What are these processes? - Nexus One General

Saw a few processes which runs automatically after my phone starts(stock rom un-rooted) that I don't recognize :
Google Partner Setup (com.google.android.partnersetup) => What does it setup?
Bluetooth (com.android.bluetooth) => I have bluetooth turned off by default
My Uploads (com.google.android.apps.uploader) => What does it uploads?
Launcher (com.android.launcher2) => What does it launch?
Will it cause any problems if I kill all above processes? Sorry I'm new to Android, just got my Nexus One a few days ago.
Any help highly appreciated

chiehkai said:
Saw a few processes which runs automatically after my phone starts(stock rom un-rooted) that I don't recognize :
Google Partner Setup (com.google.android.partnersetup) => What does it setup?
Bluetooth (com.android.bluetooth) => I have bluetooth turned off by default
My Uploads (com.google.android.apps.uploader) => What does it uploads?
Launcher (com.android.launcher2) => What does it launch?
Will it cause any problems if I kill all above processes? Sorry I'm new to Android, just got my Nexus One a few days ago.
Any help highly appreciated
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Google Partner Setup - Pretty sure that is what connects your device to your Google account services. Obviously important.
Bluetooth - it is a service that runs, so bluetooth can be turned on/off. It is not doing anything actively unless turned on.
My Uploads - Not entirely sure, but it is probably the same as the bluetooth service, and is idle unless you are sending data to a remote host.
Launcher - That is the Visual overlay you use to access your phone. That is your 'Home Screens', your application tray, etc.
There is no reason to kill any processes in Android, as that is counter-productive to the way it handles resources and memory management.


Free up ram with minimal services

Does anyone have a list of what all the default services do, and what ones are safe to disable. And at that, is it worth disabling services to free up ram or does it even make a difference?
how can u disable services? i cant even end some of the running processes
axion68 said:
Does anyone have a list of what all the default services do, and what ones are safe to disable. And at that, is it worth disabling services to free up ram or does it even make a difference?
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This may or may not help, last time I tried it, I had to hard reset. http://pdaphonehome.com/forums/ppc-6800-xv6800/89501-look-my-free-ram.html
t0mmyr said:
how can u disable services? i cant even end some of the running processes
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I am using Dotfred's Task Manager. I'm sure he is on XDA, but his home website is:
I have a list of a couple things but I havn't tried them all I just found them somewhere else. I will put an * infront of ones that seem to be working on my system Mougle WM 6.1. I couldn't try all the keys because the weren't on my system or I need the services they provided. My RAM has increased my about 5MG I was starting at 19MG and getting as low as 2 or 3 through the day. Now I start at over 20 and I get as low as 15 normally.
Let me know if you come up with anything else.

CellGPS for Windows Mobile? Upload GSM cell-id on periodic basis to HTTP server?

I'm looking for a simple application that will run in the background, and send the current GSM/UTMS cell-id to a web server on a periodic basis (via HTTP GET).
Basically a program like cellGPS (http://www.vikinggames.hu/product.php?id=11) but for Windows Mobile. I don't really care about GPS info, since that just sucks power (and doesn't work indoors).
What I'm trying to do here is enable my home automation system to know where I am, without sucking my phone's battery to death (especially since GPS won't work indoors). GSM/UTMS cell-id is 'close enough' for me.
The application would just hit a webserver on my home machine with the current cell-id (http://webserver.com/receiver.php?cellid=4233-23) on a definable period. My own app on my webserver would record that data into a database. I can then go back and use that data to let my home auto system know "hey, Justin's almost home, turn on the HVAC, lights, etc".
It needs to be able to run in the background, no annoying icons on the screen, and start up on phone reset.
I figure since it's just sending the cell-id (which is always available), it would be rather efficient and not use much battery power (especially since I usually leave Activesync on "instant" so the data connection is usually up anyway).
Other extensions to this would let my server update twitter/facebook/etc with "Justin's at ... home/work/etc now.".
Any ideas on where to find something like this?
I just want GPS-CELL Today Plugin - but nobody can help me
The only thing I've found even close to this is a facebook-specific app called FindMe.
blitzwurst said:
The only thing I've found even close to this is a facebook-specific app called FindMe.
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That thing is a buggy piece of junk. I tried it out and pissed off all of my friends when it updated my location 45 times in an hour.
But yes - it would be very similar to that - but it wouldn't maintain a local database.

