Android | iPhone site - G1 General

Hey i just redesigned the site any input for you all...
This is built around both the android and iphone so haters of iphone... sorry, but I personally like both phones and they both have a huge market share so key word in that "share" Anyways let me know what you guys think and i'm also looking for input as to additions to the site too..
Constructive criticism accepted... flaming totally not accepted if you dont anything constructive to say please dont waste your time posting.
Idea's you can throw at me if you want;
Overall design,
additional content and or sections added,
color updates
Thanks in advance!
link to site you may have to copy & paste:
Also if you're interested in keeping up with follow us on twitter

looks good
the design here is a bit chaotic...
or the pics get messed up (at least for me - some are on the very left, others dont...)


{}Touch friendly programs for windows mobile! NEW Mob site + MORE

Okay you all know i've been working on this website for a few weeks now. This means staying up till 3-4am in the morning, coding non-stop. By the fall of this week, it will be released to the public as a beta for 1-2 days where bugs can be submitted so I can fix it up, to make it a pleasant experience for the user!
Okay so edit again And yes IT's ALL FINISHED!!!!!!
All that needs to be done is to add categorys and content via the admin panel, but i need people to help me out (its a big job)! If you don't want to help all the time, at least help me get through the forums so after i've seen them all I can keep on top, because atm i'm under a huge pile of stree (see what I mean)
Website is here:
See latest post for the new update
Thanks for letting me know about that ,
But it's not very advanced, and doesn't have a lot of stuff.
Napbree said:
First of all, I am a website designer & coder.
I have the biggest urge to make a website, dedicated for the HTC Touch, and provide people with the best registry hacks/tweaks. The good programs - and link back here to download them. Etc.
I'd provide a forum for support on all of this as well. I was wondering, who would use this site, and support it? And, is there a website like this all ready?
If this website did get alot of support, and became popular, I would expand it further too other HTC devices
What would the website contain?
- Home cooked ROMS
- Original ROMS
- Games
- Programs
- Registry Hacks
- Themes
(if you have any suggestions please let me know)
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What better site than the one your on?!?!?!?!?
This is a awesome site, it's just to cluttered, if you see what I mean. You have to file through them all to find things you want, and then when you find something you need, you dont know if it's the latest version etc.
And this isn't the only good site, there's ipmart etc. and this is my way of trying to merge them all together
It will have a way to add your own stuff, so it's like the users own little admin panel, except everything they do, has to be rectified by the admin
So I just thought I'd simplify the process.
Bump... Surely more people want this?!
If you look at the number of members and posts at, I'd say there isn't much interest in a stand alone site. By comparison, dwarfs st.n. Granted, the Mogul has been out longer than the Touch, for Sprint anyway. Phones come and go all the time, so I'd think you'd be better off creating a site that's manufacturer or OS specific.
Well that's because you have to register. The site I will make, you won't have to register. It will be simple and quick
iam in
heyyyy whats up man
i like the idea i was thinkin the same open website and i guess we can make good work i work programmer and i have 2 desingers and one for adobe and the 2nd flash
any way i would like to say iam with u from nw but the xda is the best and will stay the best if u dont mind gimme ur yahoo id and ill contact with you .
It's good to know that lot's of people have wanted to do this It means there's a lot of interest. I have contacted you
So far, I have dont the main page - everything's going to be dynamic, and fetched from the mysql db.
It's coming along nicely I think it should be done within 1-2weeks - if I put my mind to it!
you're a bit too late))
Does no-one read my first post
I am compiling a site, of everything here, and other forums. It is somewhere where you dont have to register. And you dont have to go through lots of messy threads
In the long run it will be better :0
Napbree said:
Does no-one read my first post
I am compiling a site, of everything here, and other forums. It is somewhere where you dont have to register. And you dont have to go through lots of messy threads
In the long run it will be better :0
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Lets go. Sounds good.
So far, I have done the basics - news system, categorys, sub categorys, descriptions, and download/view details page. I am currently going over everything now, to implement more features etc.
It's coming along really nicely!
you say that you dont need to register to use the site, but if you want to download from say Xda-Developers, then you need a username and password!
Yeah I have that one covered as well!
Usually, if someone post's something, they supply a download link to say fileshare, I can provide that. And if I am allowed, and I give proper credit to this site, surely I can upload myself, and give a download link?
Napbree said:
Yeah I have that one covered as well!
