Cant send files over bt - Nexus One General

im not able to send files from and to my n1 from win 7 64 laptop...
the devices are paired but not connected, anytime i try to send something i can see on the scre of the laptop the transmission starting (the blue bar comes) but after a second it stopps and says connection error

Try Bluetooth File Transfer. Free app, you can find it on the market.


Bluetooth help Please!!!

Hi there guys.
I really need some help. I've tried everything but can think of anything else to do anymore.
I have a i-Mate Pocket PC with Windows Mobile 2003 (not SE). My Desktop PC has got Windows XP with SP2.
I'm trying to send files via Bluetooth from my Desktop PC to my Pocket PC but I get this error message "FTP service not found on target device"
But if I send files via Bluetooth from my Pocket PC to my Desktop PC it works perfectly.
Please guys, if anyone can help me I will appreciate it. I am really tired of taking my SD card out all the time to put it in the card reader or taking the Pocket PC out of the Case and put it in the Cradle.
Thanks in advance.
in my pc bluetooth i can add and remove com ports
when i add com ports i have to deside if they are outgoing or incomming
if i want to send to the xda it would require the port to be outgoing
and of cause the xda would have to have an incomming port enabled
and of cause have turned on recieve beam enabled
try that
Thanks for your help. I get a error that my Pocket PC does not support file transfer.
Can you believe that??
well i havent tried it from a pc but i have tried it from a cellphone and there it worked ok
I don't understand why it doesn't wanna work. My P900 that I had before could send and receive files to and from my Desktop PC via Bluetooth.
Isn't there any software availible that you can install on the Pocket PC for file sharing or file transfer or something?
Where can I go to change my Com ports??
i just tried and it works ok for me
i had a txt file on my desktop and right clicked on it and choosed send to
and picked bluetooth device
and found my pda
and press'd send and my pda said if i wanted to recieve the file and i said yes
i dident add any outgoing com ports
to my bluetooth pc settings
i just turned on my bluetooth on my pda
and made sure i had made it recieve all beam files
Yes, that is how it is supposed to work. But mine doesn't. That's why I say, I can't understand it.
It should be straight forward.
when you go into settings and pick bluetooth settings
have you checked both the inbound com port
and the outbound com port ?
and of cause the Receive all incomming beams in beam under connections
Yes, I did that.
and do you use both the ms bluetooth software on the pc and
use the bluetooth stack on the xda ?
and does stuff like activesync works ?
i'm still on 1.66 rom
and i use ms bluetooth stack
and the driver that xp sp2 auto installed
I don't have the bluetooth stack. Where can I find it?
It's all in the com ports ! Go to pc right click my computer - go properties - hardware - device manager - look for your ports "com " 3/4 the way down page - expand then right click on your 2 ports one at a time - click com port tab then change incoming to com 4 then the same to t e other one but set to com 5 - open active sync - click connection settings clIck on com port 5 then open active sync in ppc tab " connect via bluetooth - should auto fire-up active sync if it does you should now be able to send n recieve ( good luck took me nearly a month to sus it out ) be very wary about the stack thing I dont have it - dont need it xp sp2 handles it fine.......
Looper T
Com ports
On my computer, I found that I would have to terminate the processes WCESMgr.exe and or wcescomm.exe and then go to device manager, Ports, disable Com 7 and 8 (yours may be 4 and 5 etc), re enable them, open up Active sync and then the Com ports were usable again and active sync would work just fine via bluetooth until I had to reboot my computer again.
This may just be my computer though... Or it could be that when the bluetooth and ActiveSync try to get going at boot, the bluetooth virtual com ports are not ready when active sync starts. I also disabled active sync from starting and I continue to block it's attempts to get back in the start up in the registry. Both Spybot, , and Lavasoft's Ad Watch, , will do that.
Piesang said:
Hi there guys.
I really need some help. I've tried everything but can think of anything else to do anymore.
I have a i-Mate Pocket PC with Windows Mobile 2003 (not SE). My Desktop PC has got Windows XP with SP2.
I'm trying to send files via Bluetooth from my Desktop PC to my Pocket PC but I get this error message "FTP service not found on target device"
But if I send files via Bluetooth from my Pocket PC to my Desktop PC it works perfectly.
Please guys, if anyone can help me I will appreciate it. I am really tired of taking my SD card out all the time to put it in the card reader or taking the Pocket PC out of the Case and put it in the Cradle.
Thanks in advance.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Have u ticked the "receive all incoming beams" in the settings->connections tab ? Cos if u unticked that, u will not receive any files from any computer or smartphone.
This is the problem with the MS Bluetooth stack. This software has no FTP service. I've installed the Broadcomm BT stack and now it's working except 1 thing described here:
You can send any file via BT from your computer with ActiveSync. Normally make a AS connection via BT and simply browse your device on a PC. Or you can send it also without AS. Just click on My BT Places on your desktop,open your paired Himalaya and drag-and-drop your file to this opened window. You need to be in discoverable mode and the beams-receiving is turned on on your PDA.

