Wireless Tether for root - Liquid S100 Android Development

Hi all,
Anyone know if there's a working wireless tether, or a rom which supports it yet?
I'm not asking for me, but a friend who owns this phone.
I know very little about progress with the liquid.
Thanks in advance.

Look for PdaNet on Market.

try this:


[Q] Tethering a blackberry?

Hi Guys,
Little bleak that the eee pad doesn't have cellular access. I was wondering if it is possible to tether a blackberry 9700 to the transformer?
Then at least I can use google maps?
Found your answer
Answer found here
lol, great answer there. I am actually not familiar with bluetooth tethering, but I do know that the next Blackberry OS update (6.1) will feature wifi hotspots. If you are running OS6 then the update will allow you to connect to the blackberry hotspot from your transformer and viola, problem solved. Not sure when OS6.1 is coming out though it should be in the next few months. If I get a transformer then I would be looking to tether my Torch to the tablet too.
I don't think the answer is as simple as searching google bud. Blackberry has some inherit problems connecting via bluetooth to android.
I'm one of those who is still struggling to connect my T-Former with my Blackberry 8520. I've visited the Blackberry support sites, done the google, still don't have a good clue. And yes, I've looked for how to enable DUN support on my blackberry.
Any ideas ?
I was thinking of installing pdanet to my Bold 9780 tonight, Has any one tried that yet?
josephd said:
I was thinking of installing pdanet to my Bold 9780 tonight, Has any one tried that yet?
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Hey Josephd, did you happen to try that? Did it work? I'm still looking for a solution for my 9800, also.

[Q] wireless tether issue

so i finally got my tab today. i'm liking it so far. the main issue i have right now is that i can't get it to find/connect to my wireless tether that's broadcasting from my rooted epic 4g. from what i've seen so far, the problem is that android doesn't accept adhoc connections. is that correct, and if so, is there a way around it, because that's one of the biggest things i was looking forward to. thanks for any ideas and help!
flyingmunkey said:
so i finally got my tab today. i'm liking it so far. the main issue i have right now is that i can't get it to find/connect to my wireless tether that's broadcasting from my rooted epic 4g. from what i've seen so far, the problem is that android doesn't accept adhoc connections. is that correct, and if so, is there a way around it, because that's one of the biggest things i was looking forward to. thanks for any ideas and help!
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What tethering program are you using?
wireless tether for root users off the marketplace, version 2.0.7
ok so i got the android wifi tether 3.0 experimental and it seems to be working now
I'm tethering right now from my evo. I'm using the stock wifi tether that comes with cm7 with wpa2. When I signed in, all I did was put the password. Nothing more. Are you messing with other settings?

Is Bluetooth tethering possible?

Hi everybody,
I just want to say that I love this forum. I learned a lott.
USB and WIFI thethering works like a charm. But I would like a way to tether internet via bluetooth to extend the battery life of my phone. Also WIFI tethering is fine when connecting several devices, but I just want to connect my new Asus Transformer.
I have tried to find the awnser on this forum and via google but I only find guides about USB of WIFI tethering.
I hope there is a way. If there is please let me know.
Ps. Replies about my search capabilities are also welcom but please include the link where I could have found the information
I have used "Wireless Tether for Root Users" app on my previous Android phone, it has Bluetooth tether mode which worked perfectly for me. Not sure if it will work well with SGSII but may worth a shot.
Wireless tether for root doesn't work in bluetooth mode on the sgs2 (yet)
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App
As per the description in the market 'Wireless Tether for Root Users' requires Netfilter-enabled kernel for its working. I don't know if it is added in any of the kernels for S2.
Yes, bluetooth tethering would be helpful. Any other way to achieve it?

Xoom tethering

Can some one walk me through how to tether to my HTC Thunderbolt? Thanks in advance.
Walker1977 said:
Can some one walk me through how to tether to my HTC Thunderbolt? Thanks in advance.
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Tether to or from your HTC Thunderbolt? What have you read about it?
Also are you stock or rooted on both devices
Im rooted on the thunderbolt, but not on the xoom. I know i have to do bluetooth tethering, but i dont know how to do that on my xoom or my laptop. I would like to be able to use both at the same time.
Walker1977 said:
Im rooted on the thunderbolt, but not on the xoom. I know i have to do bluetooth tethering, but i dont know how to do that on my xoom or my laptop. I would like to be able to use both at the same time.
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ok no problem but why didn't you just google this info... Not trying to be a hard ass but just so you know these forums are helpful but people like to see a little effort made to at least help themselves...
Now with that said what rom are you using on your Thunderbolt since my boy has one and BAMF I believe comes with android tether on it.. If not a quick google search for wifi tether - comes up with this
Now you download and install that to your phone and turn it on and it will act as a hotspot which you then connect your Xoom too.
Now second choice - a quick google search of tablet tethering brought up PDAnet - which is on the market and tells you how to set it up. Now there is a twist with them since bluetooth tethering is tricky and you have to restart your device to get it working after initially connecting and disconnecting.
Ok third choice for you laptop - Download PDAnet from there website for laptops and then download PDANet from Android Market, its different than PDANet Tablet
Hope that all helps and like I said for future reference probably any question you have has been asked already... hit up google first for your answer before posting in here... No disrespect just trying to help
Edit: That version of Wifi tether also uses Bluetooth tethering... but you must turn on bluetooth tether first prior to pairing devices...
i did google it
Walker1977 said:
i did google it
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ok well I hope my answers help you... I have an Evo so its basically the same phone... I have laid out the steps for you too try... Wifi tethering is quite easy... If I may ask I know sometimes you search the wrong thing and its frustrating but what did you enter to find out how to tether you phone to your Xoom...
http://tinyurl.com/3br93db - check out the link and the very first result
Good luck
My laptop will connect to the phone, but the wifi xoom wont find it. Something to do with the xoom wont reconize an ad hoc network? But the link you posted for the android tethering worked. Thanks
Walker1977 said:
My laptop will connect to the phone, but the wifi xoom wont find it. Something to do with the xoom wont reconize an ad hoc network? But the link you posted for the android tethering worked. Thanks
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Tethering to the Xoom on an ad-hoc requires you to root and then replace some system files on the Xoom.
I have never had a problem connecting to my Thunderbolt (CM7, stock kernel) with my Xoom over WiFi, rooted or when it was stock. If you have CM7 just turn on tethering in the CM settings menu and you're good to go, if not, then this info is probably useless.

[Q] Wifi tether router problem! !! (T-Mobile)

Hello. Everyone
I'm new to the xda developers and we I was just having having a little problem with my Galaxy s5 rooted on T-Mobile.
It's with the wifi tether router app
I bought it. It works really good on Apple and Android smartphones or tablets without using my tether data.
But every time I connect it to my ps4 or try a computer it uses the tether data Idont know why.
I was wondering if any of you knew anything about it or has having problems like these as well??
When I use Netflix on my ps4 it does. It use tether data it uses it pretty much on every other app or game I play on it? Has this happened to any of you or you are tethering with no problem?? Please write back!!!
Thank you So much!!!
Same exact problem help??? ??
