the way i want it to do it.
I use it for TomTom, playing DIXed DVD's, music, podcasts, games, the usual email/web duties and more. And thanks to the great WiFi 'G' reg hack i can now stream my large lossles FLAC files (with the help of fantasitc Conduits Pocket Player) right into my Hifi system, just like my Squeezebox 3 media player. It's actually much better than an ipod (albeit with less storage when out of the house - although i could access my music at home from a hotspot). A fully fledged media streaming device for free! (well, a small fee for Pocket Player and a 2.5mm to 3.5mm jack adaptor).
Not only does this hack also enable 'g' speeds, but i can confirm that it also massively increases performance on 'b' speed networks too (which mine is limited to due to being an 'adhok' network).
Sure, a faster proc, better camera and maybe even 3G would be nice. But i have no wish to ever make video calls or use Skype (i'm the geek of the group and no-one else i know uses it).
I understand there will always be better third party software (Media Player is an utter waste of space for example) but why should we have to make techy and annoying tweaks to the registry, just to get the best from the unit? Why the hell do we need to hack the reg just to make a basic settings change, such as hiding SIM contacts (which is an option in just about every mobile from the last 5 years).
Is it just bad planning? Poor thinking on the manufactures part? or is there just a genuine reason for 'hiding' these settings and not making them accessable from standard menu's?
The older i get, the less time i have to mess around so much. I have better things to do these days to be honest.
Surely they would have more to gain by activating the performance increases themselfs, rather than us more tech savy types to figure out how to alter the registry. Half the things this device has been slated for in reviews can actually be sorted, but the average (make that normal) buyers of this device will be feeling a bit short changed if you ask me.
I guess the only thing left for me to do now is dump the T-Mobile ROM and use a more slimline one. Or maybe i should just figure out who to lose some of the crap from my existing install?
What is it with these companies? Don't they know when they are on to a good thing? Or maybe, just maybe it to keep us coming back for more and upgrading year after year? Hey ho...
/rant over.
Very interesting topic, well put and one which I'm sure will be relevant to me very soon...y'see my Wizard arrives in two days and it was reading posts such as yours which helped me take the plunge.
I don't mind messing about with PDAs, phones, PCs etc to get the the best performance but (as you rightly point out) we shouldn't have to. However, given the thousand of threads and posts on this (incredibly good) site, I am somewhat confused about what to do first with my Wizard.
So, could you please take a few minutes to post what changes, hacks etc you have done to get yours where you (almost) want it to be?
Many thanks in advance.
mosgeo said:
So, could you please take a few minutes to post what changes, hacks etc you have done to get yours where you (almost) want it to be?
Many thanks in advance.
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The first things i would always do after a hard reset (format), after syncing back all my contacts/callender of course...
Reg hacks (main ones, i have forgot a few) -
*Hide SIM contacts (so the dont appear pointlessly twice)
*Enable 'g' speed Wifi
* Disable the annoying 'you are about to go online' message. You will understand when you get yours, VERY VERY annoying - you get it even when you are online and just switch back to PIE.
* There are some good performace tweaks to, which i forgot about.
Essential software i could not be without (some free, some not - unless you are naughty. Don't be naughty now )
*TomTom (Sat Nav)
*Memory Map Pocket Nav + GPS and the O.S. maps i use for walking
*TCPMP - The best video player
* Conduits Pocket Player - the best music player IMO (Streaming, gapless playback and OGG/FLAC support - nice). costs a few beer tokens, but free good alternatives are available.
*Resco File explorer and Reg editor.
*Opera Browser - Renders pages faster than PIE, handles java script etc better and Tabbed browsing makes GPRS speeds much less of a pain.
*Memmaid - for cleaing up temp files, dead registry entries etc.
*Storage tools - for formating and sorting out MiniSD cards - WM5 can't even format a bloody memory card!
*Wififofum - for finding WiFi networks (more for fun than anything).
*OMAPclock - for a bit of overclocking (more for fun again, i rarely feel the need is that great)
*And of course registry wizard for the good people of these forums
Thats about it really for me, but i am finding more cools things everyday to play with but those are my must have ones - i have had to install
A few must have games include, AOE, UFO, 3D pool and Soduko.
