Ok... I was big into kernels, processes, everything on my N1 so I am quite familiar with tracking battery life by different means. I can provide the following information:
At 11:20pm, my phone was at 100% and had moderate signal and was connected to WiFi - full strength.
At 5:50am, my phone was at 83% battery with NO USAGE, not even the screen turned on once.
My Battery Use had the Android System at the top of the usage with ~30% usage. The CPU Usage was over 1h 30m!
The above is extremely odd since I didn't touch the phone. My N1 would've been <2 min.
In the Battery History CPU Usage section, SUSPEND was the only item with red and it was roughly 15% full.
The SUSPEND function, I believe, is the controller that suspends the functions of the phone so it can go to sleep. It should never use this much battery.
There are tons of packages in the Battery Use screen, which is weird. Some of the ones are: Settings Storage, RilFactoryApp,, AllShare, Error, Checkin Service, BluetoothTest, Perso, BrcmBluetoothServices,, Sync Feeds, Settings, Factory Test, Network Location, VPN Services, Android System, WlanTest
A lot of these items (and more) show up in Advanced Task Manager, and they never existed on my N1.
I believe that destroying these services via ATM greatly improves battery life (even though generally it isn't needed in Android). After killing them all and keeping an eye on it, only 2 or 3 have respawned and my CPU usage is <1m which proportionally is much lower than the former experience.
Anyone have any ideas or input?
I've been trying to figure this out also...each battery had its on date on first battery was june current one is june 6/28 battery also had a little qr barcode on it....
The 6/21 battery was pretty I'll be using my 6/28 battery for the first was charged at 39% and 10 hours later only lost 10% and is at 29% now...i must say that's pretty good because I was certain it would be dead in the morning. I'm gonna test it the next couple of days and see how it holds up....our issues may be as simple as getting the right production of batteries...wouldn't that be a relief? Lol
Or....i could just be crazy
Sent from my Samsung Vibrant using XDA App
My only battery weirdness is that I turned off autobrightness and cranked the brightness and my battery life dramatically improved. Would get home form work and have 30%, now I have something like 50%...
No clue why unless using the light sensor or making the adjustments uses more juice than it should.
popypopy said:
My only battery weirdness is that I turned off autobrightness and cranked the brightness and my battery life dramatically improved. Would get home form work and have 30%, now I have something like 50%...
No clue why unless using the light sensor or making the adjustments uses more juice than it should.
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This isn't relevant to these problems though as I'm talking about standby time.
Oh and my android system is only at 3%
Sent from my Samsung Vibrant using XDA App
Anyone else have any ideas?
good idea
I think it is a good idea to track running tasks.
Let us create a list of tasks for stock apps and the most often used off the market ones. Then everybody could decide for herself what apps to run. Being able to compare function and price (here battery drainage) is a great thing. The list might contain:
name of the app | the name as appeared in task managers | function | typical power drainage (high, moderate, low, or how many hours will battery last if only the app were running)
I think, the top post could be moderated as needed appropriately.
I don't know, but my battery life is pretty bad. Today I had the phone connected to my laptop via USB, and my laptop connected to the wall. I was using the phone and my battery percentage was STILL going down, even though it was plugged in!
Sent from my Samsung Vibrant using XDA App
ArcticWolf91 said:
I don't know, but my battery life is pretty bad. Today I had the phone connected to my laptop via USB, and my laptop connected to the wall. I was using the phone and my battery percentage was STILL going down, even though it was plugged in!
Sent from my Samsung Vibrant using XDA App
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Well USB will always charge slow...
hah2110 said:
Well USB will always charge slow...
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Always plug the phone into the wall if you can. The USB from the laptop doesn't charge at the same rate.
I kill all my running apps that I don't need with ATM, then rid all unnecessary widgets, turn the brightness off of auto and on the lowest setting you prefer, turn off GSP, turn off Wifi, turn off Bluetooth and noticed a huge improvement.
iunlock said:
Always plug the phone into the wall if you can. The USB from the laptop doesn't charge at the same rate.
