Problem with Touchscreen - HD2 General

I have a problem with my hd2's screen.
Often i press the wrong buttons when typing and so on, And ive come to the conclusion that its something wrong with the screen.
To test this ive gone to the file explorer and then grab the slider to scroll down and hold my finger perfectly still.
And even tho im 100% still it stills jumps up and down like crazy.
I can imagne that its this that makes me type the letter beside the one im trying to hit.
Anyone else has this problem or did i get a faulty phone?
Regards, Joakim

A few other people have reported "jittery" screens. Have you applied any of the decreased sensitivity hacks? I believe there's 1 on BsB tweaks, which is nice and easy.

hargibi said:
I have a problem with my hd2's screen.
Often i press the wrong buttons when typing and so on, And ive come to the conclusion that its something wrong with the screen.
To test this ive gone to the file explorer and then grab the slider to scroll down and hold my finger perfectly still.
And even tho im 100% still it stills jumps up and down like crazy.
I can imagne that its this that makes me type the letter beside the one im trying to hit.
Anyone else has this problem or did i get a faulty phone?
Regards, Joakim
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Have you tried re-aligning the screen and secondly reduce the sensitivity of the screen using BsB tweaks? this might solve your problems

the screen is very erratic: often when pressing backspace seemingly in the right spot the screen will jitter and incorrectly register different parts of the screen. often during texts the cursor will jump to the beginning of the text for no good reason. i find that this problem is augmented in cold conditions or when my fingers are not 100% dry.
I am no authority on screen technology so can only theorize but i suspect the problem to be linked to the fact that Windows Mobile does not natively support capacitive touchscreens (the driver for our HD2s was developed by HTC ). Other mobile OS such as iPhone OS and Android do not suffer any problems like this. we can also rule out a hardware fault here as i own/ed three different HD2s, all of which suffer from this jittering. The next update to Windows Mobile purportedly includes NATIVE capacitive support, which would - i suspect - have undergone more rigorous sensitivity and usability testing and will therefore lead to a better experience on the whole. i suspect that we won't get a truly excellent experience with Windows Mobile until 7 is released. The Windows Mobile we use now is very ancient under the technobotox, which probably explains the frequent freezes, glitches and slowdowns our HD2s suffer on a daily basis despite the awesome specifications (and perhaps why - up to now, Microsoft have put so little effort into the intentionally generic and rather stale Marketplace).

I applyed the screen sensitivity cab and now it seems much better. ill report back tomorrow when ive used it a bit

i installed bsb tweaks 1.6 and aligned the screen,my hd2 still jitter


Did google fix the sreen problem after the upgrade?

