Problem with alarm on nexus one - Nexus One General

I've done a search on this, but peoples problems seem to be different from mine.
I have just the normal clock on the nexus that came on android 2.1 I think. Now I have no alarms set, yet it goes off every morning around 8... Very annoying when I don't actually have to get up till later.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to turn this off? Like I said, I haven't actually set an alarm, I actually deleted all the alarms that were on it...
Help would be appreciated
PS: Nexus is not rooted or anything as far as I'm aware.

Do you have any suspect apps running in the background? I'd wipe

How do I check this? I didn't install any And what do you mean you'd wipe?

jamesyb0i said:
Do you have any suspect apps running in the background? I'd wipe
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Anobe said:
PS: Nexus is not rooted or anything as far as I'm aware.
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by wipe he means do a factory data reset ... (menu-setting-privacy..)
i would imagine that you would know if you were rooted or not

Well I bought my nexus off someone else. Does it do anything different when you are rooted? Mine just starts up with what seems to be the original android 2.1 . And would resetting be the only way to get rid of this alarm then? I'd lose all my downloaded apps?
Thanks for the help and I hope I don't come across too dumb. I've just never rooted a phone before so I don't know if its supposed to do something different.

Anobe said:
Well I bought my nexus off someone else. Does it do anything different when you are rooted? Mine just starts up with what seems to be the original android 2.1 . And would resetting be the only way to get rid of this alarm then? I'd lose all my downloaded apps?
Thanks for the help and I hope I don't come across too dumb. I've just never rooted a phone before so I don't know if its supposed to do something different.
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If you got it from someone else then the first thing you should have done is factory reset it. I'd try that, that should absolutely fix it.
Also to know if you're rooted, when you reboot to the first boot screen [the still image of the colored X] and there is a picture of a padlock unlocked at the bottom then you're rooted. If it's not there at all then you're not rooted. It will be very noticeable when you reboot.