I kill all my running apps that I don't need with ATM, then rid all unnecessary widgets, turn the brightness off of auto and on the lowest setting you prefer, turn off GSP, turn off Wifi, turn off Bluetooth and noticed a huge improvement.
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Now you just need to reduce screen size by 80%, get rid of the touch interface and you have a Nokia 6110. I guaranty 7 days until the battery drains.
Some other ways to deal with battery life are:
a. Get a second battery.
b. Charge the damn thing once in a while.
That way, you can actually enjoy the smartphone and think less about killing processes and *****ing how bad the battery life is on forums.
I just rooted my Vibrant the other day and installed setCPU. I set the max to 800 and the min to 200 using the conservative setting and i noticed much better battery life the very next day. Having a 1ghz processor is awesome but it seems that default settings for this phone probably has it running at the rate possibly when the screen is off also.
al74 said:
Now you just need to reduce screen size by 80%, get rid of the touch interface and you have a Nokia 6110. I guaranty 7 days until the battery drains.
Some other ways to deal with battery life are:
a. Get a second battery.
b. Charge the damn thing once in a while.
That way, you can actually enjoy the smartphone and think less about killing processes and *****ing how bad the battery life is on forums.
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I'd have to go with this. Just some common sense will go along way. If you dont absolutely need the GPS, bluetooth, or WiFi turn them off (the phone even gives you a widget for it...). Even with the brightness at 0% its still darn bright.
Sure it requires a bit more input from the user but its still a darn good device.
popypopy said:
My only battery weirdness is that I turned off autobrightness and cranked the brightness and my battery life dramatically improved. Would get home form work and have 30%, now I have something like 50%...
No clue why unless using the light sensor or making the adjustments uses more juice than it should.
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Thats what i did and my battery life improved alot.
I keep seeing all these threads about how people are getting rediculous hours on 1 charge, but mostly all the post I see are people with rooted phones. What are the best ways to increase battery live on a epic with stock rom?
Those crazy battery life u see is ppl putting their phone in airplane mode and with very limited use. They don't mean anything. But some tips to improve batt life are keep screen brightness down, turn off 4g when not in use, maybe use juice defender to automatically turn off 3g whenever the screen is off.
Sent from my Epic 4G
I'm 100% stock, unrooted.
Turned off Auto-Sync
Brightness set to auto
Wifi on, since I'm usually within range of work or home wifi
Swapped Wifi policy to never drop when asleep. (prevents wifi from dropping and going to 3g)
Killed that absolutely stupid DRM process
Activate Airplane mode after initial boot and turn it back off. (Due to Samsung bug)
Have any program that syncs set to sync at 2hr intervals
My battery life with heavy usage will last over 6 hours (games, txts, browsing, app downloading). With moderate usage it usually can go 15 hours (sans app downloading), and with light usage I've pushed it 2 days (games and txts).
Mind you I don't use the browser much since 90% of my day is in front a PC, Mon-Fri.
I'm 100% stock, no root as well.
1.Train your battery!
when I got my phone I did at least 3 full charge/complete discharge cycles
2.I do not use any Task Killers or JuiceDefender (tried and uninstalled for ineffectiveness), I just use built in tool to monitor running programs and kill off the one I do not need. I prefer not to install application that do not have clean exit programmed. I do use JuicePlotter to monitor battery charge/discharge.
3. After each reboot toggle airplane mode on and off(Airplane trick)
4. Go to Menu/Settings/Applications/Running Services and shut down all services that not needed (DRM, MediaHub, etc)
5. Set brightness to minimal possible value (works fine for me), not auto set - when I need it on the street just slide the finger across the status bar and raise the level as needed.
6. All 4G, GPS, Wi-Fi are off and on only when needed. I use Wi-Fi home, 4G at work, rest of the places 3G or whatever is available. My data/sync is always on. Wi-Fi set to never sleep.
7. I have Roaming Guard off since my house in the very poor reception area so it's roaming most of the time but there is wi-fi for data.
8. Use dark background/wallpaper (I use Star Wars light speed jump live wallpaper)
IMO the battery life is depend on the type of use. From my 2 month experience the following battery killer tasks are:
1.Streaming video, music with screen on (will discharge the battery even when plugged in.
