Problems with music playback - HD2 General

Hi -
I'm having some problems playing music on my HD2. Recently the music just stops after a few seconds of starting the track, the music will just stop and it will pause, if I press play nothing happens.
I can do a soft reset and the music will start again, but not restart, so exactly the same problem.
Any ideas?

can anyone help?

I answered this in another post here today, search against my name.

MandrakeMan said:
I answered this in another post here today, search against my name.
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Thanks. I searched the forum but can't find the tag software?

you are right, i can't find it on here, it might be that i got the link off the Vodafone forum, as i remember getting some pointers there. I think the following program does the same thing:
you just need a tiny - free - program that checks the integrity of your MP3 & WMA tags to check for errors, once fixed you won't have any issues with the player stopping. You don't need to do a full reset, like i've read elsewhere here. You can do this to the files on your phone directly, a quick restart and when it then refreshes the music files - like it does when you add more music - it'll be fine.


TF3D Music Player problem

hi there
ive synced my hd with wmp and all my songs etc are on there fine in mobile wmp. all the individual songs show up on the songs tab in the tf3d music player as well but my problem is when i go to the artists tab, it shows enough artists to fill the screen but when i finger scroll to go further down, the list just disappears, like theres only the first 10 or so artists and then theres nothing.
has anyone else had this problem?
ive resynced a couple of times, deleted the audiomanager.vol file etc but still the same problem. plus it takes over 2hrs to sync so i dont want to do it that often. have over 2000 tracks.
cheers for any help
just bumping up to get help
i got the same problem... but what doesnt work in my player is the current playlist and songs...
just uploaded a vid 1 minute ago:
Probably the player isn't designed to handle such a big amount of data.
I know this is not a great help, but you should really try CorePlayer. It has a media library, which works quite well .
i have coreplayer and use it for videos but for music (normally also for vids but wmp suxx rele bad [-> codecs]) i always prefered the built-in player.. usually u only listen with shuffle coz i need variety ^.-
i just dont wanna use an extra player coz its an extra app and i wanna avoid that as far as possible.
what i really miss is a hardware button or something like that to chance to the next song.. i used a sony ericsson w850i walkman phone for the last 2 years and i could use the volume buttons (long press) to navigate through the playlist without turning the display on, thats hell useful when its in the pocket, especially when ur riding a bike.
johnpatcher said:
Probably the player isn't designed to handle such a big amount of data.
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well.. since its not possible to even chose the music dir (seems to must be in <root>/music) the player should be designed to handle any amount of data. i only have 300 songs on there atm. usually i would have, like kauka187, 2000+ =)
i really hope there will be a good firmware update very soon...
johnpatcher said:
Probably the player isn't designed to handle such a big amount of data.
I know this is not a great help, but you should really try CorePlayer. It has a media library, which works quite well .
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Yeah youre prob right about the amount of data.
ive got coreplayer to watch movies and s2p when i want to find a specific song (since theres no search function in built in the tf3d music player WTF!) to play so i guess they will have to do for now until htc hopefully comes up with an update because i really like the look and finger friendliness of their player.
N!ghty said:
i got the same problem... but what doesnt work in my player is the current playlist and songs...
just uploaded a vid 1 minute ago:
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just watched your vid and yeah i have exactly the same prob but like you said, my issue is in the artist tab.
you never know, some bright spark in this community may be able to come up with a fix
This seems to be a bug, I discovered it too with about 3000 songs on the player (which required a softreset for anything to show up in the TF3D menu)
It seems that when you try to scrol down, it snaps back to above the first artist.
When it happend to me I could get back to the other artists if I just scrolled down again.
There's still quite some bugs in the TF3D Player and I wouldn't mind replacing that tab with Coreplayer or WMP itself.
JanSchotsmans said:
I wouldn't mind replacing that tab with Coreplayer or WMP itself.
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is that possible? cos i would quite like that
I also have a problem in a ambum with 2 cds the music appears mixed, cd1 musics with cd2 music and are not for correct order, track 3 appears first then track1 for example. I have the collection correct numbered with correct music id. any idea to correct this and appear first track 1 of the cd1 then track2 and only when cd1 is over then starts cd2. Thanks sorry the english.
any idea please.
im going for a cooked rom... but i wanna hav language changeable to german and i learned that thats not the case on most :\
other than that (if that even fixes the problem) i havnt found a solution :|
N!ghty said:
im going for a cooked rom... but i wanna hav language changeable to german and i learned that thats not the case on most :\
other than that (if that even fixes the problem) i havnt found a solution :|
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if a cooked rom does fix the prob could you report back here please. thanks
I may have just found a solution to some of the problems with the TF3D music player.
I loaded a bunch of new tracks onto my storage card via the USB cable earlier and edited some of the artist/album details on the tracks I added. The TF3D music player wasn't recognising the new tracks or the changes I'd made to the existing tracks. A soft reset didn't solve the problem. Removing and re-adding TF3D to the Today screen didn't solve the problem. The wrong details were still shown in the player. (As well as this, the Playlists tab wasn't working at all and I couldn't queue up new songs to play.)
Removing and re-inserting the SD card while the list of artists was showing on the HD's screen, however, HAS forced it to re-index the music on the card and now it's all perfect again. Perhaps someone else with a problem could try this?
- copy tracks to the card over the USB lead, or update artist/album details
- unplug USB cable
- go to Artists list in TF3D music library (leave TouchHD turned on)
- remove SD card
- list of artists is erased from screen
- insert SD card
- after a few seconds the list of artists is rebuilt correctly
Report back your results!
did just like you said and the list is built up again, but the list of songs and the now playing list still won't scroll..
yer me 2... just re-inserted the memory card but problem still occurs
the only thing i can think of is an encryption problem in the tags.. i used the musicbrains global database to tag my entire music in order to remove all problems in the tags. but since my tags are ALL tagged the exact same way i got trouble finding the problem ^^
Same problem here!
I had to rebuild my artist-list through updating in WMP. But problems remains to be solved...
I have 860 songs on my card, and it fails to scroll through Albums and All Songs.
Only Artists works.
I believe though, that it is a problem that HTC should solve, and not us. This is not an improvement, tweak or anything else.
This is a real error in the Player!
I tried to describe the problem to the technical support at HTC.
When (if) they respond, I will let you know.
awesome cheers
Update on problem and HTC Tech Support:
HTC has replied to my request, and their recommendation is to clean the card, and then sync it all again through WMP11.
I followed the procedure, but the problem remains (
Only positive thing, however, is that I now have A LOT more album covers!
I'll be back later...

