Can I downgrade 6.5 to 6.1 or 6.0? - HD2 General

Hi all,
I want to downgrade to 6.1 or 6.0.
A certain application cannot be used on 6.5...
I inquired of the producer of that application, but we can't solve it.
So I want to downgrade.
I searched xda-developers, but I can't find.
Anyone can do it?

Just find yourself an 6.0 rom somewhere in the HD2 ROM development forum.
Flash this with HSPL and you're done.
Back-up your data before doing so, though.

kuzu92 said:
Hi all,
I want to downgrade to 6.1 or 6.0.
A certain application cannot be used on 6.5...
I inquired of the producer of that application, but we can't solve it.
So I want to downgrade.
I searched xda-developers, but I can't find.
Anyone can do it?
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So you would burn your new house and move to an old one just because one of your cupboards doesn't fit into it?
By the way, are you sure the problem is WM6.5 and not just the display resolution? Does you application work on a SE Xperia X1 or on an HTC Topaz/Rhodium with WM6.1?
This is the only ROM with 6.1 I could found for Leo, but I have no idea if it's good or what is included.

as previous poster said, you need a 6.0 WM cooked rom to flash it, but as far as I know there are none in the development forum, and I doubt any chef would be willing to spend his time on creating a custom rom with an old and even worse WM.
But maybe you'll be lucky anyway
EDIT: nevermind, apparently as other previous poster reported, there IS a 6.1 rom for hd2 :-| But it's "highly experimental", so maybe not your best choice

skycamefalling said:
So you would burn your new house and move to an old one just because one of your cupboards doesn't fit into it?
By the way, are you sure the problem is WM6.5 and not just the display resolution? Does you application work on a SE Xperia X1 or on an HTC Topaz/Rhodium with WM6.1?
This is the only ROM with 6.1 I could found for Leo, but I have no idea if it's good or what is included.
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God sakes I wouldnt wana give that Rom a try when its own creator states it may not boot haha

kuzu92 said:
Hi all,
I want to downgrade to 6.1 or 6.0.
A certain application cannot be used on 6.5...
I inquired of the producer of that application, but we can't solve it.
So I want to downgrade.
I searched xda-developers, but I can't find.
Anyone can do it?
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Whats the application that you cant get to run on WM6.5?

sorry I'm late.
The application is "onscripter for windows ce"
But this page is in Japanese.
Ham3r's ROM has not worked yet.
hmm....I'll wait for a while.


WinMo 6.1 apps working on WinMo 6.5 ?

iam thinking about upgrading my Diamond from WinMo 6.1 to WinMo 6.5 but my main concern is weather all my apps will work on 6.5. Anyone have any ideas ?
ranasrule said:
iam thinking about upgrading my Diamond from WinMo 6.1 to WinMo 6.5 but my main concern is weather all my apps will work on 6.5. Anyone have any ideas ?
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First of all... I think you should tell us wich app's do you want to know if are working on WM 6.5 .
Second... wrong forum.. please ask this on Q&A.. Any mod able to move it?
APBilbo said:
First of all... I think you should tell us wich app's do you want to know if are working on WM 6.5 .
Second... wrong forum.. please ask this on Q&A.. Any mod able to move it?
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sorry about the wrong section....
i was just wondering what the general experience has been of users of WinMo 6.5 regarding installation of winmo 6.1 apps.
ranasrule said:
sorry about the wrong section....
i was just wondering what the general experience has been of users of WinMo 6.5 regarding installation of winmo 6.1 apps.
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I installed WM6.5 on my herald some time ago (about 3 weeks) and found everything working fine... There where some problems tough but I think it was because the ROM I burned was still over the Beta. I guess the best is to try it your self .

