Help me update my plain HD2! - HD2 General

Hello all,
I purchased european HD2 last month, but have never made any update, be it ROM or software. Main reason is that whenever I find an update thread in xda, it just says "update this and that", but I couldn't find any real tutorials that explain actually "how" to update. You guys are all gurus compared to me and you don't bother explaining details to each other But us novices are having problems. I hope a few answers in this thread will help novices too.
My HTC HD2 software info is as follows:
OS: 5.2.21869
Manilla: 2.5.19211619.0
ROM: 1.61.468.2 (74237) WWE
ROM date: 12/16/09
RAM: 448MB
ROM: 512MB
I want 576 MB ram, with the latest ROM and Radio (whatever this means), possibly with the latest SMS hotfix.
1) Where should I download the lasted software?
2) HOW should I install them?
Thanks in advance!

LOL just go to htc web site and update

SOLRAC13 said:
LOL just go to htc web site and update
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Will this give me 576MB ram? Will this help me install the latest version Radio etc? I don't suppose it will.

Spend time reading the Rom Development thread.
You will eventually know what you want, and how to do it.

myth1001 said:
Spend time reading the Rom Development thread.
You will eventually know what you want, and how to do it.
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I always though the "ROM development" forum was about developing new roms, not for us newbies. Now you mentioned it, I found this one:
So, thanks for pointing out!


[ROM]WWE official Hong Kong ROM Version:1.72.831.1
[REQ] mirrors please or S/N
Mirror up!!
jigners said:
[REQ] mirrors please or S/N
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Would anyone can download it ? My can't download it cause my S/N does
not match it... thank you.
SN ,please
S/n need too, THANKs !
tigk said:
S/n need too, THANKs !
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here is the SN HT9BXNW01232
credit to the one who posted this, now next step mirror
then let the dumping begin.
jigners said:
here is the SN HT9BXNW01232
credit to the one who posted this, now next step mirror
then let the dumping begin.
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Oh thank you very much.. now downloading..
Feed back please, such witch OS version for example?
Witch Radio version?
Thanks in advance.
Ok, I flashed this ROM earlier this evening.
OS: 5.2.21869 (21869)
MANILA: 1.0.19211620.0
ROM: 1.72.831.1(82124)WWE
ROM DATE: 03/01/10
First impressions are that this Rom is very fast IMO, compared to 1.66 which I was running before. Signal seems to be slightly better than others, which for me wasn't too bad. Nothing new to look at. I will see what battery life is like tomorrow after a full nights charge.
ok, thanks a lot.
Hey anythin new in this official ROM except tweaks..???
Well those who have flashed, whats the build & RADIO..???
^ didnt you read 2 post before you?
btw.. I just want to ask did they fix the camera over exposure problem like in 2.10?
and is the ram stil 4xxMB?
Fantastico! Download it now! Thank you!
zelduy said:
and is the ram stil 4xxMB?
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Good question. I'm also curious whether I'll lose the extra ram.
Data after ROM ugrade
heartsurfer008 said:
Hey anythin new in this official ROM except tweaks..???
Well those who have flashed, whats the build & RADIO..???
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I have flashed it yesterday. It runs well, but I dont see or feel any difference with previous stock ROM (1.48.831 WWE). I only find that when I use the HSDPA connection, the phone quickly becomes hotter comparing to the previous ROM and the battery drain quickly too.
Here is the data after I flashed it:
-OS Version 5.2.21869 (21869.5.0.82)
-Manila Version 1.0.19211620.0 (I wonder how to upgrade it to higher version. Can anybody tell me?)
-ROM Version 1.72.831.1 (82124) WWE
-ROM Date 03/01/10
-Radio Version
-Protocol Version
Oh I forgot, the sms response is quicker than previous ROM. and the SPL version upgraded to SPL1.66.0000 XE. It means you have to downgrade it in order to use HSPL.
Actually, I expected that this ROM will unlock the RAM size, but it didnt. So, my RAM size remains 448 (what a pity!)
Installed it no problemo, though I haven't had enough time to play without nor did I notice any major shift from 1.66.
Seg2009 said:
Ok, I flashed this ROM earlier this evening.
OS: 5.2.21869 (21869)
MANILA: 1.0.19211620.0
ROM: 1.72.831.1(82124)WWE
ROM DATE: 03/01/10
First impressions are that this Rom is very fast IMO, compared to 1.66 which I was running before. Signal seems to be slightly better than others, which for me wasn't too bad. Nothing new to look at. I will see what battery life is like tomorrow after a full nights charge.
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Hi ..
My singapore version HTC Manila: 2.5.19211619.0 , are there a big difference ?? Planing to upgrade this
rom after see the number how come such a big gap..
Mike Ng T.W
mikengtw said:
Hi ..
My singapore version HTC Manila: 2.5.19211619.0 , are there a big difference ?? Planing to upgrade this
rom after see the number how come such a big gap..
Mike Ng T.W
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As far as I can tell, the only differences with this ROM and others I have tried, is speed and signal quality. Still waiting on battery test, I will know later today about battery though.
RAM is 448 with this ROM
I haven't noticed anything major. There is an issue with the keyboard however, there is only one English keyboard while the other 3 or 4 with Chinese support. Go figure.
MANILA: 1.0.19211620.0
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manila is 1.0? ... wouldnt it be 2.x.x nowadays???
so can I flash this official rom with HSPL? I mean after I flashed this rom can I go back to cooked rom?

