my DREAMY G1 can't ROOT!! weak SD & usb, bluetooth etc*&$^%$ - G1 General

Thanks for Looking, really desperate.
I can’t root this ^#%@ G1. Basically I can not get nesscarry rooting files flashed on my G1. I guess the short question is why does my G1 not accept files from my win7 box. Not through the preferred SD card method but, not through wifi, Bluetooth, ADB. Droid explorer, etc, etc. I’ve tried everything , every method …nill.
BUT, otherwise the phone works fine. Internet, phone, G1 crapware, etc. You can assume I’ve tried every thing I can find on the web. But if you want to read details go please do
After many, many attempts with every recipe and every set of ROMs around, I ‘ve narrowed it down to it not liking the taste of my SD cards…most of the time, For some reason I can do the initial rc29 downgrade but not much more.
1) Connecting with USB cable to PC. android shows up in “devices and printers” and so does its “removable disk (after mounted from phone). However, double clicking, rt click trying to for mat it just gives errors
2) Putting in SD card while up and running returns “unrecognizable media”
3) Now, I can format SD (yes fat 32) on the PC card reader, add files, whatever, put card in phone and turn it on , at least I don’t get an error, but I get no better acces to card.
I was just about to physically take the phone apart and see if there was some flotsam, corrosion, a piese of bacon making the sd connection physically corrupting the physical conectoion. THAN I remembered blue toothe behaves the same way and WI FII won’t connect at all. Seem that indicates something systremic…Radio??
Help Please?!?!
5 different New SD cards three, 4 gig, one 6 gig, one 2 gig different meg cards
SD reformats both quick and full adnaseum
4 different USB cords including brand new top of the line.
Re set to RC29 time and time again (remarkably it is apparently reading the flash drive


Storage Card Problem - Not Showing UP

I just transferred some cabs and was in the middle of transferring music over to my ppc when all of a sudden it mentioned that I had inadequate space. So I opened up file explorer and it brought up the items on the storage card, including stuff transferred pre-music. I tried running one of the cabs, no avail. I figured I would soft-reset and see if that woudln't fix it. Well, now it won't show up under the memory tab and I am currently trying to run it on my pc. No money.
I guess, am I looking at a dead mem card or should I try anything to revive it?
Any help here?
You need to see if the card can be read by your pc via a card reader. Try your card in another phone or camera if you can. Also good to know what rom you have as this kinda error is more common with the older roms. Good chance your card has an error and will need to be reformatted - backup any data if you can. Reformat to fat - preferably on the device using storage tools or sktools - google for them.
I used the adapter to try to load it up on my pc. No dice, freezes up file explorer a little bit and asks me to insert device into slot. Should I try loading it on another device? I'll load up storage tools and see if it can't find anything. I'm thinking I should look into another card, though but wanted to see if there wasn't anything I couldn't do to spare myself the money - college students get really touchy about money, you see.
On the subject, I'm looking at a $40 card from OEM - anyone have/know anything about these cards?
Thanks a lot for even responding though. I get really antsy when something ill happens to an expensive device of mine.
jose_v said:
I used the adapter to try to load it up on my pc. No dice, freezes up file explorer a little bit and asks me to insert device into slot. Should I try loading it on another device? I'll load up storage tools and see if it can't find anything. I'm thinking I should look into another card, though but wanted to see if there wasn't anything I couldn't do to spare myself the money - college students get really touchy about money, you see.
On the subject, I'm looking at a $40 card from OEM - anyone have/know anything about these cards?
Thanks a lot for even responding though. I get really antsy when something ill happens to an expensive device of mine.
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Try loading on another device - people have had success popping them in cameras - use an sd adapter and try that.

Storage Card Problems(this is a long one)

