was wasted when i rooted/swapped roms - Hero CDMA General

i was really drunk when i rooted my phone and instellaed fresh 1.1 rom .... everything is working fine so i guess i did it right but i erased everything on my phone... all my apps contacts etc etc etc ... everything.... is there anyway to recover this? can i undo everything i did to my phone since i dont really know what i even did and just root the thing....?
is there anyway to install some of sprints apps back on and keep this rom also? i use nfl mobile and 2 others alot
also what is the point of using this rom??
im also new to cell phones.... i just got rid of my nokia 5110 that i basically had since it came out so i dunno wtf im doing or wtf i did.. one term i think i need to know about is flashing??

davedank said:
i was really drunk when i rooted my phone and instellaed fresh 1.1 rom .... everything is working fine so i guess i did it right but i erased everything on my phone... all my apps contacts etc etc etc ... everything.... is there anyway to recover this? can i undo everything i did to my phone since i dont really know what i even did and just root the thing....?
is there anyway to install some of sprints apps back on and keep this rom also? i use nfl mobile and 2 others alot
also what is the point of using this rom??
im also new to cell phones.... i just got rid of my nokia 5110 that i basically had since it came out so i dunno wtf im doing or wtf i did.. one term i think i need to know about is flashing??
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Well the fact that you were wasted says the guy who wrote the instructions did a damn good job lol. Props to them.
Second go download the Pre-Kitchen from geekfor.me
This will let you put those craptastic sprint apps back on the phone..but i guess if you use it you use it.
There is no getting contacts back that were not "google" contacts. Google contacts are backed up in the cloud. If you login to your Gmail if you see them there, they will be back on the phone. Its also tons easier to reenter them on Gmail than on the phone..big screen and keyboard and what not.
flashing simply means loading a new ROM on to the ROM chip...well we don't have a "Rom Chip" persay as they did years ago. Just into that part of the dev block. No big deal, I digress.
The benefits of the rom you have Vary depending on what one you have loaded. Personally I stick with Fresh. Seems faster to me. However fresh 1.1 kind slowed down so I went back to 1.0

well as far as getting everything back there is really not much you can do unless you did a nandroid backup before you flashed fresh 1.1. I know it sucks but I did the same thing when I first got my phone. I would suggest that as you rebuild your contacts make sure that you put them in as google contacts instead of phone that way if you wipe it on accident again then you wont lose your contacts.
as far as the point in running a different rom is mainly that they tend to be faster than the stock build because they have been optimized nad some things have been taken out that slow the phone down. and some cool stuff has been added like wifi teather and such.
now for getting some stock apps back. download the fresh kitchen it works great and is easy to use.

what is this kitchen i always hear about anyway??? can i select what apps i reinstall???? cuz i definitly dont want them all.... i actually remember thats why i did all this to get rid of thos sonsabitches.... also how can i get rid of sprint apps that are on here that i still dont want like music for instance??
is there a way to root and use sprint roms but remove most of the apps i dont want??

dam Kcarpenter beat me to it lol I wanted to be helpful for once

also i have gotten my contacts back... i was more concerned about the apps i lost and cant find cuz i dont remember all the apps i had

wtphoto said:
dam Kcarpenter beat me to it lol I wanted to be helpful for once
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Hell i was excited about getting the first post lol. I typed so fast I misspelled stuff just to make sure no one beat me to it.

davedank said:
what is this kitchen i always hear about anyway??? can i select what apps i reinstall???? cuz i definitly dont want them all.... i actually remember thats why i did all this to get rid of thos sonsabitches.... also how can i get rid of sprint apps that are on here that i still dont want like music for instance??
is there a way to root and use sprint roms but remove most of the apps i dont want??
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the kitchen is a program that was created to allow you to do common tasks witout having to actually use the code
yes you can pick and choose what apps you want to reinstall and it also now has the option to remove any file.

k i downloaded kitchen v2 how do i install it???

