HD2/LEO CUSTOMRUU.EXE ERROR [238] : FILE READ....help - HD2 Windows Mobile 6.5 ROM Development

OK, here's the deal...
I've successfully flashed my Vodafone HD2 with HSPL. I went to the bootloader screen and it shows all the right messages. However, since installing HSPL, I just cannot flash any .nbh files (radios or roms)
Trawling through the interweb and XDA-Developers, this seems to be a relatively common problem. Whether it can be solved or not is debatable, as I see people posting about it but no one seems to have a definitive solution....or if they do, they're keeping it to themselves.
I don't profess to be a hacking guru, but I'm not stupid either, having played around with ROM upgrades on phones and PDAs for at least 6 years. but this file read error is driving me mad.
Come guys and girls, someone out there must have a solution to this. Please share the joy!!
BTW, I'm on Windows Vista...the machine is malware/spyware/virus free (as far as I can tell). I do have access to an XP install, but have my doubts as to whether trying to flash my HD2 from that machine will make any difference.
Someone PLEASE give me a solution before I tear out what little hair I have left!!
Cheers people,


have u formatted your sd card to fat32 and tried doing it that way?

format sd card
phillyctr said:
have u formatted your sd card to fat32 and tried doing it that way?
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Not yet, though I'm fairly certain that way will work, but I just wanted to be able to do the customruu.exe way...I hate being defeated by something that evrybody else seems to be doing with ease...especially when there seems to be no logical reason for it not to work.
Plus, the customruu.exe method is less hassle (if I can get it to work).
Just a thought...if the phone is locked to Vodafone would that make a difference? My initial thought is that it shouldn't make a difference since I manage to flash the HSPL without any hassles.
Was really looking forward to owning the HD2 for the WM6.5 hackability, but this has really dampened my spirits.

stupid question, i know, but....Have you tried running it as administrator?

im on voda aswell,but i only flash via my sd card and works fine.try it that way.

samsamuel said:
stupid question, i know, but....Have you tried running it as administrator?
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Yeah, it's the only way it will actually run. Just seems bizarre that some people can flash using customruu and others can't.
Looks like I'll have to try an SD card flash, but it'll have to wait til I have more time. Probably tomorrow morning.
Only really wanted to update the radio as the Voda reception from my home address is next to useless!!
So does anyone know if it's safe to just falsh the radio version via SD? Will this just update the radio without touching anything else?

flashing radio via SD card?
*** BUMP ***

babblerx said:
Yeah, it's the only way it will actually run. Just seems bizarre that some people can flash using customruu and others can't.
Looks like I'll have to try an SD card flash, but it'll have to wait til I have more time. Probably tomorrow morning.
Only really wanted to update the radio as the Voda reception from my home address is next to useless!!
So does anyone know if it's safe to just falsh the radio version via SD? Will this just update the radio without touching anything else?
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Hi Download again the Custom RUU and plug usb into rear of the motherboard or change a cable then try because as you say Read error.
Try hard reset first then try again.
Where it says read error? on the pc / device
or put your device into bootloader then start the Custom ruu
Good luck