Some Bluetooth Problems , help needed

I am having problem with bluetooth file transfer. When I beam a file and tap to the device found with bt, the transfer fails. What can be the problem and what should I do?
Also at my laptop, when I say Quick connect to ''Bluetooth Serial Port'' and choose my JAM, it does not connect (same at file transfer). It says ''Service Bluetooth Serial Port is not found on device JAM''
How can I install or open BT Serial Port Service at my JAM?
Another question is, is it normal that laptop and jam does not get connected automatically when they are in range? Because I see they are connected (BT sign at taskbar turns to green) only while i make activcesyns with BT.
Help please!

N1 Bluetooth Issues?

Having trouble with bluetooth file transfer on a Nexus One and Windows Vista PC... suggestions? When I initiate a file transfer from the PC, I get a "No services found" error. However, the device can connect to PC audio via bluetooth without issue.
for some reason the OPP and FTP bluetooth profiles aren't included out of the box, try searching for bluetooth file transfer on the marketplace
Many people were claiming that with 2.1 BT transfer is finally unleashed but in reality only a very few files type are supported (MP3 and Jpeg). If you try to send an .apk or .rar files for exemple it will hang.
Also don't forget that you have to put BT mode to ''discoverable'' (it will go off after 2 mins) and that Desire Roms till now have unstable BT

Connecting X10 to laptop through bluetooth

Hi all,
My phone detects the laptop and it says paired but not connected and, when I try to click this tab nothing happens.My laptop is Acer 4820tg.
Can you be a little more detailed?
What are you trying to do with Bluetooth?
I am actually trying to use mkremote and want to send some music files to my phone.
Well, once a phone and laptop are paired, you need to open the actual program to start the services. You won't get any options from the Bluetooth menu on the phone.
For mkremote, you need to download the PC software as well
For sending music, use your PC to send the files via Bluetooth. If BT is on, and you're paired, a notice will come up on the phone to accept the file.
I can't be more specfic on sending files, because I use OSX which has a "Send File to Phone" button...
Is the BT on the computer set up right?

Can't receive file from PC via bluetooth

Hi everyone,
I searched the forum and didn't find any posts about problems with PC --> Epic bluetooth transfers, so I'm starting a new thread.
For the life of me, I can't send a file from my computer to my Epic. The devices can find each other and pair, but my phone always says "Paired but not connected" and my computer says "Connected". I saw somewhere that it may only say connected during an actual transfer... but when I right click a file and go through the Send To Bluetooth Device process, it can't connect. Windows gives me an error every time saying that it timed out because the device didn't respond. I'm staring at my phone the entire time and it doesn't even receive the request. I've tried going into bluetooth settings and tapping the computer, but that doesn't connect it. I've unpaired, repaired, rebooted, etc.
I connected my bluetooth headphones just to make sure the bluetooth is working properly... and I'm sitting here listening to music wirelessly as I type this. So the bluetooth DOES work.
Here's some other info in case it's relevant. PC is running Windows XP Pro. USB bluetooth dongle. The Epic is running Epic Experience ROM 1.2.05.
Ideas, anyone? This is driving me insane because it should be so simple... but it's not!