[Q]please help me guys

Hi, I have elfin (HTC Touch) and I have Windows Mobile 6 professional and I want to upgrade it to 6.5 so can anyone type me a link so I can download the ROM directly because there is more than one ROM in the forum and I'm afraid to download a wrong one so please help me...thanks
First you read this guide completely.
I read it well and I knew big information about my elfin but really I don't know how to start please tell my what to do first I can tell you the info about my elfin
ROM Version:2.20.707.1B WWE
ROM Date:10/02/07
Radio Version:03.07.90
Protocol Version:
EXT ROM Version:2.20.707.101
Windows Mobile 6 Professional
CE OS 5.2.1620 (Build 18125.0.4.2)
mind my sarcasm...but he meant to upgrade your device without damaging will need to follow some instructions....and if you read it well and if you are a sane guy...then you would atleast EDIT your POST and remove the god damn IMEI of your device....people dont give away their IMEI jus like that you know...its something only you should know...and jus so you know...i m not trying to piss you off cos you are as we call a here is a breakdown of what you need to do
1. your device is an we know
2. jus like you unlock your sim to use your need to unlock your device...(so that it becomes writable)
3. to do would need to make use of a part of software called USPL and IPL...USPL does the part of keeping your device unlocked...and IPL needs to remain the same series....if you flashed a USPL of 3.XX then your IPL shud be 3.XX series
4. now do the reading on your own this time and discover all flavours of 6.5 ROMS available here....
btw i wonder why you havent tried the official 6.1 ROM from HTC
thanks so much, first i don't know even the difference between the 6.1 and the 6.5 but when i saw some topics about 6.5 and the people said that it works better with the HTC touch so I think in that, now i made a backup ROM from the one i have is that good step and i already downloaded 2 different ROMs from the forum ( ,
but how can i make the device rewritable is there a application i can download? and what's your opinion to upgrade to 6.1 or 6.5?
Upgrade to 6.5 Final Build 21234.
zoom-z said:
thanks so much, first i don't know even the difference between the 6.1 and the 6.5 but when i saw some topics about 6.5 and the people said that it works better with the HTC touch so I think in that, now i made a backup ROM from the one i have is that good step and i already downloaded 2 different ROMs from the forum ( ,
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Tht's a good thing to backup your Original ROM, should be helpful in case of errors, bricking or re-servicing. (though i forgot to do mine )
zoom-z said:
but how can i make the device rewritable is there a application i can download? and what's your opinion to upgrade to 6.1 or 6.5?
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There's is no problem about being not rewritable or sort! Once you CID unlock and upgrade your IPL/SPL, you can upgrade or degrade your device to any ROM you like whenever u like!
About opinions, there are alot of people here and would obviously have their own different opinions and so you will have too! I'd ask you to try out ROMs yourself and use the suitable one you choose. If you'd like to have a stable ROM, i'd advice you to use the 6.1 ROMs and if you'd like to have newer latest builds, you can go for the 6.5 ROMs (which have been optimized to their best stable by respective cooks). In the end, its up to you which you choose as your BEST ROM!
PS: Do read if the ROM is suitable for your device, in this case- Elfin and few FAQs posted out by the ROM cook. Respect others work and last but not least Read & Search before asking Questions!!
