Dis-abling the G-sensor? - Touch HD General

Hi. I posted my virgin post on the back of a thread some time back, but unfortunately got no replies. I've been scratching my head for ages with my problem and was considering selling my HD, but would really like to keep it as its otherwise a great phone.... My problem is virbration/shakes of the phone rotate my Tomtom app and other app's randomly and frequently. This is a problem for me when I mount my phone on my motorcycle to use it as a satnav. I've made myself tired trawling through the net and on here, but can't find any answers. Did a clear storage to manufactures settings [it would not 'hard reset' for some reason], various rotation 'apps' and HD tweak, but nothing seems to hold the orientation of the screen when subjected to vibration. Been in touch with HTC and they said its possibly my G-sensor not reading my settings, [eg] when the G-sensor is 'dis-abled' in settings, the internet and messaging, etc, screens still rotate when I flip the phone.... Am I right to assume the supposedly obvious that the G-sensor being switched off should stop these certain apps from flipping? Any other things I should know or could try, before I reluctantly send my phone in to HTC service.... Appreciate any advice.....

Go to registry
You'll see two subfolders there - just delete them and auto-rotation will be disabled for ALL aplications (but gsensor will still be working in apps which use it). You can then use changescreen or other soft to set autorotation for certain apps, or map a key to an app which rotates screen - this will give you manual screen rotation.
Alternatively you can find tomtom in those folders and just delete it's entry - this will disable autorotation for tomtom and leave everything else untouched.

WOW.... Well made up! Thanks for your prompt reply and via your great advice my problem seems to be sorted. Deleted the Tomtom folder in registry as you explained, added Changescreen and now I've got the 'stationary' landscape screen I've so long searched for... Brilliant! Out of a learning curve curiosity am I right in saying swithching off the G-sensor via settings should of stopped the screen flipping in the first place?
Further answer or not, thank you 'very' much for making my day and have a good one yourself......

Yes, switching the g-sensor off should disable the auto-rotation. The problem is, that doing it via settings doesn't work and g-sensor is still active Once I've been looking for a way to completely disable g-sensor (to check how this will affect battery life) but I couldn't find anything on the subject. g-sensor enabled applications will still be using it no matter what you set in settings or registry...

Seems strange. HTC told me that switching off G-sensor via settings should stop auto rotation such as messaging and internet which led me to believe I had a problem on my HD and to follow there advice to send my phone into them. Whats the point in having an option to switch it off, if it doesn't have any effect?!... Still, I'm happy now having done what you explained earlier....


Question - How to stop rotation bug?

Hi guys
Does anyone know if there is a fix for this bug as mentioned on the Gyrator website help page? In fact, does anyone get this bug or just a special few??
Q. When I rotate to any new orientation, the phone application pops up, or the today/manila screen appears?
A. As you'll probably know, orientation is disabled by default on the Diamond, because the HTC developers are either too incompetent, or lazy, to build applications which are orientation aware. As such, strange things happen with either Gyrator rotates the screen, or you use any other application to do the same thing.
ed.dark said:
Hi guys
Does anyone know if there is a fix for this bug as mentioned on the Gyrator website help page? In fact, does anyone get this bug or just a special few??
Q. When I rotate to any new orientation, the phone application pops up, or the today/manila screen appears?
A. As you'll probably know, orientation is disabled by default on the Diamond, because the HTC developers are either too incompetent, or lazy, to build applications which are orientation aware. As such, strange things happen with either Gyrator rotates the screen, or you use any other application to do the same thing.
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Yes, it is a PITA. I'm using a file called "rotator-netxscale-2003-4k-v420". It brings up a box on top of other apps to change the screen around. I have it programmed to the down volume button with AEBplus. The trick is never to switch the screen orientation while in TouchFlo3D. If you start your app first then activate the above program to change the screen it is all good, if you go to the TouchFlo 3D interface...it is not a happy camper. Unlike the normal WM Today Screen, TouchFlo3D Home is allergic to landscape.
I use Gyrator2, and TouchFLO is disabled by default in the settings, preventing it from being re-oriented if the device is turned. If you do a little searching, you'll find more threads that can help you configure Gyrator2 to stop the phone app, including incoming calls, from re-orienting. Plus, you can add any app you want in the settings. One I added was the Bubble Breaker game, which would restart a new game automatically if you turned the phone...
The same thing can also be done with MobileMagic.
Just deny auto rotation to the the apps that do not like
to be rotated or that rotate them self, like Teeter.
Thanks for the info chaps but i think that there is a bug in the system which SOMETIMES pops up the phone or manilla when i rotate an app (opera or tomtom mainly) from portrait to landscape using any method (gyrator, gsen or handymenu). It seems that these apps (phone, manilla) dont like any change of orientation even when they are in the background and opera or tomtom is rotated.
I have changed the gyrator2 .ini file to make no apps rotate except the ones i want to. Not even that works........
Any more help please?
Hmmm, don´t have that Problem. Dunno why, but it works as it should.
Hi, just found a bug using gyrator on my new touch HD when typing a message in landscape mode. The dot (.) and comma (,) are inverted, so trying to type one of them gives the other as a result. Haven't yet tried without gyrator if the keybord gives the same problem, and will post it here later on.

