A few questions here - Nexus One General

Hi people
Although I have been a thorough reader of the forums, I am posting today after a long time, after having spent days looking for what I need and not finding it. Appreciate your help with the follows:
1. I need an app launcher/dock/shortcuts widget on the home screen that lets me access some of the apps/activities from the homescreen without taking a lot of space (something like the Home++ launchbar at the bottom). however I am not looking to change the desktop entirely (so no home++, pandahome etc), and apps like bar control, ultimatefaves and bettercut don't do it for me simply because they do not group the things I want together in one place (i.e. under one button or dock or bar). Anything else I can try?
2. I am looking for a way to launch the call log by pressing the phone widget, and not the dial pad. Is there a way around this?
3. Am also looking to somehow change the lock screen mute slider to change to a vibrate-only slider instead...any clues?
4. I am looking for a list of wallpaper sites that have wallpapers for N1 in the correct aspect ratio and resolution so when applied they do not lose their sharpness
5. In better cut, whatever icon pack I use it cuts the icon image when placing it on the phone home pages...resolution needed please.
6. Looking for a full screen caller image when I get a call or make a call, preferably of high quality.
7. For some odd reason, google listen is not appearing in my market, can someone share the apk link here please?
Apologies for so many Qs, I have no been able to find solutions to these till now, would really appreciate any help.

bump....people help pls

1- You can add a "folder" on your home screen, rename it and drop inside whatever apps u want

7. Just search for "Listen" it's the first hit. Or serach for "Google Listen" and it's the second hit.

1 - download apps organizer, very nice app, similar to adding folders but looks a lot cleaner and is very easy to organize.
4 - i use socwall.com, if you sort by widescreen they all look great on my Nexus.
5 - they fixed this in the last bettercut update, all mine look great now, check the market to see if you have an update available.

3 - silent mode jammer in the market will make the lockscreen toggle vibrate instead of silent.

thanks people...anything else from anyone?


Anyone tried Pontui ?

Its free and looks pretty cool... gonna install it when i get home (no cables here) if anyone has a play before the end of the day i'd appreciate opinions before i do the deed myself!
Well, i gave it a try yesterday on my WM5 wizard.
Its overall look and feel is really quite impressive. All the animations are unbelivably smooth, even without any overclocking. The app is finger-friendly, but i dislike list scrolling method they used - it's not like the one in fTouchflo, or iContact, where you scroll the list as if it was a physical object and moves in sync with the finger sweeping the screen, but instead the list moves in the direction of the sweep: if you put your finger on the screen and move it down a bit, the list will start scrolling down at constant speed. if you move finger farther down, it will accelerate and again keep constant speed if finger is still. if you move finger up, it will slow down, move it u even farther, ant the list will reverse direction and scroll up. It's not very intuitive, not to mention that it's really hard to use to precisely scroll long lists. If they changed this one thing, the overall fell of the program would improve significantly.
Beside that UI is clean and well designed, gives you quick access to start menu, settings (control panel, wifi, BT, GSM module, sound volume), tasks, calendar, appointments and clock, it also has some customizable menus for accessing frequently used software.
The downside is that it replaces your Today screen, so you won't be able to use your favorite Today plugins.
Overall, it's worth a try, especially for a user who just wants a phone with a simple, yet really good-looking interface. More advanced users who like to be able to customize everything might find this a bit limiting.
Overall, the program really has huge potential, and let's not forget that it's just the first public version. It will certainly improve over time. I'd recommend giving it a try, just be aware that there are some uninstallation issues read the tread on pointUI forums for more info, or if you have something like SPB backup or other software that does FULL device backup, use it and if something goes wrong, simply HR the device.
By the way:
Given it a try, and was impressed by the smooth flowing interactive menu's. But I find its quicker and easier to use SPB Shell (yes it looks basic in comparison but its straight forward and easily customised) and have therefore unistalled the software. However do not be put off by my comments, give it a go.
prior to my phone breaking (http://forum.xda-developers.com/forumdisplay.php?f=284 solutions on a postcard please) i used this UI for a few days and throught it was pretty cool. theres deffo a learning curve as some of the apps are located in strange places but overall i was very happy with it.
Impressive, but very bad support for non-English OS.
Give it time. Its a brand new and revolutionary program and those guys are doin it all in their free time so you got to give them time.
I'm running this on my wizard, Tried it and I liked it enough that I won't leave it alone.
Runs fast on my wizard, thumb approved, things are organized a little funny but after a day of using it everything is cool, I haven't looked yet but I would like to custom the 4 icons that lauch programs and some things are linked incorrectly but overall i'm impressed with the program out of box and I hope development keeps up.
i just wanted to ask
does the weather application on PointUI cost... if so.. .does any1 no how much
thanks in advance
weather is free
i think they get their weather info from yahoo/weather channel, free
Been using this for 3 days now and I love it. This and pocketCM with a the pontUI skin is amazing. Also the Iphone a like skin works well.
The main screen is great with the middle ribbon allowing really smooth action to access Analogue clock, digital clock, Calender, Tasks, Local weather and appointments.
Main screen top contains from left to right; Lock, signal meter Carrier info, Volume, Battery and Cog (settings).
You can lock the device on lock icon, hit the signal icon and the screen flip animates to show all connections settings (Flight mode, phone status wifi things like that) Hit the Speaker Icaon and you can adjust phone and speaker volumes as well as mute. hit the battery icon (which show bat level) and you can see battery life and go to power settings and backlight settings (well I can't but hey it's a beta) Hit the Cog and too many settings to list but among them is update feature so you can get the latest version straight to your device, you can also exit PontUI Home from here.
You have four icon down the bottom of the main screen which are, left to right; phone icon for call history list, tap it then swipe right on a name to call or sms them. Envelope icon press this to go to your email account (can choose which one through new registry string) next is SMS icon tap it to go to standard SMS app. Then last is the WM Icon, tap to go to windows media player (can choose which one through new registry string).
There is also a bar with an arrow down the bottom which you tap this then gives you four options; New, from which you can create new Email, SMS, MMS, Appointment, task, document or spreadsheet.
Favourites which shows all apps in the start menu folder. Applications which allows to to smoothly scroll through all installed apps and Currently running which does what it says on the tin.
As this App evolves i'm sure these menus will become nicely configurable.
I 'm really loving this App and it's only BETA. I'm running HTC Trinity (orange M700) and it's just sooo smooth. I tried Freestyl, which is good and I've been following, but when I tried this, I was blown away.
It's kind of nice to have an App that seems to integerate well with the phone rather than being a kind of clucky overlay that you can tell isn't meant to be there.
I urge you all to try it and see what you think.
Cheers all.
loving it
What i think they can improve are:
1 make the hardware buttons to work, now i can't take a picture, record any sound, or change the volume with the h-buttons.
2 a contacts app will be nice and as well a favorite contacts like the htc home
3 a way to close app on the currently running menu
4 a little bigger back button or more to the left cause when i try to pres the back button with the tumb i usually had to try 2 or 3 times couse is really near to the border.
finaly a way to select favorite app that don’t depend of the start menu
don’t get me wrong i think that app is amazing but this 5 thing will make it perfect to me
I am loving Pointui!