Thank you very much I finally upgraded my elfin to windows mobile 6.5 and it's awesome but i still have one more thing i want to make it read and write Arabic language without convert the whole interface is there a patch? I already searched about that and i found a file but it's not an application and I don't know how to use it. before that in my old 6.0 i downloaded an application when i install it, it solves the whole situation then i tried it with the 6.5 but the start menu won't open after i installed it so i formatted the ROM.
ayyu3m said:
mind my sarcasm...but he meant to upgrade your device without damaging will need to follow some instructions....and if you read it well and if you are a sane guy...then you would atleast EDIT your POST and remove the god damn IMEI of your device....people dont give away their IMEI jus like that you know...its something only you should know...and jus so you know...i m not trying to piss you off cos you are as we call a here is a breakdown of what you need to do
1. your device is an we know
2. jus like you unlock your sim to use your need to unlock your device...(so that it becomes writable)
3. to do would need to make use of a part of software called USPL and IPL...USPL does the part of keeping your device unlocked...and IPL needs to remain the same series....if you flashed a USPL of 3.XX then your IPL shud be 3.XX series
4. now do the reading on your own this time and discover all flavours of 6.5 ROMS available here....
btw i wonder why you havent tried the official 6.1 ROM from HTC
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are there official 6.1 rom from htc? or is it for elfin only because i can't find official 6.1 for elf..
zoom-z said:
Thank you very much I finally upgraded my elfin to windows mobile 6.5 and it's awesome but i still have one more thing i want to make it read and write Arabic language without convert the whole interface is there a patch? I already searched about that and i found a file but it's not an application and I don't know how to use it. before that in my old 6.0 i downloaded an application when i install it, it solves the whole situation then i tried it with the 6.5 but the start menu won't open after i installed it so i formatted the ROM.
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hi, first of all, the backup you have done is probably not ready to be flashed, so whatever you do, dont flash that again or u will brick your phone.
arabic? take a look at this post
and finally, i think it will be better if u update ur ipl to 3.10 too.
thanks crapula512 but what you mean with the backup not ready to be flashed? is there any other step ?
zoom-z said:
thanks crapula512 but what you mean with the backup not ready to be flashed? is there any other step ?
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what he means may brick the device with the backup you just created. so if you wana restore your original...which is the one you have backed up should and can only flash that by making use of USPL or the forum for USPL and HSPL...and you will be given guides... really like writing in bold letters eh...kinda makes us feel we are blind...
zoom-z said:
Thank you very much I finally upgraded my elfin to windows mobile 6.5 and it's awesome but i still have one more thing i want to make it read and write Arabic language without convert the whole interface is there a patch? I already searched about that and i found a file but it's not an application and I don't know how to use it. before that in my old 6.0 i downloaded an application when i install it, it solves the whole situation then i tried it with the 6.5 but the start menu won't open after i installed it so i formatted the ROM.
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Hi Zoom-Z
check this link
you will need to create n account nd download the arabic support or you can download it free from HTC after regestering to HTC eclub
after installing the arabic suit enter setup and disable arabic interface and restart
thank you so much crapula
thanks you very much crapula for this advice

