Sigh. Camera not fixed in the update :( - Nexus One General

No flash + low light = red blotch in the middle of your picture.
Still there. Most prominent if you take a shot of a white wall in low light without the flash in incandescent light, but it's there in all low light no flash shots. People's faces turning bright red, etc.
HTC released a software fix for the HD2, but apparently they didn't deem the N1 worthy yet.
Examples here:


Camera Flash

When taking pictures in a dark environment, the camera flash on my EVO darn near blinds whoever I'm taking pictures of, resulting in a bunch of "I just smelled sh*t" faces. Anybody have any idea on how to maybe dim the flash without turning it off altogether?
I would really like to see an answert to this...and also to an issue with the flash that I have experienced. It seems that, with no consistency or reason that I can discern, the flash goes "blue" and results in a picture with an overall blue tint. Any ideas?
most LED flashes do it, i just deal with it
I think a better idea is to have the flash on at a low level so your subject knows where to look, and then the moment you click the flash goes 100%. My old touch pro did that but I don't know why EVO will not?
The light meter on this phone is slow, and it takes a while for the exposure to adjust to the very bright LED lighting. I Also think the WB is off on a lot of pictures as well. Lets hope HTC and Sprint fixes this because the camera and camcorder could be a LOT better than they are.
it would be nice if we could turn off one of the leds as an option which would help with close nite time pictures

[Q] Any pics of a TF *without* light bleed?

Hey all-
I'm seriously debating returning my TF due to light bleed. After reading all the threads on the subject has anyone come across a pic of a TF101 without light bleed? I really want to compare mine vs. a 'perfect' unit before I send it in for replacement...
For reference my unit is part of the B50 batch from
I don't think mine has light bleed. But it's really hard to take a picture of one "without" light bleed because you can always set the exposure low enough so that you don't see any light bleed. It's a problem with how to take a standard exposure picture. All the pictures and videos you see have exposure settings / shuttle settings that effect how obvious the light bleed is.
I think it really comes down to just watching a dark movie scene - if you see light bleed, and it's annoying enough, then return it. A picture is difficult to truly see light bleed. You might see relative light bleed, but not absolute light bleed.
I'm about to return mine - the power button is stuck in the depressed position. But, no light bleed.
I don't think mine has any light bleed at all... that, or I am not sure what you guys are referring to as light bleed. Is it around the screen or another part of the bezel?
I'll check mine tonight and see if I notice any light leaking around it.
when talking about light bleed they mean the greyish areas at the ends of the screen. usually only noticable on a all black BG. what people dont know is that Most ips devices have light bleed problems. even iPads. if its not really noticable then dont return it. if its too hig then exchange it but know that the next unit you get will probably still suffer from light bleed. how much is anyones guess though.
My light bleed isn't noticeable
I do have some however on the bottom left edge area charger is not working anymore

Camera Flash is not white LED, its yellowish dull LED!!

Not sure if its just me, however, I tried taking a few photos in full darkness with flash on or even in low light. I realized that the flash was very dull and did not produce sharp photos as should happen when the flash is on. This phone has dual LED flash and I can still say that my Galaxy S3 with single LED flash had a better performance and produced really good photos with flash on.
The problem I see here is that the flash is kinda yellow in color while S3 had a pure white flash and that too extremely bright, however, with N6P thats not the case. Has anyone else noticed the same and is there a possible fix for the same ?
I agree, it's not that bright...
The flash on the Nexus 4 is also brighter than this one.
Casmo said:
I agree, it's not that bright...
The flash on the Nexus 4 is also brighter than this one.
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Yes, infact all other phones have a white light flash while this one has a yellowish flash. Even if you're using it as a flash light its evident. This is really depressing to see on an overall excellent phone, though my phone too has that ghoulish yellowish tint, but I've learned to live with it.
I agree, the LEDs are not as bright. My Nexus 5 ( 2013 ) has a stronger LED with a cold white tone while the Nexus 6p is not as bright and has indeed a warm-white tint. It´s not a huge problem though since I don´t use my phone as a torch light.
I believe when I first got it I had used it as a flashlight in a dark bedroom. When I was near the wall I could see that the two LEDs looks like they were different colors. One appeared more yellow while the other was more white. I assumed it had to do with balancing out the flash or something. I didn't really pay much attention to it because I take very few photos with flash.
The Nexus 6P (like many newer phones) has a dual LED flash. One LED is a warm white, while the other is cool white. When taking a photo, the two lights are mixed to create a color balance the camera deems appropriate to the scene. When using the flashlight it just turns them both on at a fixed brightness, resulting in a warm-ish colored light.
I really *don't* like this - there should be an option to just have the cool BRIGHT led activate when the tourch function is used

Nexus 6P: Camera Issues (Hot Pixels?)