[Qeustion] Notification Bar Functionality

Question for the Devs,
I have one thing that bugs me about Android: taking a ton of steps to get to places, so I had an idea, but I'm not sure if it's possible. It's a two - parter:
1) Is it possible, to put into the notification area a scrollable list of your currently running applications, or possible your most used apps? Kinda like holding down home, but it's not the same.
2) I had a program on my jailbroken iCrap back in the day: sbsettings. LOVED this program, gave me quick access to just about anything. It's kinda like the power widget, but it was accessible from sliding your finger accross the top of the screen from anywhere. Imagine having the power control widget in your notification area.
Are the two above possible, or are there limitations to what the notification bar can do. Obviously, I'd want it so that if I hit "clear" they'd still remain there. Also, I don't want just a link poining me somewhere else, I want the action to occur right from the notification screen:
I searched and searched but cannot find. Have I missed something?
Sorry if this is in the wrong thread, but I figured it does have to do with development, so there ya go... Thanks in advance!
For #2 use smartbar with quick settings checked in settings for notification. It might also have #1 but I don't really poke too much around in the settings.
I use Quick Settings, which will put a notification in the pull down task bar and you have access to a number of system settings.
jkAppSwitchEX works great as a sort of AltTab type thing and you can pin it to a long press of the search button. It also can be used as a task killer and can have a list of your favorite/most used apps for easy launch (and has a recent apps list). Plus, it can put a notification in the pull down task bar. There's also a free version on the market which just shows running apps.
I also believe Folder Organizer will put apps in the task bar, I have the lite version which doesn't do that (I don't think), but I don't really need it for that, so the lite version is fine for my needs.
I've also tried SmartBar, and it does have that functionality of swiping the screen and having access to programs, etc. But it wasn't what I had been looking for when I tested it, but worth checking out.
*off topic a bit*
Sorry but it's not Qeustion it is Question
Has anyone found a way to add the power control toggles to the notification screen as seen on the Galaxy S?
if your rooted cyanogen mod have the settings in the notification like the galaxy s or you can use a app call quickdesk you can launch quickdesk by long pressing the search button or double tap the home button in any program it has this thing call quick pannel that shows you your recently used apps and the apps thats running its really slick you can also swype up on any running apps to close them. theres also another app call itchingthumb that basically do the same thing but i like the simplicity of quickdesk more you should check them out. Theres also another app call smart task bar that can also do those thing it as the most options all you have to do is swype your finger at the side of your phone to launch it. Feel free to ask me any questions about them and I'll try to answer them. Oh yeah theres another one call power strip.
I found this thread and applied the mod to the HD ROM that I'm using, it works well.

A Different Background For Each Home Screen.