1a.Streaming music with screen off.
2. I haven't tried tethering (hot spot mode) but would think it's a killer as well
3. Browsing web, especially over 3G
4. Roaming
5. Game playing.
6. GPS
Obviously you can have a bad (defective) battery, but it's likely less then 1%.
Good luck!
nikon120 - What do you consider moderate? I consider my usage to be moderate, but I can't go 15hrs. Yesterday after fully charging the phone from mid point, my phone completely died after 5hrs, with very light usuage as most of that time I was busy. Today with light to moderate usage, my phone is indicating that it needs to be charged at roughly hr 10.
stud_muffler - I'm not familair with this airplane trick you're referring to. Can you enlighten me?
I'm doing most of the things suggested in this post, but I still don't think the battery usage I'm getting is up to par. The battery life on my Epic is much worse then what I was getting on my WinMo TP2, with roughly the same amount of usage.
noreboy said:
stud_muffler - I'm not familair with this airplane trick you're referring to. Can you enlighten me?
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After you reboot the phone press and hold Power button until it buzz.
Menu will appear.
Select and touch Airplane Mode option. It will turn off all radio and show plane icon in the status bar.
wait few seconds and repeat to turn radio on.
that's all.
I have a STreak 318 running StreakDroid 1.8.1.
U am using SetCPU set to 'smartass' (also tried 'conservative')
Battery life still sucks.
What other settings are there to improve my battery life?
I don't care much about gaming speeds etc.
My battery was draining about 25% per hour on 1.8.1. I noticed that there is an option under Accounts & Sync > Gmail > Sync Music that kept spinning and spinning. I unchecked and now getting about 5% per hour discharge with moderate to heavy usage. Much better!
And after a little Googling:
Has something to do with the Honeycomb music app ported to 2.2 Froyo.
I'm using StreakDroid 1.9 and I'm getting 2%/hr drain on idle.
Wifi & gps are the only radios that I have on, BT and cell radios are off.
Not bad I guess.
When I had the cell radio on, it was draining 2.2%/hr
Neo3D said:
I'm using StreakDroid 1.9 and I'm getting 2%/hr drain on idle.
Wifi & gps are the only radios that I have on, BT and cell radios are off.
Not bad I guess.
When I had the cell radio on, it was draining 2.2%/hr
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For me, by far the most battery intensive items on the list are Idle (47%) and GSM (38%), and on a typical day I keep the screen open for about two hours (internet and ebook reading).
Ideally, my goal would be to charge it only once every two days. I presently use Juice Defender Ultimate and Nobars.
In comparison, my wife's Galaxy S lasts over three days on a single charge, and she doesn't use any battery saving apps. Her GSM antenna seems to use WAY less power, but of course her AMOLED screen uses more. Is the Streak's radio that different from the Galaxy S?
I have check out by battery is in good condition.
but still i have battery drain problems.
problems started the day one i flashed a rom.
and the battery draining problem is just due to display.
without display on data connection on, and full time in proper connectivity area:
with music playback i get approx. 10hrs
or with bluetooth 6hrs
or on call i got 5 hrs
this were my battery stats.
but with display on for just 1 hr without any use idealy on homescreen itself it.
so i needed to know were will i get to change the display settings as i was using the lowest brightness of the rom.
i needed to change other features of display were are they available.
it will thankful of you if you help.
Turn your contrast down, use a conservative kernel setting and apart from that, if its still really bad (after a few battery cycles) then its f+$%ked unfortunately.
It's amazing how much we actually use our phones in a given day, especially when we watch "videos"! Rate this thread to express how many hours of screen-on time you can get on the Moto Z2 Force before depleting the battery.
Then, drop a comment if you have anything to add!
I haven't been able to just drain the battery with this screen time from full to 80% in battery saver mode trying to get every drop out of the phone. This wasn't heavy gaming or CPU intensive stuff, just YouTube and some social media. Still great time compared to the sot of my M9
4 hours on the first full drain.