Personally i dont use a today plugin. I have not found one i like yet and most have icons etc that are to small on the MDA's small screen or just make clutter rather than really help me. A well organised start menu is enough for me.
Oh, and of course you can flash the ROM. But i have not done this yet. T-Mobiles version does not seem that bad but i hear the O2 version is a real dog and well worth doing. I just worry about lost Wifi and GPRS functionality i have heard about some people having.
Really wasn't expecting a reply so soon, and certainly not such a comprehensive one. Thanks for your time. I may be back with more questions once I actually get my mitts on a Wizard. Cheers!
yes I agree , it is great post, specially for new people like me, I got mine (Qtek 9100) just on Friday, and I am still figuring out its functions.
But I have question - if you have time to answer - I really don't know about WiFi function -which is in the device- , if I want to connect to the internet I should have a wireless router connected to my main PC, is that right ? I have read some of posts in here, that they can connect to the Internet - through their PPC - when they are outside or walking or traveling from area to another, by scanning for the nearby Connection, then they can use it to visit websites, does this cost money when they connect to the Internet using the WiFi ? And how can I do the same if it doesn't cost m money ? Can the "WiFi Fofum" program do this o is it only to scan any available connection nearby ? How can I connect to the internet (through WiFi) when this programm finds connection? And if it is really totally free..
I know this are bunch o Questions But I really want to use this function - if possible - specially that I work outside my city and I have to spend couple of hours travelling almost everyday. I appreciate any comment.
Wireless router at home if you want to use it wirelessly or if you do what I do now and then..... connect via the USB cable to your PC. Out and about you can connect for free if someone has a wireless network within range that has no WEP security enabled
There are wireless spots around the country but you have to pay for the main ones via an account you have to set up (kind of pay as you go) Cloud is one company that runs WiFi hotspots on a PAYG basis.
If you leave your WIFI scanning it will tell you if you are within range of a network, it will also tell you if it is secured or not, if it isn't then 9/10 you can just connect and use it
I have been meaning to make a post just like the OP. You are on the mark, IMO! This situation really begs the question, how can this thing be so feeble out of the box?
Thank you XDA and all of the kind people on this forum. You have been the best!
Thomas1234 said:
if I want to connect to the internet I should have a wireless router connected to my main PC, is that right ? I have read some of posts in here, that they can connect to the Internet - through their PPC - when they are outside or walking or traveling from area to another, by scanning for the nearby Connection, then they can use it to visit websites, does this cost money when they connect to the Internet using the WiFi ?
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In my case, my service provider (Cingular) offers a service called GPRS/EDGE, which lets the Wizard access the Internet through the cell phone connection.
I use the WiFi when I don't have a good connection. Most of the time, for browsing mini-websites and sending e-mails, there isn't much speed difference between WiFi and GPRS. I don't think the Wizard is fast enough to process more than a few 100 kbps of data.
If you don't want to (or can't) pay for a GPRS service, it's possible to "war drive" for access points. The Wizard will find them, although its WiFi reception isn't as powerful as a laptop's.
On my phone, if I enable WiFi, the phone will automatically use WiFi instead of GPRS when WiFi is available. If you don't want to pay GPRS charges, you might want to configure the phone so that it doesn't use GPRS.
can you explain 'wardriving' please? is it just freely using wifi points without paying? bit confused
You are correct in your assumption !! You would be amazed at the number of 'unlocked' WiFi routers out there....
Ever tried running Bluetooth detection in a pub and seen how many phones are out there too ?
If you can find an unlocked WiFi router running DHCP - 'Fill your boots' !! Sometimes it's even possible to guess IP addresses of other PC's on the network, access em and leave a kindly note to thank them for their hospitality but warn them of their folly and the potential for disaster......I know I have but then that's me: Mr Altruism
Ok how can I get any internet connection through WiFi ? Should I just enable my WiFi and it'll scan for any available connection nearby ? I did but nothing happened, it wants from me to fill form which I really don't know anything about it... Or do I have to use a program to scan for connection ? And if yes, should my WiFi be enabled ? What is the best program for scaning ? I wish if someone explains me all that and how can start using WiFi to get a connection and an access to the internet but slowly, will be thankful.