Was looking through the Nook Color forum and ran across this post.
He called the app Multiimage but I could only find MultiPicture. I am pretty sure it is the same app he referenced. Especially since the nice instructions he was kind enough to share worked like a charm.
SoldierOfCatan said:
The different "Hubs" for home, media movies, etc refers to each screen. By default ADW (free or paid) has 5 screens. Each screen is given a theme (I use Social, Games, Home, Media and News). Then you use some sort of text icon to name the screen. The idea is to group content appropriate for each screen so everything is easy to find.
To go along with this many of us have chosen to use the mulitimage live wallpaper app from the market that allow you to have a different wallpaper on each screen.
Download the Multiimage live wallpaper
long press on the screen and select wallpapers/live wallpapers
select Multiimage and choose settings.
press the button labeled "Add individual settings" so you get screen settings for each screen
now select each screen setting and add the source. You will need to have folders on the sd card for each "Hub" and then have wallpapers inside.
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Be sure and click the Add Individual Settings button once for each screen that you have. A new field labeled screen 1,2 so on will magically appear above the aforementioned button.
I really like it and just had to share. The Market link is here.
Sorry if this is a useless post but until today I had no idea. Maybe I should get out more...
thanks. very helpful. i was wondering if this kind of app existed but wasn't sure exactly what to search for.
This can't be all that great for battery life or hogging resources can it?
Anyone done any testing?
It seems like it may be using a little more from the battery, but it hasn't been bad enough for me to un-install it. I charge mine once daily both before using this and after. But I play with the A500 constantly and have streams almost always playing something.
The only other issue that I have noticed is that it can get a little laggy at times. But nothing that I can't live with.