WM 6.5 on HTC clone ?

Hello guys.
I have purchased a HTC clone also known as the HTY 3238 Model.
Basically as far as I am aware this is pretty much a clone of the 3232 Official design.
Now I have seen WM6.5 ROMS on this site for the Official 3232 model but I was wondering if anyone has successfuly put WM6.5 on the HTY 3238 Cloned model ?
Thanks very much.
Oh and if it is indeed possible could someone provide some links to what I will need/guides.
I have had a look round and I think I have found what I need but I just want to be sure just so that I dont brick my phone lol.
Btw sorry for the double post. I could not edit my post.
Thanks again.
I bought mine with 6.5. . .
ronp76 said:
I bought mine with 6.5. . .
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Well that means it can definately support it then which is good.
ENTERPRISE1701 said:
Well that means it can definately support it then which is good.
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Here is a link to another xda thread where a discussion about flashing ROMs to clones exists:
While it is not a Jade Clone, info is info and hope springs eternal!
ENTERPRISE1701 said:
Hello guys.
I have purchased a HTC clone also known as the HTY 3238 Model.
Basically as far as I am aware this is pretty much a clone of the 3232 Official design.
Now I have seen WM6.5 ROMS on this site for the Official 3232 model but I was wondering if anyone has successfuly put WM6.5 on the HTY 3238 Cloned model ?
Thanks very much.
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Hi! Look at this forum There (somewhere) are new 6.5 ROM for 3238 English version. I have 6.5 v3.06 and I am satisfied. Bye!!
andour said:
Hi! Look at this forum There (somewhere) are new 6.5 ROM for 3238 English version. I have 6.5 v3.06 and I am satisfied. Bye!!
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While there is info about various 6.5 ROMs in that thread BUT the general feeling there is that Clones cannot flash from 6.1 to 6.5. I know because I asked the question there and in other Jade threads.
The thread about Sunno Clones has users who supposedly have flashed from 6.1 to 6.5.
ronp76 said:
While there is info about various 6.5 ROMs in that thread BUT the general feeling there is that Clones cannot flash from 6.1 to 6.5. I know because I asked the question there and in other Jade threads.
The thread about Sunno Clones has users who supposedly have flashed from 6.1 to 6.5.
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I don't understand you. I bought this device with WM6.1 and I flashed on version 6.5. I haven't got any problems with this ROM. If you want link for download, I share (send) you...
andour said:
I don't understand you. I bought this device with WM6.1 and I flashed on version 6.5. I haven't got any problems with this ROM. If you want link for download, I share (send) you...
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I *think* he said, prior to your post that no one in that thread said that they were able to flash from 6.1 to 6.5.
I to hace the Clone and upgrades with the Smart.upr on my memory card. I did have to do a few things.
1. Small Memory card I used a 1 GIG card.
I took out the Sim card. and did it by holding down OK, Left Green Button then the power. it started working in a minute or so . IT took 10 Min to finish.
I tried all other ways and they DID NOT Work. Best of Luck...
I also updated my T3238 Clone from WM 6.1 to WM 6.5 without any problems and it was working fine.
The only problem was that I could no longer define buttons with different programs. In WM 6.1
I used "AEButton Plus" and with that programm I could do that. Because I want to push only one button while I am driving in order to use Voice Speed Dial. Therefore I went back zu WM 6.1.
Now I only have to push the ok-button a little bit longer, tell my phone whom to call while IGO is still working.
Amaly said:
I also updated my T3238 Clone from WM 6.1 to WM 6.5 without any problems and it was working fine.
The only problem was that I could no longer define buttons with different programs. In WM 6.1
I used "AEButton Plus" and with that programm I could do that. Because I want to push only one button while I am driving in order to use Voice Speed Dial. Therefore I went back zu WM 6.1.
Now I only have to push the ok-button a little bit longer, tell my phone whom to call while IGO is still working.
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When I had problems with the ROM I had, I realized how difficult it is to try to flash ROMs and end up with a working product. As a result of that incident, I also learned that there are differences between ROMs and that all versions are not created equal or fully functional.
As a result, I now believe it is best to stick with what you have. 6.1 supposedly is felt to be better than 6.5 which is buggy IMHO. Hopefully WM7 will be better but that is a year away.
I completely agree to you. I only try to flash a rom when I'm 100 % sure it's the right rom for my device and if I have the original rom to go back.

Completely Confused.

Hi People...
I am completely confused... I want upgrade my HTC Viva to wm6.5, but all the forum of Rom have many issues.. i am not able to understand which Rom to install..
can anybody help me out...
do like what we do... experiment.
Hi all,
I'm a bit like don_yogesh, confused!
These toys are not so easy to update... when u don't know how ^^.
A fair bit of reading will be necessary !
these roms id say are not worth experimenting...for windows mobile 6.5 there are no need of certain applications like htc notifications and htc volume changer<tht doesnt work> i simply dont know why in roms they are there....if they made a rom clean of those ill be more than glad to experiment
It's been long i have not posted in XDA, i have just purchase the New VIVA and i am quiet interested to know, which cooked rom is serving well to VIVA users ?
don_yogesh said:
Hi People...
I am completely confused... I want upgrade my HTC Viva to wm6.5, but all the forum of Rom have many issues.. i am not able to understand which Rom to install..
can anybody help me out...
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You can try PDAVIET wm 6.5 rom v25 (just go through the december's 2009 post) I find this one is functioning well in my viva t2223. Just some minor bug, audio manager doesn't work and it drains battery.
Or you can wait and wait and be left out of experimenting...which is the joy to all these moddings...
Moreover, this is not paid site which host only fully finished/bugless softwares, HELP by trying out the roms...mods and report bugs and in return you learn more and more.
Also, post any good softwares/games/themes which you have come across in the appropriate sections. Sharing is the keyword here.
Sorry if I offended you. be cool.
My greets to the mods and senior members.