[Q] Weather settings

I am unable to switch off the setting to stop downloading data automatically although I have unticked the box.
I continues to update the weather every hour complete with graphics.
I would like to switch it off and only download when I need it
Any suggestions?
I have a french version, but I try to translate, the naming will probaly not exact:
1) go to parameter (settings) page.
2) tap on "DATA service" (service de données in French)
3) Here, you will find what you want, "weather" and then untick "auto download"
I hope it helps
Thanks I have done that but it hasn't stopped the automatic data download
Are you sure that is the Weather the cause of update ?
Ther are a lot of other aplications e-mail, Stocks, GPS update, application update,....
By me all this things seems to work well. Elsewhere, there is an application that stops all the phone communication : nodata. I do not use it but I read this work very well on mini.
See if the program "NoData" doesn't help you. It allows you to black access to the internet via your phone system. Sure worked for me.
The Weather tab is a big resource hog. I also suspect some bugs in it that can cause your phone to freeze. (Not verified yet. But one of my prime suspects.)
I would suggest to disable the whole weather thing altogether.
Which resourses does the weather program hog? I magine that it's a load on the battery, and the graphic use up a lot of memory. Are there any others? I would never use my mobile provider to update anything in my phone. I do it when I sync or find a hotspot.
How would you disable it?
I am only curious, so when you have a moment, I'd be interested in your response.
Primary the ram memory. I notice it ate up several megabytes of ram. I forgot to jot down exactly how many. It certainly is not as small as 1Mb or 2Mb. Somewhere closer to 10Mb. It's huge.
Disable it from "Personalize Home Screen Tabs".
Basically, take it off the tabs. And don't update it. After a few days, it will just die off.
Thanks. Memory is not an issue for me now, but I"ll keep it in mind.

Why some apps are only like a service?

Hi, why some default apps run only like a service? Gmail app and gtalk app runs only like a service...
And are some apps appear in Active Apps panel ans not appear in In Progress panel... Is very confusing... I'm not understand what app are running and consuming battery and memory...
Someone can help ?
If the cpu usage for app is 0%, it doesn't consume battery. And freeing memory doesn't help with battery drain, it's quite opposite. Try to find some threads here in "General" section with keywords: ram, multitasking, lmk, minfree...
Ps. Android isn't windows, so things work quite differently..
Sent from my GT-I9000 using xda premium
acazsouza said:
Hi, why some default apps run only like a service? Gmail app and gtalk app runs only like a service...
And are some apps appear in Active Apps panel ans not appear in In Progress panel... Is very confusing... I'm not understand what app are running and consuming battery and memory...
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There is a difference between a service and a process.
A service is a component that runs in the background to perform long-running operations or to perform work for remote processes. A service does not provide a user interface. For example, a service might play music in the background while the user is in a different application, or it might fetch data over the network without blocking user interaction with an activity.
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When an application component starts and the application does not have any other components running, the Android system starts a new Linux process for the application with a single thread of execution. By default, all components of the same application run in the same process and thread (called the "main" thread).... Every application runs in its own process and all components of the application run in that process, by default
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The Android system tries to maintain an application process for as long as possible, but eventually needs to remove old processes to reclaim memory for new or more important processes. To determine which processes to keep and which to kill, the system places each process into an "importance hierarchy" based on the components running in the process and the state of those components. Processes with the lowest importance are eliminated first, then those with the next lowest importance, and so on, as necessary to recover system resources.
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In a few words... Gmail and Talk are only services that are constantly monitoring incoming push data from the Google servers. There is also a WhatsApp, Google+, Music, Email, and many other services that are automatically started when an event triggers them. This depends on the app. Not all apps have services. For instance, a Live Wallpaper is a service, not a process. You should not kill those.
When you run an application, you start a process. This process holds all the UI and logic to display the application in your screen. If you press HOME on your phone, the process goes to inactive mode, and it "in theory" should stop using CPU cycles and will sleep in your RAM until you execute the app again, or until Android claims the RAM and kills the app. RAM does not kill your battery, CPU cycles do.
Source: http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/fundamentals.html
In a few words... Gmail and Talk are only services that are constantly monitoring incoming push data from the Google servers. There is also a WhatsApp, Google+, Music, Email, and many other services that are automatically started when an event triggers them. This depends on the app. Not all apps have services. For instance, a Live Wallpaper is a service, not a process. You should not kill those.
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Why should not I kill them? I installed Germini App and stop GTalk and others to automatically init on boot.

Can i remove any of these apps safety?