[Q] Lockscreen Reboot Issues

I've been having lockscreen reboot issues with the last few Fission roms, and a couple of Matt's. Has anyone else had this problem and resolved it?
I followed the installation instructions and even formatted my SD card. I'm going to try to SBF before I install the next Fission, is there anything else I can do to completely clean out my phone? Such as wiping some system files in recovery or something.
The only data I have left over from other ROMs is backups I made of a few games like Angry Birds.
Any suggestions are appreciated, I've been trying to fix this issue for awhile!
Are you doing a hard reset after flashing roms? Resetting the phone in applications>privacy, at the bottom of privacy?
mikeyinid said:
Are you doing a hard reset after flashing roms? Resetting the phone in applications>privacy, at the bottom of privacy?
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Yup, after installing the ROM and rebooting I do a hard reset through the privacy menu. Would it make a difference if I sign into my google account on first reboot before doing the hard reset?
kdog349 said:
Yup, after installing the ROM and rebooting I do a hard reset through the privacy menu. Would it make a difference if I sign into my google account on first reboot before doing the hard reset?
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I never sign into google until after the hard reset. But I dont know if that matters. Next time you flash a rom, try wiping data and cache in recovery, after flashing, but before you reboot. And, are you overclocking or undervolting?
I'll try wiping data and cache before my first reboot. I know I used to do this but not sure if I've done it recently.
I haven't messed with overclocking or underclocking. Do you know if any widgets are known to cause problems? I run Launcher Pro, but I went a day or two with the stock launcher and still had some reboot issue.
kdog349 said:
I'll try wiping data and cache before my first reboot. I know I used to do this but not sure if I've done it recently.
I haven't messed with overclocking or underclocking. Do you know if any widgets are known to cause problems? I run Launcher Pro, but I went a day or two with the stock launcher and still had some reboot issue.
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Launcherpro wouldnt cause it. I would sbf if i were you, and just keep doing what your doing. After so many flashes there is bound to be some residual bs left behind.
*Fission 2.2.1 will be hitting the forum soon so an sbf is in your best interest Im running it now and its VERY good...
mikeyinid said:
Launcherpro wouldnt cause it. I would sbf if i were you, and just keep doing what your doing. After so many flashes there is bound to be some residual bs left behind.
*Fission 2.2.1 will be hitting the forum soon so an sbf is in your best interest Im running it now and its VERY good...
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I'll give SBF a try. I've been loving everything about the fission ROMs, can't wait to get 2.2.1
Thanks so much for the help!
mikeyinid said:
Launcherpro wouldnt cause it. I would sbf if i were you, and just keep doing what your doing. After so many flashes there is bound to be some residual bs left behind.
*Fission 2.2.1 will be hitting the forum soon so an sbf is in your best interest Im running it now and its VERY good...
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I'll give SBF a try. I've been loving everything about the fission ROMs, can't wait to get 2.2.1
Thanks so much for the help!
Lock Screen Reboots are something that seem to be present in all these Moto Droid phones. I always always always get them on both D1 and Dx and D2, with any ROM, theme, etc. Just seems to be a common problem Motorola has, along with their insane fascination with their Motoblur UI which is also a complete mystery.
mjones1052 said:
Lock Screen Reboots are something that seem to be present in all these Moto Droid phones. I always always always get them on both D1 and Dx and D2, with any ROM, theme, etc. Just seems to be a common problem Motorola has, along with their insane fascination with their Motoblur UI which is also a complete mystery.
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Personally I had a Droid 1 for 6 months and don't remember having any lockscreen reboots, at least not at the frequency of 2-3 a day that I'm having now. Could run the phone for a week without rebooting.
There were a couple of D2 roms that didn't have the reboot issue for me, but most do so maybe it is an issue with the phone like you say. I Don't understand their persistance with motoblur either At least take out eFuse if you're going to throw on motoblur
I've been trying lockbot free to solve my reboot issues. You can basically set it to be exactly the same the normal lockscreen, and so far it seems to be working for me.
I had this problem. Random, intermitten soft reboots during slide to unlock. Ran multiple roms, always had the problem. But I was always removing the same things after sbf. I had found one Dev to seem to find this to follow the music.apk file. So this time I left it on. On my last sbf, I left that in there. Havent had a problem since. Before that I had tried what I thought to be everything, multiple sbfs, multiple roms, completely formatted sd card, and re-sbf'd again. But I always deleted music.apk. Because it always seems to start running, using memory that I thought was unnecessary. Since I dont play music from my phone, other then streaming music. Hope that helps someone. Saved a ton of frustration for me!
But I always deleted music.apk. Because it always seems to start running, using memory that I thought was unnecessary. Since I dont play music from my phone, other then streaming music. Hope that helps someone. Saved a ton of frustration for me!
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Which music.apk is this? Is it the D2's original application or the google music app? Because I've never taken the music app that's been on the phone or came with any ROM and I've had a few not a big number but a few.
Sent from my DROID2 using XDA App
Not sure what the google music one is, but the file is named music.apk
Please clarify this lol. Mine was working great until I installed that damn black theme for fission rom.
I've had a droid1 and I have never had reboot issues with roms before. I think it may just be a d2/x problem
Sent from my DROID2 using XDA App
Yeah the same thing happens to me. I'm pretty sure the dev's for Fission know about it, so hopefully 2.2.1 from them fixes it.
Sent from my DROID2 using XDA App
I had this same problem until yesterday. I installed the that came with fission. Now I haven't had a single problem. (I also installed the 10 percent framework and the I can't remember who posted it but once I installed the everything works great.
Im just curious, are you guys only experiencing these reboots with the non-blur roms, or have you experienced them with other roms also? I have only had one reboot, and that was running fission 2.2.1.
tonorice said:
I had this same problem until yesterday. I installed the that came with fission. Now I haven't had a single problem. (I also installed the 10 percent framework and the I can't remember who posted it but once I installed the everything works great.
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Was it the "" or ""?

