Does anyone have a clue why the N1 would be doing this?
It's an odd behavior. After reboot, and the colored X animation, the handset will beep 5 or 6 times in rapid succession as the unlock screen is displayed. Across the top in the status area is the message 'Preparing SD Card' along with a little SD Card/Sprocket icon.
Not sure what triggers this. I've searched the forums but couldn't find anything.
Anyone else?
Mine beeps once (that's the ringtone i have for default notifications) since when it prepares the SD card it treats it lets you know with a notification (that's what i figured anyway) - maybe your ringtone for default notifications is 5-6 beeps in a row?
Go to Settings>Sound & Display, and deactivate SD Card notification.
Can anyone help with this one?
Afetr a soft reset my mini s vibrates (approx 1 second) and bleeps the alarm 1 notify message. It does this about 6 times at 5, then 10, then continues at 30 second intervals. The red led flashes untill I fully charge it again.
I have checked the sounds and notification but can't find anything that it might be - I thought it might be the signal for a wireless network.
Any ideas would be appreciated.
I was actually having the same problem. My alarm (that was no longer set) kept going off at a certain time of day for no reason. Also when I soft reset, the alarm/notifications also went off. After reading this thread:, I tried turning off all options under Sounds & Notifications > Notifications > Event: Reminders > uncheck all. Now, try a soft reset and everything should be back to normal. (Re-enable the settings if you wish or just try the Phone Alarm program like other people to avoid the headache.)
I tried alot of things, but this one worked. I tried to remove duplicate notification entries and see if any outstanding processes were running under Task Manager--neither worked.
Try using memmaid to see if you have any old notification in the queue (not the same as looking at the "sounds and notifications" applet.
You may find old and duplicate notifications in there.... don;t just delete them all - as some of the notifications are required.
You should have searched first - there are loads of posts about this.
Charlie Grillo
I recently installed the day light savings patch to my cingular 8525 so I don't know if this has anything to do with it. However, my pre-set alarms now will chime when they're supposed to, but the "notification" in the bottom left hand corner does not come up. Now, the alarm goes on and on until I turn the phone off for a short period of time. Even then, sometimes the alarm continues to ring, maybe until it times out. But I can't seem to turn off my alarm.
Anyone have an idea of what might be causing this?
I've noticed that if I turn off ALL of my alarms that it no longer does this (no alarms to come on!) but the secondary issue is then I no longer get notices when my meetings are about to start. So either I get notification for when my meetings start and every morning I struggle with turning my alarm off, or I get no notices whatsoever.
The missed calls and text message notifications are working normally.
Lately it seems if I set the ringtone to the one I want it doesn't save it no matter what I do. And when the phone is in "standby" mode it doesn't ring at all, only gives me the red LED notification..
Still need help on this, sometimes it stays the one I've chosen but then randomly it switches back to default or "None" as it said in the soundsettings of TF3D today. I've moved the ringtone to \Windows\Rings..
1. the external sd is mounted differnent that other phones.
ie /mnt/extCard or something..
this causes issues because move to sd doesnt work, and both gps apps I have
sygic and garmin navigon dont see the external sd card so they have to download their huge maps to the internal sd (which is not very big) big problem. Tried to do a symbolic link, but without root and busybox.. not possible.
2. light notifications:
no way to change the color etc.. and turn off at night.
lightflo does not work correctly.. if you leave the built in "led indicator" settings under system on .. the notifications work but everytime you sleep the phone a stupid green light comes on.. If you turn off the built in notifications than light flow notifications no longer work.
light flo issue is a known issue.. i found the following reference:
Any solutions to these problems would be appreciated.. thanks
agree we need a way to turn off notifications at night. If you turn the phone face down, it turns off all notifications including ringer, which I need on...
Liferules said:
agree we need a way to turn off notifications at night. If you turn the phone face down, it turns off all notifications including ringer, which I need on...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Does it turn of your alarm as well?
Yes, I believe you can turn that whole feature off (the flip phone on its face turns off all sounds) but with current settings on my phone, it does mute all...
solution to one issue
spoke too soon.. still cannot get the maps on the external sd card.. tried to modify the sygic xml and it downloaded to external but wouldnt run without then on internal..also cannot create a symlink
My phone will vibrate in my hand/pocket as if it is receiving a notification but nothing comes in. I go and check all the apps but nothing. It's always a quick double vibration. Is there a way to see which so is causing it? I have had Wakelock installed for awhile but am not sure what to look for.
So it appears that the phone is switching to vibrate on its own. I have no apps that are setup to change the volume nor do I have quite hours. Any suggestions?