ROM upgrade help

I wanted to install one of the ROMs from www.yorch.net. But before doing so I have some questions:
1. If I choose to build ROM as an installer.exe, is installing it to my device as simple as running the .exe file? (of course with the device connected thru Activesync)
2. Is my present ROM (see specs below) supported?
3. If Murphy comes to visit and I screw up, will my phone be completely unusable or can I just reinstall old ROM, do hard reset and everything will be back to how it was?
My specs:
OS: Pocket PC ver 3.0.12039
ROM:3.20.06 ENG( 07/30/03) (O2 Asia I think since I bought it here in the Philippines)
Radio: 4.21.00.
1 as far as i know yes havent don it to my own device yet though
2 a rom dont have to support a rom since it'll overwrite it
3 of cause merphy can also show his ugly face
but if all fails a sd flash reader writer can save many a tears
also if your phone is working ok then i would not mess with the
radio stack and beware because some roms include the radio stack
and if you try to update your radio stack to a US (900/1900) and you network is 900/1800 you could be in for a world of pain
ROM upgrade step by step
OK I'm really dying to give it a go but I'm just a overly cautious bloke. So I'm gonna outline what I interpreted (after reading lots of posts I think I'm getting it but not sure) to be the way do the upgrade. Please correct me if i'm wrong:
Equipment I have:
1. My notebook (Windows XP, Activesynch 3.7)
2. O2 XDAI
3. Cradle and USB connection.
Steps that I think I should take:
1. Place XDA on cradle and make sure it's connected with PC.
2. Backup?? (not so sure what to back up since contacts, calendar, notes are synched with outlook, docs are also synched, I have copies of cab and program files since I download them to PC before installing them to XDA.) If i'm missing something please slam a frying pan (this is a kitchen right?) on my head.
3. Go to www.yorch.net, check mark on all appropriate options, then (since I have to Unix box and dont know Unix at all) just go for the easy option of cooking the .exe install file.
4. Assuming, the .exe is downloaded to my PC. This time I just run it. I expect this to be just like installing PPC apps. If not, throw a tomato on my face
5. Assuming everything worked and Murphy's in the Arctic freezing his A**e off, then all I do now is hard reset.
6. I have a new ROM and I'm singing happy-happy-joy-joy.
To the wonderful people at xda-developers, am I in the right direction or am I as lost as Bill and Ted? If I'm lost, is there a step-by-step guide for non-unix programmers? (Sorry, there was a sticky but I thought it was for people with Unix boxes)
Once again, thanks for all your help and your patience.
2. Backup?? (not so sure what to back up since contacts, calendar, notes are synched with outlook, docs are also synched, I have copies of cab and program files since I download them to PC before installing them to XDA.) If i'm missing something please slam a frying pan (this is a kitchen right?) on my head.
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well i can think of one thing to backup and thats your current rom
so if you dont like the new rom you are getting you have the option to go back
of cause if the rom you have now is downloadble from a place you know like your isp then maybe it dont matter
Thanks for the reply. That's a good point. Question: When you back up old ROM, is it just the ROM that gets backed up or is it the whole content of the device, like how you do in PCs?
Also, since no one, besides you, has made any comments regarding the steps that I outlined, is it safe to say that they are the correct steps?
When you backup your ROM, no stuff that you customised will be in the backup - the backed up ROM will be the same as when you received it from your retail shop, or if you upgraded, it will be the upgraded ROM without any of your stuff. Do a backup and store it on your hard disk.
DON'T use the .exe cooked ROM, use a .nb1 or .nbf, and use XDA Tools from this site to do the upgrade. It's very easy that way, and less dangerous. Don't upgrade your radio stack unless you know exactly what you're doing, or your phone supplier has made an update available just for you.
If you use a T-Mobile ROM above version 4.00.05 it blocks the XDA-Tools from updating the ROM. At that point you need to use XDARIT (from this site) to low-level write the ROM image you have onto your SD card using an SD card reader which shows the card as another drive on your computer. Once you do that you need to boot into the boot-loader (press the reset button while holding the power button) and follow the prompts to restore from an SD card. If you're unlucky and are running bootloader 5.17 (or above I think) you need to write the bootloader diagnostics patch (wallaby patch from this site) onto your SD card first before doing the boot into the bootloader thing. You can then remove the SD card, write the O/S ROM onto it with XDRIT, and put it back into your phone while it's still sitting on in diagnostics mode. Then you can restore from the SD.
It sounds complicated, but it's easy, as long as you have an SD card reader, and as long as you don't mess with trying to update the bootloader or do an unknown radio update. There's lots of info in these forums if you get stuck.
I made a thread that summarised all the steps using the new tools and ROM's at this address : http://xda-developers.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=3860. It's for Asian/European users, but if you are in the US the instructions are the same, except instead of using European 900/1800 radio you use 900/1900.