I've managed to get from 100% to 8% with screen on time being about 5 and a half hours with only using the battery saving from 15% I'd add my screen shot but I'm unsure how you add them on here
Okay but I've been listening to music since 7:00 this morning and I'm at 53% now ( it's 4:00 so it's been about 9 hours )
IDK if this helped me at all but I used root booster and used stability boost
4 hours and 5mins for my first full drain using all features in Greenify with aggressive doze. Also have L Speed installed suing it's balanced profile.
I've hit 5hrs SOT for my 1st three days of owning this device in a row.
Hello all, I am the new owner of Tmobile Z2 force. I have owned this device for a month. There is something I like to say about battery life. For those who are experiencing short battery life, there is something consuming the battery. I have found the cause.
On the homescreen on stock launcher:
Clock widget- if you tap the tiny weather icon above the time in the clock widget, the weather app opens up. Then click the three horizontal line menu on the top left of the app. A pop-out menu is open. Then click on weather settings. As you can see, the current location enables by default. This option causes using GPS constantly; it's like a live GPS constantly. This drains the battery so much. Toggle it off and manually add the location helps battery life much better by a huge margin.
On the system menu:
Connected Devices tab- toggle off the NFC and Bluetooth for those of you who don't use them very much. It also drains the battery too.
Security & location tab- Click on location. Then click on scanning. From there, you can see WIFI and Bluetooth scanning. Toggle both of these off. It drains battery like crazy.
Mode: There are different kind of mode- high accuracy, battery saving, and device only. I use battery saving mode. I test with device only, it consumes battery more than high accuracy, but not battery saving mode. Only use high accuracy if you rely on google map navigation a lot. My opinion...
After changing those settings, I was able to get 4 hours and half of screen on time at the most with 17 to 18 hours on battery AT 50% level in the end of the day. I did not charge halfway. That is pretty amazing for this tiny 2700 mah given in this phone. I'm blown away.
I also like to mention that I am a light to moderate user. I use 9gag, chrome (occasionally), greader (rss reader), whatsapp, youtube (occasionally), google hangout, ip webcam, gmail, outlook, and skype for business.
There are several factors that affects the battery life such as bad wifi. In my work, there is a wifi, but it drains my phone like hell. My wifi at home doesn't drain my phone battery. It's easy on it. That's something to look out for.
crazy1990 said:
Hello all, I am the new owner of Tmobile Z2 force. I have owned this device for a month. There is something I like to say about battery life. For those who are experiencing short battery life, there is something consuming the battery. I have found the cause.
On the homescreen on stock launcher:
Clock widget- if you tap the tiny weather icon above the time in the clock widget, the weather app opens up. Then click the three horizontal line menu on the top left of the app. A pop-out menu is open. Then click on weather settings. As you can see, the current location enables by default. This option causes using GPS constantly; it's like a live GPS constantly. This drains the battery so much. Toggle it off and manually add the location helps battery life much better by a huge margin.
On the system menu:
Connected Devices tab- toggle off the NFC and Bluetooth for those of you who don't use them very much. It also drains the battery too.
Security & location tab- Click on location. Then click on scanning. From there, you can see WIFI and Bluetooth scanning. Toggle both of these off. It drains battery like crazy.
Mode: There are different kind of mode- high accuracy, battery saving, and device only. I use battery saving mode. I test with device only, it consumes battery more than high accuracy, but not battery saving mode. Only use high accuracy if you rely on google map navigation a lot. My opinion...
After changing those settings, I was able to get 4 hours and half of screen on time at the most with 17 to 18 hours on battery AT 50% level in the end of the day. I did not charge halfway. That is pretty amazing for this tiny 2700 mah given in this phone. I'm blown away.
I also like to mention that I am a light to moderate user. I use 9gag, chrome (occasionally), greader (rss reader), whatsapp, youtube (occasionally), google hangout, ip webcam, gmail, outlook, and skype for business.
There are several factors that affects the battery life such as bad wifi. In my work, there is a wifi, but it drains my phone like hell. My wifi at home doesn't drain my phone battery. It's easy on it. That's something to look out for.