Also sorry for asking all these questions.... I am on a very very very tight schedule in winter and dont have time to really look into/research this stuff on my own this time of year

I also downloaded lockscreens and am still tryin to figure out how to install both of them

just extract it where you want it then run the .exe
the kitchen will allow you to install the lockscreens as well just move the zip files into the themer folder that you extracted for the kitchen

so i extract to a folder on my comp then run the program on comp and plug usb into phone etc.??

yes extract it to a folder plug the phone to the comp then just run the .exe and the kitchen will open. flipz has put in prompts telling you what each tool does the first time you go to use it

yea im just totaly not understanding how to intall the lockscreen... i downloaded it ... extracted it to same folder as kitchen... open kitchen went to push file selected system>app>htclockscreen.apk then selected push location as /system/app
and then it starts then gives me error...
could not find part of the path C:/folder/system/app/adb/filepush.bat
please report error.... kitchen closing

You shouldn't unzip lockscreens just point the kitchen to the zip file. It will do the rest.

dont extract the lockscreen file, in there folder that you extracted the kitchen to there should be a file labled "themer" and in that folder there should be a folder named themes, move the zipped file into that folder.
in the kitchen go to the tools&tweaks tool and choose install theme then pick the lockscreen zip file and hit install
should work.

great... got it guys ... thanks

np enjoy the new stuff

Kcarpenter said:
Well the fact that you were wasted says the guy who wrote the instructions did a damn good job lol. Props to them.
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Htc keyboard on mytouch 3G

I am new to this forum, and i have been desperately trying to figure out how to get the htc keyboard on the generic cupcacke build that comes with the mytouch 3G. I know there is a method that involves rooting the phone, but i don't want to take a chance. I have come across another method that seems much easier:
download htc_ime.apk, put it on your sd card, download an app manager or file explorer from android market, use the app to doanload the apk on to your phone, go to local and text in settings and select touch input.
Does this method really work?
I had doubts because everyone seems to be using the more complicated method.
Yes any .apk file will work, does with me and I use Astro
Do you have to unzip the apk file before you put it on your sd card?
how bout someone deletes this whole thread since this is covered in the other thread with the same title..
bastage said:
how bout someone deletes this whole thread since this is covered in the other thread with the same title..
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this method was discussed on the other thread, but the one person who ended up trying it out had problems getting it to work. that is why i made a separate thread to check if the process was valid and if would actually work.
Wadajr said:
this method was discussed on the other thread, but the one person who ended up trying it out had problems getting it to work. that is why i made a separate thread to check if the process was valid and if would actually work.
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its valid & works fine.. Jsut like the instructions in the other thread say.. I can personally vouch for that as I am using the HTC Compact Keyboard on my myTouch3g
Edit: also the 1 person who hasn't gotten it to work likely is just doing something wrong..
yeah pointless why start a new thread if you could have just gone to the other one and confirmed that it is working....
thanks for all the help. i guess i am kind of new to this stuff. i figured it would be easier to just start a new thread. by the way, why does everybody use the more complicated method(adb)?
bastage said:
its valid & works fine.. Jsut like the instructions in the other thread say.. I can personally vouch for that as I am using the HTC Compact Keyboard on my myTouch3g
Edit: also the 1 person who hasn't gotten it to work likely is just doing something wrong..
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Naw I'm positive I did it correctly I did it exactly like the OP in the other thread said he did it... I've rooted g1s and flashed roms so I think I have the bbasic knoledge needed to install an .apk, especially since I did the same thing two days before when I had to install the sherpa .apk