Noob needs help please

New Questions here, old one at the bottom.
hi and thanks to everyone for your answers... you helped me a lot.
I tried various 6.5 and 6.5.3 roms and found a lot of bugs in all of them... and that's not really my style. I want to go back to stock firmware 6.1 and there are not many options (or maybe i wasn't able to find them). Where can i find the Stock Firmware section or something like that, if they are unbranded even better, and if you can direct me to the latest one even better... i have installed the one from Orange in spanish meanwhile, i think it's Ver found here. but if there are better unbranded ones i'll be very happy to install them... (how about this one:
Thanks a lot again in advance...
old Question:
Hi, i bought yesterday my new Opal and i have no idea how to update the rom to windows 6.5... I´m a bit of a perfectionist so i wanna get things right from the beginning, and i used to mod motorola phones so i understand some of the technical stuff, but htc is completely new to me.
So far, this is what i have understood:
to update:
1.- install hard_spl
2.- install custom ruu
3.- install new rom.
But i have a lot of questions on what is each one of those things and the advantages they give.
What does Hard_SPL do?
What is the Custom RUU for? (what is the RUU?)
What is the most stable and least customized rom with winmo 6.5? which rom is the most used by this forum?
What is titanium?
and last: how is the Opal unlocked? (if posible)
Mi goal is to update to winmo 6.5 but keep my phone looking as stock as possible and as stable as possible...
all the help i can get will be very appreciated...
su8044 said:
to update:
1.- install hard_spl
2.- install custom ruu
3.- install new rom.
But i have a lot of questions on what is each one of those things and the advantages they give.
What does Hard_SPL do?
What is the Custom RUU for? (what is the RUU?)
What is the most stable and least customized rom with winmo 6.5? which rom is the most used by this forum?
What is titanium?
and last: how is the Opal unlocked? (if posible)
Mi goal is to update to winmo 6.5 but keep my phone looking as stock as possible and as stable as possible...
all the help i can get will be very appreciated...
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Congrats for your Htc touch viva!
Ok now initially Htc touch viva has its official spl which would not allow your device to upgrade to custom roms. You can only upgrade to official roms. So Spl is a kind of lock To unlock that only we use Hard SPL After installing HSPL you can upgrade to custom roms.
And you understood slightly wrong because Ruu = Rom update utility its just a app which is used to upgrade your rom in your device. So u dont install that. After HSPL directly rom
And about the roms i cant say coz every one has different flavours try them all At last titanium is a new interface made by microsoft and introduced in wm 6.5 and above.
A Word of Caution....
I want to add one thing...(IMPORTANT!!!)
WM6.5.x has not yet been officially released for HTC Touch Viva T2223.
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If you are looking forward to experiment with it...go ahead on your own risk as your phone will be void of warranty after 'HardSPLing' it.
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Don't think that a particular WM 6.5.x ROM will work for your device just because it worked like a charm on somebody's device. Believe it or not, though it may be the same model ex: HTC Touch Viva T2223, there are variations depending on the country.
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I learned the hard way...I took a roundabout ticket....i HardSPLed my device, flashed custom roms, tweaked and played and fooled around with it and has come to a conclusion.
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The Verdict:
Stick with the Stock
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P.S: I didn't mean to frighten you!!!!I can assure you 100% that your mobile won't blow up in your face even if you fiddled with it's innards!!
I want to add one thing to what freelancer said:
Imo it is not ALWAYS the best to stick with the stock version. I had branded ROM shipped with my phone, hardSPLed it and installed custom translated unbranded ROM.
Does the same thing as branded ROM did but way faster. And some features like the HTC task manager didn't work with branded rom at all. Now everything works just fine.