[Q] Thoughts after two months

My wife recently bought a Galaxy Tab 7.7 and now after some hours of experience she has some questions:
1. When you turn off the sound it doesn't turn off everything, sounds on webpages still plays.
2. The screen unlock pattern is in the same place so it's easy to see it because of the grease the finger is leaving behind.
3. When you want to edit text in the web browser, for instance in a forum like this, and you put the marker where you want to start edit, the marker jumps 1 or more letters efter about one second. It's not a miss click, because you can see that the marker is in the correct place when you remove your finger, and then after about one seconde it jumps to another place. Extremely annoying.
4. Honeycomb does not utilise the screen size, it seems like it's made for a smaller phone with lesser resolution. Reminders and other notifications is easily missed. Text is also extremly small sometimes and even though you can read it, it's very hard to put the marker in the right spot, if you want to mark and copy a text for instance.
5. Reminders from the calendar is to discreet, it should be something that you have to turn off manually so you dont miss it.
6. Can you create a shortcut to a file on the startscreen/desktop?
7. The clock doesn't show when you make a call so you can't check the time
8. The screen locks itself quickly when you make a call, in like 10 s, even though you have set it on 5 mins. Very annoying when you want to check things on the pad during a call.
9. Adding a new phone number to a contact is very unlogical, and it takes alot of steps. Why not just have, "add phone number to contact" when you have marked the number??
10. You can't set the timer on an certain amount of hours and/or min, just a time?
11. I can't write é and ü which is used sometimes in my language, the signs ¨ and ´ just doesn't exist. But a ton of smiliys do...strange choice by Google/Samsung.... (yes, I have the local version of the OS)
12. Then it's the browser:
* You can't move tabs
* Tabs has to reload when you switch between them
* Very long procedure to add a bookmark
* You can't sort the bookmarks the way you want.
13. The music player can't do shuffle
This was just the most important things, then it's alot of other annoying things that doesn't work correctly and that are just illogical.
Overall it doesn't seem like a product that is ready for selling, If this was a computer OS it would've been called version 0.1 alfa.
If you have any tips or apps that solve the above listed things, please post here. My wife would be super happy.
I m sorry to say. All of the above can be done/customize... u just haven't look in the right place or download the right Apps..... I guess it's your first smartphone.
Sent from my GT-P6800 using XDA Premium HD app
No, I've owned an Iphone, which had none of these issues.
But please give me some tips and hints, because I've looked around and have found nothing.
1) You need to turn down the media volume whilst in the browser.
2. Obviously clean the screen more often, what do you expect?
3. Its a bug with no fix. ICS should fix this.
4. With apps in general? Because ICS has started a trend for better resolution support. With notifications I suggest getting glasses. Also in the themes and apps forum there is an app to increase font size called Big Font.
5. That defeats the point of a reminder.
6. No but some custom launchers like go launcher provide this option.
7. I have a wifI only version so no idea. But the clock should always stay in the bottom bar.
8. Its meant to be this way. Its a feature from smartphones. It stops your face pressing buttons on the screen when you put the speaker grill to your ear.
9. No comment.
10. For the clock/alarm app?
11. Hold the letter e (é) and u (ü) down on the Samsung keyboard.
12. The play store offers alternative browsers like opera and dolphin hd, try some.
13. ICS upgrade should fix this. But again use the play store to find alternatives.
Honeycomb is buggy, numerous reviews have stated this. The ICS upgrade is set to fix most of these issues and provide a better overall experience. The ICS upgrade is meant to be set for May.
Its not meant to be a computer. Its meant to be be a media consumption device. You've come from an iphone which is simple. Android just takes times to get used too. You probably would have been better off with am ipad. Android tablets just aren't there yet.
Sent from my GT-P6810 using xda premium
ZacAttack said:
1) You need to turn down the media volume whilst in the browser.
Ok, but you have to agree with me that when you put the phone in silent, it should be completely silent.
2. Obviously clean the screen more often, what do you expect?
It becomes a mark after every time you log in. If they'd just had the grid in different places it wouldn't be a problem.
3. Its a bug with no fix. ICS should fix this.
I have big hopes for ICS
4. With apps in general? Because ICS has started a trend for better resolution support. With notifications I suggest getting glasses. Also in the themes and apps forum there is an app to increase font size called Big Font.
Mostly the webbrowser, even though you zoom max, it's very small text, and it's hard to highlight words. I will try Dolphin more extensively.
5. That defeats the point of a reminder.
It's just that you should have better options for the sound level (now it's a bearaly audiable "ding" or something), and it should also be a pop-up window or with a OK-button or so.
6. No but some custom launchers like go launcher provide this option.
Ok, will try that.
7. I have a wifI only version so no idea. But the clock should always stay in the bottom bar.
It doesn't, you have to go back to home screen to see the clock.
8. Its meant to be this way. Its a feature from smartphones. It stops your face pressing buttons on the screen when you put the speaker grill to your ear.
Well, it should be an option to turn it off since this is a 7.7 inch tablet and mostly you will use a headset.
9. No comment.
10. For the clock/alarm app?
11. Hold the letter e (é) and u (ü) down on the Samsung keyboard.
12. The play store offers alternative browsers like opera and dolphin hd, try some.
Will do!
13. ICS upgrade should fix this. But again use the play store to find alternatives.
Again, I have big hopes for ICS
Honeycomb is buggy, numerous reviews have stated this. The ICS upgrade is set to fix most of these issues and provide a better overall experience. The ICS upgrade is meant to be set for May.
Can't wait!
Its not meant to be a computer. Its meant to be be a media consumption device. You've come from an iphone which is simple. Android just takes times to get used too. You probably would have been better off with am ipad. Android tablets just aren't there yet.
I know, but they certainly have the hardware for it, they just don't use it properly.
If Apple had an ~7 inch tablet from which you could make calls, I would've probably bought that.
Sent from my GT-P6810 using xda premium
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Thank you for your reply!
Open the phone app (not the mini dialer)
Logs - Long press a caller number- Add to contacts.