Usually, if someone post's something, they supply a download link to say fileshare, I can provide that. And if I am allowed, and I give proper credit to this site, surely I can upload myself, and give a download link?
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How would you make sure the version you are offering is the most current one?
Well, I would keep everything updated, I roam these forums everyday, so I won't miss anything. And If the people who said they want o help are commited they can help.
I might create a php bot, to search for the highest number, shouldn't be too hard
So far, pretty much everything that the user see's is finished! I am just tweaking the rating system - for now, no comments.
But I still have the admin panel to do, but I can still put the website live and add everything via phpmyadmin. I don't like to keep people waiting.
If anyone has donations, then donating to my paypal would be great, and I will add you to my affliates which means more visits to your website
My paypal is booboonathan[[(at)]]gmail[[(dot)]]com (remove the ( and [[ )
Okay - I had to postpone due to family issues and such, and well i've come back but I don't know if I should waist the rest of my time doing this website. Its practically done - Minus a design and just need to implement a few cool effects such as ratings, comments and screesnhots etc.
I have big planns for this website (no wait, rephrase. I had big plans) But I need to know if any of you would use this website? It will be a simple layout, and much easier to get access too.. It will also have news feeds to it's far easier to be able too check if something has been updated.
Hasn't that ever annoyed you? When you see a cool program and you isntall it but you don't realise it's had an update - and you have to go routing through the messy forums (sorry, but it's true - this is a forum, they're all messy) and look for the latest one?!
Either way please tell me if you would use it, it would be free of course


Hello Mods and Xda! I have gotten numerous private messages asking me what happend to the Giznetic Thread? Well I am here to clarify that this is the only Giznetic thread at the moment.... and It will not be used for spamming just for information and updates. If I spam in any way in this thread MODS please take it down. OK now that we got that finished!
What is Giznetic?
Giznetic is a website that I designed that makes it easier for everyone to access their favorite applications for any DEVICE!!!! (more will come as site gets larger). I am even in the process of developing a completely mobile version that will easy allow you to find your desired Application! Oh yah and the screen size will be fixed to your device!!!
Ex. You are using an HTC Diamond. The screen size will be fixed to its 640 x 480 screen size!
Ex. You are using a Samsung Omnia. The screen size will be fixed to its 240x400 screen size! So You don't need to pan through the webpage!!!!
So thats basicly it guys!
Used For Later
Mods Please Move This To "development And Hacking"
Thank You!!!
Mods Can You Please Move It To Development And Hacking?
Mods Can You Please Move It To Development And Hacking?
Come on!!!! Mods please your making me want to make a new thread!!!!
wtf!! come on MOVE it please!!!!
im sure im speaking on behalf of xda..... your getting annoying now!
Do not see this as a rejection of your efforts.
XDA is a place where you can post themes tweaks and tools for HTC devices.
Yes sometimes there are Posts that link to a ROM on another site.
But in most those cases the Roms site is in a language that most WWE users don't understand it and an English discussion is held here.
Some developers have expressed their dissconcern with Commercial sites misusing their themes and applications.
Your site is not commercial and does not fall under this.
But by allowing a thread that just posts to another site we would only be helping to cloud the lines of what XDA Developers in first place is about.
It is users that understand this line needs to be clear, that report your threads.
So it is not simply a moderating decision it is a Democratic outing of understanding and Concern.
So there are many depths as to why a thread like this is not needed or deleted.
And it certainly does not belong in Development and Hacking.
I hope you can think about it and understand the why.
You have the option to have your site in your signature. As long as it is not Overly abundant so it starts to look like a banner advertisement, but in a delicate and conservative way it will in most cases be allowed as long as it is not a commercial site. Also it would be nice if your Signature of course also has info about your Device, interest or expertise instead of just a link to a site.
(links to commercial sites will in most cases lead to a cease and desist)
And to keep this on topic in the line of XDA: please consider taking a less heavier background image for your site. Although speeds for Windows Mobile devices and networks are getting higher every year. A lot of networks still charge by the amount of data transferred. For the information the pages carry, the page load is to slow. For Mobile use you have to consider that the speed of your site will help get more return visitors.
It is good that you try to use a setup that adjusts to screen sizes regular sites should have started doing this years ago.
Even with browsers that can render Pages like a desktop browser it would still be wise for site creators to keep in mind that Mobile browsing will become the Web .3 of the future and that site lay outs need to be adjusted to that experience.