c-phresh said:
Naw I'm positive I did it correctly I did it exactly like the OP in the other thread said he did it... I've rooted g1s and flashed roms so I think I have the bbasic knoledge needed to install an .apk, especially since I did the same thing two days before when I had to install the sherpa .apk
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worked 1st try for my mt3g..
bastage said:
worked 1st try for my mt3g..
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yeah im sure it shouldnt be that hard... but like i said the file is there it says its installed but its not poppin up but hey its just an app and who knows maybe im over thinkin something and making a simple mistake...
edit:well i just did it on my G1 and it works so im wondering if it has anything to do with the update they sent out to employees or something... weird, just weird
on another note this keyboard is freakin sweet
c-phresh said:
yeah im sure it shouldnt be that hard... but like i said the file is there it says its installed but its not poppin up but hey its just an app and who knows maybe im over thinkin something and making a simple mistake...
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after you have the file on the card run the appmanager program.. when it comes up I had to choose menu & then Something that was obvious.. I dont remember what it was, but it was there.. & then simply install the apk file as listed.. Also make sure you have checked the bock to allow non marketplace apps..
bastage said:
after you have the file on the card run the appmanager program.. when it comes up I had to choose menu & then Something that was obvious.. I dont remember what it was, but it was there.. & then simply install the apk file as listed.. Also make sure you have checked the bock to allow non marketplace apps..
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well its installed on my mt3g i had to go to the phone settings then locale & text, then select touch input from there, then go back to a new message long click and select touch input there as well... but it work now and i like on the mt3g just as much as i do on my G1... and sorry im new here and im sure yall are pissed at me already lol
i think i know what your problem is. when you download and extract the htc_ime.apk, it branches into two files. one is a .so file, and one is a .apk file.
The only file that you should use is the .apk. if you also put the .so file on your sd card, the whole process will go wrong at one point.
when i try to install the keyboard it keeps failing, also. when i try to install it at the top of the screen it says "abc non-word vibrate times" then asks me to confirm that i want to change a system setting, then fails after i try to install. i have a changed the settings to allow 3rd party apps to be installed. any thoughts? non-rooted phone.....
hondaguy said:
when i try to install the keyboard it keeps failing, also. when i try to install it at the top of the screen it says "abc non-word vibrate times" then asks me to confirm that i want to change a system setting, then fails after i try to install. i have a changed the settings to allow 3rd party apps to be installed. any thoughts? non-rooted phone.....
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From your information on your post profile I would say your not working with a MyTouch3g since you have a Canadian flag & the rogers logo..
you would be correct. i was hoping that my version would be pretty similar to the mytouch3g, minus the horrible name
the keyboard that we are all trying to obtain already comes standard on the rogers magic that you have. Look at images on first page.
Wadajr said:
the keyboard that we are all trying to obtain already comes standard on the rogers magic that you have. Look at images on first page.
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hi, sorry, i dont see any pics in this thread, but if you are talking about the 1st page of this other thread, http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=539818,then i can tell you that my rogers locked and branded device does not come with this keyboard. that is why i am trying to upgrade it. any help would be appreciated.
i can tell you that my rogers locked and branded device does not come with this keyboard. that is why i am trying to upgrade it. any help would be appreciated.[/QUOTE]
that is strange. in that case, i can only recomend that you make sure not to install the .so file that came in the keyboard zip
Edit: your right, i did mean the first page of the other thread!