I agree that stock ROMs are the best/fastest, but just not if you have a branded one. It slows down your device.
Just my opinion
boelze said:
I want to add one thing to what freelancer said:
Imo it is not ALWAYS the best to stick with the stock version. I had branded ROM shipped with my phone, hardSPLed it and installed custom translated unbranded ROM.
Does the same thing as branded ROM did but way faster. And some features like the HTC task manager didn't work with branded rom at all. Now everything works just fine.
I agree that stock ROMs are the best/fastest, but just not if you have a branded one. It slows down your device.
Just my opinion
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Lol, who said that stock is rom is best as far as about opal you should go ahead with custom roms i have seen that custom rom gives more free ram then stock. Plus task manager in stock rom that can be done in custom also the thing is the more the rom is lite the more efficiently your device will work do you know the stock rom .nbh file size is more than 100 mb whereas a normal custom rom is around 90 mb if there are many app and you can create less than 50 mb stock rom also. Wm 6.5 is perfect for opal inface wm 6.5.x also.
freelancer81 said:
I want to add one thing...(IMPORTANT!!!)
The Verdict:
P.S: I didn't mean to frighten you!!!!I can assure you 100% that your mobile won't blow up in your face even if you fiddled with it's innards!!
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#1 >>>>> And it will never be announced!!! LOL
#2>>>>>> Well actually not because you can return to stock SPL!!!
#3>>>>>>> WELL I have to disagree!!!! The hardware is all the [email protected]@@@ LOL
#>>>>>>>>HMMM It all bottles down to personel Taste,, bro
Custom Roms RULE!!!!!
i don't mean to disagree with you guys (you know better) but i didn't mean to say that WM6.1 v1-vx is bad but as far as WM6.5 is concerned....they have disadvantages like they are buggy and also consumes battery quite fast.
Appearance wise...WM6.5 is way ahead...but performance wise....I'll stick with WM6.1 anytime.
currently i am using WM6.1 v14 by PDAVIET it is nearly perfect!!!!
regarding differences in hardware...i was meaning the Verizon, DoPoD, T-Mobile (MDA Basic), iDea (India) and so on...sorry...
regarding stockspl...mine was SPL 1.35.0000...i couldn't find any download link for that..
hey brothers i think tht opal also should have a completely cleam winmo 6.5.3 rom plxxxxxx i love it on mi friends wizard which has less ram....i know ya guys can do it...and also brother winmo is all about customising and making changes to interface wen ya want... its not only has completely different uis tht can be swithched ezily... so ya gotta try these.....i guess after trying diferent lock screens games today screens thn aftr tht rty theroms
shaffaf said:
hey brothers i think tht opal also should have a completely cleam winmo 6.5.3 rom plxxxxxx i love it on mi friends wizard which has less ram....i know ya guys can do it...and also brother winmo is all about customising and making changes to interface wen ya want... its not only has completely different uis tht can be swithched ezily... so ya gotta try these .....i guess after trying diferent lock screens games today screens thn aftr tht rty theroms
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Yeah bro sure i would also like a fully customized rom on my device but bro we have some problems while cooking for opal only with opal after fixing that i will try to make that type of rom but plz
Right now remove links to warez site do it now!!!!
Thanks but i want to go back to stock
hi and thanks to everyone for your answers... you helped me a lot.
I tried various 6.5 and 6.5.3 roms and found a lot of bugs in all of them... and that's not really my style. I want to go back to stock firmware 6.1 and there are not many options (or maybe i wasn't able to find them). Where can i find the Stock Firmware section or something like that, if they are unbranded even better, and if you can direct me to the latest one even better... i have installed the one from Orange in spanish meanwhile, i think it's Ver found here. but if there are better unbranded ones i'll be very happy to install them... (how about this one:
Thanks a lot again in advance...