Hi, Just wonder if you still have the screen problem (register the wrong place when click) after the upgrade.
No. You should check out the humongous thread on google support forums. Googe have now abandned even giving updates on this serious problem.
p.s. no fix in ere36b either (as im running that now and still experience this problem at random)
I don't understand this issue, I just don't see it on mine at all, no matter what ROM I install ... there has to be something more to this than a simple fault across all handsets ... either select faulty ones or some other factor. Mine just works 100% as expected at all times.
That said I have had no 3G issues either, no matter what radio version I use. Perhaps I am lucky ?
I think its because people are touching the edge of the screen while pressing with the other causing it to register incorrectly
duncan888 said:
I think its because people are touching the edge of the screen while pressing with the other causing it to register incorrectly
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That is not it, there are plenty of videos that show the touchsreen misfiring while just laying on the table. Also, the way I hold my phone I am never touching the glass surface other than with the one finger doing the touching.
With regards to some people not seeing it, this issue is very random. I can go for days without noticing it and then out of the blue it would come back, most annoying when it happens while typing something.
There is another somewhat related issue with the sensor on the n1. If you download an app called multi touch paint and try to draw two parallel lines simultaneously from say top left corner down to bottom right you will see that the lines are not straight at all and full of zigzags. Only way that this sensor recognizes multiple lines properly is if you draw perfectly vertical or horizontal lines.
There is also a discussion on developer groups where game developers are pointing out this very problem of multi toch totally being screwed up where it switches axis causing your touch to register in completely the wrong place. From the comments of the android engineer it makes it seem that the sensor hardware is just like that, cheap and low quality.
Link to discussion:
duncan888 said:
I think its because people are touching the edge of the screen while pressing with the other causing it to register incorrectly
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trust me its not.
i have had this twice and has nothing to do with that.
i dont see it as a huge problem but a lot of people are getting this on a daily basis..
vas41 said:
That is not it, there are plenty of videos that show the touchsreen misfiring while just laying on the table. Also, the way I hold my phone I am never touching the glass surface other than with the one finger doing the touching.
With regards to some people not seeing it, this issue is very random. I can go for days without noticing it and then out of the blue it would come back, most anyin when it happens while typing something.
There is another somewhat related issue with the sensor on the n1. If you download an app called multi touch paint and try to draw to lines simultaneously from say top left corner down to bottom right you will see that the lines are not straight at all and full of zigzags. Onlyway that this sensor recognizes multiple lines properly is if you draw perfectly vertical or horizontal lines.
There is also a discussion on developer groups where game developers are pointing out this very problem of multi toch totally being screwed up where it switches axis causing your touch to register in completely the wrong place. Fromn the comments of the android engineer it makes it seem that the sensor hardware is just like that, cheap and low quality.
Link to discussion:
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I know, I have seen all these videos and attempted to re-create many times to test I have never seen this issue once.
Don't get me wrong I can understand it being a mare of you are having it, but I just dont ever see it.
after trolling the Google thread, it seems to me there are several scenarios everyone is lumping into "screen issues" and it's going to be hard to pin it down to one source
Mine happens (touch registers on the wrong part of the screen) when I am using certain apps (Ringdroid, Browser mostly) - a couple of things clears it up ; press the sleep button, kill all tasks if you have an app for it, or change to landscape mode. For other people it's the soft keys and/or much worse. Since mine clears up with a specific action, I tend to think it is software related.
With mine it used randomly to happen but only in the Launcher (never again since 36B). I couldn't point anywhere but if I selected any app with the trackball and opend ist everything worked fine again, also the keyboard on the launcher worked well. For me it seems that it has something to do with the launcher.

love vs hate - screen sensitivity (mostly hate)