TouchFlo Music Player not working at all!

Hello guys..
New to the forum, but not to the game - so sorry beforehand if there is already a thread concerning this issue. A link to that thread would more than suffice, but after a few minutes of searching I couldn't find anything - so here goes:
My Blackstone really acts up when I try to use the Music Player in TouchFlo3d. Meaning, all I have to to is slide the menu over to the "Music" tab - and TouchFlo immediately restarts/resets and I end up back at the "Home" window. I've tried formatting the SD card (was thinking maybe it was my music files acting up), but that didn't do the trick. At the moment I just use Media Player Mobile, which is good enough, but I would really love for the actual TouchFlo player to work as well.
Thanks a lot for any help regarding this !
Sincerely, Naxos aka Joachim.
Well why don't you start off by explain how you came to get this problem in the first place? What did you install.
I doubt it will just screw up like that.
Of course, sorry.. that's just the point, and probably why I forgot to mention it. This actually happened like the first night I ever used the phone, so I had installed absolutely nothing yet. I was "new" to the phone then, so I just disabled music tab for TF3D, until now - cuz now I've come to know the phone well enough, and I want to get the problem fixed.
I had synched a few songs via WMP from my desktop computer, and the first time I added them they worked. But as I tried to listen to a few of them, scrolling back and forth, checking the menus etc, suddenly (sounds weird, but that's how i experienced it) it started acting up as previously explained.
Currently the only stuff I've installed to the phone is:
-Official HTC Fixes
-tnyynt SD Tuner
Really sorry that I really can't explain anymore as to how the whole problem occurred in the first place, and of course I understand if this prevents you guys from really helping at all. Of course, a hard reset would probably do the trick - but I would very much like to avoid that!
My TF3D music player screwed up when i tried to play wma files, as soon as i removed those and only added mp3 files it's ben working fine.
you could check your phone (internal memory and sd card) for unsupported music file format
as long as the stupid thing (tf3d player) scan the entire device for media files, it can stuck on one of those unsupported formats.
it happened to me when i first added my ringtones, so that can be it.
good luck!
Thanks noris, but even that wasn't the thing it seems
searched my whole device for anything but mp3 files, and came up with nothing, I mean other than my ringtones tho.. don't really want to delete all of those..
hm, I'm really at a loss here - so one final effort for some hero out there to help me please! else I guess I'm going for the hard reset
thanks for the replies, anyway!
I had a similar issue with 'Santogold' by Santogold. I read on some other forum that the Touch Flo music player locks out if you have an album title with the same name as an artist! Sounds crazy, but ...I removed the Santogold album and it worked fine. Transpires it loaded in the tracks upto that album then had a fit and kept throwing me out. I still can't figure out what's wrong with the file. It's an mp3 format album purchased from 7Digital. (encoded at 256k). Have a look at all the music you're transfering over to the HTC and see if there's any music files that bear these similar traits.
I've also had the random audio pauses using the player, bizarre digital scrobbling noises (had to reset device to fix that one). Nearly all of my files were ripped to MP3 using Windows Media Player 11 at 128k. The whole Touch Flo interface is buggy. Are we all raising these bugs with HTC? I have raised a couple so far. Latest being the mail previews (in the envelope graphic) not being able to flick through previews. Seems to happen if the device is reset and you go straight into mail once it fires up, or if the device is left on standby for more than a couple of hours and you go into mail. You have to flick through sms previews first and THEN go back to mail for it to work. Crazy crazy stuff!