6P Camera issues (hot pixels?)
I'm having issues with my brand new Nexus 6P device. While taking HDR+ photos under low light conditions, or using the flash with HDR+ I see a red dot on the right corner (vertical) or very center top (horizontal) in each single photo, while it is processing the image. After processing is done, the dot is being filtered out by the software, but I don't think this is normal... Since the dot is always in the same place. I have a few sample photos of how it looks in low light but not allowed to post links here yet.
The red dot does not appear when HDR+ is switched off, or when there's plenty of light when taking the photo.
I'm guessing nobody else has this issue, or I'm worried for nothing. It's just peculiar how the red spot is always at the exact same place, while processing. That got me wondering if there is something wrong with it.
I have not had this issue on the Nexus 6P. However, I've had this issue on a Canon digital camera before, although the dot appeared in all my photos!
What I can tell you is that stuck/hot pixels are common. In fact, almost all camera sensors are produced with some amount of bad pixels (on accident of course, just part of manufacturing tiny things), but they simply modify the firmware to edit the pixel out. This only works so long as there aren't a ton of bad pixels or no new bad pixels arise after the camera is shipped out. In the case of my Canon camera, I had to send it back under warranty for them to modify the firmware and map out the bad pixel. Later, when I got more bad pixels out of warranty, I sideloaded custom software on the camera to map out the new ones myself.
Now, what may be happening in your case is that the Nexus 6P firmware is designed to try to map out bad pixels on the fly. Does the dot appear in any final photos, or just in the processing preview? Either way, I would suggest contacting customer support immediately as your phone may require a replacement to prevent it getting any worse!
Hannes084 said:
I'm having issues with my brand new Nexus 6P device. While taking HDR+ photos under low light conditions, or using the flash with HDR+ I see a red dot on the right corner (vertical) or very center top (horizontal) in each single photo, while it is processing the image. After processing is done, the dot is being filtered out by the software, but I don't think this is normal... Since the dot is always in the same place. I have a few sample photos of how it looks in low light but not allowed to post links here yet.
The red dot does not appear when HDR+ is switched off, or when there's plenty of light when taking the photo.
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Check to see if there is any bleed on the screen, I had something vaguely similar on my s3 where I had some black dots, visible only in certain conditions, there is a screen test app which allows the screen to be on but whilst it's blacked out, at certain angles you can see the blotches.
Apogies if this isn't the case...
If not, take pics of clear and bright images eg: a white piece of paper or anything light and clear, take shots with different effects turned on on the camera to see if you can capture the speck.
If it does indeed appear to be a hardware fault the only fix is going to be a return or a hardware fix.

Camera white balance issues

Howdy, a quick question. Has anybody noticed with the Mate 9 camera that the colors get quite over saturated (especially the skin color) when the photo is taken under artificial light (i.e. incandescent or fluorescent)?
I've had the Mate 9 now about a week and otherwise the great camera really struggles with the white balance in certain lighting conditions.
My previous phone was Samsung Galaxy Note 4 and the camera took some really really good photos.
I noticed more general difficulties of all kind of digital cameras with artificial light. Especially with led or energy-saving bulbs or even fluorescent tubes, ranging from focussing problems over incorrect white balance and saturation to some kind of miscolored yellowish waves.
I have almost the same problem. Photos are useless in bright light. whenever there is bright white color the camera cannot handle it. the result is a photo taken with very cheap camera. useless. Anyone know how to fix it? is it a software or hardware problem?
Never got issues with white objects even on artificial light...! Camera performing well... No blur
I have two Mate 9 here. Both cameras working very well in a way that I sometimes let my Nex at home. They do not better than the Nex but good enough. I have the impression that the one with Nougat works better than Oreo in dark situations, pictures have less noise.
White coloured objects are no problem at all.