Im new to all of this, but what can you do with the registry wizard and how do you install it? I foud a zip file for it, but cant get it to load.
i have a question too if you have the time mate,
I don't exactly want to use the edge since i dont have an unlimited plan or can i delete these settings and do you think any problems will occur?(sending recieving mms)
basicly i don't it to connect to edge(gprs) there a way to fix this
thanks so much.

Fed up and im getting rid of my ameo

After 14 months of of ownership im finally getting rid of my ameo, there have been highs and lows, in some respects it is an excellent device, but the facts are these.
1) it is awkward to use as a phone
2) it is not competent enough to be used as a media device and struggles to play windows media video without the correct drivers for the ATI GPU, (and it seems that HTC dont care enough to try to fix that)
really and truly all the web browsers suck compared to a desktop PC, (but they have come along way in 14 months I have to admit)
the bottom line is this, it tries hard to be a computer but fails, it tries hard to be a phone but fails (so close on both counts and yet so far)
I have now gone and purchased myself a used oqo 01+ at the very knock down price of £288 it is roughly the same size as the ameo but (being a windows XP machine) infinitely more competent, I will be linking it when necessary to my phone (which will hopefully be a vario 4 *hsdpa 7.2Mbps*) when my contract ends in 4 months. At last, I will have an easy to use pocketable phone that I can hold to my ear and a fully fledged 30GB media device when I need it.
I finally see why Leoni did what he did !
Another thing that used to wind me up was the fact that even though the ameo has HSDPA 1.2 mbps it was so slow loading web pages, infact being on wifi made no difference either, but when connected as a modem to my laptop, my laptop connection was really quick, it just made me think if my ameo is capable of passing this speed through to my laptop why can't it use it for itself, and then I realised it must just be yet another limitation with Win mobile.
PPS anybody want to buy an ameo, mint condition as it was replaced under warranty a month ago (including documantation to prove this) however the keyboard is tatty as it was not replaced !
£270 can meet up in london ! boxed with all the usual accessories + a docking cradle charger station + a second battery (now in poor condition)
I think you're the first person since Spacecat to agree with me. I sometimes miss the Ameo and consider buying another but in the end it would just be a toy.
I obtained a TyTn 2 recently (having initially HATED the Vario 3) and with the latest Dutty ROM it really is rather good. The QVGA screen matters little as Opera Mobile does such a stoic job, and browsing is my only cause for a VGA would be nice though.
People bring up the size and weight of the TyTn 2 in conversation, which is a nice means of putting me off EVER getting an Ameo again....jeez.
You're right about video quality - the Ameo just doesn't cut it. The TyTn 2 isn't much better - though Coreplayer offers Qtv support for the Qualcomm chipset - but the Ameo only heightens the jerkiness and tearing with its 5" screen. I don't really watch much card-based video anyway, it's usually just Youtube.
Correct me if I'm wrong but the Vario 4 - is that the Touch Pro?
Looks pretty hot, though I imagine some people just won't be happy unless their phone has a 5" screen. Me? I'm going for the Diamond: I've gotten used to the brilliant Diamond touchpad and enjoy using it. Although its memory is not expandable I've decided that 4gb is enough for me; If need be I've got an EEE to watch films on the train in a swankier fashion and conserve precious battery life.
Good luck with your sale sir
TBH I do a lot of streaming from home using ORB, and the ameo just strugles with a service that other phones do so easily ! I prefer the form-factor of the OQO over the eee, but I see why you went in that direction, I am not to fussed on the spec of my new phone, as it is solely going to be a phone/satnav and 7.2 mbps HSDPA modem, the fact is only the Vario 4 and compact 4 (touch diamond I believe) really fit the bill, but I want number buttons instead of a touch screen numeric pad, and a qwerty to text with, hence the vario choice.
ice_coffee said:
TBH I do a lot of streaming from home using ORB, and the ameo just strugles with a service that other phones do so easily ! I prefer the form-factor of the OQO over the eee, but I see why you went in that direction, I am not to fussed on the spec of my new phone, as it is solely going to be a phone/satnav and 7.2 mbps HSDPA modem, the fact is only the Vario 4 and compact 4 (touch diamond I believe) really fit the bill, but I want number buttons instead of a touch screen numeric pad, and a qwerty to text with, hence the vario choice.
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It might seem dreadful to say this...
but the Iphone 3g might fit the bill for you....that is, if you can live without Winmo.