Can i remove any of these things installed on my nexus 6p, and still have a normally functional phone? If you guys see any i can remove please comment below.
- Android System
- Android System WebView
- AudioFX
- Bluetooth MIDI Service
- Bluetooth Share
- Calendar Storage
- Call Log Backup/Restore
- CaptivePortalLogin
- Cell Broadcasts
- Certificate Installer
- cLock
- com.android.backupcomfirm
- com.android.carrierconfig
- com.android.huawei.hiddenmenu
- com.android.managedprovisioning
- com.android.sdm.plugins.dcmo
- com.android.sdm.plugins.diagmon
- com.android.sharedstoragebackup
- com.android.smspush
- com.android.wallpapercropper
- com.huawei.callstatisticsutils
- com.hauwei.sarcontrolservice
- com.qualcomm.qcrilmsgtunnel
- com.qualcomm.timeservice
- com.quicinc.cne.CNEService
- ConnMO
- Content Adaptive Backlight Settings
- DMService
- Download Manager
- Downloads
- Exchange Services
- External Storage
- Fused Location
- Google Backup Transport
- Google Connectivity Services
- Google One Time Init
- Google Partner Setup
- HTML Viewer
- HwMMlTest
- Input Devices
- Intent Filter Verification Service
- Key Chain
- Live Wallpaper Picker
- Market Feedback Agent
- Media Storage
- MmsService
- Nfc Service
- Ok Google enrollment
- One Time Init
- org.codeaurora.ims
- Package Access Helper
- Package Installer
- PacProcessor
- Print Spooler
- Project Fi
- ProxyHandler
- Shell
- SprintDM
- Tags
- Trusted Face
- User Dictionary
- VpnDialogs
Are you joking? If you don't know what those apps/services do, you shouldn't be messing with anything on your phone.
Heisenberg said:
Are you joking? If you don't know what those apps/services do, you shouldn't be messing with anything on your phone.
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I know half of the apps/services that are on this list but some of them i don't know. Thats why i would like some info on what apps/services i can remove!
kradkovich said:
I know half of the apps/services that are on this list but some of them i don't know. Thats why i would like some info on what apps/services i can remove!
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This is the most XDA of all threads. I lol'ed so hard at this.
Do you want a expensive brick for a phone.... because this is how you get an expensive brick.
kradkovich said:
Can i remove any of these things installed on my nexus 6p, and still have a normally functional phone? If you guys see any i can remove please comment below.
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I understand what you mean, you can see a lot of apps that you potentially don't use and you'd like some advice on identifying them so you can remove them if not needed.
The vast majority of what i can see are needed, very few can be removed without breaking functionality.
Also if this is for the sake of battery life, there are other ways to get gains and not have to be this drastic, your active applications will have more of an implication on battery life than most of these.
Sorry that you were flamed for asking a question.
- Android System no
- Android System WebView no
- AudioFX no
- Bluetooth MIDI Service no
- Bluetooth Share no
- Calendar Storage don't know
- Call Log Backup/Restore don't know
- CaptivePortalLogin don't know
- Cell Broadcasts no
- Certificate Installer no
- cLock yes but you won't have a clock
- com.android.backupcomfirm don't know
- com.android.carrierconfig don't know
- com.android.huawei.hiddenmenu yes could break settings
- com.android.managedprovisioning no
- com.android.sdm.plugins.dcmo don't know
- com.android.sdm.plugins.diagmon don't know
- com.android.sharedstoragebackup don't know
- com.android.smspush no
- com.android.wallpapercropper no
- com.huawei.callstatisticsutils don't know
- com.hauwei.sarcontrolservice no
- com.qualcomm.qcrilmsgtunnel don't know
- com.qualcomm.timeservice no
- com.quicinc.cne.CNEService don't know
- ConnMO don't know
- Content Adaptive Backlight Settings don't know
- DMService don't know
- Download Manager no
- Downloads no
- Exchange Services yes you won't be able to use some email functions or email at all
- External Storage no
- Fused Location no
- Google Backup Transport don't know
- Google Connectivity Services no
- Google One Time Init don't know
- Google Partner Setup don't know
- HTML Viewer yes you won't be able to view HTML, could break some other stuff.
- HwMMlTest don't know
- Input Devices no
- Intent Filter Verification Service no
- Key Chain don't know
- Live Wallpaper Picker yes you won't be able to view live wallpapers using this native app, could break other things.
- Market Feedback Agent don't know
- Media Storage no
- MmsService no
- Nfc Service no
- Ok Google enrollment don't know
- One Time Init no
- org.codeaurora.ims don't know
- Package Access Helper don't know
- Package Installer no
- PacProcessor no
- Print Spooler yes
- Project Fi don't know
- ProxyHandler don't know
- Shell no
- SprintDM don't know
- Tags don't know
- Trusted Face don't know
- User Dictionary no
- VpnDialogsdon't know
Personally i wouldn't bother, but then i don't know what half of these do, this is mainly what i think i'd do, you can break parts of the phone by doing this too, not totally worth it in my opinion.
