[HELP]Magic don´t make calls - myTouch 3G, Magic General

hi my magic don´t let me do calls, but i receave calls and i sent and receve text messages can any one could help me pls


Problem with call history, Messaging???

problem with storing messages and call history???
Hi all,
I have a very annoying problem with my wizard, sometimes when I send SMS, the message is not saved in sent items, also making a call, receiving a call or even a missed call is sometimes not saved in call history...
this is very annoying that sometimes I have a missed call, when I open the call history I find that the call information is not saved and I dont know who has called me!!!
anyone faces this problem??? is there a solution????????
Mohammad Gdeisat

sms problem

i cannot send sms on my sime from the touch hd...but i can receive calls do calls etc...
on a different mobile i can send sms
with a different sim the htc can send sms...

Help on my HTC SMS..

i got this problem that when i got two sms for different person at inbox...but i reply a sms to 1 person..the other person will receive my message too..
pls help ...thk u

Help on my HTC SMS..

i got this problem that when i got two sms for different person at inbox...but i reply a sms to 1 person..the other person will receive my message too..
pls help ...thk u

[Q] Voice Announce Incoming Calls

Hello friends. I have an HTC HD2 and am looking for a voice program to warn me about sms or phone calls. Can you give me any tips? Thanks.