Weird problem with the G-sensor

So, when i turn on the phone, the G-sensor/Gyrator are working pretty well. But when i make a phone call or answer one there's something going on afterwards. When i open an application and rotate the phone to landscape, the app automatically is closed and i'm stuck to the home screen (when restarted everything is back to normal till the next call). This is really annoing when browsing the net. Any suggestions?
exseed said:
So, when i turn on the phone, the G-sensor/Gyrator are working pretty well. But when i make a phone call or answer one there's something going on afterwards. When i open an application and rotate the phone to landscape, the app automatically is closed and i'm stuck to the home screen (when restarted everything is back to normal till the next call). This is really annoing when browsing the net. Any suggestions?
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do not use GSEN
I have experienced a similar problem with SMS. I currently have Gyrator installed.
When i open a SMS and rotate the phone to landscape and try to use the keyboard, the app automatically closes and i'm stuck in the home screen.
I don't experience any other problems with other apps, just SMS & Email
This is really starting to annoy me.
I have checked WIKI which quotes
Simple enough, you could disable all rotation, then just use the "Windows Title" provided by Gyrator and select SMS and email tab (or others apps you wanted to rotate), add event and enable, then go rock with your Landscape full qwerty when typing SMS and emails.
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Can someone explain this a little for me?
exseed said:
So, when i turn on the phone, the G-sensor/Gyrator are working pretty well. But when i make a phone call or answer one there's something going on afterwards. When i open an application and rotate the phone to landscape, the app automatically is closed and i'm stuck to the home screen (when restarted everything is back to normal till the next call). This is really annoing when browsing the net. Any suggestions?
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I have exactly the same issue.
WWE HD device.
after reset everything back to normal....
I stopped using Gyrator because I also got infrequent problems which seemed to be caused by this.
I now use AEB Plus with double press on the OK button to rotate the screen. I personally find this the simple way to rotate as I don't often need the rotate.
I disabled all rotation in Gyrator.
Then I only enabled the rotation for sms/mms, mail, tomtom, and just a few others.
Set the polling rate to 2 seconds.
It works oke now, except for the incoming call problem.
Thanks for the infos, i tried reinstalling the gyrator, made a phone call and everything was normal.
exseed said:
Thanks for the infos, i tried reinstalling the gyrator, made a phone call and everything was normal.
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Which version do you have installed for gyrator?
I have 2008.12.10.1
did some additional testing.
It seems not to occur after just one phone call.
I rebooted the device and everyhting was oke (with rotating).
I made a call
I recieved a call.
Still everything is oké.
Anyone else got something to add as a fact?
ikkezelf1 said:
Which version do you have installed for gyrator?
I have 2008.12.10.1
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Mine is the same.
Exceed: You havn't found anything that could help us out here?
No, mate, it just happend after i reinstalled the app. I don't know how and why.
Don't know what I did, but havn't had the problem for almost a whole day now...
Will update when I know more details.
It was the 'darklord' coloured icons top bar cab file that caused the rotate to loose its focus.
I removed it and it worked.
Pitty that I don't see the percentages of the battery live not anymore...
with regards.

How to prevent rotation (not the usual opera thing!)

For some reason even though it never used to do it, my touch hd has begun to rotate the screen automatically when it's in my pocket etc.
When I press the standby button to wake it up it's usually the wrong way up now, and it's annoying having to wait a few seconds to rotate the correct way round. It never used to do this, but it would still rotate things like opera and photos etc by turning the phone and that's great.
Why would it have begun behaving like this? I have got Gyrator installed but have never set anything up on it and it's been there for ages so I doubt it's that.
Have you upgraded with any og the Gyrator / G-Sensor cabs?
Regardless - search for "changescreen" on the Themes/Apps/S/ware forum and use that to set programs you do not wish to rotate.
Thanks mate.
No I haven't upgraded the gyrator cab or the G sensor one (I don't think anyway....).
As I say I haven't even used gyrator as I'm not certain how to set it up and decided I didn't really need to anyway.
Have installed changescreen (cheers for the tip) and set Manila in it to only have upright portrait mode. It seems to work but not quite fully.
For instance, if I have the phone on its side (landscape) and on standby, then wake it up, it comes on in landscape.
It does then change to portrait after a couple of seconds, even if it's on its side so the software does what it should do, but that delay while it kicks in is still pretty annoying to be honest.
Is that normal with this app?
Bottom line is that the phone didn't do this until recently so there must be something that has changed and can therefore be undone, but I don't know what.
Appreciate the help.

