return key in sms? - Nexus One General

is this key missing in sms or am I doing something wrong?


Remap send key in SMS on keyboard

Is there a way to remap the Send key when I am in text messaging? When I have my keyboard open, I have a bad habit of hitting the key just above the E, which is right now programmed to be Send. How can I change/disable this? I am happy hitting the touch screen to send.
me too, i sometime send people blank messages by accidently pressing the softkey

Too much "send" while typing a SMS in landscape

Did anyone find a trick to ask for confirmation before sending a SMS ?
While I am in landscape the send button is too close to the keyboard, and it happens that I press send instead of a key.
So my SMS is uncomplete.

Saga SMS regedit?

Does anyone know where the registry is for a new SMS message? When you go to the To: Field it automatically looks like the function key is being held down. we found the registry for the MMS messages but cant seem to find the SMS registry.
Has anyone found this yet?


Is it just me, or does anyone else want the ability to add a line-feed to sms messages? Anyone know if it's possible?
The keyboard that comes up on my magic (in both portrait and lanscape mode) don't have a return button - just smiley button.
In fact, it seems you can't add a line-feed/carriage return in MMS messages either?

Changing Soft Key within the SMS Inbox?

As y'all know, the inbox default soft keys are "Delete" and "Menu".
How would I change "Delete" to "New", and then have it bring up a new, blank SMS? Is this possible?