Cyrket is back up
Saurik will be adding back the ability to sort by date when he gets it sorted out.
Nice! It's a much 'cleaner' interface than, even if it doesn't have quite as many features. I see they're supporting the Palm catalog now as well. Very cool, as my girlfriend has a Pre Anyone know why they were down for so long? Hopefully Saurik will be able to add more features in the near future.
SpyderMS said:
Nice! It's a much 'cleaner' interface than, even if it doesn't have quite as many features. I see they're supporting the Palm catalog now as well. Very cool, as my girlfriend has a Pre Anyone know why they were down for so long? Hopefully Saurik will be able to add more features in the near future.
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From Twitter
About a week ago, it finally hit me: how to run a ~reasonably~ live Cyrket without being rate limited by Google. A week of no sleep later...[/QUOTE]
SpyderMS said:
Nice! It's a much 'cleaner' interface than, even if it doesn't have quite as many features.
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Please send me an e-mail (do not just reply to this forum post: e-mail will be much more useful for me) with a list of features you think are important. The three things on the public todo list (which should be done pretty soon) are: 1) fix the display of permissions, which is simply stupidly broken; 2) get "newest/latest stuff" working again; 3) rewrite the RSS feed mechanism to work with the new site architecture (which requires #2 to be finished first); and 4) allow comments to be browsed in a more meaningful fashion than "show a bunch of comments for this app". There are other features that will likely happen, but those are the only ones I'm saying /are/ to users ;P.
saurik said:
Please send me an e-mail (do not just reply to this forum post: e-mail will be much more useful for me) with a list of features you think are important.
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please share your email address?
The ONLY thing I would like to see on Cyrket would be pretty URLs.
Instead of:
I would like:
Other than that, I think it's a very useful site!
OrganizedFellow said:
please share your email address?
The ONLY thing I would like to see on Cyrket would be pretty URLs.
Instead of:
I would like:
Other than that, I think it's a very useful site!
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My e-mail address is on every website I run, including Cyrket's home page.
I go to great lengths to make the URLs on Cyrket readable:
However, this anal attitude towards URLs means that I will not make a URL that I can't support going forward. The category tree is simply not stable at this time, nor do I really want it to be considered "stable". However, the category ID numbers in the search URL actually are stable: those nodes I can rearrange and then guarantee I can support old URLs.
(Out of curiosity: why are you even caring about those URLs? The only URLs I'd expect would matter to anyone would be the URLs for the packages themselves, metadata about the packages, and the URL for "newest stuff", which still hasn't been rewritten into the website yet.)
/Please/, however, send me any and all feature requests via e-mail: it would be difficult to make my e-mail address any more public than it is, and I get hundreds of e-mails a day from users, so I'm surprised you couldn't find it. My address is [email protected] (I had to put the (at) because the forum got mad at me).
Well first off, my apologies if what I said came across as 'anal'. After re-reading what I wrote, I can't find where you get that?!
Second, I admit I did not visit your site to look for your email address. I did view your profile here on XDA, but none was available. So. Sorry for that.
Why do I care about pretty URLs?
I talk to alot of people about Android - DumbPhone friends, Android friends, and iPhone friends.
I have tested & reviewed many apps, and share this information with these friends.
In my talks with them, I often tell them about Cyrket, which I prefer over other sites like or due to their complexity (no disrespect meant to either operator of those respective sites).
In my opinion, I just prefer Cyrket with its simpler layout, basic information, and ease of navigation.
The other sites I find 'too much going on'.
Having a pretty URL makes for easier memorizing of a URL. It's also easier to write down later. All this is just easier, faster, better to share with someone else.
As the 'web master' or 'developer' of, I would have thought you knew all this. Even if it doesn't change, I'm just saying it's a better user experience for visitors to have Pretty URLs throughout the entire site for uniformity.
On a personal note: I just tend to prefer my reference sites which are easy on the eyes with minimal distraction! Just as SpyderMS said in post#2.
SpyderMS said:
Nice! It's a much 'cleaner' interface than, even if it doesn't have quite as many features.
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Other than that, I think it's a very useful site!
OrganizedFellow said:
Well first off, my apologies if what I said came across as 'anal'. After re-reading what I wrote, I can't find where you get that?!
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I was saying that /I/ was "anal". I seriously spend hours fretting over the URL structure of Cyrket, which is why 99% of the website has such a beautiful URL structure. I dare you to find someone who spends as much time thinking about URLs as I do: that's why I used "anal" to describe myself.