Further questions on ROM update
Thanks. It's becoming clearer and clearer. Have more clarifying questions:
1. How do you know whether or not you're including the radio stack with the ROM upgrade at yorch.net. I did not see any options there.
2. At www. yorch.net, nothing happens when I press the "Build ROM Now" command button. Is the download supposed to happen in the background or is there something wrong with my PC or the site?
3. I dont think I'm using the T-mobile ROM but how do I know if I'm runing bootloader 5.17? Is bootloader 5.17 only for T-Mobile users or all?
Once again, thanks for the help and bearing with a newbie.
2. At www. yorch.net, nothing happens when I press the "Build ROM Now" command button. Is the download supposed to happen in the background or is there something wrong with my PC or the site?
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it should start to write some text about the progress of making the rom
and when it's finished then it should init a std download dialog
The meter down at the status bar does move, same as when you're loading a webpage, then it says Done. That's about it. Didnt see any other messages or dialogue boxes.
Can anyone confirm if it's up today or has it been down?
PS. Tried to email using the email utility at the website but getting errors there as well.
OK, firstly to answer your question about Yorch's site... well it worked for me in getting all the ROM's I wanted, then when I went back again the download didn't work. I guess it's just on and off, so unless Yorch finishes getting married or someone else makes another kitchen it's a matter of pot luck. You can get away without using the kitchen if you can find another download source for ROM's, whether it be FTP or whatever. Just remember if you get an exe you can usually pull it apart with winzip to get the .nb1 or .nbf out of it.
Now, for Q1 :
An operating system ROM is generally just under 32MB, but when zipped from Yorch it's usually about 14 or 15MB - the operating system ROM will NEVER be smaller than that. I'm not sure about the exact radio stack size but I know it's a lot less than that. Also, doing some homework about the operating system ROM helps. eg. reading about the 4.01.00 ROM tells you that it's not a radio stack upgrade, it's an operating system upgrade - and the filename and the size of the file you receive reflects that.
answered above...
I think the bootloader is just pot-luck depending on when you phone was released. To check your bootloader it will reset your device completely, but I read somewhere that if you turn the radio (phone) off it doesn't hard reset. If you're worried, do a full backup first. But basically when you're ready to look, reset your phone while holding the power button and it will tell you the bootloader version. Don't be too turned off by that, I have read that SD card readers can be picked up very cheap if you look around, and that's all you need to get you out of trouble regardless of the bootloader version.
There's no real risk (but I won't guarantee anything), just make sure your phone is fully charged before mucking about with SD upgrades. Also make sure the radio (phone) is switched off before upgrading... using the bootloader/sd card method you shouldn't need to be concerned. I'm not sure what effect having your phone on and receiving a call while using XDA-Tools can have, but someone did mention it somewhere.
I'm a newbie too, but there's really not much you need to know, just a few caveats.
Yorch's Kitchen has been working OK for me the last couple of days. It takes maybe about 5 mins to "cook" before telling me that the ROM is ready. The 4.00.05 ROM gave me a lot of ActiveSync problems, so I went to the 4.00.16 ROM tonight and it looks like it's behaving better.
My SD reader is a Microtech Zio. It appears as a disk drive in windows, but the newer XDArit can't initialize a connection to write to the SD card. I used the "dangerous" older version of XDArit instead (available on Yorch's site), and it's worked OK for me (so far?).
One thing I wish I had realized before I started playing - going into the bootloader will reset your phone most (some?) (all?) of the time.
While I was flashing the ROM tonight I could see the GSM light flashing - I had the same "hope no one calls" feeling tht others must have had. Note that this was while I was flashing from an SD card in the bootloader - so apparently the process doesn't deactivate the phone while it's ongoing.
Muchas Gracias!
Ebswift, if ur a newbie then ur the god of the newbies. Thanks for all the help and for making me see the light. Much appreciated...
A quick Q:
Is the process for installing an .nbf file the same as that for installing an .nb1 file?
I have cooked a few ROMS to an .nb1 format and installed those OK, but now I have one in .nbf that I'd like to install.
So what I'd plan to do is put the nbf onto an SD card using XDArit, and then stick the card in the PPCPE and reboot to the loader. Is that it?
So what I'd plan to do is put the nbf onto an SD card using XDArit, and then stick the card in the PPCPE and reboot to the loader. Is that it?
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You can do it that way (onto the SD card), or if you're not already using a T-Mobile ROM you can use XDA Tools which is easier. Basically the capabilities are spelled out for you with the available file types in the drop downs when you select a source.