Gyrator and rotation during call

I was wondering if any one knows if Gyrator can be set to "not" rotate during a call? As it is now when I am talking ,and maybe need to click over to call waiting my screen goes to landscape...and then lags to go vertical so I can hit the right key.
The same when I want to hang up, when I pull away from my ear the screen is in landscape.
I would appreciate any help please........Thank you!:
Again, I am trying to stop rotation during a call. Also I am using a Sprint Touch Pro
Don't think it's possible with Gyrator? Use ChangeScreen + InCall Screen Tweak
Kraize, I appreciate that info, but could you walk me through that process you described? Is that an entry I would add as an event in Gyrator? Thanks again.....Marc
This was driving me crazy as well but I figured out how to disable rotate in a call.
Create a new event in gyrator and set the application to phone. Then set orientation to portrait, and action to rotate screen. Finally, make sure that it is promoted above Rotate in the priority list.
I did this earlier today and so far it has been working for me.
*Also* - Make sure that Orientation is checked under that menu where edit event is located.
Correct me if I'm wrong but this can be done for any program you don't want to rotate.
Nox....thank tou so much for the info. I have not been able to test it yet, but I will let you know.
I am having no fun trying to figure Gyrator out! It would be nice if they had a manual or a better tutorial, don't you think?
Thanks again! Have a nice holiday!
yeah, i hit that problem too, but in gyrator options, there are some entries to disable it for some apps, like opera or touchflo. based on those, i did one for iconsoft phonex, because that's what i'm using. and it's working perfect, though i wouldn't have it any other way.
also, it's the exact same thing nox is talking about.
Hi Gordon and NOX! Wheel I want to say thanks again for the info. But I seem to still have the problem of the screen rotating while I am in the middle of a call? Nox, I followed your direction and maybe I did something not quite right.
First of all ,when I press the talk button and the phone keypad comes up, it will rotate. Then I placed a call, and as I pulled the phone away from my ear, it was again in landscape. Orientation is supposed to be checked all of the time correct? Is there something I may have missed?
Thanks again, Eagleland
Here's how I did it: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=3406887&postcount=1170
Hi tnyynt....thanks for your help also. Weel, i tried it the way you described and that didnt' work also. Is maybe because I have to do a soft reset? Also should orientation be cheched in the event menu? I appreciate your insight.
Have a good evening...Eagleland
use the app "changescreen"...IMO it is much easier to use than gyrator..
go to the "exceptions" tab and add "cprog", select portrait and your done.
I also use smartlock to lock the phone during a call, along with the InCallScreenTweek and now there is no more opening applications during a call..
the screen rotation and opening of applications during a call drove me insane for awhile...
I am still having problems getting my phone to stop rotating during a call, and frustration is setting in. I am wondering if it is because I am using a Sprint HTC Pro. Does anyone know if the Changescreen App would work better than
Gyrator on a Pro. I installed the touch screen tweak and it wot
ks well but does not stop the screen rotation.
I am missing something , and can't seem to pin it down.
I would appreciate any insight once again.....I am offering to pay someone that can give me the answer....seriously!!
Thanks again, Eagleland
nox357 said:
This was driving me crazy as well but I figured out how to disable rotate in a call.
Create a new event in gyrator and set the application to phone. Then set orientation to portrait, and action to rotate screen. Finally, make sure that it is promoted above Rotate in the priority list.
I did this earlier today and so far it has been working for me.
*Also* - Make sure that Orientation is checked under that menu where edit event is located.
Correct me if I'm wrong but this can be done for any program you don't want to rotate.
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hi thanks all is working and it help me a lot - info 4 others read carefully and it is gonna work
I did what nox said and was still having issues like you. Then I went back into the event I created in gyrator to look through the settings and noticed my problem. When choosing the application ("phone") the first time, I only single clicked it and moved on. When I came back to edit, I noticed no app was selected, so this time I DOUBLE-CLICKED "phone" as the application and now it works perfect!!
Hope this helps. It's exactly what I (and presumably you) was looking for.

[Q] Is it possible to turn off screen rotation completely?