*Sigh*... now that that got misinterpreted, though, the rest of your comment has gone down the "let's be hostile" avenue.
OrganizedFellow said:
Why do I care about pretty URLs?
I talk to alot of people about Android - DumbPhone friends, Android friends, and iPhone friends.
I have tested & reviewed many apps, and share this information with these friends.
In my talks with them, I often tell them about Cyrket, which I prefer over other sites like or due to their complexity (no disrespect meant to either operator of those respective sites).
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Most of these other sites also have much worse URLs. AppTapp doesn't only because they create vanity URLs for every package they choose to make a review of (which is not practical, nor is it maintainable).
OrganizedFellow said:
Having a pretty URL makes for easier memorizing of a URL. It's also easier to write down later. All this is just easier, faster, better to share with someone else.
As the 'web master' or 'developer' of, I would have thought you knew all this. Even if it doesn't change, I'm just saying it's a better user experience for visitors to have Pretty URLs throughout the entire site for uniformity.
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What I asked was why you needed fast by-memory URL access to a subcategory sort. You managed to find the /one/ thing in Cyrket that currently has a bad URL, and made it an issue about the entire website.
I then explained the reason that one thing has a bad URL and asked you why you felt that specific page had such high-priority for having a better URL, and now you are acting like I don't consider good URLs important.
Frowny pants.
Oh, and OMG I HATE THIS FORUM, I am not even allowed to post URLs to it: please, for the love of all that is holy, send me e-mails in the future if you wish to continue this discussion.

I am Making A Website

I'm making a site, called market4android which you developers can feature your apps/roms on, etc. I'd love for you guys to contact me so we can get the ball rolling. It's a great domain that gets a lot of search engine hits, so if you're looking to get your name out there and get your apps out there, then please PM me and let me know what you have and all that cool stuff!
The site should be online for most of the world. If it is not, give it a while because it may still need to update on world servers.
Check it out, leave feedback, etc, and developers! hit me up and let me know if I can post your ROMs on the site. Don't want nobody getting mad at me!
Reminds me of a site that I frequent called XDA.
Maybe I am missing the point? Are you simply offering to host files?
jerry43812 said:
Check it out, leave feedback, etc, and developers! hit me up and let me know if I can post your ROMs on the site. Don't want nobody getting mad at me!
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You'll never get anywhere waiting for others to send you content. If you want to post a rom, post info, screenshots, etc. and link out to the post where they can get it and more info.
This may be a dumb question, but here goes anyway....
It's not hard at all to get an app included on the Android Market. What advantage are you offering over going that route?
So far I've only written a few Android apps, and they were both custom jobs for clients that would not be at all interesting to the general public. (And they have a LOT of tweaking left to do before I'd call them anything I'm proud of. I'm new to Android, it'll take awhile for me to catch up with the stuff I've done for WinMo and PalmOS.)
But I've considered diving into some more generally appealing projects, and the Android Market currently offers me both the ability to distribute for free, and the ability to monetize my efforts if I decide to go that route. Either route gives me pretty widespread exposure.
As a developer, my main question would be: "What extras are you offering that the existing marketplace leaves out?" (i.e. How can you make me more money? And/or give me wider exposure?)
I don't think he is making a place to distribute apps (at least that's not what I got), I thought he was making a place to be like "hey look what's going on in the dev community, check out this app and this rom, etc."
gthing said:
I don't think he is making a place to distribute apps (at least that's not what I got), I thought he was making a place to be like "hey look what's going on in the dev community, check out this app and this rom, etc."
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So a review site?
That could be very, very cool. Only trick is building a large readership.....
With that in place, it could very easily be something that developers want to pay close attention to.
gthing said:
I don't think he is making a place to distribute apps (at least that's not what I got), I thought he was making a place to be like "hey look what's going on in the dev community, check out this app and this rom, etc."
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You got the idea down pat!
subliminalurge said:
So a review site?
That could be very, very cool. Only trick is building a large readership.....
With that in place, it could very easily be something that developers want to pay close attention to.
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I'd definitely be letting developers have publisher accounts so they can work on getting exposure from my site, etc. It's not totally about me distributing apps...
Try to picture this: I can get traffic. Traffic coming to my site and seeing your apps there, your ROMs there, etc, want to download them, etc, well, not only gets you not only exposure, but income from the apps as well seeing as how they're downloading you stuff because they found info and reviews on it on my site.
