Search for a programm - Touch Diamond, MDA Compact IV Themes and Apps

Hello together,
a few days ago, I've found a thread with a program here.
This program show you a list with programs like you see it on the iphone.
Can someone give me the thread please?
Big thanks,

slamdunker23 said:
Hello together,
a few days ago, I've found a thread with a program here.
This program show you a list with programs like you see it on the iphone.
Can someone give me the thread please?
Big thanks,
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I don't have a link to the thread, but it's called myAction v2.0, developer is noiseRobert. You'll findi it using this info for search (if this IS the iPhone-style prog launcher you're looking for, I'm sure there are a few out there ; maybe also myToday, or iToda, not sure on those)
But I am sure about noiseRoberts myAction 2.0 - I've tried it (nice work, but I don't care to use it, personally)

Thank you very much. This is the right program I am searching!



I'm sorry, but I need this file but I don't find it.
Where's possible to find it?
Pls don't tell me "search", because are two days that I want find it, but I don't find nothing, pls help me.
Searching 2 days?
it's a shame
In every case, thanks so much
croweland said:
I'm sorry, but I need this file but I don't find it.
Where's possible to find it?
Pls don't tell me "search", because are two days that I want find it, but I don't find nothing, pls help me.
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Now, I'd really like to know why searching was so difficult (I mean this in a friendly way - to help others) You see I have placed a sticky called Search XDA..using Google at the top of the messages list.
Now when I just put in SSPL Hermes - guess what, top of the list came the link you were just given by ARC. Took maybe 20 seconds!!
Please tell me how you tried your searches and whether you spotted the google sticky above?? We really need to sort out the searching difficulties some folks are finding.
With thanks

[HELP] FLASH diamond clock as today plugin

I have question:
Where can I have this diamond flash clock:
At my today as plugin??
I don't need it at trottle launcher or I don't need to use animated today...
I need this whole flash as today plugin....
Somebody can help, please?
Look for a thread started by Twolf. He had done it as a today plugin. Plugin I believe is called ThrottleHTML.
Please do a search.
ExiMoR said:
I have question:
Where can I have this diamond flash clock:
At my today as plugin??
I don't need it at trottle launcher or I don't need to use animated today...
I need this whole flash as today plugin....
Somebody can help, please?
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Hey canabi/ExiMoR/XeRoB/Filip! It's a shame how you misbehave at the whole internet! I followed you through some forums and a quick search with google offers an interesting view into your ambitions.
Do you remember your last bad actions here in the ThumbCal thread (posting warez / insulting other members ...) ???
Furthermore you seem to not read or understand some (or quite all) of the rules (eg: *DO NOT POST A NEW THREAD UNLESS YOU ARE CONTRIBUTING*).
Think about it! Try to let your own mind work instead of simply make demands on things you would like to get.
I don't understund.. .
RE: g00ndu : can you post link? I can't find it
BTW: Thanks for tip for Trottle....
It's good device freezer....
After SR..... my device was freezed...