Advice and/or help..

1st i have to say this site and all the people here ROCK!!!! very informative,sometimes even with illustrations. i'm learning here.
1. I ordered an unlocked AT&T 8525 w/ WM5, BUT.....when i received it,it was never unlocked & it had WM6 professional on it..so of course i came here and Sim & CID unlocked it quick. "THESE GUYS ARE ALL AWESOME" .
Now this is what i have installed on my AT&T 8525(bare with me guys,plzz)
HTC Album
HTC Audio Manager
HTC Audio Manager Today Plug-in
SPB Mobile Shell2
SPB Phone Suite
SPB pocket Plus4
Tiermann SlideSound
Shape Services IM+SP
PocketCM Keyboard 0.14
SJ Keyboard Skin-Touch
Cloudy Fa 2G DialPad
TeddyKing & AX3l ZoomSMS
Storage Program
Total 44.77mb 48.77mb
In Use 31.57mb 38.76mb
Free 13.20 10.01mb
i know,i know i am soooo noob,lol
but i noticed alot of you guys have alot move free space than i do but with more programs/apps/games etc. installed
i've heard alot about this "HARD-SPL" APP, should i have installed that after i unlocked my phone & installed the Apps or should i have installed some of these roms to save more space? gee i'm a noob,i've never had a windows based phone. Ooh BTW i have a 1gb storage card,hopefully gettin into a 4 0r 8gb.
my friend even has an app which he doesn't tell me where he got it or show me on his phone the name.but when he opens his keyboard and closes it,it responds quickly into landscape and back to portrait,REAL FAST. what App is that..he doesn't wanna share his knowledge, that is why i told him about this site but can't find it..wow he newbie..but anyways, hope to learn more & more from you guys...ALL YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME WITH ALL YOUR WORK ON APPS/PROGRAMS,KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK.
Thanks In Advance for all the help...be safe fellas
G'day Joee and welcome. 1st, the reason other people have a lot more free memory is because they're running a cooked rom... This means that all the bloat programs/carrier crap has been removed and other better apps put in. You can find the cooked apps by going to the wiki and doing a search for hermes cooked roms.
Now, so saying, you need to install the Hard SPL onto your phone BEFORE you flash a new os as this decreases the chance of "bricking" your phone or increases the chances of recovering it if you do(we all have this happen sometime).. I'm glad you asked this before becoming another noob begging for help because he's bricked his phone and cant recover. As I say though, there is still a chance of permanently bricking, no guarantees. If you decide to flash your phone up you need to be aware that if something goes wrong and it has to be returned you may find your warranty voided. However ther are ways to return your phone back to the stock rom if you look.
You may read about radio roms and think you need to flash yours up to the latest... WRONG.... Depending where you are and who your carrier is depends on what radio rom you should have. If you find it works fine, DONT TOUCH IT as mast bricks are caused by flashing the radio rom and having something go wrong during the flash. 9 times out of 10 you cant recover, even with Had SPL.....
Now you're sufficiently afraid of flashing, Please read Mr Vanx's guide as this will REALLY help if you decide to do it. I personally recommend flashing using the sd card method as it is safer and you dont need to kill anyone who even looks at your computer while its flashing. Using the computer can cause hassles with people accidently hitting reset buttons, pulling out usb cables or just a good old fashioned blackout. SD card method just relies on a file on your sd card and the fact you have 50% battery power.. You can find out how in the wiki...
Anyways, if I haven't frightened you off completely, I would suggest , as a first rom, TNT SE. Its a fairly stable rom with a heap of 3rd party apps or if you want LOTS of memory go with a lite rom... Anything from Schapps, Matt_KR(also known as pandora), Faria, K's Pays or PDAViet (many more but you get the drift). Wait for a little while until you get experienced with wm06 before trying wm6.1 - still has teething problems.
Well, Welcome & Happy Flashing......
ultramag69, your pointing me the right way,thanks!!!! also thanks for responding to my thread,i'm glad i ran into this site. you guys are doing lots of amazing things with alot of the apps/progs,all in all you guys are AWESOME!!. i'm glad you answered me before i would had made a mistake and brick my phone. As for the carrier i'm using, i'm using " IMMIX WIRELESS", i think they are associated with Keystone. so once i "reset my phone to factory settings i use "hard-spl" & use a rom, i automatically lose all the "junk" AT&T add to their phones. yeah,free space i guess,COOOL. Oh BTW,what hard-spl do i use? V7 or V9? probably will be hard to find the "lite Rom" as you suggested.
thanks alot for the help again & hopefully learn alot more before i actually do the "HARD-SPL" flash & go modding happy.
Ok, you DONT need to reset to factory. you can just Hard SPL your phone straightway. You can then install a rom as well. Just remember that when you flash a rom you will wipe everything off the phone.
As to what Hard SPL to use, if you read about each one you will find that ver. 9 is for developers, people who muck about and improve things on our phones. We get the benefits later, but if you just wanna start off easy to flash and upgrade I'd go with ver.7. You can upgrade SPL's later if you start to get into flashing hardcore...
If you did some reading you would've found this out. I like helping people, I was where you are now once, but some people DO get nasty if a question is asked with you not looking through the forum first. Chances ae your question has been asked AND answered multiple times over. Word to the wise......
AS for the flashing.... flash Hard SPL off your computer. I find this easiest as it literally takes about 2 secs.... Howver for the rom I would suggest the SD card method(It's my personnel favourite)as its safer than with the pc. If you follow the guide you will need to backup your sd card then format it fat 32... If you've already formatted fat 32 and want to keep all the apps installed and pics etc... on there I've found you can just install the .nbh file directly onto the card WITHOUT formatting and loosing anything. Just remember to ename it to "hermimg.nbh". Put your hermes into bootloader with the card installed and it will automatically detect and start the flash process. Follow the prompts.... MAKE SURE YOU HAVE GREATER THAN 50% BATTERY POWER... very important..
Happy flashing and good luck.....
thanks again
ultramag69, thanks alot & i'm sorry if i asked q's that were answered b4, i guess i would i have to search with the correct wording 0r word...once again thanks for the help..i know i will learn alot from every1 here and who knows i'll be like you guys in no time
thanks again
thank you very much,did my 1st flash rom,i used Faria R32...nice,fast & good storage..you pointed the way for me & i thank you for the help...like i always say,YOU GUYS ALL ROCK!!!

Can you flash without a pc?

I only use linux on my machines at home and was wondering if i could get my hd2 to flash via the sd card using only internal applications?
Yes, use the sd card
Read this
its all there. (keyword leoimg.nbh)
Thank you. Just need to build up the courage to flash beyond my stock rom now.
heheyea scary times! make sure you have a stock rom for backup and you're peachy
You can flash anywhere, you just need a Mac!!!
Careful though, get caught and you're in trouble.
samsamuel said:
Yes, use the sd card
Read this
its all there. (keyword leoimg.nbh)
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tofay I've just found that in order to flash thru sd card u must first install HSPL which still requires activesync to install, unless I'm mistaken...
thegios said:
tofay I've just found that in order to flash thru sd card u must first install HSPL which still requires activesync to install, unless I'm mistaken...
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ahh hadn't thought of that... d'oh .. have a good read of the hspl thread maybe its already been covered.
Neville.Holland said:
You can flash anywhere, you just need a Mac!!!
Careful though, get caught and you're in trouble.
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mac!! i thought foul language wasnt allowed
Arr, well im still hanging out with 1.48 for a while to even see if the jump to 1.66 is worth the hasstle.. Im guessing hspl will have to go on via some kind of VMware XP install... joy!
Can't you find a friend's Windows PC for the 5 mins it takes to flash HSPL?
Can't you run it through wine under linux?

Installing HSPL via SD card? Is there a way?