Yes, the market would definitely be the #1 way to go, but what harm can it do to get some more exposure to your stuff? as well as get user reviews and the income that youre concerned about?
danknee said:
Reminds me of a site that I frequent called XDA.
Maybe I am missing the point? Are you simply offering to host files?
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I will create mirrors for your files etc, and yes, you are missing the point. I wasn't 100% absolute sure in the direction I was heading with this, but I am offering you the exposure of traffic that comes to my site to see your apps etc, when they may not have ever noticed your app in the marketplace. User reviews, developer releases and all kinds of cool **** can happen here if you're willing to crack the shell away a little bit and accept my offer of free exposure to your stuff.
Why the hell would anyone pass up free? Beats me.
jerry43812 said:
I wasn't 100% absolute sure in the direction I was heading with this,
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For the record, my comments were not meant to be disparaging, but to help you figure that out.
I'm not going to go into how old I am, but I'm not exactly wet behind the ears. I was making a living in the "computer field" since long before anything called a "web browser" ever existed. The first time I heard about Mosaic, my reaction was "eh, sounds like gopher with pictures. big deal." (It wasn't a great article....)
There are two main reasons why projects fail. The first, and by far the greatest, is because the people starting that project never ask themselves, and come up with a clear answer to, "what problem am I trying to solve?"....
The second reason is that they fail to ask themselves "Is my solution something people will actually use?".
If you have good answers to those two questions, then the rest is just the legwork of getting it done. If you don't have good answers to those questions, then no amount of work will produce a successful outcome.
Sorry if I sound harsh, just trying to be helpful.
subliminalurge said:
For the record, my comments were not meant to be disparaging, but to help you figure that out.
I'm not going to go into how old I am, but I'm not exactly wet behind the ears. I was making a living in the "computer field" since long before anything called a "web browser" ever existed. The first time I heard about Mosaic, my reaction was "eh, sounds like gopher with pictures. big deal." (It wasn't a great article....)
There are two main reasons why projects fail. The first, and by far the greatest, is because the people starting that project never ask themselves, and come up with a clear answer to, "what problem am I trying to solve?"....
The second reason is that they fail to ask themselves "Is my solution something people will actually use?".
If you have good answers to those two questions, then the rest is just the legwork of getting it done. If you don't have good answers to those questions, then no amount of work will produce a successful outcome.
Sorry if I sound harsh, just trying to be helpful.
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Not harsh at all and I comprehend your points. Maybe my tone sounded harsh when it was simply factual and jsut telling my purpose.
I feel that the purpose of this site I opened is good, and it can be very useful. But just like any other good thing, it usually cannot be done by one person. Support for the project is always a plus, and it can be made to be an excellent resource for people who are green on both sides, that want to get into modding android devices.
I dont think that it is a waste of my time, but in order for it to make it to where I'd like it to be, it can definitely use all the support and input that it can get. Thats why I brought the whole subject up, here. There are lots of developers here and even I am new to a lot of the stuff here, and I feel that it would be a great asset to a lot fo folks here if you jsut give it a chance.
jerry43812 said:
Not harsh at all and I comprehend your points. Maybe my tone sounded harsh when it was simply factual and jsut telling my purpose.
I feel that the purpose of this site I opened is good, and it can be very useful. But just like any other good thing, it usually cannot be done by one person. Support for the project is always a plus, and it can be made to be an excellent resource for people who are green on both sides, that want to get into modding android devices.
I dont think that it is a waste of my time, but in order for it to make it to where I'd like it to be, it can definitely use all the support and input that it can get. Thats why I brought the whole subject up, here. There are lots of developers here and even I am new to a lot of the stuff here, and I feel that it would be a great asset to a lot fo folks here if you jsut give it a chance.
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Oh, I never meant to imply it was a waste of time. Nothing of the sort. I think the Android platform has a huge amount of potential. For the people developing the platform, for the people developing apps to run on top of it, and for people creating the entire ecosystem that will surround it.
I guess what I was trying to do was get you thinking about a statement that you ended up making yourself. That you weren't 100% sure about the direction you wanted to take this. Whatever direction you decide on, I think your chances of success are much greater if you have a clear idea of what that direction is.
That said, I like your idea. I'd love to hear more about what you have in mind.
subliminalurge said:
Oh, I never meant to imply it was a waste of time. Nothing of the sort. I think the Android platform has a huge amount of potential. For the people developing the platform, for the people developing apps to run on top of it, and for people creating the entire ecosystem that will surround it.