Music ID

Hey all, i really want this as everyone seems to rate it but when you download the CAB file it downloads two link files and an XML which takes you to opera - doesn't seem to want to download like a normal CAB file...still a bit new at all of this but if anyone can tell me how I actually get it installed and working I would be very grateful!
Try this version:
Put the cab file on the device, find it on the device using explorer & launch it. It will install.
argh misicid
finally downloaded it didnt work and now cant uninstall searched here did what they said with the reinstall and now i have three dead nusicid icons !! any help please?
Getting rid of MusicID
Hey all, posted on this before but it seems to have gotten lost. I downloaded MusicID using the links people posted, never got it to work so tried to uninstall and it left an icon in my programmes, did what people said and tried to uninstall by reinstalling and now i have THREE musicid icons left none of which work - can someone tell me how to get rid of this horrid programme (which incidentally sadly doesnt compare with Shazam at all :-( )
Hey all, posted on this before but it seems to have gotten lost. I downloaded MusicID using the links people posted, never got it to work so tried to uninstall and it left an icon in my programmes, did what people said and tried to uninstall by reinstalling and now i have THREE musicid icons left none of which work - can someone tell me how to get rid of this horrid programme (which incidentally sadly doesnt compare with Shazam at all :-( )
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This is the third new thread you have started on this topic. Please read the sticky at the top of the Forum and stop polluting - this is not a Helpdesk and you are not entitled to an answer.
I suspect diligent use of the search tool would give you what you need - I'm sure I remember seeing a solution
Thank you for your post.
There is no solution posted here as regards to uninstall (and my initial direction was as to "install"), or rather there is one that was posted to another member and does not work, indeed it is a problem many have referenced hence the inquiry (not a demand for a response).
There are many questions posed here with people asking for assistance and many people who are good enough to provide answers recognising that is part of the spirit of this forum - if you do not wish to answer the thread then there is no obligation to do so but I do not feel that people should have any hesitation in posting on any matter they may choose.
If by what your saying you mean there's an broken shortcut to the application under the programs menu that was left behind after you uninstalled the application, you can delete those broken links by going into Windows/Start menu/Programs. Here you should see all the .lnk files associated with every program you have on your phone (including the broken links for musicId). Just delete these and they should be gone. Of course needless to say.....I'm sure you've already uninstalled the application from under start-->settings-->system-->remove programs.
in /windows/Start menu/Programs folder remove the icons.
and i agree with iain.fraser, a simple bump to the original thread should have sufficed
Thank you for the help.
The icons are there when you go windows/start/programs (not in the scroll down start menu or the slide along menu but actually on the programmes screen which shows all programmes i.e just like the icons for all the other applications, activesync, camera etc...) and cant seem to be deleted from there and there is no option to delete icons ( this is following uninstalling the programme by "removing programmes").
Its always good to have a program like SK Tools and officialy uninstall the programs from there to make sure they are completely gone!
Hmmmm that's weird. What options do you get if you tap and hold using your stylus on the musicID icons? Coz well, deleting icons is a pretty straight forward process.
Thank you for your post.
There is no solution posted here as regards to uninstall (and my initial direction was as to "install"), or rather there is one that was posted to another member and does not work, indeed it is a problem many have referenced hence the inquiry (not a demand for a response).
There are many questions posed here with people asking for assistance and many people who are good enough to provide answers recognising that is part of the spirit of this forum - if you do not wish to answer the thread then there is no obligation to do so but I do not feel that people should have any hesitation in posting on any matter they may choose.
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Your slightly hurt tone might have been avoided by your reading the rules of the Forum, which apply to you just as they do to everyone else here.
It is not your request that poses an issue, rather the three requests in fairly quick succession, which edges towards demanding.
Plugging the search terms 'MusicID' and 'uninstall' into the Forum Search facility at the top of the Forum returned two hits, the second of which is a thread around the coolest applications installed. Post 17 of that thread purports to offer a solution to uninstalling. If you have already tried that, you could widen out to other Forums, to the Internet as a whole, or even contact the developers of MusicID before bumping one of your original threads. Any of these would be fine - starting another new thread isn't.
Please do read the sticky - it might prove useful in future
Thanks i know its strange and frustrating - basically it created a new file called "ATT music", you click on that file in the programmes page (not the touch flo programme page where you can select and remove whatever you want but the windows programme page which shows you everything) and it opens a new icon saying "3 music id" i try to delete that by holding the stylus on it and it just says the file cannot be opened and to try reinstalling or restoring it. There are three such ATT files now on my system that i can't delete.
Hmmm...try deleting the files through activesync. Or as a last resort.....use SK Tools. It's pretty effective. You can download a trial version.
Good Luck.
Great thanks - i'll give it a go. help much appreciated!!!
Hey all, posted on this before but it seems to have gotten lost. I downloaded MusicID using the links people posted, never got it to work so tried to uninstall and it left an icon in my programmes, did what people said and tried to uninstall by reinstalling and now i have THREE musicid icons left none of which work - can someone tell me how to get rid of this horrid programme (which incidentally sadly doesnt compare with Shazam at all :-( )
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Hi, Sorry to hear it did not work for you. Did you have .net 3.5 installed?
This is the link I used to find the right cab:
I did read on another forum that the trick to uninstalling it was to install again on top and reply "yes" to the remove earlier version option and then cancel the install after that.
It works very well on my HD - I can sit in the chair across the room from the radio and it will pick up the music fine and after about 30 seconds it has done the sampling, analyzing and provided the track details.
It's not very good on classical music though !!
Thanks cheesy dave. I tried what the uninstall by reinstall and it just gave me another dead icon (now 3 as i tried it twice).
It's a shame as it looks like fun if you can get it to work. I think i have the old net compact (is there a way to check) maybe the first thing i should do is upgrade it.
Thanks cheesy dave. I tried what the uninstall by reinstall and it just gave me another dead icon (now 3 as i tried it twice).
It's a shame as it looks like fun if you can get it to work. I think i have the old net compact (is there a way to check) maybe the first thing i should do is upgrade it.
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Hi, you should know if you have .Net 3.5 as it needs to be installed separately. By default the HD comes with the much earlier .Net framework. So if you have to ask then probably you have only the standard. I would recommend installing the new version - there are links in this forum for it. Also, try the wiki pages:
Many applications need the new version to work. I personally have no idea if musicid needs it. It does work fine on my HD and I do have .net 3.5 installed and set as the default.
Here is a useful link that has the registry key you can check to see what .net you have:
I find the musicid fun, I doubt I will use it every day but now and then it will be good to have it available.
Regards, D
Here is the Microsoft link for .Net 3.5:
(if the link is no good then go to microsoft and search for "NETCFSetupv35")
Great thanks - i'll give it a go. help much appreciated!!!
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what happened when you tried SKtools?