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Thank you so much. You cannot believe how drastically my battery life improved. I was barely getting 2 and half screen on time. You are a savior. Thanks again.
Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Tapatalk
sastheayubian said:
Thank you so much. You cannot believe how drastically my battery life improved. I was barely getting 2 and half screen on time. You are a savior. Thanks again.
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No problem. Glad to help.
crazy1990 said:
Hello all, I am the new owner of Tmobile Z2 force. I have owned this device for a month. There is something I like to say about battery life. For those who are experiencing short battery life, there is something consuming the battery. I have found the cause.
On the homescreen on stock launcher:
Clock widget- if you tap the tiny weather icon above the time in the clock widget, the weather app opens up. Then click the three horizontal line menu on the top left of the app. A pop-out menu is open. Then click on weather settings. As you can see, the current location enables by default. This option causes using GPS constantly; it's like a live GPS constantly. This drains the battery so much. Toggle it off and manually add the location helps battery life much better by a huge margin.
On the system menu:
Connected Devices tab- toggle off the NFC and Bluetooth for those of you who don't use them very much. It also drains the battery too.
Security & location tab- Click on location. Then click on scanning. From there, you can see WIFI and Bluetooth scanning. Toggle both of these off. It drains battery like crazy.
Mode: There are different kind of mode- high accuracy, battery saving, and device only. I use battery saving mode. I test with device only, it consumes battery more than high accuracy, but not battery saving mode. Only use high accuracy if you rely on google map navigation a lot. My opinion...
After changing those settings, I was able to get 4 hours and half of screen on time at the most with 17 to 18 hours on battery AT 50% level in the end of the day. I did not charge halfway. That is pretty amazing for this tiny 2700 mah given in this phone. I'm blown away.
I also like to mention that I am a light to moderate user. I use 9gag, chrome (occasionally), greader (rss reader), whatsapp, youtube (occasionally), google hangout, ip webcam, gmail, outlook, and skype for business.
There are several factors that affects the battery life such as bad wifi. In my work, there is a wifi, but it drains my phone like hell. My wifi at home doesn't drain my phone battery. It's easy on it. That's something to look out for.
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Thank you very much, I just bought my phone and was a little disappointed with battery life, GPS is a real battery drainer.
i kinda wish active use went into battery stats, because i stream podcasts and music all day at work, at the end of my day my phone is somewhere around 40% and only has like 2hrs of SOT but has been on "standby" for close to 18-20 hours by the time i plug it in at night
Great SOT
I'm very happy with this phone, durable, slim, blazing fast and modular.
For one of the thinnest phone with SD835 im very pleased with battery life.
Screenshot with Oreo Update
Normal use, spotify for an hour or so, a lot of instagram, some facebook and twitter, and Youtube over bluetooth on my car, moderate web browsing without using battery saver and remaining 8% of battery
I have over 7h sot by watching videos, playing music and messaging by using 5GHz Wifi, mobile network in standby. Rest of battery by 25%.
Here screenshot, hope it's working now. Have do it convert to jpg.
Ok, don't work. But, 7h, 13m is the sot.
This phone inpressed me with SOT! I owned a Moto Z and battrey was a dissapointment. While this has a 2750mah battrey it cant be much better than this!Planning to buy a powermod but now its not needed:angel:
Getting 8Hrs+ SOT on Oreo :laugh:
Sent from my Moto Z2 Force using XDA Labs
Yes, it's great. Much better as on my old phone. Sure the 10nm chip is here very helpful. And the OLED panel, which is much better as just Full HD. I see a big difference between just 400dpi and this. Watching film on this, so important. I'm short-sighted, so I can really see it. My battery had 2733mAh at the beginning and now 2705mAh after last security update. What's you capacity?
allrightlite said:
My battery had 2733mAh at the beginning and now 2705mAh after last security update. What's you capacity?
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How to check ..?
Sent from my Moto Z2 Force using XDA Labs
For example with this
gyarados025 said:
How to check ..?
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Screen on time is excellent! I'm quite surprised and impressed because the phone's battery isn't that large.
Regularly getting between 5 and 6 hours SOT!
My highscore: 6:58 :laugh: