Band Select? - Dash 3G, Snap General

I just bought a T-Mobile Dash 3G and unlocked it. I'm trying for it to log onto a 850MHZ network but I can't find a way to force that band. It keeps logging unto the 1800MHS band.
The only options for Network Type are: GSM or WCDMA
And the only options for Band type are Euro band, US band, or Japan band.
Is there a way to enable more options like GSM(1900+850)+UMTS(1900+850)??


Network Type/Band Freq

Can somebody please explain GSM vs WCDMA vs UMTS for the bands?
My impression is GSM is 2G and UMTS is 3G and both can supply regular phone service? What's WCDMA then?
T-mobile USA is GSM 850/1900 and what else?
I was thinking if I specify what network and band to use it'll use less batter (ie. no 3g unless I really need it).
this is a really easy google search... or just go to wikipedia....really any search you would try will answer your question.
(you're half right, but mostly wrong)'s some links for you
Well I did google already, but still is over my head when I look at the band settings in the TMO HD2.
If WCDMA = UMTS why is there a separate GSM/WCDMA network selection, both allowing bands in GSM and UMTS.
Sounds like GSM is older tech, meaning 2g, whereas 3g is the newer GSM, which is UMTS, which = WCDMA. Therefore, how can you choose UMTS band frequencies on a old GSM network?
Perhaps I'm not phrasing my question correctly. I'm asking these because of the phone settings. I'm trying to figure out if it's more efficient to just tell the phone to look for specific network/band for TMOUSA thereby saving time and battery.
is this just too simple of a question or not many people understand. anyone?
ok, instead of giving you a bunch of info, let me give you just what I think you need.
I'm guessing you're going to Settings>Wireless Controls> Phone>Band and that's where the confusion is coming from. This screen is wrong and the Bands listed there are wrong (they're from previous devices, and htc didn't bother to update that screen).
So, you have 3 main choices there that should be of interest to you as long as you're in the US on Tmobile's network: Auto, WCDMA, GSM (under Network Type).
Auto: switches automatically between GPRS/EDGE/3G (HSDPA, HSPDA+)
The only way that playing with the band frequencies could help you would be if you're just interested in Edge/GPRS since tmobile uses two different frequencies there (native 1900 and 850 roaming). For 3g however, Tmobile uses only (and in you need to use both to get 3g and not just one or the other) 1700/2100 frequency.
Long story short, if you're trying to keep the phone from switching between 3g and Edge and you're in an area that has constant 3g, set it to WCDMA. (but note that if you loose 3g but are in an area with Edge, it will not switch to Edge, it will just be 0 bars/reception).
thanks alot, that really clears it up. I don't have data connection besides mms so I figure I may set it to no 3g and save some battery.

[Q] Does the European Optimus 7 supports WCDMA 850?

I bought an European Optimus 7 and it shows on the box "WCDMA 900/1900/2100, GSM850/900/1800/1900"
There's any way to put this phone to work on 3G WCDMA 850 networks at full speed?
I own a Telus version of Optimus 7. My phone has the 900 3G band on it. I will tell you how to check whether your modem supports 850 or not. First, you open up the dialer and enter ##634#. This will install the MFG app, that will be accessible through your app list. The password that it asks is 277634#*#. Now you have access to the manufacturer test/setting menu. Proceed to the Engineer Menu, and then Modem Setting, followed by Band setting. There, you should see all the bands that are available, and WCMDA basically means UTMS or 3G. If you have the 850 band, it should be available in this menu. There are two other things you need to do before gaining access to this band, if available. But in order for me to continue, I need to know which carrier you plan to use this phone on. I am going to assume you want to use this in North America and you have already unlocked it. Let me know, and I shall help you further on making your phone functional for a 3G connection. BTW, I am typing this on my Optimus 7...the keyboard is seriously great, and if it wasn't for the loose buttons, I would have absolutely no regret over my purchase.
I saw here, there are these options available:
2.WCDMA Only
3.GSM Only
4.WCDMA 850
5.WCDMA 1900
6.WCDMA 2100
7.GSM 850
8.GSM 900
9.GSM 1800
10.GSM 1900
11.WCDMA 900
Sorry for picking up this old thread again but there is no final answer on this.
The point is that I'm having the same problem, I have a european E900 and I can see the WCDMA 850 in the MFG settings. So is this working?
I'm going to Thailand next week and wanted to use True Move 3G which is on 850 Mhz.
Ok, just for the record - I am in Thailand now and the 850Mhz 3G Network from True Move is not working on the European E900.
Hope this helps for those who were looking for this answer.

LG Optimus 7 E900 Unlock 850 Mhz Band?

Hey all,
I just realized the E900 and E900h have the same modem. The problem with the E900 is that the 850Mhz band is locked. Is there any way to unlock the 850 mhz band? I need it for better reception with ATT.
On the e900 in the MFG menu I have the option to select both cmda and gsm 850mhz band.
I did load the att apn and developer unlock my phone, but I never looked for that band before so you might not need to do those things.
I just developer unlocked my phone. However the 850 Mhz WCDMA band is still locked. Can you receive WCDMA 850?
I'm wondering if one can flash an lg e900 with an e900h rom. By doing this, will this enable the 850Mhz band?
Can I flash an E900H rom onto an E900?
I don't know about flashing the e900 rom, I have the stock vodophone rom updated to mango.
and I have 850, 1900 and 2100 bands displayed in my engineering menu > modem options > band selections. Not sure what to tell you.
Yes I have the 850mhz WCDMA option in MFG. However it is not picking up an actual 850 WCDMA signal. Is your phone picking up 850 for 3g?
I select 850 wcdma restart and get 3g / h depending on where I'm located, but I usually just leave it on wmda automatic
I'm not sure if there is any other way to test what band I'm using, but I'm assuming that selecting it from the MFG menu would be using the 850 band.
can you tell me the exact configuration of your phone? Did you use MFG or Network setup? I desperately need the band as 3g in my area is 850.
AFAIK mobile devices need different communication hardware to physically access some frequencies.
Whilst there may be a software switch to activate access to a frequency.. that does not mean that the unit will contain the hardware to do so.
If I am wrong on this I would appreciate advice.
EDIT: More on this topic and an aswer similar to above here...
E900 and E900h have different hardware conf, most likely different flash ic so its not recomended to cross flash it.

[Q] Force Nexus 4 onto a specific frequency for testing?

Hello, I am currently living in Toronto and would like to test the network coverage for WCDMA 850MHz only, because the phone I'm buying only supports WCDMA 850/2100 (my carrier uses 850/1900).
I tried using *#*#4636#*#* but this only gives me the option to switch between Japanese, USA and cellular bands and does not allow me to distinguish between individual bands.
I've tried googling this and no help has come up yet.
I'm currently on Purity 4.4.4 and Hell's Core.
I have the same issue. Traveling in India, and my US-bought Nexus 4 seems stuck on US frequencies. My coverage and signal strength are terrible and the phone can't hold a connection. I want to switch it to Indian frequencies.
I tried using an app called Radio Switcher which is just a friendlier way of accessing the hidden menu. However, under Select Radio Band, it only shows USA and Japanese bands, not Euro or Asia.
Running CyanogenMod 10.2.0-mako.

[Q] Band selection

I want to use only the 900mhz band in wcdma and all band gsm and lte
Or delete the 2100mhz band because my phone no transfert data on this frequence and is the more use in my country :/
But in the selection band menu i can only select 1 band for all and i don't want desactivate lte and gsm an idea?
Sorry for my translation