I loved everything about this Phone until today. Today is the day I tried to access ebay from my Phone. Brought up the page in only a few seconds, good start. Pinch to zoom working well, excellent.
username in without too much trouble.
Password.... it took me 20 mins to get this in due to the ****ty sensitivity on the screen. I was almost at the point of throwing it against the wall.
I have the sensitivity fix installed, is there proper solution for this problem or some way to make the screen much more accurate for typing?
stoolzo said:
I loved everything about this Phone until today. Today is the day I tried to access ebay from my Phone. Brought up the page in only a few seconds, good start. Pinch to zoom working well, excellent.
username in without too much trouble.
Password.... it took me 20 mins to get this in due to the ****ty sensitivity on the screen. I was almost at the point of throwing it against the wall.
I have the sensitivity fix installed, is there proper solution for this problem or some way to make the screen much more accurate for typing?
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calibrate the screen ,it solves allot of issues , if this doesnot fix it change the screen
change the screen, you mean have it replaced?, this is my second phone as they other was the same, are we sure this isnt something we are going to have to live with?
stoolzo said:
Password.... it took me 20 mins to get this in due to the ****ty sensitivity on the screen. I was almost at the point of throwing it against the wall.
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what was the problem?
clicking the password field (I just find you have to be quite zoomed in, in opera it seems to ignore clicks to fields unless the fields have been zoomed in on.)
or typing the password on the keyboard because it has no auto text correction? (I dont really find this a problem to be honest, I use a large number of numbers, letters uppercase and lowercase and symbols and aslong as I dont type it too fast and think about each key I will always type it right first time)
getting into the fields wasnt too bad with zoom. The problem was multiple taps. When I type a key sometimes It also puts on all the keys around it, seems to be a bit random - I havent got sausage fingers either.
It may be worse for me as I had a touch HD before this and the resistive screen was very accurate, may just need more time to acclimatise.
you probably should go into notes and try drawing lines around, if they aren't really straight or if by pressing in one spot you have the cursoir drawing all around your fingertip, then it's probably still something to do with warranty servicing
Me, on the other side, never ever had any problem with sensitivity at all, all the contrary I think that if I had to install the sensitivity patch it would be way more unpleasant to use the phone, I like the sensitivity as it is now
:S hmm that sounds a bit weird, I don't really have much of a problem with key accuracy.
are you typing your password too fast? might help if you slow it down, instead of retyping it ten times, take 5 times longer to type it the first time and you have already cut down the time it takes you by a lot
Get the original stylus from HTC and try again. If it happens with the stylus too the screen is fu.....
This is going to be a random suggestion
Do you have any Task Managers installed? Such as Dutty's/Touch X or Appelflap's or anyone that put an icon in the top right of your screen.
If so, try uninstalling them and see if this a has any positive affect on your typing.
We'll deal with a replacement Task Manager later
when I move quickly accross the page it is fine, when moving slowly its absolutely terrible, akin to sizeometer earthquake 9 on the ricter scale. I am using Laurentius26 GoldEdition V2.1, I will flash back to stock and see what that is like.
this is what I am getting, exactly..!
Have you tried using a different rom, if a new rom doesnt fix it there must be some hardware failure since that is not standard behaviour for the screen. I have just performed the same test on my phone and I get near perfect straight lines even while varying the pressure on the screen.
You say you have a fix installed is it this one:
I had the none ghost fix installed but realised I have both problems. Just uninstalled and installed the ghost+sense fix and reset....
no change
will try a new ROM, if no change then I am going to send it back to VODA, this was a "nearly new" phone on their swap scheme, got it free on £20.month, seemed to good to be true and was.
Watch this video ( It may be the case that your HD2 needs to be sent for repair as it may just be defective.
Did you try running no task managers? I presume that it did not help.
Send it off and explain it's unusable in this state.
put stock new ROM on from Voda, a lot better by far. It must either be the ROM, the fix or Zoomer which is causing this. I wonder if anyone else has has this problem, i will log this on the ROM thread.
still having problems with this, not as bad as before, think i am going to send it back and cancel the contract, I think this phone although beautiful is not fit for purpose.