Marquzz said:
9. Adding a new phone number to a contact is very unlogical, and it takes alot of steps. Why not just have, "add phone number to contact" when you have marked the number??
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---------- Post added at 09:10 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:04 AM ----------
"Stopwatch & Timer" from Google Play.
Marquzz said:
10. You can't set the timer on an certain amount of hours and/or min, just a time?
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Marquzz said:
It becomes a mark after every time you log in. If they'd just had the grid in different places it wouldn't be a problem.
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It will leave finger marks anywhere your grid was anyway, other still can figure your grid shape
So... just clean your screen or consider using password ^^
pa64 said:
Open the phone app (not the mini dialer)
Logs - Long press a caller number- Add to contacts.
---------- Post added at 09:10 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:04 AM ----------
"Stopwatch & Timer" from Google Play.
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No, can't find a option to add the number to a contact you already have, it only creates a new contact. Maybe I'm just stupid, only got 5 years of higher IT education...
What I need to do is choose to edit the phone number, and then add the phone number to a contact that way.
GOF007 said:
It will leave finger marks anywhere your grid was anyway, other still can figure your grid shape
So... just clean your screen or consider using password ^^
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Yea, this is just one of those annoying things. If the grid randomly switched place, it could've been much harder to see the pattern. But it's not very important.
It's just that when alot of things annoy you, you just start to get annoyed on other things aswell
Overall she is very happy with the tablet, it's just that it has the potential to be much much better, it's just a matter of software.
This image shows how small text is when you write in a box on a web page (max zoom), it's just hard to put the marker where you want it, if you for instance notice that you have missspelled something:
Marquzz said:
No, can't find a option to add the number to a contact you already have, it only creates a new contact. Maybe I'm just stupid, only got 5 years of higher IT education...
What I need to do is choose to edit the phone number, and then add the phone number to a contact that way.
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Dial the number and press the icon next to the number where you can save it to any existing or new contact.
pa64 said:
Dial the number and press the icon next to the number where you can save it to any existing or new contact.
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Yes, I know it can be done. Just can't understand why a very expensive top of the line smartphone/tablet 2012 just isn't better than this.
I might have answers to some of your questions which I hope could be useful to you:
Marquzz said:
2. The screen unlock pattern is in the same place so it's easy to see it because of the grease the finger is leaving behind.
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As much as I hate to mention, ICS has face recognition unlock feature which doesn't leave any grease mark for James Bond; or if you are the impatient kind like me, you could considering getting the FaceLock for apps Pro (paid app) which as similar phone lock feature for non-ICS Android devices.
Marquzz said:
4. Honeycomb does not utilise the screen size, it seems like it's made for a smaller phone with lesser resolution. Reminders and other notifications is easily missed. Text is also extremly small sometimes and even though you can read it, it's very hard to put the marker in the right spot, if you want to mark and copy a text for instance.
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You have multiple questions in one go. XD
First of all you could really re-size the screen size on running application, you could find the corresponding option in the notification bar when the tablet detects it.
Reminders and other notifications is easily missed, yes...but you could try NoLED app, or FaceLock apps Pro I mentioned earlier. (Do not use both, I tried, and miserably failed)
Text can be resized with app like BigFont. I don't use it, as it messed up with the default calendar app (though you can circumvent that with third-party calendar app)
Marquzz said:
6. Can you create a shortcut to a file on the startscreen/desktop?
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You could use the Linda File Manager (free app) to create desktop shortcut. In the rare event you would like to create script shortcut (e.g. instant reboot script), you could try SMWidgets.
Marquzz said:
12. Then it's the browser:
* You can't move tabs
* Tabs has to reload when you switch between them
* Very long procedure to add a bookmark
* You can't sort the bookmarks the way you want.
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I use Overskreen (paid app) as my default browser. It can't move tabs, but the tabs doesn't reload when you switch between them (redraw, though). It has additional feature like floating browser, and background processing (such that you could listen to browser's streaming audio while phone is locked)
Yeah adding and sorting bookmarks is still a major harrass, especially when you utilize Google sync bookmark features.
If you like fancy features to impress your friends you could try Dolphin Browser (beta version only, and this version is not found in Play yet): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AgC9qaOLmO8
Marquzz said:
Overall it doesn't seem like a product that is ready for selling, If this was a computer OS it would've been called version 0.1 alfa.
If you have any tips or apps that solve the above listed things, please post here. My wife would be super happy.
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Trust me, this tablet is the best you can get for business applications. Of course, it is very much depending on your needs.
Marquzz said:
No, can't find a option to add the number to a contact you already have, it only creates a new contact. Maybe I'm just stupid, only got 5 years of higher IT education...
What I need to do is choose to edit the phone number, and then add the phone number to a contact that way.
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I take it that you are trying to add a number from inside the phone app to an existing contact?
#1 If you are in Dialer, press the icon to the right of the number and you can either save it as a new contact, or add it to an existing contact.
#2 If you are in Logs, the trick is to long click on the entry in the left pane, select "Edit number before call", which will bring you to the dialer, and you to #1 above, where you can proceed accordingly. (If you select "Add to Contacts", it will be a new contact.*)
#3 Still in Logs, long clicking on the entry itself (on the right) will copy the number to clipboard. Which will allow other possibilities...