AT&T Tilt 2 - am I deleting programs and applications correctly?

Hi all,
I am a noob and I am not too sure if i am deleting stock programs and apps that came with the att tilt 2. Some apps and programs cant be found under "remove programs."
For example, if i want to delete a program, can I just go into the file explorer and find the folder and just delete it from there? Will that completely delete that program?
Also, when i try to delete the "Opera 9" folder, it says "_home.exe is a system file, deleting it will cause some programs to not run properly." Can I still delete it anyways?
I basically want to know if I can just find the folders of the pre-installed programs and apps that i dont want and just delete it from there. Will that completely erase it from my phone?
Thanks in advance for help.
anyone? any inputs would be greatly appreciated.
thank you all
I don't know about Opera (are you trying to upgrade to 9.7 or 10 Beta?), but I deleted many of the ATT bloatware programs exactly as you described. No issues at all. You will also want to go to Windows>Start Menu>Programs and delete the shortcuts there, to remove them from the Start Menu screen.
You will get lots of storage back, and the programs will stay removed unless you hard reset.
Hey thanks for the reply. Opera 9 came pre-installed with the tilt 2 and i downloaded opera 10. So i dont to delete opera 9. I went to file explorer and found its folder and try to delete it. But it says "_home.exe is a system file and deleting it will cause some programs to not work properly"
So im not too sure should i proceed and delete it or should i not? I think _home.exe is a file or something in the opera 9 folder. Umm not too sure what to do.
can anyone help??
if you dont want the ATT bloatware, why dont you just flash a clean ATT rom? (as long as you want to keep the ATT look)
Hi ctbear,
Sorry I am completely new to the WM and not too sure about alot of things. I have been reading on these forums about hard spl and flashing my phone. However, I am still kind of scared to do it, im scared that will screw up and mess up my phone. I do have a couple of questions to your reply.
1. where can I find a clean ATT rom?
2. what exactly is a clean ATT rom? did someone on these forums made the rom or is it a official release by ATT?
Thank you
Nausicaaa said:
Hi ctbear,
Sorry I am completely new to the WM and not too sure about alot of things. I have been reading on these forums about hard spl and flashing my phone. However, I am still kind of scared to do it, im scared that will screw up and mess up my phone. I do have a couple of questions to your reply.
1. where can I find a clean ATT rom?
2. what exactly is a clean ATT rom? did someone on these forums made the rom or is it a official release by ATT?
Thank you
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1. You can find a clean rom in the rom thread.
2. ATT will never release a Clean rom. It has to be made by one of the great rom cooks here on XDA
Tms Uninstaller: Will allow you to delete programs that don't show up in the normal remove programs. Direct download in link. (freeware) ~ Thanks Senax
ctbear said:
if you dont want the ATT bloatware, why dont you just flash a clean ATT rom? (as long as you want to keep the ATT look)
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Is there a flashable version of the stock AT&T rom or are you referring to eras2r's ROM? His is probably closest to the stock rom but it isn't a straight dump from a stock device is it? I've been hoping someone would be able to get the stock rom dumped so we could flash it back. Maybe someone will get one for Christmas! I know the old trick of resetting on the first boot just before the bloatware installer ran was a way to cut back on some of the stuff but it wasn't 100%.
wpbear said:
Tms Uninstaller: Will allow you to delete programs that don't show up in the normal remove programs. Direct download in link. (freeware) ~ Thanks Senax
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Tried this.. I assumed it was going to show all the loaded programs.. all it shows is TMS uninstaller, CleanRAM which I installed and Adobe Flashlight. Is everything else going to need to be deleted by going thru the file explorer?
You can't delete files in ROM. Shortcuts for programs that came pre-installed can be deleted, but the actual program remains. Still, deleting shortcuts yields very little gain in space as they are small files. It does help clean up the Start menu, though. The only way to get rid of the bloatware is to flash a cooked ROM with those items already removed.

newbie !!!!!! help !!!!!!

hi there 1st of all great site. right ive just got rid of my iphone 3gs 32gb, and got a htc hd2. i dont know how to install 3rd party apps on my phone. i did do it and i saw it an the menu screen but when i tryed to open it, it said that somthing was missing ?!?!?!? do i need anything instlled 1st to open these apps? if not what am i doing wrong. sorry for being thick.
rikgrimsby said:
hi there 1st of all great site. right ive just got rid of my iphone 3gs 32gb, and got a htc hd2. i dont know how to install 3rd party apps on my phone. i did do it and i saw it an the menu screen but when i tryed to open it, it said that somthing was missing ?!?!?!? do i need anything instlled 1st to open these apps? if not what am i doing wrong. sorry for being thick.
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Alright mate. Welcome to xda devs
Can you give us more info? You said that it said something was missing (I think I know what it was, but can you let us know what it actually said, just to be sure?) Once we know what it is, we can probably help.
And you ain't being thick. Just new
i had to restart my phone to factory settings as i couldnt get the file from the menu(can you help with this?) think it said that i needed a newer thing on my phone then it had
lol, not being funny but that isn't any more info than the first post.
we need actual details,
example "I installed core player but it gave the error "not enough bananas to complete"
just saying "its in that place where we put that thing that time" isn't enough info.
it's propably the .net framework you are missing... ver 3.5 should do... but you have to give more info when you have a problem, cause not everybody here should try to guess what's wrong with everybodys phone... we have also other things to do!... help to be helped... thats like a law!
ok i will re - put in on and get back to you all. but how do i remove the file from the phone? i try to do this but the pic of the file is still on the menu.
ok it says missingmethodexection
this app requires a newr vesion
ot the mircosoft.NET COMPACT
framework than the version installed on
the device
...and that's his edited version of the post...
Search for and install
NETCFv35.wm.armv4i.cab (there may be a later version available, but thats the one i use)
To instal .cab files, copy them anywhere on your phone (most people have a folder for cabs on their storage card in case they hard reset and need to instal them again) then run the .cab file from your phone to instal it.
As for the icon you have in your start menu that is left over from when you tried to instal it before, it should have been removed when you uninstalled teh program. If you just deleted the program, then that is why it was left over.
Open file manager, browse to windows/start menu and find the item you want rid of, , press and hold it and in teh menu that pops up choose delete. (Have to scroll down to find delete)
thanks sorted it

help..... how to dump my hd2 rom so I can flash it later.

help..... how to dump my hd2 rom so I can flash it later. so everything stay the same and I don't have to install all cabs again and setting. I'm a noob, I'm also trying to find out how to make my own clock and icons. thanks
i don't think it is possible to back-up your current rom n settings.
corlygunnz said:
help..... how to dump my hd2 rom so I can flash it later. so everything stay the same and I don't have to install all cabs again and setting. I'm a noob, I'm also trying to find out how to make my own clock and icons. thanks
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Check the Energy ROM thread. There is some talk of it in post #5.
i did it with my o2 rom just to see how to do it, but in all honesty i won't be doing it again. No point when the rom is available to download, and it doesnt save settings anyway. Ive posted teh how-to just because you asked about 'dumping the rom' so it will no doubt get hits from epople wanting to know how, and not just people like you wanting to backup, not dump.
dump the .raw partitions, reading step one in THIS first post will help.
Then set up ervius visual kitchen and use the 'raws2nbh' function to rebuild the raw files into the .nbh rom file.
BUT, it wont save your rom as it is now, with all your settings and such, it will only dump the rom as it was when you first ran the phone.
Far easier to just download the stock rom from somewhere.
Plus the rom you create even though it is stock will still be seen as a cooked rom by teh phone, so you would need hspl installed to flash it.
So, you need to look more into backup software, like sprite backup, PIm backup, or sashimi/makisu, or the like.
thanks very much. I guess I stick with backing up the settings and flashing the stock rom... thanks for the feedback again... ps: the point was to have the rom just how out was when dumped...
corlygunnz said:
thanks very much. I guess I stick with backing up the settings and flashing the stock rom... thanks for the feedback again... ps: the point was to have the rom just how out was when dumped...
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Yea, i know what you mean.
I found a cooked rom that i liked, and the chef also offered the kitchen with it. (which means i run the kitchen, press 'build' and fifteen minutes later the rom is created, ready to flash.)
Then, knowing i have a rom that i already like, i can start to make small adjustments. Progs that i normally have to reinstal every time i have converted to cookable packages, various registry tweaks that i used to instal from cab every time i have now cooked in.
A great way to get an easy intro into cooking, but because it's already built you aren't starting from a stock rom, facing weeks of tweaks. Instead i know i already like the rom, and i can slowly apply extra tweaks as i learn.
Look out for rom threads who offer 'comes with kitchen'.
ChuckyROM is the one that comes to mind, but there are others too.
I now have cookies home tab mod pre installed, and right from the start it has my layout, and all my quicklinks already there, as well as most of teh cabs i used to instal manually already built in, owner name pre set, home location/timezone etc etc all pre set, my own lockscreen, i've removed tons of unused images and language files, and such like.
My rom is down to around 145MB. (Stock is around 200MB+).
Best of all, i cooked in 'remotetracker', so if my phone gets stolen/lost, , even a hard reset wont stop it being trackable.
Fun stuff, if you dont mind spending a few hours at a time cooking/flashing/re-cooking/flashing/re-re-cooking, , , hehe
samsamuel said:
I now have cookies home tab mod pre installed, and right from the start it has my layout, and all my quicklinks already there, as well as most of teh cabs i used to instal manually already built in, owner name pre set, home location/timezone etc etc all pre set, my own lockscreen, i've removed tons of unused images and language files, and such like.
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how can I pre install, the layout and quick links on cookie too my rom, I'm a noob, I got this new rom I like and a want to tweak it, its going to be my first rom. can you or someone direct me to tutorials for cooking and tweaking.... I'm a quick learner. lol
corlygunnz said:
how can I pre install, the layout and quick links on cookie too my rom, I'm a noob, I got this new rom I like and a want to tweak it, its going to be my first rom. can you or someone direct me to tutorials for cooking and tweaking.... I'm a quick learner. lol
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well its not that simple. when a chef cooks the rom, it is usually protected, so you cant just dump a cooked rom. Thats why you have to get a pre built kitchen for that rom.
Sadly there is no simple step by step for all this.
THIS thread is for OSKitchen, which is pretty good, and fairly straightforward.
I suggest you just get a kitchen, dump a stock rom into it, and just have a look around it for a while first, so you get the idea of what you are facing.
Follow posts 1 - 4 and that should give you an evenings tinkering to get started.
Or there is ervius' visual kitchen, which isn't quite so straight forward, but works really well for me.
Reading HERE and HERE and HERE
and lots of reading in 'Chef Central'
However, to get immediate results, i found it far better to start with a pre built kitchen.
HERE is the one i first started to tinker with.
I gave up on kitchens a half dozen times in the past months, it just seems so overwhelming, which is why a ready made rom i could make minor tweaks to came in so handy.
thanks allot, I'm going to get to it right away. I'll post if I hit a wall.
how do i cook cooki home tab. is not working, is the anything i got to do?
corlygunnz said:
how do i cook cooki home tab. is not working, is the anything i got to do?
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convert it to an ext package, which will generate a folder with various files/subfiles, one of which is a reg file, edit that, add your registry entries (extracted from your currently running phone, using ceregistry editor ((if you dont already have them, immediately you finish reading this go get wincecab manager, ceregistry editor, and look up CAB_Converter too.)))
Use cab converter to change the cab into an ext.
as always, the best advice is to read everything, then read it again, hehe.
A working example.
connect your phone to usb, open ceregistry editor, click connect, browse to HKLM\software\HTC\manila\Home There are 80 or so numbered folders, Thats for the quicklinks.
In the tree view on the left, right click the folder Home and choose 'export'. A file save dialog will open, call it something like home, OK. You should get something like '81 keys exported'
Now, browse to the folder where the converted cookies EXT is, find the file 'app.reg'. Double click to open it in ceregistry editor, you will see a similar registry view as you saw on the phone, except with loads less entries. Find HKLM\software\HTC\manila\Home, select the home folder, hit delete, confirm, its now gone.
Go to top of ceregistry editor - hit Edit - Import registry keys from file.
Now, by default it will be looking for .reg files, but we exported ours as .cereg, so change the filetype dropdown to 'all files'.
Find your 'home.cereg' file we exported, click it, you will get a 'sucessfully imported,....blahblah', hit save, and now, when you cook the rom, your quicklinks will already be there as soon as the phone first boots.
Use SPB backup
Use SPB backup. Works wonders. I have a backup for the 3 or 4 roms I run. So all I have to do is load the rom, load spb backup and restore the backup and all my settings, email accounts, facebook and the such is ready to go.
fhaines said:
Use SPB backup. Works wonders. I have a backup for the 3 or 4 roms I run. So all I have to do is load the rom, load spb backup and restore the backup and all my settings, email accounts, facebook and the such is ready to go.
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i just got me the spb backup, and is working great for me. thanks.
The simple solution here is SPB Backup...
EDIT: oops, jumped the gun. was already suggested. xD
glad you got it figured out
samsamuel said:
use the 'raws2nbh' function to rebuild the raw files into the .nbh rom file.
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This step is much more complicated than it sounds. Any possibility that you could include instructions for this?
ohiosux said:
This step is much more complicated than it sounds. Any possibility that you could include instructions for this?
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sure you want to bother? it wont save your settings as they are now, so you are essentially dumping the stock rom as it was when you got the phone (Assuming you're running a stock rom that is, if its a cooked rom it probably wont convert anyway)
All (most) of teh stock roms are available to download, so its an accademic task only, , , ,
samsamuel said:
sure you want to bother? its an accademic task only, , , ,
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Actually, yes. I realize its redundant work, but I don't see how I could ever become a proper "chef" if I can't even manage to dump a ROM.
ohiosux said:
Actually, yes. I realize its redundant work, but I don't see how I could ever become a proper "chef" if I can't even manage to dump a ROM.
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hehe, well, ive only done it once, so you know as much as me, , get ervius vis kitchen (im sure other kitchens can do it too, just i use evk) click extra buttons, top left button is raws2nbh, follow the prompts.
You dont need to do this to cook, you know that? the kitchen will import a downloaded stock nbh, no need for the dump to get a kutchen working.