FROYO on Blackstone - Touch Screen Calibration

Right, since this is such a significant impairment (and some users don't seem to experience it), I decided to create a separate thread for it:
If anyone finds out how to properly CALIBRATE the touchscreen on Froyo on Blackstone, please post it here.
So far, the "msmts_calib=0x395.0x3c9.0x79.0x77" results in random keys etc being pressed on the left hand side of the screen.
zero0007 said:
Right, since this is such a significant impairment (and some users don't seem to experience it), I decided to create a separate thread for it:
If anyone finds out how to properly CALIBRATE the touchscreen on Froyo on Blackstone, please post it here.
So far, the "msmts_calib=0x395.0x3c9.0x79.0x77" results in random keys etc being pressed on the left hand side of the screen.
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well, there is a bigger problem as the calibration part ...
in froyo it seems to be, that the calibration willb e done automatical and it is not necc. to do anything extra...
but the module/driver for touchscreen is buggy ...
better for testing is the app dotty (can be downloaded from market).
there you'll see, that if you press via finger middle botton, that it jumps on screen touch to left botton - only sometimes ......and with this bug it is almost not possible to use the phone via fingers ...
my boot paramter for calibration is: msmts_calib=0x395.0x3c9.0x79.0x77
but as told above ... the problem is the touchscreen doesn't work correct if using finger ...
if you use the stylus, then it is working, so i think it is a bug, that if the touchscreen driver is getting multiple zones on touching the display, then something strange happen, and then it add an extra point on the left side, which makes using keyboard (SIP) almost impossible.
the only questions would be: does this bug also happenon 2.1 ?
because it it is there working, then we can try to implement the driver from 2.1.
cu camel
Slow down...
Slow down guys...
For 99% of users the calibration works fine, you're in the minority experience tolerance issues.
Touchscreens drift over time, and with heat fluctuations (quite dramatic ones only) etc.
You guys are just unlucky and have devices that have clearly drifted by some amount....
Now, there ARE instructions floating around about how to fix calibration issues, but they aren't on the Blackstone thread, they are elsewhere and I can't recall quite where, but they DO exist.
When it comes to used a finger instead of a stylus, here you just have to live with the differences between a resistive and capacitive touchscreen. Resistive is the one used on Blackstone and most other touchscreens older than 18 months old, whilst never devices tend to have capacitive screens.
What's the difference?
Resistive need physical pressure against the screen, but can be highly accurate in ONE position. You can use these screens with or without a stylus, so can be good for handwriting recognition etc.
Capacitive need NO physical pressure against the screen, but are less accurate.
However they can detect multiple presses at the same time in different parts of the screen.
You can't easy use these screens with a normal stylus and so they aren't ideal for handwriting recognition or fine detail work.
When it comes to using your finger on resistive screen, a lot of accuracy is lost... you're just pressing a large area of the screen and the screen can only deduce ONE point under your finger. This can lead to inaccuracy and wrong buttons being pressed with a UI that has tiny icons and controls.
If your touch calibration is ALSO out, then things get worse still.
Now, before any techies get too techy, there ARE some 'smart' techniques for trying to have multi-touch on resistive displays, but we will no go into that here, and they are generally 'hacks' that don't work in all scenarios.
You guys just need to get your displays recalibrated... that should cure 95% of all your problems, and the remaining 5% are just the stuff we all face... like no multitouch, pinch to zoom etc
It's definitely wrong to give the impressions that XDAndroid releases simply don't work correctly with touch screen. That's very misleading indeed.
i too have issues with touch screen accuracy (both 2.1a and 2.2 v1.0)
80% of the presses are fine, but the other 20% xdandroid would place my finger about 1" to the right, slightly down of when i first contact the screen, and then work out where i've actually pressed a fraction of second later, translating it into a swipe etc.
the touchscreen tool in the debug area proves this fact.
WM is perfect.
weirdly, it seems not to occur at all/noticably less using the stylus. maybe something todo with pressure/contact area?
i do think the OP has a valid issue tbh.
TheBrilliantMistake said:
Slow down guys...
For 99% of users the calibration works fine, you're in the minority experience tolerance issues.
Touchscreens drift over time, and with heat fluctuations (quite dramatic ones only) etc....
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Thanks for the info.
First, I didn't mean to mislead anyone. I just noticed increased inquiries about this issue and I wasn't aware of the 99% of users having it perfectly this a fact btw?
Besides, I am aware of the different types of displays but obviously, pinch zoom etc are not exactly the main concern, we are just looking to use the phone with our fingers mate!
I agree - I have been using the phone for many months running WM and I had no issue, whatsoever. I am not much of a techie but you are still referring to the software calibration, correct?
Thanks for sharing some valuable info again. I would love to see those instruction on how to do this calibration as without it and along with much of resentment to use stylus, it pretty much makes the phone running Froyo useless )
zero0007 said:
Thanks for the info.
First, I didn't mean to mislead anyone. I just noticed increased inquiries about this issue and I wasn't aware of the 99% of users having it perfectly this a fact btw?
Besides, I am aware of the different types of displays but obviously, pinch zoom etc are not exactly the main concern, we are just looking to use the phone with our fingers mate!
I agree - I have been using the phone for many months running WM and I had no issue, whatsoever. I am not much of a techie but you are still referring to the software calibration, correct?
Thanks for sharing some valuable info again. I would love to see those instruction on how to do this calibration as without it and along with much of resentment to use stylus, it pretty much makes the phone running Froyo useless )
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But windows mobile typically makes you calibrate your screen when you reflash a ROM, making the calibration specific to your device.
It's also not clear where the calibration info is stored, other than the registry it MAY be stored in E2, or some flash area somewhere. Regardless, it usually forces you to recalibrate (some custom ROMs skip this).
The XDAndroid chaps deemed to 'auto configure' Blackstone calibration for some reason, and this is the most probable reason why folks are having issues.
As for 99%, hummm well, just my releases alone have over 20,000 downloads, and my stuffs one of the lesser used!... yes, some folks have calibration issues, but the majority aren't reporting any... I've maybe seen/heard 20 folks with the issue... that's not too many all in all across all the various releases. AND, some of those guys were also the types of guys saying "this sucks, the battery lasts 2 hours".... as if we didn't all know that ;-)
There was a calibration tool floating around somewhere, plus, those values CAN be edited to suit your device, so there is some home!
Wow, I thought I was one of the only people that had the calibration issue. X_X It's what caused me not to use XDAndroid as much. =(
Anyone have any idea what the calibration tool was? I tried searching calibrate and calibration but no tool was mentioned in the Blackstone droid threads.
PS. I have no idea on how to change the calibration values... =/ When I open up the ts_calibration it shows up as blank. When I open up the startup.txt ("msmts_calib=0x395.0x3c9.0x79.0x77") I do not know exactly what the values affect.
I tried using the stylus but it currently has the same problem as if I was just using my finger... Does that mean that my touch screen is going out on me? =(
I have a problem too with touch screen calibration.....I guess i'm 1% of users...
im curious as to how maany others have this issue - seems theres a few coming out of the woodwork now
im sure the XDAndroid FAQ or the release thread says the devs are aware of almost all issues so dont bother reporting them (or something to that effect), yet i havent seen anyone mention touchscreen issues upto this thread.
does anyone see a need for a bugtracker for the XDAndroid, or are the forums sufficient? to me, forums seem a bit 'unofficial' with reguard to bugs - maybe an official bug tracker (specific to the android project) would help everyone to see what people are experiencing and numbers involved.
i must say i am only a user, so i dont see or get involved in the development side so maybe this thing already exists in closed circles.
to put it another way, each phone has their own android subforum so it must take the devs alot of time to collate info. bug tracker could be a better way to manage this?
I have the same problem, since 1.6... i touch the screen and is like i touched 1cm outside the screen on the left for 0.001 seconds, so is extremly difficult to type without stylus.
with the stylus is much better but still not good
Ps. i remember the first version of android working on blackstone (1.5 i think) was working good, and the touch screen was fine
veehexx said:
im curious as to how maany others have this issue - seems theres a few coming out of the woodwork now
im sure the XDAndroid FAQ or the release thread says the devs are aware of almost all issues so dont bother reporting them (or something to that effect), yet i havent seen anyone mention touchscreen issues upto this thread.
does anyone see a need for a bugtracker for the XDAndroid, or are the forums sufficient? to me, forums seem a bit 'unofficial' with reguard to bugs - maybe an official bug tracker (specific to the android project) would help everyone to see what people are experiencing and numbers involved.
i must say i am only a user, so i dont see or get involved in the development side so maybe this thing already exists in closed circles.
to put it another way, each phone has their own android subforum so it must take the devs alot of time to collate info. bug tracker could be a better way to manage this?
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I was actually thinking about the same thing..unsure how to proceed though...
mitikos said:
I have the same problem, since 1.6... i touch the screen and is like i touched 1cm outside the screen on the left for 0.001 seconds, so is extremly difficult to type without stylus.
with the stylus is much better but still not good
Ps. i remember the first version of android working on blackstone (1.5 i think) was working good, and the touch screen was fine
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I would dig up that version along with calib code in the startup txt file then!
well, i've put the idea forward in the main android subforum here.
it would certainly be useful from a user side perspective to see progress and known issues. fingers crossed