*This is peculiar to the Samsung phone app and I agree that they should not have done it this way. It's not how it works in Vanilla ICS on my Galaxy Nexus.
Hope that helps.
Marquzz said:
5. Reminders from the calendar is to discreet, it should be something that you have to turn off manually so you dont miss it.
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The Samsung stock calendar is rather basic. Try Business Calendar, which has advanced controls for notifications (include snooze).
Marquzz said:
7. The clock doesn't show when you make a call so you can't check the time
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The clock shows on my bottom bar even in a phone call. See attached pic below.
Marquzz said:
10. You can't set the timer on an certain amount of hours and/or min, just a time?
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I think Alarm Clock Xtreme can do that.
Marquzz said:
12. Then it's the browser:
* You can't move tabs
* Tabs has to reload when you switch between them
* Very long procedure to add a bookmark
* You can't sort the bookmarks the way you want.
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Use Dolphin HD. It solves the first and the last two problems. I'm not sure why but the browser sometimes reloads when you switch on the 7.7--it didn't do so (or do so as much) on either my Galaxy Nexus (ICS) or even on my old HTC HD2 running Android Gingerbread. Might be a Honeycomb thing.
Marquzz said:
13. The music player can't do shuffle
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The ICS music player can do shuffle. If you are resourceful, you can install the apk. But again, there are better alternatives out there. For instance, Poweramp and PlayerPro. (I have the ICS player, but eventually settled on Poweramp.)
All the best!
Marquzz said:
Yes, I know it can be done. Just can't understand why a very expensive top of the line smartphone/tablet 2012 just isn't better than this.
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Wow, ok...
1) Open the dialer
2) Enter a number
3) Click the 'add to contact' icon immediately to the right of the number you just entered
4) You are immediately taken to your list of contacts
5) At this point you have 2 options, click 'New" to add a new contact or click on any contact from the list
6) Upon clicking any one of the contacts in your list, that contact is immediately opened and the new number automatically added to the list of phone numbers for that contact...from there you can specify the number type (work, home, mobile, etc.)
I honestly can't imagine a scenario any more intuitive & straight forward than this. Please describe (if you can) what would be 'better than this'?
---------- Post added at 12:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:34 PM ----------
7. I have a wifI only version so no idea. But the clock should always stay in the bottom bar.
It doesn't, you have to go back to home screen to see the clock.
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Wrong. The taskbar on the bottom is still there during calls, and the clock is still visible. I'm looking at it right now as I type this.
For someone with 5 years of "IT higher learning", you're not exhibiting much in the way of higher intelligence here in my opinion. You are aware that there's a thing called a search engine, right? Google is kind of a popular one. Millions of people from all over the world have been using Android for several years, and nearly every question/complaint you raised in your original list has been asked, discussed & addressed by someone at some point. Instead of jumping onto a forum and ranting off your list of 'problems', you might want to poke around a bit & see if there's already an answer out there.
1. When you turn off the sound it doesn't turn off everything, sounds on webpages still plays.
2. The screen unlock pattern is in the same place so it's easy to see it because of the grease the finger is leaving behind.
Seriously? Clean the screen frequently; Try a non-glossy screen protector; Use a PIN or a password to unlock the screen rather than a pattern.
3. When you want to edit text in the web browser, for instance in a forum like this, and you put the marker where you want to start edit, the marker jumps 1 or more letters efter about one second. It's not a miss click, because you can see that the marker is in the correct place when you remove your finger, and then after about one seconde it jumps to another place. Extremely annoying.
This is the one item on your list that I would call a real 'problem'. A bluetooth mouse helps if this is something you need to do very often.
4. Honeycomb does not utilise the screen size, it seems like it's made for a smaller phone with lesser resolution. Reminders and other notifications is easily missed. Text is also extremly small sometimes and even though you can read it, it's very hard to put the marker in the right spot, if you want to mark and copy a text for instance.
Honeycomb is a smartphone OS first, and a tablet OS second. ICS bridges that gap much better, but there will always be some compromises. The Android phone market is bigger (much bigger) than the tablet market, so there will always be somewhat of a slant toward smartphone functionality-wise.
5. Reminders from the calendar is to discreet, it should be something that you have to turn off manually so you dont miss it.
6. Can you create a shortcut to a file on the startscreen/desktop?
7. The clock doesn't show when you make a call so you can't check the time
Yes, it does.
8. The screen locks itself quickly when you make a call, in like 10 s, even though you have set it on 5 mins. Very annoying when you want to check things on the pad during a call.
This is by design, and another byproduct of honeycomb being a smartphone OS first and a tablet OS second. You may notice that the tablet does have a proximity sensor with related settings. If you make a call and pass your hand over the sensor it will blank the screen...remove your hand and the screen reappears. This mirrors the functionality you'd expect when you put the 'phone' up to your ear..again geared toward how you'd expect a smartphone to work. Honestly, I'm not sure that the target demographic for this tablet will use it as their primary mobile phone all that much. But for those that do, it's a pretty minor inconvenience...so you have to push the power button to get the screen back...just not that big of a deal.
9. Adding a new phone number to a contact is very unlogical, and it takes alot of steps. Why not just have, "add phone number to contact" when you have marked the number??
Wrong. It's very logical and very intuitive. 2 clicks & done.
10. You can't set the timer on an certain amount of hours and/or min, just a time?
Who does this? Why? If you want to wake up 1 hour & 45 minutes later can you not just do some simple math in your brain and set the timer to what the time will be 1 hours & 45 minutes later?
11. I can't write é and ü which is used sometimes in my language, the signs ¨ and ´ just doesn't exist. But a ton of smiliys do...strange choice by Google/Samsung.... (yes, I have the local version of the OS)