Hey Guys,
I've been having a TON of problems with my storage card lately. I was using doubletwist to sync music when the problems first happened. Basically the storage card flipped out, it wouldnt allow any access either through the computer or on the phone. So i turned off the phone popped the Storage Card out and then back in. When I plugged my HD2 back into the computer i discovered that all my files on the storage card had been deleted.
I called t-mobile customer care and they told me to call the htc accessories line to get a new one. Did that and the lady says theres nothing they can do as all the cards are back ordered.
I'm worried that its going to happen again, and on top of all this my 16 GB Storage card is now 971 MB, i was adding my applications when it said the card was full so i checked and thats what the computers giving me.
I figured that maybe if i formatted the card it would work but i cant find that option anywhere when i right click on the card when plugged into the computer.
So basically all i have now is a 971 MB Sd card with a few applications on it instead of the 16 GB preloaded SD card that held about 200 pictures taken with the phones camera(that are now gone along with Transformers and everything else that was on the phone)
Sorry for the long rant guys but im really frustrated...
Any Help?
Have you connected the phone to the PC in 'disk drive' mode? If not, then do that to 1) be absolutely sure you can't see/recover any of the files, and then 2) to format it (it has to be connected this way for that option to be available)
I'm not an expert on here (more of a "user" than a "maker") but I have had my share of SD card problems.
If you are using the class 2 card that came with your phone, order a class 4 or class 6. The class 2's are known to cause performance problems for the HD2. When I upgraded to my class 6, I noticed the difference right away on graphics-heavy apps that use the SD card in realtime (i.e. not just to store profiles).
You need to decide if you simply want to get your SD card back or try and save data on it first. If you just want to format it and start over, try these:
Try first using the sd formatter in your HD2, in the "Tools" folder.
If you have a card reader or a card slot in your Windows PC, try inserting the card (or, as sirphunkee said, mount your HD2 as "disk drive" and not as active sync) and go to control panel > administrative tools > computer management > Disk Management and see if Windows can read your card. If it can, you should be able to right click on the drive and select "format". You could also try assigning it a new drive letter. Sometimes it seems to kick start the Drive Management services into accessing your card with a proper mount.
Download SD Formatter from Panasonic. Sometimes when windows can't do it, this program can.
If you have an uBuntu OS installed, sometimes using gParted is also effective.
I have also seen threads on here about downloading the default factory files that should already be on the card, with links...
Hope this helps. But bottom line you should definitely NOT wait for another crappy class 2 card from TMo/HTC and go get a class 6 (you can find them easily enough online for about $50).
sirphunkee said:
Have you connected the phone to the PC in 'disk drive' mode? If not, then do that to 1) be absolutely sure you can't see/recover any of the files, and then 2) to format it (it has to be connected this way for that option to be available)
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So instead of using active sync to connect use disk drive mode. Got it, but once i do that if there were files to recover i would see them correct?
googlesax said:
So instead of using active sync to connect use disk drive mode. Got it, but once i do that if there were files to recover i would see them correct?
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Yes, as long as you're looking at the card's contents via file explorer on the pc, not the phone...the one one the phone won't be able to see the card at all when it's connected that way.
Basically, when you connect in disk drive mode, the pc handles the card just like a regular external USB hard drive.
You'll probably be able to format and use it again now that you're connecting it that way, but if it still acts up then go through any and all of mfrey's steps above, including just upgrading to a higher-class card if possible. The stock cards that come with the HD2 seem to be somewhat inconsistent in quality and potentially unreliable, and as he said the speed difference of a faster card can definitely be noticible in every day use.
i connected the phone via disk drive mode as suggested but i had the same results after connecting multiple times so i decided to format the card through the phone as mfrey suggested. After doing so the card still reads as a total of 971 MB both on the phone when checked under settings and on the computer.
Im going to try going to t-mobile to see what they say about my problem because i dont see how this could happen, ive been using this sd card for about three months and up til a few days ago it worked perfectly
Wish me luck guys
googlesax said:
i connected the phone via disk drive mode as suggested but i had the same results after connecting multiple times so i decided to format the card through the phone as mfrey suggested. After doing so the card still reads as a total of 971 MB both on the phone when checked under settings and on the computer.
Im going to try going to t-mobile to see what they say about my problem because i dont see how this could happen, ive been using this sd card for about three months and up til a few days ago it worked perfectly
Wish me luck guys
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Were you able to see the drive in Drive Management in Administrative Tools? If so, when you right-clicked it, was there an option to delete partition? Did you try SD Formatter (it's free)?
If it's the factory class 2 that came with your phone, it could be bricked...

Memory Card Failure

Had a 16GB memory card in my HD2 for about 6 months. Yesterday it failed for no apparent reason. Anyone else had this happen? Or any idea as to how I could get the data back? Tried it on my PC in a card reader, but it just says 'Please insert disk...'
Not that big a deal, but its a hassle as most of my apps and icons, and all my TomTom maps were stored on the card
quite a few have had memory cards fail whilst using them in the hd2
same here
also had a new (ebay/unbranded) 8Gb micro SD card fail on me last week after only 6 days of use. Completely fried - PC refused to recognise it existed at all. Lucikly had been syncing entire contents daily to a backup folder on my home NAS using GoodSync so returned to ebayer for replacement and then re-synced with no data loss.
I had a similar experience, not with my HD2 but with my previous HD. The card appears in the directory only for a few seconds and then disappears, on every fresh reboot of the phone (not sure if that's your case too). So what I did was to have the phone boot-up while connected to the PC, and copy the data from it as quick as possible before it 'disappears'. Once I did that and had all my info safe, I formatted the card and it worked fine afterwards. Never knew what exactly had caused the failure though, but fortunately I was able to recover the data as described.
Had a failure with a 16GB mSD Sandisk in my HTC Touch HD Blackstone 2 months ago after 2,5 years of heavy use. Parts of my data were corrupted and phone froze.
mSD was still recognized by PC but unable to write or copy any data any more. Also no luck with recovery apps for PC.
I dunno if it was the Blackstone that fu..** the card or vice versa, the ROM of my Blackstone was fu..** too. I flashed G10s Ultimate Dusk, have a new sd card and now works fine again.
Sh.. happens once in a while