brichardson1991 said:
Do you want a expensive brick for a phone.... because this is how you get an expensive brick.
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You can always unbrick.... ITS A NEXUS.
dladz said:
I understand what you mean, you can see a lot of apps that you potentially don't use and you'd like some advice on identifying them so you can remove them if not needed.
The vast majority of what i can see are needed, very few can be removed without breaking functionality.
Also if this is for the sake of battery life, there are other ways to get gains and not have to be this drastic, your active applications will have more of an implication on battery life than most of these.
Sorry that you were flamed for asking a question.
- Android System no
- Android System WebView no
- AudioFX no
- Bluetooth MIDI Service no
- Bluetooth Share no
- Calendar Storage don't know
- Call Log Backup/Restore don't know
- CaptivePortalLogin don't know
- Cell Broadcasts no
- Certificate Installer no
- cLock yes but you won't have a clock
- com.android.backupcomfirm don't know
- com.android.carrierconfig don't know
- com.android.huawei.hiddenmenu yes could break settings
- com.android.managedprovisioning no
- com.android.sdm.plugins.dcmo don't know
- com.android.sdm.plugins.diagmon don't know
- com.android.sharedstoragebackup don't know
- com.android.smspush no
- com.android.wallpapercropper no
- com.huawei.callstatisticsutils don't know
- com.hauwei.sarcontrolservice no
- com.qualcomm.qcrilmsgtunnel don't know
- com.qualcomm.timeservice no
- com.quicinc.cne.CNEService don't know
- ConnMO don't know
- Content Adaptive Backlight Settings don't know
- DMService don't know
- Download Manager no
- Downloads no
- Exchange Services yes you won't be able to use some email functions or email at all
- External Storage no
- Fused Location no
- Google Backup Transport don't know
- Google Connectivity Services no
- Google One Time Init don't know
- Google Partner Setup don't know
- HTML Viewer yes you won't be able to view HTML, could break some other stuff.
- HwMMlTest don't know
- Input Devices no
- Intent Filter Verification Service no
- Key Chain don't know
- Live Wallpaper Picker yes you won't be able to view live wallpapers using this native app, could break other things.
- Market Feedback Agent don't know
- Media Storage no
- MmsService no
- Nfc Service no
- Ok Google enrollment don't know
- One Time Init no
- org.codeaurora.ims don't know
- Package Access Helper don't know
- Package Installer no
- PacProcessor no
- Print Spooler yes
- Project Fi don't know
- ProxyHandler don't know
- Shell no
- SprintDM don't know
- Tags don't know
- Trusted Face don't know
- User Dictionary no
- VpnDialogsdon't know
Personally i wouldn't bother, but then i don't know what half of these do, this is mainly what i think i'd do, you can break parts of the phone by doing this too, not totally worth it in my opinion.
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Thanks for taking your time and answering! I moved on to chroma rom which some of these items are gone from it already, love this rom
kradkovich said:
Thanks for taking your time and answering! I moved on to chroma rom which some of these items are gone from it already, love this rom
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No worries mate [emoji6]
Sent from my Nexus 6P using XDA-Developers mobile app
Well done dladz! has XDA style!!
Flamers are the enemy trying to trick you into believing that what is provided for the cattle is good for the cattle. Moo on flamers.
dladz said:
I understand what you mean, you can see a lot of apps that you potentially don't use and you'd like some advice on identifying them so you can remove them if not needed.
The vast majority of what i can see are needed, very few can be removed without breaking functionality.
Also if this is for the sake of battery life, there are other ways to get gains and not have to be this drastic, your active applications will have more of an implication on battery life than most of these.
Sorry that you were flamed for asking a question.
- Android System no
- Android System WebView no
- AudioFX no
- Bluetooth MIDI Service no
- Bluetooth Share no
- Calendar Storage don't know
- Call Log Backup/Restore don't know
- CaptivePortalLogin don't know
- Cell Broadcasts no
- Certificate Installer no
- cLock yes but you won't have a clock
- com.android.backupcomfirm don't know
- com.android.carrierconfig don't know
- com.android.huawei.hiddenmenu yes could break settings
- com.android.managedprovisioning no
- com.android.sdm.plugins.dcmo don't know
- com.android.sdm.plugins.diagmon don't know
- com.android.sharedstoragebackup don't know
- com.android.smspush no
- com.android.wallpapercropper no
- com.huawei.callstatisticsutils don't know
- com.hauwei.sarcontrolservice no
- com.qualcomm.qcrilmsgtunnel don't know
- com.qualcomm.timeservice no
- com.quicinc.cne.CNEService don't know
- ConnMO don't know
- Content Adaptive Backlight Settings don't know
- DMService don't know
- Download Manager no
- Downloads no
- Exchange Services yes you won't be able to use some email functions or email at all
- External Storage no
- Fused Location no
- Google Backup Transport don't know
