New Nexus battery - Nexus One General

When you first get the phone do you have to charge it to full before putting it on?

Search, as this has been covered in an earlier thread.
No, you don't HAVE to fully charge it before playing with the phone...but you SHOULD fully charge it soon thereafter.

Search, as this has been covered in an earlier thread.
No, you don't HAVE to fully charge it before playing with the phone...but you SHOULD fully charge it soon thereafter.


Is it fine to keep the Nexus One plugged even when it's already fully charged?

I often hear that when batteries are fully charged, devices should be unplugged. I practice unplugging laptops when fully charged or removing their batteries. I think, this is also true for most, if not all, mobile devices.
As for the Nexus One, should it also be unplugged from AC or any sort of dock when it's fully charged? Do docks automatically stop charging batteries when they are full? How about AC plugs?
I think it's not the over-charging that might affect the phone but heat from the battery. Having said that I left mine charging through the night only last night and the phone was actually cold this morning (phone was turned off while charging).
any recharging circuit that doesn't have a drain/charge loop when charge is full should be considered defective.. my n1, g1, bb all do this. leave it plugged in to the dock all day everyday when i'm at my desk, and don't charge overnight. rarely dip below 75% battery
Lithium Ion Batteries have the technology to understand when they are fully charged and still plugged in. When the phone is fully charged and plugged in the battery stops the charge cycle. People seem to think that the batteries have the same issues they had when they first released but they do not. I leave my battery on charge all night [anywhere from 6-9 hours] and it does not even get warm. I have always done this with my cell phones and I have never had a battery dramatically lose life.
That explains what you need. It mentions that you can take it off when it's fully charged but also mentions several times that the battery stops charging once it reaches it's maximum charge.