Problem with audiomanager_eng.exe

everytime i try to go to the music section the whole mp3 app crashes with an error massage?!
other problems: everytime i try to connect to twitter or weather theres a massage warning me about data roaming and after that there's a connection error.
I can though surf on the internet!
i got the audiomanager_eng.exe error fixed, but still i cannot connect to hotmail, weather or twitter, while i can connect to facebook, or youtube. wtf?
How did you fix it, mine still crashes!
Hyweljh said:
How did you fix it, mine still crashes!
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you are not allowed to copy music from pc to your sd card, but you have to put your sd card into the hd2, connect it to the pc and after that copy your music on it
The audiomanager does have issues with some tracks. Why im not sure yet. My blackstone with manila 2.5 also had an issue, but it didnt crash it, it just wouldnt advance through the tracks and slowed the player to a complete crawl. Im guessing its the way they were encoded or something wrong with the tagging that the manila player doesnt like.
I re-encoded the tracks and let the phone create its own album art, that seemed to work ok.
shu8i said:
you are not allowed to copy music from pc to your sd card, but you have to put your sd card into the hd2, connect it to the pc and after that copy your music on it
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I copied the music by syncing with windows media player, u that that may cause the problem?
Hyweljh said:
I copied the music by syncing with windows media player, u that that may cause the problem?
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first it seemed so.. but it crashed again :S but now i know that it's the fault of some mp3 files... i copied only 30 of 56 albums and its working fine... so i have to copy 10 by 10 to see which mp3 file is causing it... sry for the wrong info.
I just noticed that if you press the update album art button in top right corner it starts working again and plays 10 or 15 seconds more of the track and then crashes
Hyweljh said:
I just noticed that if you press the update album art button in top right corner it starts working again and plays 10 or 15 seconds more of the track and then crashes
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like i said.. try copying your music for example 50 by 50 and try it on your hd2... smoehow one of my eminem albums was causing the problem... now it's running like a charm
I used MP3val to fix my collection, googled it after someone mentioned it as a possible solution. Did the trick for me, it's working now.
Complete steps in my case:
- format SD from HD2
- sync albums from WMPlayer by ActiveSync for correct folderstructure
- ran MP3val on Music folder on SD, fixed errors
Hope it helps!
Yep your right! Iv had to resort to putting the device in drive mode when plugged into pc and do a soft reset after each album, but the album art and songs are sure worth it
Shartar said:
I used MP3val to fix my collection, googled it after someone mentioned it as a possible solution. Did the trick for me, it's working now.
Complete steps in my case:
- format SD from HD2
- sync albums from WMPlayer by ActiveSync for correct folderstructure
- ran MP3val on Music folder on SD, fixed errors
Hope it helps!
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Will give it a go if I come across the issue after this method
Hi --
I seem to have the same issue. Audio Manager crashes on certain songs/albums and restarts Sense automatically. Soft reset doesn't change this. I have also edited all tags to make sure there are no comments/genres etc using mp3tag. Still music player will crash on the same song/album. WM plays just fine. Has anyone played with registry settings to fix this bug in HTC audio manager?
HD 2 Audio Manager and HTC messaging
I was so happy to have been able to purchase this device while on a recent trip to Hong Kong. To my surprise, I was unable to create text messages. I could see the incoming texts but when I hit the reply icon, the screen went "black". I could turn on the keyboard, but could not see anything in the black space above.
At the same time, there was a problem with the HTC music function. With the exception of the two sample songs, nothing else would play. The Windows Media Player worked but was a far cry from what I thought I was getting via HTC Sense technology.
I then erased the audio manager and to my surprise, the HTC Messaging worked flawlessly. When I reinstalled the audiomanager, the problem returned to the HTC Messaging.
Can you help sort this out?
Thanks for anything you can provide.
audiomanager or sms
Got the same problem here... I Installed the audiomanager (it does fix the audiomanager problem)...but I can't send sms cause the screen went black blank....
I tried remove the audiomanager application...and the sms function back to normal...but at the same time...the music player come with audiomanager problem again...
It's like we can only choose one of them...normal sms or fixed audiomanager.(it's really pissed me off)
please help me...
mp3val works fine for me!
Shartar said:
I used MP3val to fix my collection, googled it after someone mentioned it as a possible solution. Did the trick for me, it's working now.
Complete steps in my case:
- format SD from HD2
- sync albums from WMPlayer by ActiveSync for correct folderstructure
- ran MP3val on Music folder on SD, fixed errors
Hope it helps!
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This is the ultramate sloution for me! works just fine!
THX a lot!
My situation:
-music player from Manila 2.5 worked for several month and suddenly came to the same problem as we talking about here.
-Downloaded mp3val and scanned .mp3 in my storage card, then fixed them.
-After that, everything works fine like before.
Well I ca't believe that after all this time it's fixed. I suffered this problem with my diamond and thought that it would be resolved in the hd2, only to find after loading alll my music the problem was back, I assumed it was one of the albums that was drm causing it so removed it and deleted the .vol. Problem was still there then I removed all wma and aac files still there and then I found this post scanned and fixed with mp3val and all is well.
Bloody great thanks for the tip.
had the same problem
i had the same problem and fixed it with syncing with my pc
i show it in this video
HTC itself do help
hi, lets us trust the one and only HTC itself.
got 1 best solution. no need to figure out other method to fix it. i done mine and it works! my MUSIC player working normal without any bugs. yayyy!

Music player says "no"