I guess what I was trying to do was get you thinking about a statement that you ended up making yourself. That you weren't 100% sure about the direction you wanted to take this. Whatever direction you decide on, I think your chances of success are much greater if you have a clear idea of what that direction is.
That said, I like your idea. I'd love to hear more about what you have in mind.
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Why dont you PM me with some messenger info so we can talk? I run ICQ and AIM because ICQ is what is industry standard in the industry I work in.
jerry43812 said:
Why dont you PM me with some messenger info so we can talk? I run ICQ and AIM because ICQ is what is industry standard in the industry I work in.
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Will do. I mainly use Skype these days for IM, but I can throw ICQ on my computer real quick.
subliminalurge said:
Will do. I mainly use Skype these days for IM, but I can throw ICQ on my computer real quick.
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Awesome, look forward to talking with you!
Got an article coming soon on the best battery app I found, along with some info from the developer. This should be live within a day or two.
I am looking for more stuff to write articles about, and it will involve some email communication between us so I can get the most accurate info onto the site.
Anyone want to be the one of the first few people to get featured on the site? PM me your email address so I can contact you
jerry43812 said:
Got an article coming soon on the best battery app I found, along with some info from the developer. This should be live within a day or two.
I am looking for more stuff to write articles about, and it will involve some email communication between us so I can get the most accurate info onto the site.
Anyone want to be the one of the first few people to get featured on the site? PM me your email address so I can contact you
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Got that article written and set live, and I also have a few other things on there, including a comprehensive guide to rooting the Sprint HTC Hero.
well an app review site would be great as i tend to follow users input when i download apps, and the input in the Market is just crap .. what some user find to be a bad app could actualy be a very good app for others. i sometime do it myself when i download an app , i look for user rating and comments. and decide wether to download the app or not, based on the user ratings..
The other thing would be a app request, meaning i been loking for an app that will play FLAC or AAC music files, i found 2 , 1 is from XDA ( a good app but the GUI is must to be desired ) the other is a cheap app that sometimes plays sometimes dont.. LOL
if someone would make good app for this i would be willing to pay for it 20.00 if i had to ...
The point is i would love a place that i could go to and request an app or suggest ideas for an app..
my 2 cents
rgildoss said:
well an app review site would be great as i tend to follow users input when i download apps, and the input in the Market is just crap .. what some user find to be a bad app could actualy be a very good app for others. i sometime do it myself when i download an app , i look for user rating and comments. and decide wether to download the app or not, based on the user ratings..
The other thing would be a app request, meaning i been loking for an app that will play FLAC or AAC music files, i found 2 , 1 is from XDA ( a good app but the GUI is must to be desired ) the other is a cheap app that sometimes plays sometimes dont.. LOL
if someone would make good app for this i would be willing to pay for it 20.00 if i had to ...
The point is i would love a place that i could go to and request an app or suggest ideas for an app..
my 2 cents
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You're able t request apps and stuff there, I honestly havent set that section up because I am working on other content first. You can possibly post a new thread requesting someone code something for you, but I am not sure on the pricing of their work, etc. Let me work on getting some good app coders on my side and then I'll open up the requests section.

Hero/Android Project Website Reviews

I'm looking for some of you to review my work so far on my Hero/Android Phone website, located in my signature. I've been working hard to try to release at least one new article a day, whatever floats my boat for that day.
I am also looking for people to help add new stuff to the site, whether it be for the Sprint Hero, an Android app that you love, or have developed, or whatever you'd like, really, as long as it pertains to Android.
This is a not-for-profit website aimed at trying to get the viewers to start looking at all the stuff their Android phone can do, rooted or not.
Hey, I always like to see people start things, that's the hardest step, actually starting.
I'll tell you what I think of it from my perspective, not new to android, new-ish..but already dabbled in rooting and flashing roms, etc.
I'll try to be honest but just because I'd appreciate the honesty if I were in your shoes.
I'll talk about design first.
I think that the first thing that strikes me when I first see your site is the logo.
I know you just opened but that should be top priority, it is your defining icon.
Take a look at BGR or engadget, those logos are known.
Make your logo..more "catchy" (?) It seems a bit amateurish, whether you are or not is not the point.
Second, the text "Android Apps and Modifications" jumps out, it does not follow the rest of the layout in font choice and is partially hidden by the "Subscribe to us" banner.