edit: and when did i move to 'Senior member'!!?
I experience similar issues with 2.2, didn't notice it to the same extent in 2.1. When I type on the on screen keyboard, pretty often i get an added button press detected off to the left (about 2 - 3 cm). The problem does occur a lot less when using the stylus instead of the finger.
This is NOT likely to be a calibration problem, as in that case all presses would be off consistently (e.g. always half a centimeter in the wrong direction or something like that).
It looks as if the Touchscreen sends some "incorrect" data that WM filters as too short of a press or whatever and that is affecting some users.
mmm, questionable.
Calibration is as far as I'm concerned done each time, individually with new system (ROM) unless using a saved one from previous attempt install (my Froyo case).
To my understanding of the matter, wrong calibration doesn't necessarily have to mean your display is "shifted" 2cm to the left or so. Simply, it just doesn't work properly i.e. you have the same problem as all other people in this thread.
Maybe reading TheBrilliantMistake's post about different types of screens earlier would help you understand...
after all, we need that calibration tutorial/tip which is allegedly somewhere around here...
StevieBallz said:
I experience similar issues with 2.2, didn't notice it to the same extent in 2.1. When I type on the on screen keyboard, pretty often i get an added button press detected off to the left (about 2 - 3 cm). The problem does occur a lot less when using the stylus instead of the finger.
This is NOT likely to be a calibration problem, as in that case all presses would be off consistently (e.g. always half a centimeter in the wrong direction or something like that).
It looks as if the Touchscreen sends some "incorrect" data that WM filters as too short of a press or whatever and that is affecting some users.
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I have the same problem, exatly the same.
Cant we set android to ignore the first 0.1seconds of a pression on the screen?
StevieBallz said:
I experience similar issues with 2.2, didn't notice it to the same extent in 2.1. When I type on the on screen keyboard, pretty often i get an added button press detected off to the left (about 2 - 3 cm). The problem does occur a lot less when using the stylus instead of the finger.
This is NOT likely to be a calibration problem, as in that case all presses would be off consistently (e.g. always half a centimeter in the wrong direction or something like that).
It looks as if the Touchscreen sends some "incorrect" data that WM filters as too short of a press or whatever and that is affecting some users.
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ah - finally
now you got it - this is exact the problem what i want to tell everybody ..., and i'm sure, that this happen, because the touch screen driver doesn't calculate correct the position when a bigger range (like touch from a finger) is touched. This doesn't happen, when stylus is used ...
to remove the first 0,1 sec or something ... don't think, that this would help
...on the other hand ... which module is responsible for touch screen ?
Just for a start the background of calibration (it's on security risks with touchscreen based voting machines but the principle is obviously the same) -
I believe TheBrilliantMistake in this case thought we'd sometimes hit adjacent buttons. But fact is, it always does trigger to the left and in addition to the correct press being detected, so well there's something else to this one.
Guess it will be ironed out eventually as it's a lot less common in 2.1. But it's annoying to the point of making texting a real pain in 2.2.
StevieBallz said:
Just for a start the background of calibration (it's on security risks with touchscreen based voting machines but the principle is obviously the same) -
I believe TheBrilliantMistake in this case thought we'd sometimes hit adjacent buttons. But fact is, it always does trigger to the left and in addition to the correct press being detected, so well there's something else to this one.
Guess it will be ironed out eventually as it's a lot less common in 2.1. But it's annoying to the point of making texting a real pain in 2.2.
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does it means, that under 2.1 there is no such kind of "touchscreen bug with finger" ?, because then we can take a look to the modules - maybe we can compare the difference to 2.1 ...
I didn't experience it there but I have to admit that I didn't use 2.1 for too long. Maybe it's a speed issue with 2.1 being more optimized and polished then 2.2 which leads to it occuring on a less frequent basis.
Due to the known problems with powersafe modes not being supported yet in XDAndroid I'm currently mostly running WM6.5 but I'm looking forward to the advancements with XDAndroid, great project.
Add 2 more devices to the 1%.
I'm experience the same issue. My friend which has a newer Blackstone than me let me put my XDAndroid mSD card into his phone and there goes the same issue.
Tested with some drawing applications, here is what i experienced:
Just like others stated before most of the times when the bug occurs I get a line starting like 2 cm to the left of my finger (and a little lower) and ending under my finger. It's like I've been dragging my finger across the screen for 2 cm. Sometimes it goes as far as the left side of the screen.
Since this is inconsistent I doubt it's a calibration issue. I must assume it's the driver. But I might be wrong.
Anyway I believe a lot more people than 1% are experiencing the issue but they aren't posting about it since they believe it's a known issue.