Someone already answered this.
12. Then it's the browser:
* You can't move tabs
* Tabs has to reload when you switch between them
* Very long procedure to add a bookmark
* You can't sort the bookmarks the way you want.
Numerous browser options in the play store.
13. The music player can't do shuffle
Numerous music player options in the play store.
This was just the most important things, then it's alot of other annoying things that doesn't work correctly and that are just illogical.
Wrong. In my opinion, you're just lazy. Android is not a kindergarten children's toy like iOS. If that's what you want or need, you should get an Apple. There's a learning curve with Android, but if you invest a bit of time, you will be rewarded with an experience that's ultimately more satisfying than iOS (at least in my opinion).
Overall it doesn't seem like a product that is ready for selling, If this was a computer OS it would've been called version 0.1 alfa.
Return it & buy an Apple.
If you have any tips or apps that solve the above listed things, please post here. My wife would be super happy.
Marquzz said:
My wife recently bought a Galaxy Tab 7.7 and now after some hours of experience she has some questions:
1. When you turn off the sound it doesn't turn off everything, sounds on webpages still plays.
2. The screen unlock pattern is in the same place so it's easy to see it because of the grease the finger is leaving behind.
3. When you want to edit text in the web browser, for instance in a forum like this, and you put the marker where you want to start edit, the marker jumps 1 or more letters efter about one second. It's not a miss click, because you can see that the marker is in the correct place when you remove your finger, and then after about one seconde it jumps to another place. Extremely annoying.
4. Honeycomb does not utilise the screen size, it seems like it's made for a smaller phone with lesser resolution. Reminders and other notifications is easily missed. Text is also extremly small sometimes and even though you can read it, it's very hard to put the marker in the right spot, if you want to mark and copy a text for instance.
5. Reminders from the calendar is to discreet, it should be something that you have to turn off manually so you dont miss it.
6. Can you create a shortcut to a file on the startscreen/desktop?
7. The clock doesn't show when you make a call so you can't check the time
8. The screen locks itself quickly when you make a call, in like 10 s, even though you have set it on 5 mins. Very annoying when you want to check things on the pad during a call.
9. Adding a new phone number to a contact is very unlogical, and it takes alot of steps. Why not just have, "add phone number to contact" when you have marked the number??
10. You can't set the timer on an certain amount of hours and/or min, just a time?
11. I can't write é and ü which is used sometimes in my language, the signs ¨ and ´ just doesn't exist. But a ton of smiliys do...strange choice by Google/Samsung.... (yes, I have the local version of the OS)
12. Then it's the browser:
* You can't move tabs
* Tabs has to reload when you switch between them
* Very long procedure to add a bookmark
* You can't sort the bookmarks the way you want.
13. The music player can't do shuffle
This was just the most important things, then it's alot of other annoying things that doesn't work correctly and that are just illogical.
Overall it doesn't seem like a product that is ready for selling, If this was a computer OS it would've been called version 0.1 alfa.
If you have any tips or apps that solve the above listed things, please post here. My wife would be super happy.
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Yeah, this and so many more "little" things is what makes me hate android. This tablet was my first device and I can safely say I will never buy another android device again. I'll probably get an I pad 4 when it comes out. I'm just sick of finding out more things my tab can't do. Its really dissapointing as the reason I chose this over an I pad was the smaller screen size but its just not worth it
Marquzz said:
My wife recently bought a Galaxy Tab 7.7 and now after some hours of experience she has some questions:
1. When you turn off the sound it doesn't turn off everything, sounds on webpages still plays.
2. The screen unlock pattern is in the same place so it's easy to see it because of the grease the finger is leaving behind.
3. When you want to edit text in the web browser, for instance in a forum like this, and you put the marker where you want to start edit, the marker jumps 1 or more letters efter about one second. It's not a miss click, because you can see that the marker is in the correct place when you remove your finger, and then after about one seconde it jumps to another place. Extremely annoying.
4. Honeycomb does not utilise the screen size, it seems like it's made for a smaller phone with lesser resolution. Reminders and other notifications is easily missed. Text is also extremly small sometimes and even though you can read it, it's very hard to put the marker in the right spot, if you want to mark and copy a text for instance.
5. Reminders from the calendar is to discreet, it should be something that you have to turn off manually so you dont miss it.
6. Can you create a shortcut to a file on the startscreen/desktop?
7. The clock doesn't show when you make a call so you can't check the time
8. The screen locks itself quickly when you make a call, in like 10 s, even though you have set it on 5 mins. Very annoying when you want to check things on the pad during a call.
9. Adding a new phone number to a contact is very unlogical, and it takes alot of steps. Why not just have, "add phone number to contact" when you have marked the number??
10. You can't set the timer on an certain amount of hours and/or min, just a time?
11. I can't write é and ü which is used sometimes in my language, the signs ¨ and ´ just doesn't exist. But a ton of smiliys do...strange choice by Google/Samsung.... (yes, I have the local version of the OS)
12. Then it's the browser:
* You can't move tabs
* Tabs has to reload when you switch between them
* Very long procedure to add a bookmark
* You can't sort the bookmarks the way you want.
13. The music player can't do shuffle
This was just the most important things, then it's alot of other annoying things that doesn't work correctly and that are just illogical.
Overall it doesn't seem like a product that is ready for selling, If this was a computer OS it would've been called version 0.1 alfa.
If you have any tips or apps that solve the above listed things, please post here. My wife would be super happy.
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Click to collapse
You can make a similar list of annoyances or personal preferences for any tablet, so such lists are pretty useless for it is always a trade-off between annoyances and delights and for me the delights on the 7.7 far outweigh the annoyances compared to any other tablet. So rather than buy a tablet then whinge about it you should check it out first.

