Hero Rom On MyTouch Bluetooth Fix? - myTouch 3G, Magic General

Okay I am running KiNgxKxROM_v2.3 and the only thing Im missing is my bluetooth... Does anyone have a fix for it or recommend me another ROM that has the HTC Widgets?
Also what's the lastest and coolest ROMs for MT3G?

There isnt a hero rom out that has bluetooth working currently

This is not entirely true - I have tried Maxismas hero rom and got the bluetooth working - but! - I could not make a call. It hangs, goes into silence and simply does not work.
You can find it here: http://db.androidspin.com/androidspin_release_display.asp?releaseid=87
maybe you'll have a better luck. Hero roms are so cool


W100 and Kaiser

Dear Xda's, i have a problem and i need help! I would like to know if there is anyone that knows a rom in which the w100 remote control works perfectly? Since all the Roms that i have tried lately (Dutty, L26, UDK) fail misserably when i try to make to make the remote work. They all af the same problem that they just dont recoqnise the remote, if i plug it in, the sounds still comes over the speaker instead of the headphones.
I also tried the drivers on each rom but they fail to install since its not necessary accourding to them. I have tried extracting the drivers and install one of the seperate drivers but they eather cause my touchscreen not to work or my sound disappears.
I've used the search btw and googled, but after 3 nights for searching and trying i havent found anything so far.
If someone knows a rom, driver or anything that works, please say it here since im gettin a bit frustated. Thanks!
Bump, anyone plix?
Just gonna do smooth bump again since after a month of trying still no succes. HTC isnt responding with an answer so my only hope is here!
L26 KaiserDiamond Throttle Launcher Beta 6 works partially
I have a Kaiser (tilt) running this ROM and the sound is OK. Volume control pops WMP (I use S2P) - mute pops Audio Control and I did not have a chance to test the phone funcitons. But at least I can liste to music
Did you try the original HTC Tytn II ROM posted somewhere in Kaiser ROM development ?
I hope this helps.

HTC Hero/Magic Bluetooth

i have a hero rom on my htc magic and everything works perfectly except the bluetooth audio,
is it possible to somehow install the original htc magic bluetooth instead of the one that comes with hero rom to get it working like before?
Bluetooth issues with Hero ROM's are a known, but they are not fixable at the moment.
So either run a ROM where it works or live with bluetooth audio not working.
Cheesebaron said:
Bluetooth issues with Hero ROM's are a known, but they are not fixable at the moment.
So either run a ROM where it works or live with bluetooth audio not working.
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Yeah a MOD should post a big sticky at the top of this forum about it, gets asked way to often, must be a bigger deal in other countries. I can do without the slow transfer rate and battery sucking feature.
Bluetooth audio is tremendously important if you spend a lot of time on the phone with bluetooth headsets. For me multitouch is one step more important. Now if only 2.0 would come out I could switch back to a rom with bluetooth!

BLuetooth problem with cyanogen 6 nightly 10192010

Hi i have a problem when using the mytouch slide (rooted) with bluetooth devices. Im currently running Cyanogen nightly build 141 with a Motorola S7- hd bluetooth headset. the media Audio works fine as i can use the controls with the music app. but when switching to make a call i cant hear anything. any way to fix this issue thanks
This is a known problem with froyo builds on the Slide. I think it's partly due to the fact that HTC haven't released the source code for the bluetooth stack yet.
The simple fix is to use a 2.1 ROM, or wait for T-Mobile to deign to release a 2.2 ROM for the Slide so that the devs can incorporate the fixes into their own ROMs.