I have a HD2 with defective USB port – phone still able to charge but nothing going on if plug to my laptop. I have Windows on it and was able to install Android SD ROM on it – so no issue with SD ROM via Haret booting.
I want to install NAND ROM on it via MAGLDR or CLK but need to install HSPL first. Since I have defective port, I won’t be able to install HSPL 2.08 via USB.
So question to the group – Is there a way to install HSPL 2.08 via SD card?
No ........
bricked hd2
gasanpride said:
I have a HD2 with defective USB port – phone still able to charge but nothing going on if plug to my laptop. I have Windows on it and was able to install Android SD ROM on it – so no issue with SD ROM via Haret booting.
I want to install NAND ROM on it via MAGLDR or CLK but need to install HSPL first. Since I have defective port, I won’t be able to install HSPL 2.08 via USB.
So question to the group – Is there a way to install HSPL 2.08 via SD card?
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same problem with me bricked usb port i update my hd2 to stock rom then update error for a while how to fix this please help
SPL-2.10.0000 8G XE
MicroP(TOUCH) 0x50
that was appeared on bootloader any idea fpr help thanks in advance
The answer is already there.
Why don't you fix the usb port and make your life easier? Is it because you can't find spare parts or something else?
Anyways, regarding the main question I often wondered if flashing HSPL via SD card was possible... and the only way I would think of was GoldCard method.
Use a low capacity sd card to write the GoldCard.img to, place the HSPL (LEOIMG.nbh) on the root and flash it through tricolor screen..
To me, it sounds more or less right in theory, but never tried it.
kokotas said:
Use a low capacity sd card to write the GoldCard.img to, place the HSPL (LEOIMG.nbh) on the root
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where would you find a leoimg.nbh of hspl?
samsamuel said:
where would you find a leoimg.nbh of hspl?
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I have it if needed, but generally a user that already has HSPL installed and runs Windows Mobile can dump it using itsutilsbin
pmemdump 0x8ff00000 0x80000 hspl.nb
and then use NBHImageTool to create the LEOIMG.nbh.
Im really amazed that if its so easily done, how come it hasn't been done a long time ago, , tons of people have been begging for an sd flashable hspl since 2010.
samsamuel said:
Im really amazed that if its so easily done, how come it hasn't been done a long time ago, , tons of people have been begging for an sd flashable hspl since 2010.
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Just what I was thinking
samsamuel said:
Im really amazed that if its so easily done, how come it hasn't been done a long time ago, , tons of people have been begging for an sd flashable hspl since 2010.
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Probably because nobody ever asked Kokotas or one of the other half a dozen or so people who would have known this answer. And, just to clarify, I had no clue either.
Appreciation is a wonderful thing. It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.
NYLimited said:
samsamuel said:
Im really amazed that if its so easily done, how come it hasn't been done a long time ago, , tons of people have been begging for an sd flashable hspl since 2010.
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Probably because nobody ever asked Kokotas or one of the other half a dozen or so people who would have known this answer. And, just to clarify, I had no clue either.
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Hi guys,
I really don't know if it would work... I only shared my thoughts. And before that, I suggested the most logical thing: fix the usb port
Just because I described it in a sentence it doesn't mean that it's something easy. At least I didn't say it in such a way.
If something is easy, that is probably the part of getting the HSPL in nbh format. I could even attach it here (but because I have not tested it and people tend to mess things up first and ask questions later, I'd better not).
Ok, here is [URL="https://copy.com/yVKIi47MKUpm"]hspl.rar[/URL]. It contains the [B][U]dump[/U][/B] of hspl 2.08 and 3.03.
[U]It is not flashable![/U] Needs to be [I]converted[/I] to nbh format before any flashing happens.
The not so easy part is to buy_revskills_psas, create_the_Goldcard & flash_HSPL_via_SDCard based ONLY on some stranger's (me) theory...
Ok, if you check samsamuel's next post, it seems that getting the goldcard.img is easy(&free) if you know the card's CID.
Writing that img to your card could probably be done by following [URL="http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=17247902&postcount=2"]certain steps[/URL].
I can't stress enough that the hspl files and/or this theory are not tested!
So don't do anything that you will regret!
kokotas said:
The not so easy part is to buy_revskills_psas, create_the_Goldcard & flash_HSPL_via_SDCard based ONLY on some stranger's (me) theory...
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psssst http://samsamuel.co.uk/hosted/leogoldcard.php
That would be great. But I am already unbranded! Would it still work?
It would be nice to be able to repartition with magldr tho'.. .
Then all would be possible without a PC, nearly.
Sent from my NexusHD2 using xda premium
Hello kokotas,
I have one of those HD2s with a damaged usb port with stock 3.14 wp6.5 loaded so wanted to try get hspl3.03 with clk 1.5 on it.
Could you please post the hspl3.nbh file so to create goldcard.
can somebody post already done hspl2.08.nbh file? I made goldcard, but I cant do this :crying:
jetDare said:
can somebody post already done hspl2.08.nbh file? I made goldcard, but I cant do this :crying:
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I dont think that is possable
jetDare said:
can somebody post already done hspl2.08.nbh file? I made goldcard, but I cant do this :crying:
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i know its a bit late but i have found a hspl.nbh file as im interested in this as well
but i think the bigest problem will be the RADIO because i dont think there is a way of flashing it without usb