My experience with CM10 so far XD (and maybe a feature wishlist)

First of all, how awesome is this forum !!!
I consider myself a pretty "upright" forum user as in I usually read the pinned, "read this first", Q&A, and search before I make new posts. Whenever I come upon people who don't do that, I kinda frown to my computer screen but beyond that seems like nothing much can be done? The "Here are the similar threads we found:" section is just pure brilliance.
Sorry about the rambling but I will start with a tiny background story first.
So once upon a time, I got warned thru my gmail that my account apparently was "compromised". After I did some preliminary verification to make sure they are not spams, I decided to try the google "2-step verification" process. And I bet most of you knew what comes next: I keep getting bad password popups. After some hours of frustrating struggle, I fixed my gmail on my phone. But Gtalk would not let me do that 1-time psasword verification thing, and thus my play store won't work. (God really who designed them to be linked!? I did not launch Gtalk once in my life.) Before this happened, I was happy with my stock launcher from Samsung and always have the "if it ain't broken, don't fix it" motto. In the end, I decided it is "certified broken" and I thought this might be a good time to look into upgrading to Jelly Bean.
hm.. i think i'm making this post unnecessary long so I will just cut through the chase. I never thought "stock" stuff would come in any quality. But amazingly in my first day experience of CM10, I am already missing a bunch of features that I used to take for granted. I have no desire to go back to the last launcher (as this in theory should be a step up overall, i believe). So if anyone have tips for me to how to get these features back, I would very much like some pointers! Thanks in advance.
Just some clarification in case this matter: I bought my phone unlocked in Hong Kong. So there is no service-provider-associated stuff that came with the stock launcher I got.
EDIT: I used the 11-02 nightly build of CM10 and its corresponding Gapp package.
1) Contact list
+ Improved: To my amaze, my chinese contacts got sorted by their pronunciation in english! The original stock launcher lumped all of them in the end of the list.
- What I missed: Slide left on names will message the contact and slide right will call them.
# What I tried: Of course my first solution is to search on App store to find a replacement. For some reasons, only two (with good rating) showed up. Did the search got dumber? Or it got smarter but just not doing what I want?
Go Contacts: I think i remember trying it and personally not a big fan of the GO packages. I didn't give it a second try.
Contants+ with a penguin icon: There's a function that lets you "Hold" on a contact to call them. This is very much inferior to the slidings : ( I need recommendations for contact list app.
2) App drawer
+ I like how the widgets got attached to the horizontal pages. Much nicer option than Homescreen-> menu and keep scrolling through the 1x4 area LOL. I love widgets and I have a lot of them. Yes it was painful.
- You can't custom organize the drawer. You can sort by Name or Install Date and that's it. I used to organize them by functionality. I have over 160 apps on my phone. I don't use all of them all the time but I would say I use close to 70% of them at least once in a while. So while my homescreen is really reserved for Widgets, App drawer is where I launch my less-used apps. I really like the "menu -> edit" function in my old launcher. I can create new page, move the apps around and even uninstall the app right there (with a minus sign on the top right corner of the app icon. Yes I didn't use to understand why one would even need uninstaller app from the store). Please don't hate me if you really just rather sort by Name.
# Funny the problem this time is not about how I can't find a suitable app from the play store to do a better job with the drawer. It's that I CAN'T move the original app drawer icon of the launcher from the bottom middle area. I imagine there's probably a way to replace it but it's obviously not a readily available option or I am missing something.
3) Task manager?
+ I think it's just recent launched apps (or apps in the background) now. It's in a way good that it goes beyond the last 6. Not that I find that old limit bothering really.
- Where's my task manager? I'm a bit OCD when it comes to ram usage and processes/services. Oh how i missed the Hold home button -> recent app screen with a task manager button -> Kill all task. LOL It's not much but it shows just enough: total ram usage, running apps, processes, and even storage space. Scratch that, it's actually very much.
# Right now I am resort to Auto Memory Manager with a blue fish icon. It's sufficient. But I can't access it anywhere.
4) Misc. stuff that I missed and would like help to find them. Note: these have nothing to do with the launcher.
- I used to have this "Windy Weather" live wall paper (or what i believed it was called). There were some wind turbines running on a grass field. It reflects the current weather. I scour the store and I couldn't find anything remotely like that besides having to go back to the GO family or you have to pay. I know it's not recommended but I tried titanium back up to restore it from my old system - no luck.
- Ap news widget. The widget was 2x4. It does not refreshes on its own and only do so with a tiny refresh button on the bottom right corner. It cycles through headlines with pictures that fully stretches the whole 2x4 window (beautifully). Can't find it in the store.
- Pinch on the home screen zooms out and gives you a quick view of all 7(now 5, but I can live with that) pages of home screen.
- That's all for now. I think I am still missing a few things I wanted to mention but I forgot what they are at the moment
anyway, sorry about some of the ranting. Here are some features i like:
+ File Manager is awesome.
+ Camera is great as well. And I love the quick browse gallery. It's weird that the actual gallery don't even have to pinch function while they put it here.
+ The pull down menu is clean. I kinda missed the "auto-rotation" quick set. But it's minor. I usually don't allow auto rotation anyway. I also like the setting button in there. But I used it so much I have to put a short cut on the home screen anyway.
+ The animation when you turn off the screen is COOL
+ The lock screen which gives you direct access to the camera is very convenient as well.
There is no sammy like app with swipe unfortunately.(edit :didnt know ex dialer has it sry_
Try apex launcher,nova launcher,adw ex launcher(i prefer this at the moment,pletora of settings)
autorotation ,play with toggle settings in system settings menu.
Don't bother with ram,free ram is wasted ram.
That windmill wallpaper i think go has something similar to it but i dont use it as it is a huge battery hogger .I just use a plain wallpaper.
I suggest u stay playing a bit with the lockscreen/system settings
Hi, i use ex dialer and it have slide right to call and slide left to sms.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
For dialer I recommend Dialer Ex from Play. I also missed the swipe to call & message function from Sammy roms. This app does it(it also has other great features like theme support etc.!)
Sent from my premium potato
1) ExDialer. You will never look back. You can customize it to your taste and it has the features you ask.
2) You need to use another launcher for that, but in my case I got accustomed to search for apps instead of looking for icons. It's easier and can be done from everywhere in your launcher if you click and hold the Menu key. You can also have folders in the Home screen, that's also a nice way to organize. Why I ended doing this? Because other launchers have too many options.
3) You shouldn't care about running apps. You can kill them by pressing Menu key on the Home and selecting manage apps. There, in "Running" you have the apps that are currently working on the background, the memory they use and you can eventually kill them. I'm against that unless you have an issue with an app (like Media Scanner going rogue).
4) GO Weather. You can download it from the web if it's not on the store and side-load it. But I have it available. I can't help you with the news widget as I never found one useful enough to my usage patterns. I don't think the default launcher can show you all Home screens at once.
Thanks for all the help guys. You are quick to reply : )
android manages ram efficiently u dont need to free ram if u still want to have a kill apps button on recent apps its part of aokp and if u want to have it on cm10 try pacman rom