There's coreplayer so you'll be able to play virtually any video file - no doubt in much better quality than any graphics-driverless HTC device!
A DEDICATED orb client which is absolutely brilliant: no more web-based Orbing, and it happily plays your streams in the background while you check mail, browse etc....
3g and HSDPA which you can share via WIFI adhoc.
GPS (Tomtom is already set for release)
Dedicated bbc iplayer support
And let's not forget it has the best browser and email client available....
And a whole host of companies queuing up to make software for it.
I'm certainly interested in it with so much cool stuff coming out, shame there's no keyboard but the onscreen QWERTY is very good.....
Apologies in advance if my suggestion is offensive to you!
hi there,
Its a shame u feel u need to discard ur Ameo, am a junior hear, regular user of the website but with limited knowledge when it comes cookin rom(s) or dumping application to creat d best application, however i've had my amoe since last october, and only till a couple of months ago when the AP4 rom was released with window 6.1 then that my is d ultimate device:
1) Better Tcpmp player with SUPERB QUALITY VEDIO PLAY BACK,
2) HSDPA is brilliant
3) Support fring application for SUPERB VOIP app.
4) Opera for web browsing
5) Touch flo included but my tots: just a gimik.
6) Mobile Office i used for work
7) Screen with realvga so using Excel is brilliant
8) Google map that works with d built in Gps as i dont drive
leoni1980 said:
It might seem dreadful to say this...
but the Iphone 3g might fit the bill for you....that is, if you can live without Winmo.
There's coreplayer so you'll be able to play virtually any video file - no doubt in much better quality than any graphics-driverless HTC device!
A DEDICATED orb client which is absolutely brilliant: no more web-based Orbing, and it happily plays your streams in the background while you check mail, browse etc....
3g and HSDPA which you can share via WIFI adhoc.
GPS (Tomtom is already set for release)
Dedicated bbc iplayer support
And let's not forget it has the best browser and email client available....
And a whole host of companies queuing up to make software for it.
I'm certainly interested in it with so much cool stuff coming out, shame there's no keyboard but the onscreen QWERTY is very good.....
Apologies in advance if my suggestion is offensive to you!
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not offensive at all, but I want my next phone to just be a phone with qwerty texting keyboard, (not on iphone) and hsdpa 7.2 (not on iphone)
fair enough! in respect to the 7.2mbps HSDPA, do you think this is a gimmick or will speeds genuinely be upgrading? I still have the same speeds - around 1.2mb - I had when i first got my Hermes/vario 3. Even with the category 6 3.6mbps N95 I never saw any discernible difference.
Just a thought.
I've just bought a Toshiba Portege G900 really cheaply, though I'm hoping i dont suffer the signal problems and glitches other people have. The screen is supposedly really nice (800 by 480) but I'm concerned that I wont be able to install some of my favourite applications because of it. We shall see. I'm starting to think I should settle on one phone for more than 3 months!
I am getting 2-3 Mbps in London (on Voda), which is faster than my home broadband !
It is all about deciding what you want first, and then chosing the device. I love the OQOs, but battery life is just too short, and the Transmeta processors only just about cope. As long as you don't push it too hard, it is a "proper" computer for a couple of hours. Vista on the E2 devices is another matter, grrrrrr so slow. But like the Samsung Q1s and HTC shifts etc, if you MUST have Windows then you have to compromise on battery and speed. If you MUST have all day battery then you compromise on the OS.
Instant on and pretty much all day battery ... ain't many laptops that can do that. And there are none that will fit in your pocket as well. If there were, we would all have one
only Voda offer 7.2 at the mo, and it is restricted to some areas of london ! but there will be more soon, so I might aswell be ready for it ! TBH I could manage without the keyboard so maybe I will go for a compact 3, I would really be happiest with one of the new hsdpa 7.2 LG's or samsungs they have a normal numeric pad, (fine by me) but unless I find one running symbian or win mo I will loose my tomtom, which is NOT acceptable.