- Google Connectivity Services no
- Google One Time Init don't know
- Google Partner Setup don't know
- HTML Viewer yes you won't be able to view HTML, could break some other stuff.
- HwMMlTest don't know
- Input Devices no
- Intent Filter Verification Service no
- Key Chain don't know
- Live Wallpaper Picker yes you won't be able to view live wallpapers using this native app, could break other things.
- Market Feedback Agent don't know
- Media Storage no
- MmsService no
- Nfc Service no
- Ok Google enrollment don't know
- One Time Init no
- org.codeaurora.ims don't know
- Package Access Helper don't know
- Package Installer no
- PacProcessor no
- Print Spooler yes
- Project Fi don't know
- ProxyHandler don't know
- Shell no
- SprintDM don't know
- Tags don't know
- Trusted Face don't know
- User Dictionary no
- VpnDialogsdon't know
Personally i wouldn't bother, but then i don't know what half of these do, this is mainly what i think i'd do, you can break parts of the phone by doing this too, not totally worth it in my opinion.
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This is the most XDA of replies: Helpful, informative, concise, and not patronizing. :good::good: Realize that not everyone on XDA knows everything there is to know about Android.
It's sad and ironic that the flaming done here was from someone who had 18,500+ on his Thank-meter. SMFH.
Just in case someone stumbles across this thread again, not advisable to delete the ff:
Google Partner Services Setup
Google One Time Init
Google Backup Transport
SIM Toolkit
Deleting these would either cause unexplained crashes, or annoying and
persistent popup warnings that interfere with some apps like Google Maps.
General rule of thumb if you're rooted is, freeze them using an app
like Titanium Backup, then observe for a while if they're causing any
unexplainable crashes/freezes/slowdowns. If not, then go delete.
Remember to make a Nandroid Backup in case everything goes to sh*t.
Borat38 said:
sad and ironic that the flaming done here was from someone who had 18,500+ on his Thank-meter. SMFH.
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Not sure where you see someone flaming here?
Also not sure what follows is the appropriate link but it describes the term:
So... Looking at your comment and not seeing a lot of people with so much thanks here, I presume that you were referring to @Heisenberg with his 18.5k thanks?
I don't see any flaming here...
Nice... digging a 1 and half year old thread. SMFH...
Borat38 said:
This is the most XDA of replies: Helpful, informative, concise, and not patronizing. :good::good: Realize that not everyone on XDA knows everything there is to know about Android.
It's sad and ironic that the flaming done here was from someone who had 18,500+ on his Thank-meter. SMFH.
Just in case someone stumbles across this thread again, not advisable to delete the ff:
Google Partner Services Setup
Google One Time Init
Google Backup Transport
SIM Toolkit
Deleting these would either cause unexplained crashes, or annoying and
persistent popup warnings that interfere with some apps like Google Maps.
General rule of thumb if you're rooted is, freeze them using an app
like Titanium Backup, then observe for a while if they're causing any
unexplainable crashes/freezes/slowdowns. If not, then go delete.
Remember to make a Nandroid Backup in case everything goes to sh*t.
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Thank you sir
I've thought about removing these a while back myself, didn't ask and ended up with no rom
Even when i did remove things and ended up with a working but broken Rom the battery gains were negative I'm guessing because the broken parts were in turn using more battery? No idea, but also not worth it anyway
Not sure what we've all learnt here but it's been fun
---------- Post added at 11:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:35 AM ----------
galaxys said:
Well done dladz! has XDA style!!
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Hahaa thanks man.
5.1 said:
Nice... digging a 1 and half year old thread. SMFH...
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"Very nice, yes!"
RoyJ said:
"Very nice, yes!"
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Thanks! :good:
On many other devices I have owned and flashed there was some thread that listed all the safe, maybe safe and not safe system apps to delete. As phones get bigger and bigger this seems to be less of a thing to do. I personally use TBU also to freeze and observe behavior before deleting.
Sent from my Nexus 6P using XDA-Developers Legacy app
dladz said:
Thank you sir
I've thought about removing these a while back myself, didn't ask and ended up with no rom
Even when i did remove things and ended up with a working but broken Rom the battery gains were negative I'm guessing because the broken parts were in turn using more battery? No idea, but also not worth it anyway
Not sure what we've all learnt here but it's been fun
---------- Post added at 11:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:35 AM ----------
Hahaa thanks man.
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LOL ? A blast from the past!
Borat38 what are you smoking?