Hd2 ram & rom?

Hi all,
I am still using my P3600 and I am planning to buy HD2 in Hong Kong.
I have two questions regarding the hardware memory~
1) Does all HD2 comes with 448MB RAM which can become 576MB with
special radio ROM as mention in Wiki?
2) Are there two versions of ROM size? 512MB and 1024MB?
Would there be cooked ROM so big that it is over 512MB?
Thank you all for your time and answer~
yes, first the HD2 has 448mb RAM, after upgrading to latest radio u get 576mb )
but u cant change the ROM size..
only US T-Mobile HD2 got 576mb RAM and 1gb ROM from the start, others can get 576mb RAM but not the 1gb ROM
and i dont think that there will be ever a winmo rom wich is bigger than 512mb...
Hi D4rkSoRRoW,
Thanks for your reply.
I think I need to crawl some thread or post regarding dual booting WM and Andriod.
Hope 512MB is enough for both~
there won't be fully working android on the hd2 for a while yet. don't think about android as part of your decision.
Thanks, Samsamuel...
What about WM7 as option of HD2?
Various sources saying that it will be free upgrade and also there will not be upgrade at all.
Maybe I really need to wait for Obsession.
Microsoft said no, it will not have an upgrade to wm7... so it seems we will really dont get an official upgrade :/
but yea, hope is not gone yet, someone already ported wm7 to hd2.. we'll see..
just look at the hd2 as it is right now.. you like windows mobile 6.5? buy it. maybe you'll get WM7 and android afterall
Ram problem
Hello I have bought yesterday a HTC HD2 from a guy
At device informations -> Hardware Informatin appear to be 576 mb of ram but when i go to Memory (Program) the total is 208.81 mb. The olny change that he made to the phone was an update
How i can fix it?
My curent Software informations are:
OS Version 5.2.21913 (21913.5.0.94)
Manila version 2.5.20181527.0
Rom Version: 3.14.479.2 (04666) WWE
Rom Date: 10-04-2010
Radio Version:
Protocol Version
How can i find out whath update my phone has
My Rom Date: 10-04-2010 and the second htc rom update was 2010-10-19
But my Rom Version is: 3.14.479.2 (04666) WWE and htc rom version is East Europe: 3.14.479.2
Do i have the first update?
If i have the second update can i update again?
dont need any updating, you have the latest version

Total Newbie,needs help.

Hi, i have an original HD2 leo but it crashes frequently. I want to flash my phone with another ROM but i have no clue where to start. The phone info is:Version 5.2.21869(21869.8.0.82) Manilla 2.5.19211619.0 ROM 1.66.404.1(76641)NLD Rom date 01/14/10 Radio Protocol This is the latest offcial ROM. Can someone advice what ROM to use and how to start? I have search the wiki but did not find a complete answer.
Thanks in advance for helping
limoonux said:
Hi, i have an original HD2 leo but it crashes frequently. I want to flash my phone with another ROM but i have no clue where to start. The phone info is:Version 5.2.21869(21869.8.0.82) Manilla 2.5.19211619.0 ROM 1.66.404.1(76641)NLD Rom date 01/14/10 Radio Protocol This is the latest offcial ROM. Can someone advice what ROM to use and how to start? I have search the wiki but did not find a complete answer.
Thanks in advance for helping
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Read here. I helped someone today who asked exactly the same question, as people seem to be doing more and more frequently. Post #2 has the link to the forum with all the developed ROMs and also a guide on how to HSPL your phone so you can unlock it and start flashing a new ROM.
Read the links I have posted carefully and the brief guide I talked Avishkar14 through.