[q] i need help asap!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK,I ve made a thread before but none seems to be interested...I have a T-mobile htc hd2 tha runs on custom winmo6.5 rom...i want to install wp7 but as soon as i install em touchscreen does not respond at all...then i get back to winmo6.5 and everything works great...i ve tried hundreds of tutorials and performed every step very carefully...PLEASE HELP ME!
yeah I think I remember, did you try android?
did you try downloading the latest Original HTC ROM un-modded directly from them and SD card install it?
Its possible that the digitiser is just slightly different for one reason or another than other peoples devices which might not play well with the driver?
have you tried out the ultrafruit ROM, that uses a different drive to Pdamatejam so try them both?
it could well be hardware mate, even corrupt RAM can give off some odd behaviour if you didn't get the answer you were looking for before then its likely that we didn't have an answer to help you.
oh PS
im not one for picking up on spelling and grammar etc (mine sucks!) but see the use of ! you don't really need more than 3, like this!!!
more often than not 1 will suffice!
dazza9075 said:
yeah I think I remember, did you try android?
did you try downloading the latest Original HTC ROM un-modded directly from them and SD card install it?
Its possible that the digitiser is just slightly different for one reason or another than other peoples devices which might not play well with the driver?
have you tried out the ultrafruit ROM, that uses a different drive to Pdamatejam so try them both?
it could well be hardware mate, even corrupt RAM can give off some odd behaviour if you didn't get the answer you were looking for before then its likely that we didn't have an answer to help you.
oh PS
im not one for picking up on spelling and grammar etc but see the use of ! you don't really need more than 3, like this!!!
more often than not 1 will suffice!
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thanks a lot matethis was the most complete answer i could get...as soon as i try everything i will tell you...thanks again
tsagas said:
thanks a lot matethis was the most complete answer i could get...as soon as i try everything i will tell you...thanks again
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be careful of ultrafruit...i've read it's buggy...you probably want to try yuki/xbmod back to the future rom. just make sure you install the devstoragelock.cab so you can unlock your sd card before flashing another wp7 flavor.
i believe i responded to your original thread and asked which rom you were using and also if you performed the required magdlr prep steps? i don't think you ever answered. the prep steps being 10-services, 5-clear mbr, and 4-uselast24nand...then flash.
perform task29, install magdlr, perform prep, flash.
hjhjhj said:
be careful of ultrafruit...i've read it's buggy...you probably want to try yuki/xbmod back to the future rom. just make sure you install the devstoragelock.cab so you can unlock your sd card before flashing another wp7 flavor.
i believe i responded to your original thread and asked which rom you were using and also if you performed the required magdlr prep steps? i don't think you ever answered. the prep steps being 10-services, 5-clear mbr, and 4-uselast24nand...then flash.
perform task29, install magdlr, perform prep, flash.
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I ve done whatever u said and still touchscreen is dead...why do i need to unlock the sd card and how do i know that mine isnt unlocked?
tsagas said:
I ve done whatever u said and still touchscreen is dead...why do i need to unlock the sd card and how do i know that mine isnt unlocked?
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yuki/xbmod's bttf rom is the only rom that locks the sd card. if you haven't used bttf then you have nothing to worry about. also, if your sd was locked the card would be useless period. the card would not be recognized by any pc nor phone until unlocked again.
like i said try bttf rom and see if it makes the screen work. i believe hd2o, ansar, and pdajim's, and others use the ultrafruit as their core. bttf is pure original microsoft wp7 base...and was working long before ultrafruit even came out.
hjhjhj said:
yuki/xbmod's bttf rom is the only rom that locks the sd card. if you haven't used bttf then you have nothing to worry about. also, if your sd was locked the card would be useless period. the card would not be recognized by any pc nor phone until unlocked again.
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Ok,i will install it and then tell you...but i am sure that my touchscreen won't response...any idea what may causing it?do i need to change digitizer?I've changed once...
tsagas said:
thanks a lot matethis was the most complete answer i could get...as soon as i try everything i will tell you...thanks again
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I ve installed ultrafruit and still touchscreen does'nt respond...at least i have functionallity of the power button now...that s a great improvmentlol
tsagas said:
Ok,i will install it and then tell you...but i am sure that my touchscreen won't response...any idea what may causing it?do i need to change digitizer?I've changed once...
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if your screen is working with wm6.5 and perhaps android, then for some reason wp7 has interface issues with your phone. i guess the question is does your entire screen work without issues in wm6.5 and/or android. if so, it's a wp7 interface issue...if the screen isn't 100% in wm6.5 then it's probably a digitizer issue.
actually, if you've replaced the digitizer before, it could be the replacement hardware causing
the wp7 interface issue. i guess it depends on the quality of the replacement screen's firmware.
hjhjhj said:
if your screen is working with wm6.5 and perhaps android, then for some reason wp7 has interface issues with your phone. i guess the question is does your entire screen work without issues in wm6.5 and/or android. if so, it's a wp7 interface issue...if the screen isn't 100% in wm6.5 then it's probably a digitizer issue. if you replace the screen make sure you get the corrwct one for tmous hd2...plus it's not an easy repair (i know from experience). you can easily make your phome useless...you literally have to take the whole phone apart and.back together.
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the screen works 100% with wm6.5,i dont really like android and thats why
i havnt tried to install em...the screen has been changed before(not by me) but it's not a t-mobile screen...
tsagas said:
the screen works 100% with wm6.5,i dont really like android and thats why