I don't need it, and it's a pain in the a$$ because I often read mail and surf the web before I go to sleep, and laying down with the phone will sooner or later make the screen rotate. Sooner (like at once) with mail, later with websurfing (because I have set the rotation check to a long time on Opera). But can I get rid of that unwanted bull completely and totally? Cab, reg hack, burying a dead cat in a churchyard on a Thursday with full moon, any method will be appreciated!
Mastiff said:
I don't need it, and it's a pain in the a$$ because I often read mail and surf the web before I go to sleep, and laying down with the phone will sooner or later make the screen rotate. Sooner (like at once) with mail, later with websurfing (because I have set the rotation check to a long time on Opera). But can I get rid of that unwanted bull completely and totally? Cab, reg hack, burying a dead cat in a churchyard on a Thursday with full moon, any method will be appreciated!
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Try changescreen and set it to display only in portrait mode.
There is an option in BSB Tweaks to disable rotation. I have it disabled too, however it still rotates in Opera. I'm still trying to figure out how to kill rotation for that program.
kabuk1 said:
There is an option in BSB Tweaks to disable rotation. I have it disabled too, however it still rotates in Opera. I'm still trying to figure out how to kill rotation for that program.
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It seems like the only workaround to the auto-rotate in Opera [9.5/9.7] is by going into the registry:
HKLM\Software\Opera\GSensor\IdleTime = [enter a large number, like 5555555]
The large number you enter (IdleTime) is the time (in ms) it takes for the screen to change in orientation.
EDIT: Another way is changescreen. If you add opera9 as an exception and set it to display only in portrait mode, Opera will not auto-rotate. It worked after I added it to the exception list and soft-reset.
Thanks! That worked! I have been using that idle time trick before, but that meant that even at the highest setting it would rotate before I went to sleep... And the mail/SMS app I couldn't stop rotating with BSB tweaks. Now it rotates for half a second or so the moment I turn it before it's going back into the correct mode. I would of course like to avoid that as well, but it's a lot better.
Mastiff said:
Thanks! That worked! I have been using that idle time trick before, but that meant that even at the highest setting it would rotate before I went to sleep... And the mail/SMS app I couldn't stop rotating with BSB tweaks. Now it rotates for half a second or so the moment I turn it before it's going back into the correct mode. I would of course like to avoid that as well, but it's a lot better.
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You could go in the registry for changescreen's idle time -- the lower the setting, the less "accidents" I have with the exceptions rotating in different ways:
HKCU\Software\idevelopstuff\changescreen\Delay = 50 (my setting)
**my changescreen delay time matches my phone's Gsensor's polling time**:
HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\GSensor\PollingInterval = 50
I hope that helps.
That's weird. I don't have that setting, only five other settings (ReOpenSip, PocketOffNoLight, ScreenOffNoLight, VibrateOnRotation and ScreenOffOnFaceDown). Should I add that setting?
Mastiff said:
That's weird. I don't have that setting, only five other settings (ReOpenSip, PocketOffNoLight, ScreenOffNoLight, VibrateOnRotation and ScreenOffOnFaceDown). Should I add that setting?
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I suppose.
I'm just wondering why you don't have it.
In the changescreen app this is what I have checked:
[B]General Tab:[/B]
-Run on Startup
-Portrait, Landscape (left), Landscape (right)
[B]Advanced Tab:[/B]
-Sensitivity: slider is all the way to the left.
Then I press Save. Then I have that "Delay" value in the registry.
We definitively have different versions of the program, because there is no such slider on my advanced tab. I have one called 2.5, dated the 13th of March 09. What's your version?
ive tried turning mine off, but its very difficult, havent found a solution, ended up bricking my phone once lol
Mastiff said:
We definitively have different versions of the program, because there is no such slider on my advanced tab. I have one called 2.5, dated the 13th of March 09. What's your version?
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Oh, that's why!
I'm running the latest (maybe the final) build -- 2.78. I attached it for your convenience.
Thanks, that helped! I thought the version at the top of the thread was the latest... Silly me. But if I put the delay time any shorter than the 250 ms that's the fastest on the slider it will stop reacting. I will try to experiment with changing the time on the polling interval for the sensor. It's 200 ms on my HD2.
Edit: Setting both sensor polling and Changescreen delay to 50 ms made the flash to landscape and back to portrait go much faster, but it didn't dissappear completely. Still, this is a lot better than having to exit Opera or the tmail program to get the screen the right way again. Thanks!
Why not try downloading and installing the HTC update for the Car Kit Mode.
Then run NaviPanel (in the Windows folder). In the options you can set it so that it stays in either landscape or portrait mode. Select the Home hardware button to continue reading e-mails or whatever.
Sounds interesting, but does that mean that it has to rotate first, and then I have to press the hardware button? If it does, the Changescreen works better because I won't have to press anything, only wait for a few tenths of a second before it pops back to the correct portrait setting.
you could try touch tools
there is a rotation manager within this set of tools, you can add and also remove programs from the rotation list.
I know opera is in the list as i use touch tools but i wont delete it as i use the rotation.
Hope this helps
Thanks! That was the perfect solution! I simply deleted everything that was in the list, and now it seems like nothing rotates!
Mastiff said:
Thanks! That was the perfect solution! I simply deleted everything that was in the list, and now it seems like nothing rotates!
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awsome glad that helped