[Q] Reduce screen sensitivity under Android

Hi all,
I was wondering if there is a way to reduce screen sensitivity under android, such as it is possible to do under Windows mobile by installing proper cab files.
Indeed I have some problems while typing under android, as the screen is super sensitive and I always make mistakes. I know I should have some touchscreen problems, but it would be great to solve this problems through a SW fix, as I did under windows mobile, without sending the device to the orrible HTC assistance.
anyone knows how to reduce screen sensitivity?
im wondering the same thing since i got this cheap charger which makes the sensitiving horrible, but back to normal when i unplug it.
android made my faulty touchscreen much more usable than stock winmo. but you are right: typing with standard keyboard is also nearly impossible for me! that's why i use swype. my touch is jittering around every few minutes. at this moments it's better for me to wait until it's over...
at least: +1 for a lower touchscreen sensitivity under android!
somerandomname said:
im wondering the same thing since i got this cheap charger which makes the sensitiving horrible, but back to normal when i unplug it.
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I don't think I would use that charger it providing the wrong volts or amps (sorry don't remember which) but it will cook the digitizer, happened to my g1 using an old motorola charger for a couple days while camping
Sent from my HTC HD2 Android
I know exactly what you're talking about, as I suffer from it as well. HTC did release the patch for winmo which fixed the problem completely.. hope someone finds a fix soon, I have not been able to find one!
the screen problems i faced disappeared with android , i think your devices have hardware faults
bump on this!
hoss_n2 said:
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i think your devices have hardware faults
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yeah, i know that my touchscreen is a bit faulty. at cold weather (like now) and cold hands, it is nearly unusable for writing but under winmo the jitterbug wasn't that annoying after sensitivity reduction! that's why we are looking for it on android.
HTC did release the patch for winmo which fixed the problem completely
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what kind of patch is it? does it fix somehow the jitterbug of faulty screens, or just reduces the sensitivity like several mods on winmo does?
Anyone tried changing the sensitivity setting on the HD2?
Go to All apps/Settings/Language & Keyboard/Touch Input/Text Input/ then scroll to the bottom for Calibration Tool. There you can change the touch sensitivity.
My touchscreen is faulty too.. i hope Hastarin will make for us a special Kernel to fix this issue.. i just have to wait till that jitterbug ends, then i could type...
same in-games..
AngelDeath said:
Anyone tried changing the sensitivity setting on the HD2?
Go to All apps/Settings/Language & Keyboard/Touch Input/Text Input/ then scroll to the bottom for Calibration Tool. There you can change the touch sensitivity.
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I can only make calibration, I can't see a way to directly reduce screen sensitivity
white-energy said:
My touchscreen is faulty too.. i hope Hastarin will make for us a special Kernel to fix this issue.. i just have to wait till that jitterbug ends, then i could type...
same in-games..
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+1 on asking astaring for a kernel with reduced sensitivity
The probem is that if we send the telephone to HTC they will simply upgrade the ROM to the 3.14, as in the new official ROM the sensitivity has been drastically reduced and the problem doesn't appear anymore...
but under android it is still present (and the touch screen remains faulty)!!
thenomadsoul = I can only make calibration, I can't see a way to directly reduce screen sensitivity
If memory serves me right, a keyboard with words for you to type appear, from what I know cause I have done this, the harder to press the less sensitive the screen is to touch, the lighter you press the more sensitive it is to touch.
If im completely off base, then take me out to the pasture and shoot me
AngelDeath said:
thenomadsoul = I can only make calibration, I can't see a way to directly reduce screen sensitivity
If memory serves me right, a keyboard with words for you to type appear, from what I know cause I have done this, the harder to press the less sensitive the screen is to touch, the lighter you press the more sensitive it is to touch.
If im completely off base, then take me out to the pasture and shoot me
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Thanks mate, I will try this and let you know
Keep this thread alive!!
Any update about what already discussed?
Same. Any update?
Tried Magldr 1.13 and Clockwork 1.3 updates.
Used HyperDroid and ghost touching was just as bad, though it took a while.
Tried Typhoon mod and it had same issues.
Using Stock Gingerbread and it's still giving some indications but not so bad.
It seems like the screen is just way too sensative. I'm out in the wind and the screen somehow picks up the wind hitting the screen as me touching it?
Is this a Hardware Problem?
I´m using Android in my Hd2 too, version gingerbread from nexus one by tytung...
I had problems with screen sensitivity in WinMo, and for now in Android os...
So, maybe this problem is a hardware issue? If try replace screen, this problem persists?
In HD2 plus Android, this device is great... except screen sensitivy.
Sorry about my poor english.
I'm not sure it's a sensitivity problem.
Rather I think that to use screen we have to press keys on the touch with almost strong strength.
What I think is that sometimes it seems HD2's touch doesn't clear the buffer of pressed coordinate... and it starts to press here and there randomly.
Or it seems there is some strange signal which causes this.
I think lowering touch screen sensitivity won't solve our problems.