I also want something with internet connection sharing, so I can get away with the cheaper data plan.
ice_coffee said:
only Voda offer 7.2 at the mo, and it is restricted to some areas of london ! but there will be more soon, so I might aswell be ready for it ! TBH I could manage without the keyboard so maybe I will go for a compact 3, I would really be happiest with one of the new hsdpa 7.2 LG's or samsungs they have a normal numeric pad, (fine by me) but unless I find one running symbian or win mo I will loose my tomtom, which is NOT acceptable.
I also want something with internet connection sharing, so I can get away with the cheaper data plan.
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Really it sounds like Nokia is the way forward for you. Personally I wouldn't touch Samsungs or Lgs as they are too basic and only have proprietary os's.
If you can cope with 'just' 3.6mbps then how about the N96?
16gb of true usb 2.0 speed storage plus a micro sd cardslot, large screen, wifi connection sharing (via the excellent free walking hotspot solution), flash support from within the browser, better integrated java manager than windows mobile, superb camera, integrated dvb-h player and recorder (though not immediately available in the UK)and its VERY pocketable. worlds away from the Ameo.
Oh and for the record it is now possible to use Tomtom 6 with the integrated GPS with a BINpda app.
It may be that the N96 IS 7.3mbps (category 8) HSDPA capable, the spec isn't too easy to obtain at the moment.
Just another idea for you anyway.
I could maybe live with 3.6 mbps, until my next renewal but it would need to support internet connection sharing, over HSDPA, as far as I know the symbian phones don't ! I want my phone to fool the newtwork into letting me use my laptop/oqo without paying the extra, If I use a nokia I have to set up the dialling properties and account in the browser and it then uses the nokia as a modem ! which is why it needs to be win mo, however I might get a winmo smart phone, im not fussed on a camera my only criteria is
1) HSDPA 3.6/7.2 ICS
2) Easy pocketable phone maybe with a keyboard but defo with a numeric pad
3) Tomtom capable
this limits me to the vario 4 and win mo smart phones !
i'm not entirely sure I follow: there is no way to 'fool' the network with regard to your usage settings. With regard to internet connection sharing on a windows mobile device, ics simply uses the activesync drivers and creates a pseudo ethernet connection. If you use Nokia PC suite then essentially it does the same thing but via the modem utility. there is no difference in speed (despite the option in dial-up settings to alter the baud rate) and as far as the network is concerned you will still be using the same access point - they will not be able to tell whether you're using a Nokia, a windows mobile device or a Samsung D600 other than that you're usage will spike (and technically they could track what browser you are using, whether you are using IM, VOIP etc).
The easiest solution for Nokias is Walkinghotspot, through which ANY device can 'share' your internet connection via wifi. Walkinghotspot uses exactly the same connection as the built-in browser and has support for encryption and power saving. It's also free! the same software is also available on windows mobile.
lol, I guarantee you my friend there is a big difference between tethered mode (phone as a modem ) and internet connection sharing (phone as man in the middle) !
1) Tethered Mode.
You put your internet access settings in to your computer, your computer then uses your phone as a modem, the network operator can tell you are doing this because your phone Identifies it self on the network as inuse as a modem
2) Internet Connetion sharing here your actual phone itself goes on the internet, your laptop does not require any of the settings required to go onto the network because all of this is done by the phone, the phone identifies it self as going on the network directly (not as a modem)
The difference being the networks can charge different rates for going on the internet, either direct on your phone or if your phone is used as a modem for a laptop, Provided they can tell.
T-mobile charge £7.50 for unlimted internet on your phone if you want the ability to connect to your laptop it will cost an extra £5 per month, however using ICS T-mob can't tell as all your requests appear to be coming directly from your phone, not your laptop, and so you can get away with the cheaper rate. as I have been doing for the last 14 months !
duplicate duplicate
duplicate duplicate
are you sure that's the case? as far as I was aware whatever method you use still connects to the same apn. what I do know is that since april 06 I've been on the standard 7.50 web n walk tarif and have never had a charge for going over my allowance. I have used all manner of different handsets- though mainly nokias - to connect my dell inspiron and eee to the internet. perhaps this will allay your fears. seems like we're both on the same network - good choice!
hmm intresting, how do you connect, are you using bluetooth pan and then getting your laptop to dial *99# or whatever it is to connect over HSDPA
I will try your method and see if I get any data bills !!
Ice Coffee...Wanna Trade?