Incredible not charging battery properly/fully

Has anyone experienced this issue, seems as tho when I charge my battery to 100% it takes less then 30m before it discharges to 92-92%.
This is happening with the original battery and the Seidio extended battery that I have.
Is there a fix for this, or is this something I should call VZW about. A lot of people at androidforums have been having the same issue.
ufvj217 said:
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Yeah, I've read this, is everyone having this issue, or just certain phones? The battery "trick" does not work for me.
i think everyone has the problem. the "trick" didnt work for me either or my friend, unless we're doing it wrong. i think its a software issue personally, and hopefully an update will fix it.
ufvj217 said:
i think everyone has the problem. the "trick" didnt work for me either or my friend, unless we're doing it wrong. i think its a software issue personally, and hopefully an update will fix it.
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Your battery stats are miscalculated. You need a calibration procedure. Replacing the phone might fix the problem, but if your battery charging habits don't change it'll happen again, unless HTC feels like changing their battery calibration algorithm, and there's no need to wait for that. Any laptap manufacturer will have a good how-to on li-ion battery calibration.
theres no way all the phones are bad, alot of people have this issue that have this phone. i dont think its bad hardware, chances are if i get a new battery its going to do the same thing. im gonna order an extended battery anyways soon so we will see.
ufvj217 said:
theres no way all the phones are bad, alot of people have this issue that have this phone. i dont think its bad hardware, chances are if i get a new battery its going to do the same thing. im gonna order an extended battery anyways soon so we will see.
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I am having the same issue with an extended battery. It's the way the phone is charging the battery. Is everyone just accepting this as is or is not everyone having the same issue. I want to know if I should replace the phone or not...
I completely discharged my battery last night, turned it off, and fully charged it while it was off. Now the first 10% seems a lot more resilient then before. I just hope I don't have to do this every night. I don't have a land line and it sucks having to turn it off just to charge it.
good to see this post, i to have a htc touch hd, and have problems with batteries, ive bought 2 new batteries from ebay.
and seem to get vary results, its as if mobile is showing 100% but the battery is only 40% charged.
charged one last night finished at 12pm and battery was saying it was flat at 7am !
the orginal htc does seem to last longer, but obvisily there is a issue with the phone itself, if it needs reset or something?
t41n7ed said:
I am having the same issue with an extended battery. It's the way the phone is charging the battery. Is everyone just accepting this as is or is not everyone having the same issue. I want to know if I should replace the phone or not...
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Replacing the phone is not necessary. It's actually the OS that cuts the charge short of full. The OS "thinks" the battery is full,thus stopping the charge. Completely drain the battery, then plug it in,leaving the phone on. Let it fully charge while it's on - when the LED indicator is green,and the battery is "full" - while still plugged in, power phone off,and you'll notice the indicator will turn red again,charging the phone for about another half hour or so. That will give you a true full charge.
Days later...and running Froyo, and still battery problems
I'm running Froyo now...battery light green and indicating 100%...and I power off the phone... It has been charging 25 minutes now and still charging. Didn't they(?) say that this had been fixed in the latest ROMs. I'm running Sky Raider's 2.01. Is it just me?
Do I need to erase my battery stats from within ClockworkMod Recovery? I haven't done this because it warns that this cannot be undone. That sounded too scary for me to try.
Lexus One said:
I'm running Froyo now...battery light green and indicating 100%...and I power off the phone... It has been charging 25 minutes now and still charging. Didn't they(?) say that this had been fixed in the latest ROMs. I'm running Sky Raider's 2.01. Is it just me?
Do I need to erase my battery stats from within ClockworkMod Recovery? I haven't done this because it warns that this cannot be undone. That sounded too scary for me to try.
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Yes, clear battery stats. Ive had battery issues like this with any leaked froyo rom, including the one i developed.
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
jdkoreclipse said:
Yes, clear battery stats. Ive had battery issues like this with any leaked froyo rom, including the one i developed.
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Thanks! I will give it a try...
How do u clear your battery stats?
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Go into recovery and it is under advanced.
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
its a problem with the chargers. youll see if you charge with an external battery charger or a vzw car charger, the phone will charge fine. htc screwed something up with the "trickle" function in the incredible stock chargers. as soon as the LED turns green, the charger shuts off and almost siphons charge from the battery in order to prevent overcharging, which drains the battery to about 95%, but the battery will still show its at 100. ive done the battery stats clear several times and this problem persists even if i leave the phone on the charger for more than a minute after LED turns green, even when phone is turned off. at times the charger doesnt even charge the phone all the way, which is why you can charge completely, unplug, plug it back in and light is red again and takes a few more minutes to charge. both are caused by an "overcharge protection" feature built in to just about every charger these days, but gone horribly wrong in these chargers.
mb02 said:
its a problem with the chargers. youll see if you charge with an external battery charger or a vzw car charger, the phone will charge fine. htc screwed something up with the "trickle" function in the incredible stock chargers. as soon as the LED turns green, the charger shuts off and almost siphons charge from the battery in order to prevent overcharging, which drains the battery to about 95%, but the battery will still show its at 100. ive done the battery stats clear several times and this problem persists even if i leave the phone on the charger for more than a minute after LED turns green, even when phone is turned off. at times the charger doesnt even charge the phone all the way, which is why you can charge completely, unplug, plug it back in and light is red again and takes a few more minutes to charge. both are caused by an "overcharge protection" feature built in to just about every charger these days, but gone horribly wrong in these chargers.
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Oh thanks. I was actually planning to get a new battery today.
Whick one do you suggest?
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mb02 said:
its a problem with the chargers. youll see if you charge with an external battery charger or a vzw car charger, the phone will charge fine. htc screwed something up with the "trickle" function in the incredible stock chargers. as soon as the LED turns green, the charger shuts off and almost siphons charge from the battery in order to prevent overcharging, which drains the battery to about 95%, but the battery will still show its at 100. ive done the battery stats clear several times and this problem persists even if i leave the phone on the charger for more than a minute after LED turns green, even when phone is turned off. at times the charger doesnt even charge the phone all the way, which is why you can charge completely, unplug, plug it back in and light is red again and takes a few more minutes to charge. both are caused by an "overcharge protection" feature built in to just about every charger these days, but gone horribly wrong in these chargers.
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I can tell you it doesn't have anything to do with the chargers. I have this problem while the phone is turned on whether I plug it into my Computer, original charger, off brand car charger, usb car charger, usb cable from the lg ally, or the OEM lg ally charger. it has everything to do with HTCs software on the phone. it is using two different ways to charge the battery, one while the phone is on and in use (that uses HTCs software/algorithm), and one while the phone is turned off(uses the batteries overcharge protection circuit).
I have tried everything, I tried resetting / removing the battery stats etc. Nothing works...Its useless ppl...have to wait for a fix from HTC. Which bring my question, does anyone know when or if this is planned to be fixed?