i havnt tried to install em...the screen has been changed before(not by me) but it's not a t-mobile screen...
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see my previous updated post.
hjhjhj said:
be careful of ultrafruit...i've read it's buggy...you probably want to try yuki/xbmod back to the future rom. just make sure you install the devstoragelock.cab so you can unlock your sd card before flashing another wp7 flavor.
i believe i responded to your original thread and asked which rom you were using and also if you performed the required magdlr prep steps? i don't think you ever answered. the prep steps being 10-services, 5-clear mbr, and 4-uselast24nand...then flash.
perform task29, install magdlr, perform prep, flash.
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Since i am trying to install yuki/xbmod rom right now can u please tell me how to install devstoragelock.cab?do i install it on wm6.5 like all other cabs?in microsd?
tsagas said:
Since i am trying to install yuki/xbmod rom right now can u please tell me how to install devstoragelock.cab?do i install it on wm6.5 like all other cabs?in microsd?
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you need read how to install cabs for wp7. it's very diffeerent than wm6.5. you have to use the cab sender tool. get the base flash exe from my signature...the v2.1 flasher. then go here for info.
#1 http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1236027
#2 http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1250869
then download ftp is is here just for the devstoragelock cab..
if you decide to progress further than the initial base the rest of the needed downloads are here.
the devstoragelock cab adds an app to your list of apps and follow screen. be sure to unlock the sd card if this rom doesn't fix the screen issue before trying flash back to wm6.5.
hjhjhj said:
you need read how to install cabs for wp7. it's very diffeerent than wm6.5. you have to use the cab sender tool. get the base flash exe from my signature...the v2.1 flasher. then go here for info.
#1 http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1236027
#2 http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1250869
then download ftp is is here just for the devstoragelock cab..
if you decide to progress further than the initial base the rest of the needed downloads are here.
the devstoragelock cab adds an app to your list of apps and follow screen. be sure to unlock the sd card if this rom doesn't fix the screen issue before trying flash back to wm6.5.
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still nothing:/touchscreen is dead:/what am i suppose to do?i really want wp7
tsagas said:
still nothing:/touchscreen is dead:/what am i suppose to do?i really want wp7
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new hd2 or new windows phone or be satisfied with wm6.5.
hjhjhj said:
new hd2 or new windows phone or be satisfied with wm6.5.
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awful...i am gonna try android...if you find anything about my problem please contact [email protected] come my hd2 is the only one in the world that cannot boot wp7?
tsagas said:
awful...i am gonna try android...if you find anything about my problem please contact [email protected] come my hd2 is the only one in the world that cannot boot wp7?
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it's probably the replacement screen used by the previous owner. you should install android on sd...no flashing required. just reformat your sd to fat32. or you can install in nand.
either case i would recommend this..
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1441462 release 34 for either the nand or sd version. the current releases are not very stable. you can see the version in my signature.
hjhjhj said:
it's probably the replacement screen used by the previous owner. you should install android on sd...no flashing required. just reformat your sd to fat32. or you can install in nand.
either case i would recommend this..
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1441462 release 34 for either the nand or sd version. the current releases are not very stable. you can see the version in my signature.
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Ive tried android and i get stucked to the GO GO GO thing when I am flashing CWM...I dont know what the f is happening or if i am doing something wrong
I'm late to this thread.
OP - have you successfully installed the Yuki BTTF ROM for WP7? That ROM is super stable an no one has complained of the touch screen not working.
All of your posts don't give a conclusive answer that you've successfully installed that ROM. If you had installed it, then your SD card would be locked to that OS. If it were installed and the touchscreen weren't working, then you wouldn't be able to unlock the SD card, as you'd need to use the screen in order to select the storage lock app that you would have installed via cab sender.
Please clean this conversation up by listing exactly what steps you've done and provide links to the ROM's that you've tried.
anseio said:
I'm late to this thread.
OP - have you successfully installed the Yuki BTTF ROM for WP7? That ROM is super stable an no one has complained of the touch screen not working.
All of your posts don't give a conclusive answer that you've successfully installed that ROM. If you had installed it, then your SD card would be locked to that OS. If it were installed and the touchscreen weren't working, then you wouldn't be able to unlock the SD card, as you'd need to use the screen in order to select the storage lock app that you would have installed via cab sender.
Please clean this conversation up by listing exactly what steps you've done and provide links to the ROM's that you've tried.
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He has tried installing HD2O and Pdajim's ROMs I believe. He says he installed BTTF and it didn't work which means his SD card is locked. I guess he has other cards to use for moving to android.
What part of this thread do you not get?
---------- Post added at 05:11 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:07 AM ----------
tsagas said:
Ive tried android and i get stucked to the GO GO GO thing when I am flashing CWM...I dont know what the f is happening or if i am doing something wrong
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you have to use hd2toolkit found in the android for hd2 forum to install nand android. it's an extensive set of instructions on how to install nand android for the hd2. you cannot use magdlr to install nand android.
in order to install sd android, you have follow and setup certain things in magdlr to boot the sd android installation. for sd android you DO NOT flash anything.
go to the android for hd2 forum and read...read...read....ESPECIALLY if you want to flash nand android!