Having mentioned both logo and subscription parts of the site, immediately adjacent to the right of those, there's alot of empty space that screams of "under construction", maybe integrate them into each other?
Just opened ie, noticed it's ad space.
I'd do away with gif animation ads, makes the site look cheap. But I have never had a site with ads or sought to advertise so...I don't know if you get a selection of ads or how it works. Either way, I'd integrate the main title/logo bar and the subscription bar and find a better way to integrate the ads.
I also thought it was "not-for-profit."
As for the rest of the layout, I like it. It is classy, modern.
One thing to mention, I would rather have the posts below the top post to have more than just the excerpt. At least a small thumbnail. Text is boring and a picture can say a thousand words as well as give the chance to tease readers, excite, etc.
Make content the center/masterpiece.
As for the content, I like it. It's useful and interesting. Disassembly, ROM Releases, tutorials, awesome. Have you considered having featured weekly articles? App of the Week, ROM of the week, Tip of the week? These could go along beside your regular posts. These could turn out to be sought out sections of your site.
Another thing, I speak for myself, I'm a bit of a neat freak when it comes to having information in front of me. That is why I love forums haha.
I noticed you have a bajillion tags. Maybe cut them down into less, more encompassing, tags?
Sorry if I was too honest, I do not know how long you've had the site up. I think you have a great idea, you should run with it.
The only sites I take care of run on wordpress and thank God for layouts and php tuts.
overthinkingme said:
Hey, I always like to see people start things, that's the hardest step, actually starting.
I'll tell you what I think of it from my perspective, not new to android, new-ish..but already dabbled in rooting and flashing roms, etc.
I'll try to be honest but just because I'd appreciate the honesty if I were in your shoes.
I'll talk about design first.
I think that the first thing that strikes me when I first see your site is the logo.
I know you just opened but that should be top priority, it is your defining icon.
Take a look at BGR or engadget, those logos are known.
Make your logo..more "catchy" (?) It seems a bit amateurish, whether you are or not is not the point.
Second, the text "Android Apps and Modifications" jumps out, it does not follow the rest of the layout in font choice and is partially hidden by the "Subscribe to us" banner.
Having mentioned both logo and subscription parts of the site, immediately adjacent to the right of those, there's alot of empty space that screams of "under construction", maybe integrate them into each other?
Just opened ie, noticed it's ad space.
I'd do away with gif animation ads, makes the site look cheap. But I have never had a site with ads or sought to advertise so...I don't know if you get a selection of ads or how it works. Either way, I'd integrate the main title/logo bar and the subscription bar and find a better way to integrate the ads.
I also thought it was "not-for-profit."
As for the rest of the layout, I like it. It is classy, modern.
One thing to mention, I would rather have the posts below the top post to have more than just the excerpt. At least a small thumbnail. Text is boring and a picture can say a thousand words as well as give the chance to tease readers, excite, etc.
Make content the center/masterpiece.
As for the content, I like it. It's useful and interesting. Disassembly, ROM Releases, tutorials, awesome. Have you considered having featured weekly articles? App of the Week, ROM of the week, Tip of the week? These could go along beside your regular posts. These could turn out to be sought out sections of your site.
Another thing, I speak for myself, I'm a bit of a neat freak when it comes to having information in front of me. That is why I love forums haha.
I noticed you have a bajillion tags. Maybe cut them down into less, more encompassing, tags?
Sorry if I was too honest, I do not know how long you've had the site up. I think you have a great idea, you should run with it.
The only sites I take care of run on wordpress and thank God for layouts and php tuts.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Different browsers render things different ways, so include your browser and version number to help him out.
Good point, thanks.
I was on chrome 5 on windows 7.
Also had adblock enabled which explains how I noticed the ad in internet explore.
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I agree with what overthinkingme said about putting the subscription login next to the logo. However I think the logo is a great starting point. I like the color scheming but don't like the blog style layout (It's probably just me as I don't like blogs in general). If it's design is supposed to be a blog, then I don't have any suggestions on changes except cutting down the ads (If possible, maybe Google's text ads?). If you're looking to be more organized (sorry if this sounds harsh, I don't mean for it to) I'd go with a different layout. That's just my .02 so take it with a grain of salt. BTW I'm on a Mac with Safari 5.0. The site looks good and I've added it to my favorites (Actually I added it yesterday. Saw it in your signature and had to check it out.)

