need help anyone, about touchscreen. - P3600 General

hi i have a little problem about my touchscreen when i touch in the middle of my touchscreen the start menu pop up.what can i do about it.please help.
thank you in advance.

there is a little tool called topbar that will fix this. Just do a search on this site.

Now I have a question myself : I have topbar installed on my P3600 and it`s working fine so far. But when I try to sketch a note or use Transcriber I can see that there are still alot of tears towards the upper left corner. So it seems topbar just suppresses the startmenü popup but not the actual phantom coordinate press.
So is anyone able to use Transcriber on P3600 ? I understand that not everybody (but alot of people) suffer from the "thumb-bug", maybe it would help to install a new digitzer ?

I've got this same problem. When I can find this topbar?


Mousemode on Trinity is possible?

I have the problem of the start menu that pop up randomly and then lock the ppc.
If i disable the touch.dll in windows, everythingh function (except the touch screen, naturally).
If i found a program that emulate the mouse, like the mousemode on the Artemis, i have the possibility to use (in emergency) the ppc also without the touch screen enabled.
Someone could help me?
Thanks in advance.
I don't know if it works on trinity, but with my toshiba e330 with broken digitizer it works perfectly:
Thanks a lot the program is cool but unfortunately don't function well on Trinity. I see the arrow across the screen, but when I try to press, the screen goes crazy and it's impossible to read anything.

Registry help aligning Prophet screen

I would like some help.
Part of my Prophet screen doesn't work anymore.
This means aligning is hell.
I would like to squeeze some more life out of the thing ...
Especially with guys like Gullum, Cloudifa, and all the other ones ...
I have already found out the registry key is
I have only found values for elf, atom and others on the net.
But they are not yet as close to Prophet (atom is OK except for the far right side of the screen (scroll ...)
Could someone please be able to give me the values on their prophet ?
Want to post it instead of messaging directly to keep this on the forum for others.
If I should have missed an earlies posting woth the settings, sorry, please then redirect me.
dkleuven said:
I would like some help.
Part of my Prophet screen doesn't work anymore.
This means aligning is hell.
I would like to squeeze some more life out of the thing ...
Especially with guys like Gullum, Cloudifa, and all the other ones ...
I have already found out the registry key is
I have only found values for elf, atom and others on the net.
But they are not yet as close to Prophet (atom is OK except for the far right side of the screen (scroll ...)
Could someone please be able to give me the values on their prophet ?
Want to post it instead of messaging directly to keep this on the forum for others.
If I should have missed an earlies posting woth the settings, sorry, please then redirect me.
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These values are unique to each device. If every device was the same, there would be no need for this!
From my ROM setup: 1839,1997 3118,684 3126,3328 577,3291 602,690
Thanks !
I know about the unique settings, but with your prophet settings I can try to come closer thn woth settings fora completely different device, and maybe tweak a bit more myself through remot registry editor.
Thanks again!
1942,1963 3228,622 3197,3268 664,3267 675,653
Device G3
pls help me.... pls
were i found this "HKLM\HARDWARE\DEVICEMAP\TOUCH\Calibration settings'' ?
jhonnyyy said:
were i found this "HKLM\HARDWARE\DEVICEMAP\TOUCH\Calibration settings'' ?
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You need a registry editor. If you just want to realign the screen, hold the windows hardware button and then press the centre d-pad button.
tnx...but my PDA doesn't allow to finish the align screen process, one of the corners i can't align it...maybe phisical problem???
jhonnyyy said:
tnx...but my PDA doesn't allow to finish the align screen process, one of the corners i can't align it...maybe phisical problem???
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Click to collapse
Maybe a hardware issue...
Try using a registry editor (I'd use this) to edit the settings using those above... May not be perfect but may help....

Change Softkeys to allow answer during incoming call (to get round hardware issue)

Hi all,
Looks like my T-Mobile MDA Vario II is heading the way of the D-Pad/White Screen ribbon failure ( but as I've not yet got the white screen, and the problem is intermittent I wanted to ask a software question first before I broke out the screwdrivers.
Is there an easy way to change the soft key actions during a incoming call, so that I can click on the screen instead of the answer hardware key to answer a call reliably?
From reading around it may be that this is locked to the particular dialer as none of the key config tools seem to allow you to change these temporary soft key items?
At the moment I'm running Schaps 4.30 ROM which I've found very stable and feature packed, but when there's an incoming call the soft keys change to 'Silence' and 'Send Text' neither of which are as important to me as 'Answer' and 'Reject' which is what I'd like on there.
If it is a case that these soft keys can't be changed via the registry does anyone know of a WM6-6.1 ROM or Dialer that does have the options I need?
Many thanks in advance for any help!
I'm pretty sure my ROM does the 'Answer' and 'Reject' soft keys... I'm pretty sure that's the default too... If Schaps has something different, then I think he changed it away from the default to what he has...
Many thanks now on latest CRC 6.1 Stable
Many thanks for your quick reply, flashed to your latest WM 6.1 Stable ROM last night and can confirm Accept/Reject Softkeys on answer are present and work great!
ROM also feels smoking fast, so will leave it as is for a week or so and then might move to your development ROM to help give feedback and squash bugs.
Obviously your ROMs are very clean so looks like I'll start heading off to find all those Cabs like 6 button Home, Big Start Menu and Audio Manager that make life that little bit more thumb friendly.
Really appreciate the work you do getting the engine tuned so well! (You should get a small donation come through soon.)
(Now I can wait until IE opening whenever a new txt comes in finally drives me mad enough to crack the case and try to fix the ribbon cable!)