Hey felas
To start with, I'm a fresh virgin in WM and just bought the Leo, flashed the ROM with 1.48.405.2 WWE and it's all a dream except ..
I go to the music player tab, play a song and in 5 to 20 seconds the song just stops playing. It doesnt pause it, just halts and when i hit the "play" button twice it plays from the start. Unusable..
I am using an 8GB SD, tried formatting it twice ( through win7 and WM ), tried uploading the songs via Media Player and by just copying them into the folder. Its all the same. Soft reseted the thing a gazzilion times and it still doesnt like me.
I searched trough the forum but didnt stumble upon anyone with a similar issue.
I give up. help?
Thanks in advance
That's frustrating. What's the format of your music files? And what's the bitrate? How do you have organized your music files. In seperate folders or in one large folder?
Just curious.
BTW, does this problem occurs constantly. I mean, if you leave your phone alone for a couple of hours and try to play the same music file then, does the same problem occur again, or is it just after an update of your music library.
appelflap this problem has been noticed by others. You might want to check out this thread which documents several solutions.
Slow Music player
try to erase the Music maps inthe sd card and create a new one,put music inthis first,more less like 200 tracks and start again the player,if this work put more music
Thank you for the assistance guys The problem were the mp3's I guess.. or the dumb HTC developer that coded the Media Player. Anyhow, I reckon i might like this forum after all.
Happy holidays
The solution ?
Hi. I experienced the same problem with my music player. I noticed that EVERYTIME I connect my LEO with a computer, whether or not I add new music files, the music player would just "stuck", find no music files, display the message "No music found" when I turn it to landscape.
Found the answer on another forum. Actually, "our" music player is unable to read some MP3 ID3 TAG... It seems to be only reliable with ID3 version 2.4 UTF-8 type tags. So what you should do is "simply" convert all mp3 files on your storage card to the appropriate ID3 format. It's not very long since you don't have to recompress the audio files! You can use mp3Tag to apply change to all your mp3s at once. More info in this threat =>
One definitive solution would be to convert ID3 tags of all your music collection! It would take quite some time... unless somebody find the way to fix this with a magic cab?
This just adds to the very long list of issues of this "wonderful" piece of technology. Thanks who?

HTC Music tab help please

I performed a thread search and turned up nothing so please accept my apologies if this has been addressed before.
When I scroll sideways to the Music tab on the Home screen it opens playing music from the preinstalled "who wants to be a millionaire" demo instead of my music folder. It's pulling the music from "Storage Card\Program files\capcom\millionaire2010
I want it to pull the music from Storage Card\My Music
I've searched the phone settings and did a registry search for "Storage Card\Program files\capcom\millionaire2010 trying to find the correct setting or place in the registry to tell it to look at my folder instead of the game folder..
I did find the path that I believe is controlling the the music player however when I change it and reboot the device it goes right back to the millionaire location.
Could somebody please tell me which registry key stores the music folder settings... I can't find it... or if there is a setting in Windows that controls it... I can't seem to find that either.
thank you
open the wm player and update the library. I had to do it the first time and then again yesterday because he albums were gone again.
I've solved this by checking the "hide" option for the folders I didn't want in my Library.
The programs usually have no problem reading the folders, but the Music Tab stops showings those files.
It's not perfect, I know, but I've also searched everywhere for this and it's the only solution I found so far.
flexte said:
open the wm player and update the library. I had to do it the first time and then again yesterday because he albums were gone again.
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I tried that and it pulled in every sound on the device..... ringtones, event sounds, sounds from installed programs....
I'd like to find a way to point the player to one folder...
Thank you.
zefiltrin said:
I've solved this by checking the "hide" option for the folders I didn't want in my Library.
The programs usually have no problem reading the folders, but the Music Tab stops showings those files.
It's not perfect, I know, but I've also searched everywhere for this and it's the only solution I found so far.
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I'll try that, the only thing about that is I'll have to "Show" them in the event I want to add or change any of my sounds (which I do frequently)
Otherwise good suggestion, thanks!
zefiltrin said:
I've solved this by checking the "hide" option for the folders I didn't want in my Library.
The programs usually have no problem reading the folders, but the Music Tab stops showings those files.
It's not perfect, I know, but I've also searched everywhere for this and it's the only solution I found so far.
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Works perfectly. Thanks!
jessepatty said:
I tried that and it pulled in every sound on the device..... ringtones, event sounds, sounds from installed programs....
I'd like to find a way to point the player to one folder...
Thank you.
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Don't get me wrong, I desperatly want that too, but I've been there, searched for hours, I even went to the LAST page of the HD2 forums and went backwars reading every topic title to find it, with no luck.
Unfortunatly, for now, it seens like there's no solution.