Problems with USB and synching

I often have problems when I want to copy data on the phone or get it from the phone on the HDD. It works in general but often it justs hangs and then I have to restart the phone which only shows "synchronising" and doesn#t do anything anymore. Another thing not working very well is accessing data (photos or videos) directly from the sd card. I often get errors when trying to do this. Any ideas?
Now I got a message while copying data "device not working anymore"... What's wrong here?
You can try using a different USB cable or trying a different SD card. I think based on your post it's probably a card going bad.
Hm, it's a class 10 card, h igh quality, worked fine in my HTC desire...

I guess I get to ask the first dumb question!

Hello all,
Used to be on here for about 10 years but now I don't have access to my old email so I'm back to being a newbie. I feel like one too since the last device I rooted was a HTC HD2. Those were the days... LOL I've been a longtime Windows guy since 6.1 and before and have followed the progress through 7, 8, 8.1 & 10 as an insider but I think it's time to start looking at Android again.
Anyway, saw this really great deal on Amazon for the Idol 5S and since I was already using an Idol 4S with Windows, I thought I'd give it a go. Especially for $211 it seemed like a pretty good deal to me. Now the first annoying thing is really why the price was so good and that's the Amazon Prime ads on the lock screen. No way to get rid of them. They've obviously rooted the phone already and taken away any developer options and that's what I was looking for when it brought me back to XDA.
My problem is that I have an SD card installed, I made sure to format it and it functions as you'd expect with one exception. When I connect to my PC via PTP (Win10 latest insider build), I see internal storage but not the SD card. If I change to MTP use for the USB, I get nothing at all just a charge. I've installed the correct drivers in Windows so I don't see why this should be an issue unless something has changed these days with you having no external access to the SD card? I was thinking of checking USB debug mode to make sure that was off but like I said, no developer options are available.
That brings me to my question (Dumb or not), anyone got any ideas? Is my new newbie status just making me blind? I guess there is no way to root this device yet until some clever dev comes up with a way but if anyone has any suggestions, I'm all ears. thanks in advance and have a great day! :good:
There are no dumb questions (as long as there are no sticky threads that already contain the answer ).
Are you using the SD card as an external storage or is it recognized by your phone as part of the internal storage (c.f. settings->storage)? The latter is an optional feature that got introduced with android M. Neither your phone nor your PC will distinguish between the phones internal storage and the SD card if you use this option.
You need to be aware that your SD card gets encrypted if you decide to use that feature and that only your phone is able to decrypt the data that is stored on the card. In other words if your phone dies due to whichever reason then you won't be able to recover the data on your card. In addition, the internal storage of nowadays smartphones is quite fast (in regard to its read/write speed). Most of the SD cards on the market aren't (in comparison to the internal storage's speed). This means that integrating an SD card to your internal storage slows your phone down.
Flippy498 said:
There are no dumb questions (as long as there are no sticky threads that already contain the answer ).
Are you using the SD card as an external storage or is it recognized by your phone as part of the internal storage (c.f. settings->storage)? The latter is an optional feature that got introduced with android M. Neither your phone nor your PC will distinguish between the phones internal storage and the SD card if you use this option.
You need to be aware that your SD card gets encrypted if you decide to use that feature and that only your phone is able to decrypt the data that is stored on the card. In other words if your phone dies due to whichever reason then you won't be able to recover the data on your card. In addition, the internal storage of nowadays smartphones is quite fast (in regard to its read/write speed). Most of the SD cards on the market aren't (in comparison to the internal storage's speed). This means that integrating an SD card to your internal storage slows your phone down.
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Thanks for the reply Flippy. I've tried to format the SD both ways. First as external storage and secondly as internal storage. Either way I do it, it is not showing up in Windows file explorer as expected. I see internal storage being the actual phone with no problem but no go on the SD card. It's a strange problem that I've never run across before. I've read that this may occur if USB debugging is on but since this is a pre-rooted phone by Amazon, I am unable to confirm if this is the case or not since there are no developer options or ways to get to USB debugging. They are omitted from the settings menu. I guess you get what you pay for buying from Amazon but I will hold out hope that the price and build quality will make this phone popular and some clever dev will find a way to root it so I can flash it with a new build without the limitations.
With regard to the build, it's very nice. All aluminum bezel, beautiful design. Responsive and snappy and a perfect form factor with it's size. I like it so far but I would say that I am looking forward to making it my own...
Thanks again for your response.
I need root my phone
[email protected] said:
I need root my phone
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I'm wondering if this phone will be rootable? Seems Google is making it harder with Nougat.