Easy & Effective Permanent Bump Charging Solution

Ok, this whole bump charging thing pisses me off. My phone should just charge, I shouldn't need to spend hours every morning bump charging it. I've read that others have found work arounds that seemed to work for them - the only thing that's fixed the rapid drain rate in the start of the day (which refers of course to the lack of a full charge) has been daily bump charging. I've read about people using Christmas light timers to do this, but this is a bit more...robust. I've tried something new that seems to be, at least for me, a permanent solution.
1. Purchase something like this. There may be other timers that would work as well.
2. Plug your HTC charger into the timer.
3. Set the timer to cut the power off at, say, 4:00AM (this was a good time for me based on when I wake up for work).
4. Set it to turn power back on one minute later, at 4:01AM.
5. Set it to turn power off again at 4:31AM (my bump charging usually takes 30 minutes per cycle)
6. Set it to turn the power back on a minute later at 4:32AM.
7. And so on and so forth for a total of about 10 cycles (this is what works best for my Dinc, at least)
8. Turn your phone off when you go to bed.
8a. If anyone can figure out a way to auto-power off at around 4:00am, this would work even better. Power Off 1.1 wouldn't work on my SkyRaider Dinc.
9. Plug your phone in.
10. If you programmed the timer correctly, your phone should be fully bump charged at least 10 cycles by the time you wake up! Power on your phone and GO!
I'm interested to find out if others have tried this method. So far it's working wonders for my battery life. Comments welcomed.
Thanks for this post, creative solutions like this one are always nice.
HTC needs to get it together and finally fix this issue. It's starting to piss me off especially in the morning when i have to turn my phone off.
unreal2k said:
Thanks for this post, creative solutions like this one are always nice.
HTC needs to get it together and finally fix this issue. It's starting to piss me off especially in the morning when i have to turn my phone off.
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Not an HTC is an android os issue in general.
magneticzero said:
Not an HTC is an android os issue in general.
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Curious as to how this is an os problem when the incredible is the only one that has it. Also, i wonder how a phone that charges through an os can charge while turned off... its a physical charger problem, not os.
The OS shuts off charging too early. But, its HTC phones in general, from what I've read. Bump charging has been around longer than the Dinc.
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but from googling I see majority of the problems come HTC devices, so it is prob a os to hardward issue, or a complete software issue that has been addressed towards HTC... After digging around looks like the G1 had this problem also.
So who knows.
Honestly, my goal wasn't to inspire debate. Just wanted to offer some advice that may help others. If it helps an EVO user or a G1 user, all the better.
FWIW, it is just how the phone works. My Samsung Omnia charged the same way.
I simply let it charge overnight. When I get up in the morning I check my email or whatever and then put the phone back on the charger while I get ready for work. I leave for the day with a fully-charged battery. No muss, no fuss.
What's the big deal?
rfarrah said:
FWIW, it is just how the phone works. My Samsung Omnia charged the same way.
I simply let it charge overnight. When I get up in the morning I check my email or whatever and then put the phone back on the charger while I get ready for work. I leave for the day with a fully-charged battery. No muss, no fuss.
What's the big deal?
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I suppose I'm just neurotic in that, when I wake up to a phone I plugged in the night before, I want the damn thing to be charged. With three children running around, two in diapers, EVERYTHING is muss and fuss. That's why I posted this solution that works for me. If you don't find it necessary for your circumstances, I'm jealous.
Would clearing the battery stats after bump charging help it get a better charge even when not bump charging?
rfarrah said:
FWIW, it is just how the phone works. My Samsung Omnia charged the same way.
I simply let it charge overnight. When I get up in the morning I check my email or whatever and then put the phone back on the charger while I get ready for work. I leave for the day with a fully-charged battery. No muss, no fuss.
What's the big deal?
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My Moto Droid didn't do this. In fact, you couldn't charge it with it off.
Nor did my Omnia.
I have an easier solution which works perfectly:
Power the phone off
Charge overnight while I sleep
Power it back on in the morning
That's it. The issue is that the phone doesn't fully charge unless it is powered off. Bumping doesn't do anything special.
Even when it is powered off, if you unplug it and plug it back in you can get around another good hour or so of charging. I turn my phone off at night but bump it when i wake up in the middle of the night because it always charges for at least another thirty minutes.
Amin Sabet said:
I have an easier solution which works perfectly:
Power the phone off
Charge overnight while I sleep
Power it back on in the morning
That's it. The issue is that the phone doesn't fully charge unless it is powered off. Bumping doesn't do anything special.
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Mmmm yea I am going to have to strongly disagree...
Actually, not true (about it being the Incredible only). I have an HTC Imagio also (my previous phone) which just happens to have the same battery and it had the same issue. If I charged the phone fully, unplugged the charger, turned off the phone and plugged it back in, the orange light stayed on for quite some time before turning green again.
I'm not saying it's a totally a hardware issue (something to do with the charging circuitry) but I think it's a combination of that in conjunction with the O/S. Android defintely seems to drain the battery a heck of a lot faster than WINMO6.5 did (as proven by my friend who has an HD2 and is dual booting 6.5 and Android. He's found that WINMO 6.5 lasts at least 5 hours or more than Android).
So ultimately, I think HTC needs to look into either A) the quality of these batteries, B) their charging circuitry, C) Both, and the folks at Google need to get to work on their power management logic and algorithms.
mb02 said:
Curious as to how this is an os problem when the incredible is the only one that has it. Also, i wonder how a phone that charges through an os can charge while turned off... its a physical charger problem, not os.
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I've seen the same results that Amin did doing this whole "Bump" thing vs. just charging with the phone off, unplugging, and plugging back in. I've seen the same results on another HTC phone as well that was a non-android phone.
If you get a set of lithium AA batteries and get a charger, you can test how this is SUPPOSED to work. If you charge the AA's fully, take them out of the charger, then put them back in, you might see the light orange for maybe a minute or so before the charger realizes that the battries are full.
The HTC phones don't seem to do this. They seem to think the batteries are partially drained.
csseale said:
Mmmm yea I am going to have to strongly disagree...
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csseale said:
Mmmm yea I am going to have to strongly disagree...
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If you charge while off and unplug and replug, you may get some more orange light time. My concern isn't whether I can make the light go orange, it's battery life. What I have observed is that if I charge to full with the phone off, I get better battery life than if I charge to full with it on. None of the other factors (unplugging, replugging, etc) seems to make much difference.
Suggested 18 hours of charging - BY AN HTC REP!!!
Ok - For your amusement, check out some these emails (link below) that people recieved from tech support staff at HTC. In one of the emails, the support rep suggested 18 hours of charging using a modified "bump-charge" technique.
Are you freaking kidding me?!?!?
I just bought a HTC TP2 battery charger on ebay for $5 and 2 1500mah TP2 batteries for another $5 a piece and charge one while I use the other. Almost never use the stock battery and get tons of life on the TP2 batteries. Easier than this bump stuff.
I usually just carry the fully charged stock in my pocket. Just in case I am in a low signal area all day.