[Q] I've noticed a problem with palm rejection.

Hey guys, I just picked up my Tegra Note and I'm enjoying it, but in testing out the potential and limitations of the DirectStylus, I came across a problem and I want to find out if it's just my problem, or if it's reproducible with all Tegra Notes with the latest system updates.
Basically, I'm using the stylus, and stylus only mode is activated. This works pretty well and ignores most/all inputs from anything except the tip of the stylus.
However, I have noticed that if I slide my finger onto the screen from the outer edge/bevel, it will often (nearly 100% of the time) register this as a touch. For an example, if I tap the home button with my finger nothing happens, however if I drag my finger from just below the screen onto the home button, it will press. Likewise I cannot scroll through home screens by normally swiping my finger, but if I swipe from off screen on the left or right, it will register. Bringing down the notification area with a finger swipe, etc, all work as well when naturally this should only be possible with the stylus.
The main problem with this is when writing/drawing with my hand resting on the edge of the device. If my palm is entirely off the screen it is fine. If my palm is entirely on the screen then stylus only works, too. However, if in the process of writing my hand slides from the side onto the screen, suddenly the stylus looses focus and I'm drawing lines with my palm.
I hope I have explained this issue correctly, and I wondered if this was a known problem? If there are any solutions? Have I messed up and set an option somewhere I shouldn't have? Should I get it replaced? Sorry for all the questions! :laugh:
Oh and it's not rooted or anything. Just stock, updated to the latest system version through the system updates.
Thanks, hope you can help!
I get a similar issue at the bottom left of the screen sometimes. It only seems to effect the bottom left but in both orientations so that rules out a hardware issue. Doing a quick lock and unlock seems to fix it for me and it functions fine until next time I turn on stylus mode. Seems hit and miss with no real way to replicate it.
It didn't seem to do it before ota 2.3 so I predict a hotfix for the issue. Its a minor issue, the battery life on 4.4.2 isn't however, 4-5hrs with lite use is pretty rubbish. I suspect that's an issue with the power saving features (I think it's stuck on Max performance all the time).
Would be nice if they fix the SD write issue but Google dictate that I think.
Mine was certainly a lot worse than that - persistent on all four edges of the screen and there is no way to stop it. 60-80% of the time it was manageable, but consistently reproducible, other times it was far worse and could only manage dots and dashes when I tried to write anything while resting my palm on the screen. It also developed a 'blind spot' problem I've noticed reported on a couple of forums - a spot where the stlus simply refused to draw - so I grew more concerned that I had a problem with the actual hardware. So, I took it into the store I bought it from, and they're going to replace it for me.
Hopefully I won't have a problem with the replacement one, because I absolutely love the tablet!
I've had similar problems... just remember, all of the stylus functionality is governed by software; the screen on this is simply a regular capacitive screen that's also capable of detecting the size and shape of what's touching it, and the rest is calculated by software. It's a neat idea, but in practice it hasn't held up as well as Nvidia would've liked us to believe. Now that I've had a Galaxy Note 2 for a couple months, I have to say that the active stylus experience blows the TN7 away, but then again it's a much more expensive technology to implement. I almost always used a pencil with my TN7 while it was my day-to-day work buddy since I found the stylus to be too sticky and hard to write with... I also found several of the issues I was having weren't as bad while using a pencil, so maybe you could give that a try. Also, remember that if the screen is dirty that it will affect the stylus's performance as the screen is so sensitive that even a little moisture could register as a touch on the screen.
I received my replacement tablet today, and it is a lot better than the one I previously had. While the problem is still there, it is far, FAR better than before. Now it seems to be a minor nuisance, rather than a consistently reproducible problem. On top of that it has a much more vibrant screen - less yellow and washed out - and no 'dead zones' when trying to write with the stylus. So while I am certain software has an impact on performance, there must have been something weird going on inside the hardware of my previous device, too.
Considering the price, the fact that others have had similar issues, and how much I like about everything else - I'm very happy with my new TN7 now!
Have same problem .... When i swipe from left or right side of the screen it detects stylus nd do all the things.... Dont knw wat to do amazon is not replacing too the tablet..!
Same problem, I don't usually mind it other when I'm using an app like sketchbook pro, it becomes really annoying.
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