PLS help with 4thing to diamond

hi guys, sorry for new thread but i need few things for my diamond. i wrote to support center but no answer, here is what i need
"hi guys, have diamond for a few days, searched and read lot of stuff here but still didnt find exactly what I wanted, maybe somen can help me with these things:
1. I would like to have battery life in % eg: 75%
2. Some simple organizer (dont like default calendar too much)
3. which processes I can kill with something to get more performance from my diamond? (for example: i kill opera9 - which I dont use and the process starts automatically)
4. really good and simple keyboard which can be used by fingers
really big thanks to someone who can help"
hawk_ktulu said:
hi guys, sorry for new thread but i need few things for my diamond. i wrote to support center but no answer, here is what i need
"hi guys, have diamond for a few days, searched and read lot of stuff here but still didnt find exactly what I wanted, maybe somen can help me with these things:
1. I would like to have battery life in % eg: 75%
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hawk_ktulu said:
2. Some simple organizer (dont like default calendar too much)
3. which processes I can kill with something to get more performance from my diamond? (for example: i kill opera9 - which I dont use and the process starts automatically)
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hawk_ktulu said:
4. really good and simple keyboard which can be used by fingers
really big thanks to someone who can help"
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Now I found these all on the very first page of the forum.
So I'm going to use a quote that is been used many times on the forum.
it's there for your pleasure.
also, just browse around and who knows what nice things you may find.
FuzzFuzz said:
Now I found these all on the very first page of the forum.
So I'm going to use a quote that is been used many times on the forum.
it's there for your pleasure.
also, just browse around and who knows what nice things you may find.
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there is ton of stuff here, Ive tried to read lot of threads/posts - tried search, maybe I was using wrong words...didn't find much things that I though it is useful
so ****ING thangs for answer, I will look at those threads
hawk_ktulu said:
there is ton of stuff here, Ive tried to read lot of threads/posts - tried search, maybe I was using wrong words...didn't find much things that I though it is useful
so ****ING thangs for answer, I will look at those threads
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Well, there is this thing about this forum.
You see, lots of people are building nice little programs for windows based phones, and there are many things that they didn't think of, because they didn't think that their keyboard was a really big problem.
They did find it a problem to have a keyboard to use with their fingers, because ot wouldn't leave enough space for their text mesaging.
battery life, it's seeded on the forum about that object.
and I did see a program that helped closing programs for you, but you might just wanna try start -> settings -> taskmanager -> buttons, maybe this already helps you
Everything on this forum is free and everyone is very willing to help you, but not if we see a question for the so maniest time.
What I propose to you, is if you are looking for something, but can't find it, make a request.
make perfectly clear what you are looking for and how this could benefit you.
maybe one of the programmers might see the benefit as well and wants to write someting for you.
hawk_ktulu said:
hi guys, sorry for new thread but i need few things for my diamond. i wrote to support center but no answer, here is what i need
"hi guys, have diamond for a few days, searched and read lot of stuff here but still didnt find exactly what I wanted, maybe somen can help me with these things:
1. I would like to have battery life in % eg: 75%
2. Some simple organizer (dont like default calendar too much)
3. which processes I can kill with something to get more performance from my diamond? (for example: i kill opera9 - which I dont use and the process starts automatically)
4. really good and simple keyboard which can be used by fingers
really big thanks to someone who can help"
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Well the answers you have got show just what an unwelcoming and unfriendly place this is - certainly one of the worst forums for that I know. But then lots of useful info too, and that is the problem. Despite the "in crowd" people's suggestion the search tool is marginally more useful than wetting your finger and sticking it in the air, unless you are used to it!
Just a shame nobody has any Christmas spirit for newcomers aint it!
Hmm, I see what you mean.
Funny thing is, I didn't mean it to be this harsh, but as I read it back, I see how easily it is to provoke people.
So hereby I apologize to Hawk-Kthulu
I'll also will use the f word some less in the future.

[RQST] G-sensor shortcut app

it would be great of someone could write an app which uses the gsensor to launch several user defined shortcuts.
for example: if i would want to to launch my navigation, i would simply shake the device, and for my calender i would rollover the device.
I would really appreciate any effort in a program like this.
I'm pretty sure something like this just came out. I know I saw it yesterday.
I looked through the sites I'm commonly on, and didnt find it. I'm sure I saw a video and cab for one!
Sorry to be of no help.
Keep looking!
Found it! I searched, and found a link to a thread here on XDA.
valkryomnia said:
Found it! I searched, and found a link to a thread here on XDA.
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Great!!! just what I was looking for.
Thanks man!!!!
Let search G-Trigger in here you'll find it.