Can not disable TouchFlow's scroll function in Touch Flow

Hi Everyone,
Just bought the the HD. Great hardware, but as you know interface is not as fluid as iPhone. would really like to use PhatPad but when I try and disable touchflow's scroll funtion, it just stays.
the registery editor works as I can for example flip scroll sound on & off, but it seems that scroll and "cube" are overriden.
Anyone has found a solution ?
By the way, would disabling mean that one could not use row of launch buttons for emails, pictures, config etc... ?
Many thanks for this great forum!
I also miss the use of Phatpad and have not found a solution.
Do you also have the freezing problem? Try writing a note continuously and see if eventually the screen freezes for a couple of seconds.
At least no Freezing problem ....
I tried by applying the stylus and managed to scramble the page a lot and did not get any freezing of screen.
Strange that we can not disable this scroll function, it seems to be embedded into touchflow and does not use registery data ?
No one knows how to disable the scroll function ?
Thanks for any help.
just install nullkeaboard, can be found here:
and aktivte while using phatpad

Touch screen damanged. Need to send SMS.

ANyone please help. My BA's Touchscreen is cracked and not functioning anymore. But for now i need to use it. When sending SMS i have to touch or press the Send button from the touch screen. But since my screen doesnt work anymore, is there a way like assigning the "Send" button into the hardware key?
Or is there any application that can do this? Anyone please help!
Thanks in advance!
what do u mean cracked?there is a picture and there is no tap action?or there is no picture and response anymore?there is like damage in lcd like un usual colors and rabush and lines?because may be if u change the rom or re-upgrading the rom,may be the problem fixed,specially in minor problems.
i think u cannot send msgs without tap action.
there is a crack, display is okay, but touch response is not fuctioning well, the only thing i notice is that, when i press on the right bottom most of the screen, sometime touch works and sometimes not works. I been trying to do the Align screen method but doesnt work. i think it is the hardware problem.
if that sms is really that important to you, you can always connect the device to the pc and when connected to activesync a nice little freeware called "my mobiler" can be used to control the device with the pc's mouse and keyboard and gets the device's screen on your pc screen. it can be downloaded here:
but after bypassing the problem for now, we should focus on getting the thing fixed. you could answer homam_france's questions to help us determine what exactly went wrong and maybe you don't need to bypass then anymore but can solve the problem!
EDIT: ignore the request for more information, you already answered while i was writing this
Thank you, but that is what I am doing right now. But my problem is that when i am not in from of my pc and I need to send important sms? Maybe there is a software that can map the Send softkey to hardware key.
Thanks again!
you could try this program:
there is a trial version there, and if you can install, start and control that program without the use of the touch screen, or from your pc, maybe you can tell it to for example, map the left softkey with the mail hardware key or something like that, i haven't tested it. if that prog is not right, on the bottom of that page there is a link for related applications, maybe one of those helps you.
if, however, the remapping of the keys does not work, for a different sms application, you could try:
iwindowsmobile sms chat:
visual it simple sms:
or this one:
maybe their way of hitting the send button is different and works for your device.
by the way, on any normal mobile phone, you can also send an sms by pressing the green call button, unfortunately, ppc phones don't do that.
Why don't you just go to Setting/Personal/Buttons and map a button to "<Left Softkey>"
Thanks to everyone
Thanks to you all. I finally got a chance to fix my touch screen. not bad at all. except that i forgot to right fit the volume hardware keys.
Be very careful with the Volume key, if you don't close the case wright, you might broke the switch (a little switch on the mainboard that is moved by the volume key). Just make shure it's in the wright place when closing the case
Hi to all.
What can I do in case the ba is working, the screen is perfect but no more touch? it's a os 5.2.1933(18533.0.7.0)
that can happen but it has probably nothing to do with the rom. it means that the digitizer is broken and you need to look for a new one, maybe a good ebay search or a post in xda's marketplace could help you
thanks 4 the reply. Do you mean a new lcd screen?
no, just the digitizer, it is the see through touch panel on top on the actual display, maybe you are lucky and find a cheap one, as you don't need a new screen.
you can buy a new digitizer on, i recall a few months ago they were selling the digitizers for Blueangel devices, its very easy to disassemble the BA & replace it. Good luck.
Can any of the members pl. post the screen alignment settings available at Registry entry Screen alignment settings for BA and/or variants at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DEVICEMAP\TOUCH
Value Name: CalibrationData
Value data:
? (5 sets of data)
Value type: REG_SZ
Value Name: MaxCalError
Value Data: ?
Base : Decimal
Value type: REG_DWORD
With these values most of the BA devices with defective touch screen can become functional to large extent.
Actually we can add the values to the BA Wiki
here's the CalibrationData:
17 154,258 154,788 865,785 859,262
i dont have a MaxCalError key.
Good luck,
Thanks for the prompt reply. Pl. verify the data provided by you as it doesnt seem to have the 5 sets for the CalibrationData values & repost correctly.
Thanks in advance