[Q] AVRCP doesn't work on none Sence ROM's

Hi all,
I wonder why no one is asking or investigating the AVRCP issues on ROM's without Sense? It looks like something is missing in those roms that can be found inside Sense ones.
The bt call function is working as designed but play/pause/next/prev doesn't.
Any ideas?
The issue is that HTC have used their own bluetooth stack in their Sense based roms.
This stack supports the features that you are talking about.
Unfortunately, stock roms use a different stack which do not have the same features as the Sense stack.
This isn't an issue only on the HD2.
Can we get that stack and put it to nonSense roms?
AVRCP has been working on every CM6 build I've tried until recently. Just over the last week or so since I've updated to more recent nightlies I've found its stopped working. I'm currently using ginger_hd2 and it doesn't work. Also the mdj aosp gingerbread doesn't work and mdj streak ram v0.5. All the builds I've tried today!
I was using passion nightly 270 (or bravo, can't remember) and that worked fine.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
Never worked for me since I tried HyperDroid and other roms.
I'm going to revert back to my old build later today to see if it still works. I thought it might be a problem with my headset as I dropped it the other day but I tested it last night with Windows Media Player on my PC and it worked OK, switching tracks, play, pause, etc.
Will let you know how it goes.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
OK - It definitely works with my previous build.
This build is based on the Passion nightly CM6.1 v270
As I say, I've had it working on pretty much every build since the beginning of Android on the HD2 - it's only stopped working on the Gingerbread-type builds.
ie. It doesn't work on MDJs actual 2.3, or the Ginger_HD2 based on 2.2.1 with Gingerbread-style notifications, etc.
I can't work out if it's coincided with me using builds which have the newer initrd.gz...
Let's hope someone who knows about this stuff reads this thread!
What is this build with CM 6.1? Can you link it?
Try this... this one's based on 293 nightly.
Mine was a hybrid I kinda created myself using michyprima's nightly build v4, then incorporating the passion 270 files. If you look at this thread:
It'll explain how to do it...
OK, well I did some trying to fix it using MDJs Gingerbread v0.8 but no joy.
I tried replacing the three bluetooth libraries (libbluedroid.so, libbluetooth.so and libbluetoothd.so) with the working ones from my build but that didn't work.
I also tried replacing the AudioBTID.csv file as it had some slight changes and whilst it didn't fix the issue, it doesn't seem to have broken anything.
I'm currently looking at the bluetooth conf files in /system/etc/bluetooth to see if there's any differences there... think we need some dev help on this one though - I'm pretty much at the limit of what I can do....
Nope, no difference in the conf files. Also changed over the two .so files in /system/etc/lib/bluez-plugin
Again, this didn't work but didn't seem to break stuff!
That's bad. Even Sense roms has problems with media controls profile such as connecting automatically to Phone Audio only.
I feel like 1 from 1000 use it, so nobody cares
Just in case anyone finds this thread again...
MDJs NAND CM7 builds now have AVRCP working again. If you want a build without sense but with this working I suggest you try them! I'm a happy camper again!
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
Any updates on AVRCP on our devices? I am on CM7 (BoyPPC HoneyComB v31), and AVRCP does not work Do the GB sense ROMs have AVRCP capability?
I tested a few SD ROMS and AVRCP works with:
RAFDROID_HD_SD_4_2 (Sense)
AmeriCanAndroid (Gb)
JaguarMIUI-V11 (Gb)

Desire ROM for in car bluetooth SMS

Hi All,
I bought a new car this weekend (fiat 500) and it came with the Microsoft Blue&Me Bluetooth connection. When I first got the car, I was running an CM9 build and the SMS reader wouldn't work so I went back to the rooted stock rom and it still didn't work. The phone connects, pulls my contacts, and works remarkably well to make and receive calls.
According from a list from Fiat, not many phones are compatible with with the SMS system (not even iPhone!). It looks like an old list but the only htc phone that it says is compatible is the Desire. I was thinking I might be able to get it to work with a Desire rom but I am having trouble finding one. I get too many results when I search the development forum because many of the older sense roms are ports from the desire but not the desire rom (for example, the revolution rom is a port of the sensation xl rom for desire).
Does anybody know of a desire rom offhand? I was thinking there might be one available from the old days when people wanted to upgrade from the stock mysense rom.
It is a long shot but does anyone know of a ROM that will work with the Microsoft in car system?