I have a Tilt, it is used; however, I can have it replaced through the warranty. The only drawback would be that I have the 7200 Chipset (most common) and the new ones have the 7201 (causes problems with the cooked roms, etc) I have a ton of accesories (4gb, 2gb, TomTom 7, North America, Motorola s9 headset, etc...Not sure if you think it is a fair trade but I should be able to sell it on ebay for 270 pounds, so we could go that route also...anyway, if interested, let me know!
ice_coffee said:
hmm intresting, how do you connect, are you using bluetooth pan and then getting your laptop to dial *99# or whatever it is to connect over HSDPA
I will try your method and see if I get any data bills !!
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Click to collapse
I've used bluetooth DUN (not pan) with my EEE - which I've performed a bluetooth mod on - along with walkinghotspot (wifi router software) and standard Nokia OTA software/manual modem setup through windows. On the Nokia calls log you can see a rundown of the flow of information that's gone through the phone (SMS, GSM calls and packet data). No matter what connection sharing option I choose the log only displays 'T-Mobile Internet' and the ingoing, outgoing data quantity. There is no reference on the phone to what means of connection has been used, other than that the APN and password/proxy settings for 'T-Mobile internet' have been used. There is no way the network could tell that I'd connected my phone to my laptop other than by picking up download spikes and the use of certain ports for things such as IM and VOIP.
A friend at T-Mobile however told me (off the record) that T-Mobile tend to turn a blind eye to irregular use unless it starts to get ridiculous. The most you can expect (after 3 consecutive months of misuse) is a letter asking you to curb your use, or a threat to bottleneck your connection. They will NEVER charge you for going over your allowance or for misuse, unlike some networks.
On a separate topic I can also offer you an unlocked TyTn 2 with an eleven month warranty with CEX (and maybe some extra cash for your pocket). Depends how near you are to Derby though! I've got this Portege G900 coming so I was going to sell it anyway.
Leoni, I own a Tytn2 and a Advantage and very much interested on the Portege G900. Let us all know your impressions about the G900 asap.

ROGERS wireless users: please share experience

I've been surfing XDA for a while now on the hermes boards.
I'm a Rogers wireless user for Tytn (got it about 2 months ago with the $30/6gb option) and I just wanted to see how other rogers users are using their phones. I notice most people on the threads here are not rogers users. so if there's any of you out there, please reply.
I'm running TNT 2.0 rom by it's right at the moment. the newest one with wm6. I've used his old beta previously.
and I'm currently using Radio
I got this phone recently and after using it for quite some time. I've come to think it may have been better if I got an iPhone 3G instead due to the tytn's slow speed (multitasking+internet). the TNT 2.0 rom is quite fast though in terms of responsiveness. my main issue is internet speed.
I'm a graphic artist and my main reason for getting the phone was so i could sketch on it away from home with vspainter (virtual spaghetti) since iphone had no drawing program. plus the ability to have office on the phone is nice for work. only issue here is taht I have to be using the drawing program alone. if I have mp3s running on it, the drawing slows down to a unusable point.
I have a good friend that works at a fido store (i know I'm on rogers though), so I play around with the stuff there frequently. the iphone speedtests on 3G are blazing fast. and the samsung jack's speed on PIE are 1.5mbs, like telus desktop speed ( which is astounding. my tytn on ROGERS 3G in the same area, can't even finish the test. anyone on rogers there know how to make it go faster? I've used settings I've read other people use, and even called rogers to get the settngs from customer service. it still won't pull faster than 400kbit/sec ( the samsung jack on fido was ripping 1000kbit/sec in the same place.
the jack can also play youtube on 3G PIE. I once got youtube to play on my phone when I was on wifi. but once Im on 3G I never got it to work. I was running TMPCE and coreplayer.
another issue is multitasking. I've found listening to music A2DP. playing on msn live. and surfing PIE would reduce my phone's battery life to about 6 hours. using Opera would stop my mp3 player. so far I found that opera mini is the best browser to use on the phone to surf sites and read things. anyone have some opinions to share with me? any msn client I can run on the phone all day long with no issues for battery or multitasking??
a good thing I've tried was using the phone with just 2G settings. so I turn off the HSDPA and 3G network and just use GSM gprs. the phone lasted over 19 hours in a day. that was great.
Im about to try out the spb mobile ( programs on a plain flash to if they can increase the usability and multitasking of the phone.
if any rogers users out there want to talk about their tytn experience on the phone is, please share!

Hi! Looking for some help!

Hi everyone,
I Just joined the forums, and I'm ready to get into the real scene with PDA Smartphones.
I've been holding onto the Axim Series for A WHILE now, using a LennySH 6.1 WM Dell Axim x51v. Prior I had a x30v but both I just cannot fit into my life. I really want a data plan phone (Now that AT&T and offering the plans at JUST 35$ a month for my area) but separated from my verizon wireless phone ( I know, sounds a bit nutty but still)
Anyways, I've been wanting to get an Athena (HTC Advantage) for a while now, especially since it seems there is high support, and high available.
Since you're all the experts, I would REALLY appreciate it if these few questions could be answered.
1. How long do you usually get (in hours) on the device? Does it last you on active usage through the day?
2. As for 3G and data connectivity. Is AT&T supported in the U.S., and how are the speeds with it? Any complaints with data limitations? (Claims unlimited, but I think its otherwise)
3. Lastly, Does it do what you want well? I am looking for a pocket sized Laptop-like device with a QWERTY keyboard, Wifi, (Maybe a data plan in this case) and an excellent battery life for school.
Little Help.
Hi Laos.
I could say the following.
I have a X7501 for more that a year.
Right now I'm using WM 6.1 R0 from Michy. I changed the ROM maybe four or five times. Please read a lot before trying it. There many thread writing to help the new users.
I live in Guatemala, so I can't tell about plans of connections in USA, I can say in my country I can use it as a Phone, a web browser, a Modem for my laptop, and as a Mobile office.
I install a lot of programs to use it as an office, for example, Softmaker suit (word, excel, power point edits in the device), Flexmail as mail client, pocket plan to work in projects, Emu48G to get the HP 48GRom working in the device, Phatpad as note writer, Fring to manage my IM, Adobe Reader 2, Pocket Plus and Pocket diary. Informant 2007 to manage my appointments.
There are some other programs.
Also I use it as a video player using TCPMP
In order to introduces a lot of text I use the external keyboard, Fingertouch Pro and Write Pad with Calligrapher.
I use it all day long, for business, the battery almost last 4 hours, so I bought another one, also I have a Tekkeon External Battery pack to charge my device when I'm in a desk. It depends how much do you plan to use. I don't use paper anymore, I write in Phatpad all my notes, and use Textmaker to write documents an reports. Taking a lot of pictures. I also stay always connected reviewing two mail accounts, one in exchange server from the company I work for, and one in yahoo.
But if I just reviewing mail and some documents, the battery last all day.
I hope this help you.
I you have some other question, ask. We are here for help.
Thanks for the tips!
I may be picking up a x7510 over the x7501 due to it being more recent, but I am not exactly sure on the final call, it can be up to an extra 200$ I'm not as willing to spent. I've also seen someone posting a deal selling their x7501, so that may be my solution
if anyone is in america with one of these two devices, please do give me your opinion on its usage here!
1. How long do you usually get (in hours) on the device? Does it last you on active usage through the day? If I leave it on but don't use it all day, after 16 hours I'll have above 80% left. If I have a few calls, and so some web surfing it might be in the 60% range. If I stream music on 3G it will go down by 50% each hour.
2. As for 3G and data connectivity. Is AT&T supported in the U.S., and how are the speeds with it? Any complaints with data limitations? (Claims unlimited, but I think its otherwise) Using radio 1.58 (not 1.57 or below, they are all much slower), I get around 800-900 kbps on 3G with HSDPA. I've gotten a top reading around 1200 kbps. Using 1.57 and earlier those readings were half that. My plan is unlimited but I've never gotten above the 5 GB limit other plans have so I've never tested the waters. Its my only data connection at home (I use wmwifirouter version 0.91 to share my connection via wifi) and on the road and I stream music often so its pretty hard to use that much data, for me at least.
3. Lastly, Does it do what you want well? I am looking for a pocket sized Laptop-like device with a QWERTY keyboard, Wifi, (Maybe a data plan in this case) and an excellent battery life for school. Love it. I wouldn't want to use it for daily note taking in a class, but I do use it for occasional meeting notes at work.