[Q] Tricky question. How to unlock phone?

I'm Johnson. My friend tried unlocking my phone and it got locked.
The phone is currently running on the SD version of AmeriCanAndroid AOSP HD2 GB2.3.7 CM7.2
The phone's wifi has been switched off and i don't know how to switch it on with the phone locked.
Further I had enabled 2-step verification for my Droid and an application specific password for it which I don't know though I know the real password of my account.
Pretty tricky huh? ...any solutions on how to recover the phone without hard resetting the device?
well ... the only solution short of resetting would be to wish you luck!?! sorry no help i know but it sounds like you have quite the delima!
johnson7 said:
I'm Johnson. My friend tried unlocking my phone and it got locked.
The phone is currently running on the SD version of AmeriCanAndroid AOSP HD2 GB2.3.7 CM7.2
The phone's wifi has been switched off and i don't know how to switch it on with the phone locked.
Further I had enabled 2-step verification for my Droid and an application specific password for it which I don't know though I know the real password of my account.
Pretty tricky huh? ...any solutions on how to recover the phone without hard resetting the device?
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Try fresh installing and then copying over the old data img? I have no clue if that would possibly work but it's the only thing I could think of, so try it anyway Good luck.
EDIT: This is a youtube video showing how to bypass the lock screen, doubt it still works on GB but hey, why not?
I have got an idea, but dont know how to work out( jus coz i dont know which is the file i am going to talk about). Find the file which saves ur personal info like passwords acounts etc. Copy an untouched file ( the very same one) from the zip of the rom( the very same rom which u have on ur phone now), make a cwm flashable zip with it in the way the new file will replace ur current file in ur phone. Flash it. Done.
All i can help u is, if u find out which file is it,and upload an untouched one from the roms zip,i can make u a cwm flashable zip for it.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using xda premium
showlyshah said:
I have got an idea, but dont know how to work out( jus coz i dont know which is the file i am going to talk about). Find the file which saves ur personal info like passwords acounts etc. Copy an untouched file ( the very same one) from the zip of the rom( the very same rom which u have on ur phone now), make a cwm flashable zip with it in the way the new file will replace ur current file in ur phone. Flash it. Done.
All i can help u is, if u find out which file is it,and upload an untouched one from the roms zip,i can make u a cwm flashable zip for it.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using xda premium
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SD Android, everything is stored on the data.img as far as I know, and CWM etc is completely out of the question. Anyway, I assume he's done something or the other by now because he's hardly going to be able to survive by using WinMo for a day
Nigeldg said:
SD Android, everything is stored on the data.img as far as I know, and CWM etc is completely out of the question. Anyway, I assume he's done something or the other by now because he's hardly going to be able to survive by using WinMo for a day
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Haha! that's just what i did...couldnt survive with winmo
...had to hard reset it...lost everything in the data.img...turned off 2-step verifiction
2-step verification sux meyn...it's like locking your keys in ur own car, ... seriously -.-
showlyshah said:
I have got an idea, but dont know how to work out( jus coz i dont know which is the file i am going to talk about). Find the file which saves ur personal info like passwords acounts etc. Copy an untouched file ( the very same one) from the zip of the rom( the very same rom which u have on ur phone now), make a cwm flashable zip with it in the way the new file will replace ur current file in ur phone. Flash it. Done.
All i can help u is, if u find out which file is it,and upload an untouched one from the roms zip,i can make u a cwm flashable zip for it.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using xda premium
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i'm using an sd build
everything's in the data.img
thing is ... either i'll havto switch wi-fi on and login or i'll have to extract contacts, messages etc. from data.img ... anyideas?
heyy! u mallu?! xD
I still have the old data.img ... so i could still replace that in the android folder and boot it ...but it's of no use coz after it boots up...it asks for the application specific password that i dont know...
so ...
-either i'll somehow have to get wi-fi on, or
-i'll have to extract contacts, messages etc. from data.img through the comp
any ideas?
Google search for some thing that can mount data.img of nandroid backup in pc or phone.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using xda premium
Look what I found!
Hey! thanks guys ...i googled up for a thread on extracting files from data.img and found this:
and installed the exe file attached to jose makalolot's post...and used it
It works! real good!
johnson7 said:
Hey! thanks guys ...i googled up for a thread on extracting files from data.img and found this:
and installed the exe file attached to jose makalolot's post...and used it
It works! real good!
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Whoa, never knew something like that existed Nice to see you got it sorted out anyway