[Q] HtC hd2 user need help :)

Hello, im new with this htc hd2. been using iphone for awhile lol. now i want to try something new.
i bought HTC hd2 yesterday.
checked software information.
OS version 5.2.21869
manila 1.0.19211620.0
rom version 1.48.831.0 (71294) WWE
Rom date 11/09/09
Radio version
protocol version
can anyone define me the simplest way to understand those thing up there .
im soo noob.. >.<
i want to upgrade my Window mobile. better performance. updated version. and i would like to try on android too.
i found the link but..i need specific thing that i really need to do... the guide is too messy... lots of update.. i dont know which one to choose >.< + confusing... i need some1 to explain me step...
thanks in advance...
I was same as you, but i found this post explained very well step by step
visit this link, i hope this will help you
I used this. Helped me so much

[Q] Installing Android Rom

Hi im a new user of HD2 i have just swapped my HD7 to this HD2 and im now ready to try android
may i ask on how to properly install android on my HD2?
i think i saw 3 methods or is it 3 kinds of HD2? can anyone tell me what am i suppose to follow on installing?
HD2 T8585
OS version: 5.2.21869 (21869.5.0.82)
Manila version: 2.5.19211619.0
Rom version: 1.66.405.2 (76641) WWE
Rom date: 1/11/10
Radio version:
Protocol version:
i would be thankful if somebody can help me, i really want to try android on HTC
malupwet16 said:
Hi im a new user of HD2 i have just swapped my HD7 to this HD2 and im now ready to try android
may i ask on how to properly install android on my HD2?
i think i saw 3 methods or is it 3 kinds of HD2? can anyone tell me what am i suppose to follow on installing?
HD2 T8585
OS version: 5.2.21869 (21869.5.0.82)
Manila version: 2.5.19211619.0
Rom version: 1.66.405.2 (76641) WWE
Rom date: 1/11/10
Radio version:
Protocol version:
i would be thankful if somebody can help me, i really want to try android on HTC
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this my friend is how some people will read your post:
"hello i'm a big noob on xda and i have no time to search for answers and i want you give me instructions because i'm too lazy peace."
so before someone trolls you, i suggest going right now to android development section and open stickies thread. that's where you can start
Read the guide in my sig and search/read before posting.
gilbert32 said:
this my friend is how some people will read your post:
"hello i'm a big noob on xda and i have no time to search for answers and i want you give me instructions because i'm too lazy peace."
so before someone trolls you, i suggest going right now to android development section and open stickies thread. that's where you can start
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=_= im only asking a question about the methods so i could start, why would i ask if i know how..i thought this was supposed to be an Q&A section
Nigeldg said:
Read the guide in my sig and search/read before posting.
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may i ask if what android rom would you recommend for performance?
malupwet16 said:
may i ask if what android rom would you recommend for performance?
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Once again, just search. There is no best ROM for anything, it's all completely subjective and different things work for different people. 'Performance' is also too vague, do you mean day-to-day performance and smoothness or do you mean gaming/browsing performance? If it's the former then a GB ROM is probably better for you. If you mean the latter then flash ICS and JB ROMs.
Nigeldg said:
Once again, just search. There is no best ROM for anything, it's all completely subjective and different things work for different people. 'Performance' is also too vague, do you mean day-to-day performance and smoothness or do you mean gaming/browsing performance? If it's the former then a GB ROM is probably better for you. If you mean the latter then flash ICS and JB ROMs.
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sorry, just wondering if there's a ROM that you prefer....last question, ive been reading few threads and a bit confused about the radio
i think i have an EU model HD2? because of the 512 ram, is my radio ok for me to start the steps? or should i go with the radio given on this guide?
Just flash radio and you should be fine.
Nigeldg said:
Just flash radio and you should be fine.
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Thanks again