Strange (repeatable) reboot issue

Not sure if it's just me, but every/any time I try to open up the USA Today app, my phone reboots.
I've tried clearing data, clearing cache, uninstalling/reinstalling and the same thing - click the icon, splash screen, droid animation...
Anybody else? said:
Not sure if it's just me, but every/any time I try to open up the USA Today app, my phone reboots.
I've tried clearing data, clearing cache, uninstalling/reinstalling and the same thing - click the icon, splash screen, droid animation...
Anybody else?
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LOL yep, USA Today reboots the phone. Whats going on Motorola?
TRF-Inferno said:
LOL yep, USA Today reboots the phone. Whats going on Motorola?
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Ok, glad it's not just me!
Absolutely love this phone, but was beginning to think I might've gotten a lemon. Guess will just have to wait for the JB update :fingers-crossed: said:
Ok, glad it's not just me!
Absolutely love this phone, but was beginning to think I might've gotten a lemon. Guess will just have to wait for the JB update :fingers-crossed:
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Weird - it doesn't happen to me.
olm3ca said:
Weird - it doesn't happen to me.
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And the plot thickens lol
I installed the app just to see, and it reboots my phone after the splash screen as well. (on wifi)
No problems here - that "do you want alerts?" notification pops up immediately after the splash screen... maybe a coincidence, but worth mentioning... I guess.
jntdroid said:
No problems here - that "do you want alerts?" notification pops up immediately after the splash screen... maybe a coincidence, but worth mentioning... I guess.
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doesnt happen to me either. I said "no" to alerts -- if it's rebooting, did you say "yes" to alerts?
Never even got to that point. said:
Never even got to that point.
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Is this freshly downloaded or being restored from a previous account? I wonder if you have the right one for ICS. Mine is v. 1.9.
Xatt said:
Is this freshly downloaded or being restored from a previous account? I wonder if you have the right one for ICS. Mine is v. 1.9.
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Fresh installed. Even tried uninstalling and reinstalling from the Play Store.
Wonder what the difference is!? said:
Fresh installed. Even tried uninstalling and reinstalling from the Play Store.
Wonder what the difference is!?
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I'm wondering if it's some conflict between two apps.
Update: took a quick look at the reviews and see one person reporting it -- are you dmitry?
Xatt said:
I'm wondering if it's some conflict between two apps.
Update: took a quick look at the reviews and see one person reporting it -- are you dmitry?
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I've got the same problem here. Weirdly, it also occurs when I try and use the AP Mobile app. Happens if I'm on wifi or mobile data.
Maybe part of Moto's plan to deny us access to quality news apps?
I came to the boards to see if this random rebooting was just my problem but seems like it is not. My phone has been rebooting for the last 3 nights in a row around the same time, 10pm eastern time. No clue what is causing it.
Also tried the USA Today app and yes it does reboot the phone.
Very strange...
Another issue I have phone screen kinda flickers and starts getting brighter from dimmed screen.
Anyone else gets this?
UPDATE: I just saw this in the general section -
and I also installed Nova Launcher recently and I feel like that might be the culprit...This is really really strange.

[Q] random reboots on my N10

Hi all,
for the last few days I keep having random reboots with my N10, as well as random lock-ups.
Started a few days after the 4.4.3 OTA update.
happens like this:
I'm trying to wake up my tablet with the power button but nothing happens so I have to reboot.
Or, I am just normally using my tablet ant it spontaneously reboots, without warning, and also without any kind of lockup before that.
What is really annoying is that after such a reboot the tablet is not actually usable: none of the normal autostart apps initialize properly;
flipboard doesnt refresh, calendar widget does not show any entries, mail widget does not show anything, etc etc etc.
I'm on stock 4.4.3, but rooted with SuperSU.
it did not start right after the 4.4.3 OTA, only a few days later (actually, i think on friday or saturday).
Is there a way to get into the system logs to see what is up?
...turn on auditing, maybe?
Any other suggestions that might help me? What kind of details do you need?
It looks like someone got a possible solution. I didn't test because I don't face random reboots on my Nexus.
XxLordxX said:
It looks like someone got a possible solution. I didn't test because I don't face random reboots on my Nexus.
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...I'm not quite sure what I am supposed to do with that app... So I've installed it, and now?
[Lemmy] said:
...I'm not quite sure what I am supposed to do with that app... So I've installed it, and now?
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It looks like the person in the other thread set it to always display on notification bar, nothing other than that... As I said I didn't test so I can't tell you how possible it is for working or anything, sorry. I just gave this solution for now, if it doesn't work then I'd have to think a bit further .

