Hi all! What a great forum.
I am using Microsoft Voice command and when I push the little button on the original headphones it only activates Voice Speed Dial. How can I change this so it uses Microsoft Voice Command instead? I have not seen any options to change this?
Go to settings, buttons. It is set to Voice Dialer, and your voice command button has been assigned to a different button.
Going into buttons you should be able to assign your 5 configurable buttons how you want, including voice dialer and voice command as you want.
If you want to use voice command on a bluetooth headset, you need to go to WIKI and view the registry edits. Universal, Hermes and the General WM5 hacks will all give you guidance.
Start here, but look around all of WIKI and it will help you.
simon_darley said:
Go to settings, buttons. It is set to Voice Dialer, and your voice command button has been assigned to a different button.
Going into buttons you should be able to assign your 5 configurable buttons how you want, including voice dialer and voice command as you want.
If you want to use voice command on a bluetooth headset, you need to go to WIKI and view the registry edits. Universal, Hermes and the General WM5 hacks will all give you guidance.
Start here, but look around all of WIKI and it will help you.
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Thanks for the reply Simon. I did a lot of searching before posting about this and done the registry hacks that I found. I also assigned the Voice Speed Dial button to MS Voice Command and deleted the shortcut files assigned to Voice Speed Dial.
Maybe this is a hardware limitation of the ORIGINAL headphones? I know that with the hacks that I did that bluetooth headsets will work, but the original wired headphones are a being a challenge!
sorry halldor
didnt read your original post correctly and have replied incorrectly.
i am unable to help cause i refuse to use wired headsets. i am totally unco with long arms and cannot handle having wires around my head across my body into my pockets to my phone where i can twist turn pull and push them they just infuriate me. not since i opened the box on any of my pda's have i touched the wired headsets
just dont work for me full stop.
at least now, its bumped to the top again where somebody else can help.
Halldor said:
Hi all! What a great forum.
I am using Microsoft Voice command and when I push the little button on the original headphones it only activates Voice Speed Dial. How can I change this so it uses Microsoft Voice Command instead? I have not seen any options to change this?
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AinĀ“t there no solution for this issue (re-assignment of the wired headset button) yet?
I'm also looking for a solution for mapping the button on wired headset on a Tilt...anybody figure this out yet?
I stopped using MS Voice Command and use Cyberon Voice Commander instead. Cyberon works with the wired headset and is more accurate for me then MSVC when dialing.
Is there a program to replace the keyboard function with voice recognition? They already have voice recognition in the Live Search program and it works surprisingly well. It would be sweet to be able to just have it type what you say in a text message instead of having to use the keyboard or transcriber or touching it at all.
Is there an app out there to change "anykey" to be mapped up to example app, file, action?
I removed the search function from the search button, since i think it's useless (for me anyways), but i would like to map it to do "other things".
Possible ?
yes, try these and write some review please
Recently i updated to ICS OTA on my note and i noticed the voice changed from a girl's voice to a guy's voice when running the navigation app. the guy's voice is lower pitched and a bit harder for me to hear over my sound system in my car.
Basically, does anyone know how i can change back to the girl's voice? i know its not completely gone because occasionally the girl's voice occasionally leaks through now and then.
I want to know how to change it to Benders voice. PM me if you know how.
"Bite my shiny metal a$$!"
In your text-to-speech settings, use Google Text-to-speech Engine and set the language to English (United States)
setting - language & input - Language - set it to English US
setting - language & input - voice recognition - set it google
setting - language & input - text to speech output - google text to speech engine setting - language - select English US
You can now set pitch from setting - language & input - text to speech output -speech rate
Now it will be female voice. with your desired pitch.
I would like to add language to S-voice but i can't is there a method?
There is a workaround out there. Still, there is no app basically capable to do this at this very moment. Google is working on adding more voice pack languages (already added 13 - check THIS ).
Steps to follow:
1. get THIS and install;
2. check the setting within SETTINGS / CONTROLS / Language and input - "Google voice typing" (will be automatic) and leave keyboard as default samsung;
3. Into SETTINGS / CONTROLS / Language and input: search for "Voice Search" and select from the TOP menu your language / languages (can be more than 1);
4. Still on the menu from previous point: SPEECH / Voice recognizer- set "basic google recognition"
Hope will do the job.