[Q] To fully charge or not to fully charge?

So I'm now waiting for a Wifi Xoom to arrive at my door, I wanted to see your thoughts about 'preparing' the battery to maintain maximum charge. I'm in two mindsets:
a) Should I just use the tablet with the power it comes with (from what I've read it is around 60-80%) until fully drained then charge completely, or
b)Should I put the tablet straight on the charger and full charge before any use.
Although the battery is replaceable, I'd prefer to make it last as long as possible. Or am I just being to fussy and lithium-ion (or whatever it is) doesn't have a memory effect? Appreciate your thoughts
EDIT: Sorry, this should probably be in the Q&A section.
Heb48 said:
lithium-ion (or whatever it is) doesn't have a memory effect?
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This. Play with it then charge it or charge then play or play and charge at the same time. Doesn't matter.
Bonus!! Now to wait for it to arrive.
People will spin you all kinds of yarn about how to 'condition' a battery, personally I think it's a nonsense. I drain from the box and charge, just because I want to play with it before I put it back down again.
Check out this thread! There is some discussion on that too.
I drained the crap out of it the first day ... trust me it took a lot of effort because it came out of the box with like 80%. Ended up playing HD videos for hours before it finally went down to 2% ... couldn't wait any longer so I charged it up (btw, the charger does like 1% per minute.. not bad!)
Since then, I just charge it when it goes below 30-40% (like every 2 days of heavy usage)
I drained mine until it was dead and then fully recharged it until the green light was on. Now I just repeat the cycle over and over but I usually dont let it die. I wait for the warning sound at around 5%.

Has Anyone Resolved the Lollipop Slow Charge Battery Drain?

Apparently I am in the minority, but my VZW LG G2 (Stock) was affected the the slow charging battery drain issue after upgrading to Lollipop.
It's crazy just how slowly the phone would charge and drain. After the update my phone was constantly attached to a charger. It couldn't make it to mid-day even with little use. It would take hours to gain just 20-30% charge.
After months of complaining I finally "downgraded" to KitKat. The difference is amazing. I can easily make it through a full day with moderate use and I can almost fully charge the phone after about an hour. It's great.
Has anyone had this problem and figured out a cause or solution? I've always been stock, but has a custom lollipop ROM worked better? At the moment I think I'm going to wait until there's another update (hopefully) before upgrading.
I am having same problem as yours, the battery problems are on the rise with Lollipop update. Sometimes I wish I shouldnt have upgraded. But anyhow, I solved my problem by using a good charger, more details you can read on this page:
Argh! After weeks of deferring the daily lollipop update request I was half asleep on morning and accidentally started the update. I couldn't stop it once it started.
My phone was just about dead when the update finished and I let it fully charge. To my surprise it charged surprisingly fast. After it was fully charged (and unplugged) the phone stayed at 100% for about 20 minutes of continuous use before it dropped to 99%. I was again surprised that the phone held a charge (no charging) all day with moderate use. In the evening it stayed at 0% for a while before it finally died. I suspect the phone was calibrating the battery during this initial use.
I thought perhaps the problem was solved, but a day later, the phone is back to charging painfully slow.
I actually measured the charging current, it's not just my imagination! I have a USB Meter and when the phone was on kikkat and for the first day on lollipop it would consistently charge between 1.5A and 1.8A. Now, it will only charge at 0.46A. I'm using the same chargers and charging cables.
What could have changed? Is there a way to reset whatever battery calibration may have occurred?