Odd behavior never seen before in Settings

Greetings and salutatorians,
I noticed some odd behavior on my Moto X Pure today. I go to Settings and instead of giving the usual list it by itself goes straight to Storage, thus prohibiting me from accessing all the other settings. I can hit the back arrow and by hit and miss blindly select something other than Storage, but of course this does little other than make me want to break something or at least curse vehemently.
Has any one else seen this? I'm baffled by it. Stock ROM, rooted with TWRP. No problems whatsoever until now. Tanks many.
I haven't seen that but since you have TWRP, go in and clear cache to see of that fixes thing.
bw03 said:
I haven't seen that but since you have TWRP, go in and clear cache to see of that fixes thing.
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Yes, that's the first thing I tried, but to no avail. The problem persists.
w_bovine said:
Yes, that's the first thing I tried, but to no avail. The problem persists.
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Boot into Safe Mode and test it... if it still does it I would try a factory reset, if it no longer does that you have an app that is "misbehaving" somehow.
acejavelin said:
Boot into Safe Mode and test it... if it still does it I would try a factory reset, if it no longer does that you have an app that is "misbehaving" somehow.
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Good call, acejavelin. My initial thought was the trouble might well be due to an app being obnoxious, but it didn't occur to me to boot into Safe Mode. I think in all the years I've owned an Android device I've needed to boot to Safe Mode all of half a dozen times.
Sure enough, when I did so the Settings worked as one would expect. So then, no real worries. I'm not going to tire myself hunting down said app. It will likely resolve itself in time.
Your help is appreciated.

android 10 jitters after update

Ever since I got android 10 my phone gets these random jitters from time to time. Also I noticed whenever I'm in an app and I close to go back to my home screen the home screen refreshes (using nova) I don't ever recall having these issues on pie. It just seems really buggy. I never got to try the beta's since my country didn't have the program.
How did you install the update, OTA, sideload, SmartSwitch?
The Root said:
How did you install the update, OTA, sideload, SmartSwitch?
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orlans21 said:
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Try reinstalling with SmartSwitch.
The Root said:
Try reinstalling with SmartSwitch.
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I really don't want to wipe. I put so much time into customizing everything the way i want it
Mine hasn't been hitting at all, however sometimes when I pull my notification shade down and then expand a notification it freezes. I'm almost ready to do a factory reset to see if that fixes it
Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk
I also noticed that the ram management has been horrible. I notice this after the phone has been rebooted and it's several hours later. Never was like that on pie
If you backup, it takes like 10 minutes to factory reset and restore. You could be done by now...
The Root said:
If you backup, it takes like 10 minutes to factory reset and restore. You could be done by now...
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It's not just about backing up apps, it's setting them all up the way you want them
orlans21 said:
It's not just about backing up apps, it's setting them all up the way you want them
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You'd also be done with that by now. Lol
The Root said:
You'd also be done with that by now. Lol
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It would take me over an hour to set everything back up
The Root said:
You'd also be done with that by now. Lol
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Don't "lol" as you've clearly never backed up & restored on nonrooted Android or via Samsung SmartSwitch.. They don't cover everything, by a mile.
Not sure why you you think it's okay around here to recommend something you don't understand. People are looking for help, not uniformed smugness.
orlans21 said:
It would take me over an hour to set everything back up
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But everything would work.
Has anyone else experienced anything similar to what my thread is about?
portzblitz said:
Don't "lol" as you've clearly never backed up & restored on nonrooted Android or via Samsung SmartSwitch.. They don't cover everything, by a mile.
Not sure why you you think it's okay around here to recommend something you don't understand. People are looking for help, not uniformed smugness.
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I did it not to long ago, enjoy your bugs.
I have jitters and stutters within both Samsung and Gmail apps. I also get freezing when I pull down my notification shade and try to expand Gmail notifications. The latter happens about 80%of the time where as email jitter and stutters are constant. I have factory reset twice without restoring from any backups.
This did not do this in PIE.
Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk
Same here. Horrible ram management, random freezes. Samsung is definitely rushing to release the "stable" version of the android 10.
Not quite sure why people still believes doing a factory reset can fix everything.
For me scrolling in any internet browser is choppy.
Yeah so it seems they released this update too early and it's still feeling like a beta. I'll probably wait til January patch comes out and see if they fixed it
Am also experiencing the same random jitters this thread is talking about. I updated to Android 10 (BSKO) the day it became available to Greece (EUR, December 9th) on my S10+ (SM-G975F). Am holding up till January update before resetting and possibly downgrading, first versions of Android OSes suck in general anyway. Bit of advice, if your S10 is having a "lag attack" on Android 10, do not, under no circumstances open the camera. Touch input will freeze up and camera will just show a laggy feed of what's going on for about 5-7 minutes before unlagging and forcing a reboot.
