Scheduled text messaging? - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Themes and Apps

I heard that there is a way that you can schedule your text messages, in other words if you wanted to send a message 3 hrs from now you can write the message now and then set the time you want it sent. I was wondering if anyone has the link or cab file that will let me be able to do this.

You know, it takes less keystrokes and mouse clicks to use the search feature than it does to post a thread.
Try the first link

Trinket Software makes an application that does just that. It's called PowerSMS. It's a paid app. Costs $9.99. (a steep price imo). Available in Marketplace and here: There's a trial available as well.

SMS_Scheduler_PPC_v1.2...It's free ...6th post

I understand why someone would want this feature to schedule Sms... i too am not completely loyal with my gf, and at times when im with someone else I need to get away to txt her.... If you have a program like this, u can check in without checking in lol.... now the real question... could someone make a AI (artificial inteligent) auto respnder.. that could reply with sense other txts messages heheh... cheers

power sms
theres an app in the market can buy it for 99 cents its called power sms!

power SMS
I use power SMS and it works perfectly.

the free sms app is not good. it doesnt support landscape, and the keyboard pops up when u search contacts to add to ur scheduled sms.
go with powersms, its only a dollar on the marketplace but 9.99 online. (lol)


devloper and hacker app of the year.. chat style sms... from the treo 750v

This app will be for all wm devices.
This is an ongoing project that is in need of some of you guys expertise. The rom of the treo 750v has been dumped and is in need of hacker and developers. The treo 750v has features that NO OTHER wm device does. Like the threaded sms messaging, which is sms in a chat style form. is a little more about how it works and what it does. is a thread in the xda-treo forum, but I feel need to be here due to the fact that it will be for all wm devices and is in need of developers and hackers.
Attached is the rom dump.
Thanks, Cody
in many countries you pay pr. sms much more then you'd pay to send text over grps so for most ppl msn, skype or other IM clients would do the same thing only much cheaper
I am really not sure what the hype is about. Haven't used SMS in a long time a with 100MB data package, I have to agree with Rudegar even the built in MSN messenger is better.
Any way I thought you should know that what you posted is not a ROM dump and cannot be used to extract the app.
Interesting you say that. If you have kids sms messaging is almost a requirement. It is extremely popular with the younger generation. I find myself using it more and more. I have friends that send over 3k sms messages in a month. A threaded sms app sure makes it a much better experience.
The rom dump thread was moved by someone over to the treo section for those wondering where it went. The dump is on the ftp server.
userid: xdaupload pw: xda
file: (dump of Part00, Part01 and Part02 partitions)
I played with the rom dump yesterday. The messaging app does load, just seems to be missing some resources and/or registry entries that I'm not prepared to import right now (test machines all being used already).
It also appears to be fixed at 240x240, although that can probably be fixed later.
The rest of the rom - doesn't contain many intersting .exes, but I know hannip is interested in a number of the other devices and drivers installed. They don't appear to be device specific (c.f. many eten files are).
In the UK, data contracts are very expensive, and you get loads of SMS bundled in your contracts, so SMS makes sense. I don't IM from my phones. But both have their uses.
But I still can't see the fascination with threaded SMS. It'd be quite straight forward to program even if the treo app can't be sucked out.
PS Whoever dumped the roms to begin with, many thanks!
However, we may need to get an overview of the databases on the device as well, in case there are any custom databases. The speed dial plugin that has thus far been elusive relies on a call db. Either a device backup (using sprite etc) or a database dump would be useful to check. Just a guess, might lead to nothing.
Thanks vijay for all of your assistance! Good to hear that the sms app loads. I've been trying to get the a2dp dll's to work on my treo 700wx and 700w devices just to get my feet wet. Having some issues getting the dll's to load, but with your help I might figure this out yet.
The excitement for the 750 sms app over the other threaded sms apps out there is the clean integration with the os and today screen. I've tried other sms threader apps and they are buggy, don't grab messages when the pda is suspended, and leave copies of sms messages in poutlook. The one from triangle powers is a .net app and loads extremely slow because of it. It is expected that the palm written app will solve all of these problems. Plus it handles mms pictues, audio etc.
i dont say i dont use sms i just say i use sms as sms's as in short message service msg's
not as chat because i dont see the point of using it as chat
of cause if you dont pay pr. each sms
and want to chat with somebody who dont have msn it's usefull i guess
but another issue is the delay if that person is on a different network then you heard that compeating phone companys are not always too snappy to route to eachother
Rudegar said:
i dont say i dont use sms i just say i use sms as sms's as in short message service msg's
not as chat because i dont see the point of using it as chat
of cause if you dont pay pr. each sms
and want to chat with somebody who dont have msn it's usefull i guess
but another issue is the delay if that person is on a different network then you heard that compeating phone companys are not always too snappy to route to eachother
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Well, I'm someone who wants the SMS chat program badly.
Understand, it's not so much that you use like an IM program, you don't.
This is just a method by which to organize your SMS conversations e.g. say you and your friend over the day send back and forth to each other 20 messages, all releated to the same thing. Now throw in 15 more random SMS from other peopel in the same day. Your inbox would be a mismash of 20 something messages (assuming you don't delete every single one, maybe there is important info you need).
This program would "group" your SMS into a single "chat style thread", like and IM history would. You can then just delete the entire thread at once when you are done with it. It's also nice to keep that previous information handy, especially if your discussing plans, information, phone numbers etc. You just scroll up to find it again.
If you're a heavy texter, this is a great way to organize your back-and-forth conversations. It's not an IM replacment, so don't think of it as that.
In my case I use it as a compliment to AIM. I have AIM forwarding all of my IM's to my cell phone when I am away. That way my friends and family can msgs me anytime anywhere. My phone/pda can remain in suspend mode conserving the battery and I still get my IM's. I can reply to them just like an IM session. No need for the AIM client on my phone.
The best thing about using sms over an IM client is that you can communicate with anyone that has a cell phone. You don't have to tell someone to register with an IM server to send them messages. It works in suspend mode. With a nice sms chat app the only advantage an IM client has over it is the messages are more instantaneous. But for phone use that is acceptable imo.
Of course this all assumes you don't have to pay on a per sms basis.
Hi! theloanranger said he extracted the 750v threaded app already. It's at:
Can somebody try it and post the screenshots please? I'm so looking forward to using it with my Pocket Loox T830 (not arrived yet)
Screenshots/Need some help!
Screenshots are found here:
NOTE: Some of us are having issues. We CANNOT send an SMS to an email address. We get an error message:
"Could not send message. The message center number or the email center number is invalid. Please contact the wireless operator."
Now, in the SMS app, if you go to Menu --> Options --> Advanced tab
Network Configuration/Manual/Edit...
You'll see spots for "message center number" and "email center number" and both are blank. When you put in a number (such as found here: ) they do not stick after hitting "OK".
Any help/ideas?

Can't find tethered SMS program

A friend of mine installed the program but doesn't remember where he found it and I've looked through the Hermes forum as well.
Please, anybody....I need tethered messaging. It makes conversations so much easier. If a link can be left and any instructions for installation (if needed) it would be very appreciated.
Try searching for "threaded SMS".
Are you thinking something like Jeyo Mobile Extender for Outlook? Or did you mean threaded SMS?
It's tethered SMS. It's set up like an instant message conversation seperated by the contact you're having a conversation with showing both party's text messages.
As I said above, it is called "Threaded SMS". If you insist on calling it "Tethered SMS", you will never find it.
check out this link, it is called Palm SMS Threader.
if you're sitting at a computer, why not just fire up an IRC client and talk that way? much cheaper (if you actually pay for text msg's..i dont) and more straightforward..
i just cant see a conversation through sms, especially since there is a character limit on a message. any real convo going on would be interrupted by you having to open the next sms every 160 characters heh..
try codys sms from wmexperts.XXX
watson540 said:
if you're sitting at a computer, why not just fire up an IRC client and talk that way? much cheaper (if you actually pay for text msg's..i dont) and more straightforward..
i just cant see a conversation through sms, especially since there is a character limit on a message. any real convo going on would be interrupted by you having to open the next sms every 160 characters heh..
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you can irc on your ppc too.
watson540 said:
i just cant see a conversation through sms, especially since there is a character limit on a message. any real convo going on would be interrupted by you having to open the next sms every 160 characters heh..
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Threaded SMS doesn't quite work that way, instead of just a character count you get "0 characters 1 message" along the bottom. I've never gone over 320 characters but I assume its possible. the program breaks the message apart into multiple messages. Probably a pain in the ass on the receiving side, but haven't had any complaints, it is rather rare that I compose a text message of said length... for that there's always email.
theFear13ss said:
Probably a pain in the ass on the receiving side
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Sorry, this part of your post made me giggle like an adolescent
Check it Out
Are you talking about the one that functions like the one in the IPHONE.
If so I got your fix here. Hope it is the one you where looking for.
cintiajeremiah said:
check out this link, it is called Palm SMS Threader.
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i just tried that, didn't like it, and now i can't remove it... i uninstalled it but it is still there, and now it fails to install a second time so i can try to uninstall a 2nd time. not to mention that after install i found it erased all my messages... so yeah i guess it is time for second hard reset in 3 days.
Try Cody's Threaded SMS
I like it. Works just like the instant messaging program on Palms

[idea] application for sending texts from PPC via carriers website

I`m looking for an application, which I can use to send texts trough carriers website.
Many network carriers offer sending free texts from their websites (sometimes without logging in, sometimes with).
I`m interested in, because I`d like to use it for sending texts abroad for free.
I know that I can go to carriers website using Opera (or any other browser) and do it, but it takes time and makes it all a bit complicated.
I`d like to put the number and message and then press send, app. picks up that it`s an international number of recipient and forwards it to set earlier carriers website(without launching Opera) and sends it.
I`ve got 100 free texts every month trough my carriers website and I can use them to send texts abroad.
Maybe, there is something already as described above?
I had a very similar application on my desktop PC, it was called SMS Pilot and it did the trick on my home PC.
I`ll buy a case of "amber nectar" for it.
i like the idea but i think there are flaws in it in some cases. for example i can have up to 2messages free per day from vodafone.
the problem would be that as soon as you have used up those messages, sending another will fail..
you could solve it though..
1. just have the program give you the option to use normal txt mode or through carriers website
2. have a daily/monthly sms counter, maybe with a reminder so that you know what you have left..
anyway, loving the idea
hi!first of all sorry for my poor english.... the solution exist yet!!! i know two programs. one is java "skebby" the others is java and in beta test for windows mobile, the name is jack sms. i don't konow if they support the porvider you need. you can easy find if they do what you need. bye

Disabling Text Messaging

Does anyone know of a way to disable text messaging on the XV 6800? I dont use the feature and I get a ton of spam messages for some reason...Thanks in advance.
Anyone??? Even a registry setting to disable it woule be helpful...
Somebody has to have some sort of fix for me...I am tired of getting spam text messages...Not sure how they got my phone number...I didnt sign up for anything and never give my phone number out except to family and co workers...Somebody please help!!!
The only thing I can think of is to call Verizon and ask them to disable SMS messaging for sometime at least. See if they can block the numbers the spam comming from. Last resort is change your number. Providers are not very helpful when it comes to cell phone spam.
You don't want to really disable texts for good do you? That kinda defeats the purpose of the titan. How will you receive links and such from 411's and friends and links for programs? Man when I like to update things like google maps, skyfire, live search I go online and they send me the link immediately. Spam is going to happen whatever number you have. I think if you don't want texts you should sell your mobile, I have some old phones lying around that dont do texts.
Give this app a look see. It may be worth your while.

Mass/group texting

I do a lot of mass texting, and because you're only allowed to text 10 people per text I had to download a 3rd party app called group "group sms". So I sent all the texts out (about 140) and it says they all were successfully sent with 0 failed. Unfortunately some of the people that I have sent the text to say they never received it.
Has anyone run into this problem? Any suggestions? I've already uninstalled and reinstalled the app.
I THINK Handcent(sp?) allows mass texting. Please don't quote me on this as I don't use it. My buddy owned a sports bar and used to send out mass text on UFC nights for promo and he never mentioned having to do 10 at a time which would have been horridly time consuming.
blizzard1017 said:
I THINK Handcent(sp?) allows mass texting. Please don't quote me on this as I don't use it. My buddy owned a sports bar and used to send out mass text on UFC nights for promo and he never mentioned having to do 10 at a time which would have been horridly time consuming.
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Hancent does have group texting within itself.
I personally use and app called group text. I have encountered people saying that they did not receive a text from me but I just assumed it was on their end because the majority of people received it.
I use Group SMS and I have this same problem a lot! I prefer Group SMS because it actually appears as different chat strings within your SMS program. For some reason not every one seems to get the text though. I may have to go away from Group SMS if this is the case. My current SMS program is Chomp SMS which I like for texting but it sends group texts out as one big text and doesn't allow macro usage the same way Group SMS does.
Bottom line, if you're just looking to send out a few group texts with more than 10 recipients but don't want to change your sms program, I'd put handcent or chomp on your phone and just not set it as the default texting app, but use it to send out messages to your groups. Both Handcent and Chomp allow you to send to groups created in as well (without selecting each contact individually like the native app).
Hope this helps,
I'm not sure how helpful this will be but with in gmail there is a utility from which you can send out mass text's or mass emails you have to set it up using specific servers for sprint, at&t, verizon and t-mobile. This is really only useful if you have a set list of people you want to send out texts to a list that doesnt frequently change. I apologize for not having more information as i very rarely use this feature. But it might be worth y'all taking a look.

