Batteri status down only 10 % - Touch Diamond2, Pure General

Hi there,
does anybody know how to change the batteri indicator to show batteri usage in 1% at the time. As is it right now it only shows 10 %
have search the forum and looked 20 pages down, havent found anything

You can use Batti 2.4 which puts the bar across the top of your screen and is completely configurable.

i know the program :-D but want the batteri indicator to show 1% at the time when i press on the top of the screen

I use this one. It shows it like so: 99, 98, 97, 96 etc until 1
Edit: this is for WM6.1, the standard ROM that comes with the Topaz.

Hi there
I use a complete reskin of the taskbar which may not be for you but what I have come across is something that may be of interest?
Take a look at the following:
I have not tried it but it looks interesting/perhaps worth a look?


TyTN - Too many low battery notifications.

When the battery of my TyTN gets at 20%, I start getting system notifications warning me about a low level battery and others telling me to charge the battery like the manual says so.
The issue is that at 20% the TyTN still has a lot of life time, and meanwhile until the battery gets completely drained, I get MANY of these notifications that keep disturbing, it really isn't handy.
Does anyone know any solution for this? Maybe some way to start this notification only at 10% and maybe making them fewer.
It's only needed one or two notifications to remember us we are getting low on battery power, no need to keep reminding it all the time...
Thank you.
It's anoying me aswell...
I hope they fix this in the new ROM.
On the same general topic, anyone else find the battery status to be inaccurate?
I've re-enabled the small, four-bar battery indicator at the bottom of the home screen with a hack from MoDaCo.
Thing is, it's full most of the time - then wack! it goes to one-bar red and I start getting notifications. It doesn't seem very dependable. Anyone else get this?
Marques said:
It's only needed one or two notifications to remember us we are getting low on battery power, no need to keep reminding it all the time...
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same problem with me. looks like there is some serious bug with low level battery notification. in my case, i have Magic Button installed and i'm using its feature, which shows thin battery bar at top 2 pixels of screen (something like Batti). each time when i wake up my Vario II, this indicator always shows 100% battery for 2-3 seconds, after which it refreshes back to current state.
so this thing brings the idea, that these multiple notifications are caused because device 'thinks' that battery is full after each wake up, but after few seconds it turns out that it isn't, so system is generating notification - again and again after each wake up.
I've been having similar issues except in my case the battery is actually full.
The device powers up after being in 'sleep' mode (or sometimes during normal usage) and generates low battery notifications, even though the battery has been on charge all night and is actually full or at nearly full charge.
A soft re-set doesn't seem to help but physically switching the device off and on again seems to fix the problem (the battery showing 100% afterwards) but theres a definate bug with the power monitoring software
I really want to know how to modify registry of Hermes to avoid low battery notification too
Just a thought, on other devices such as the universal and breeze etc... (i see ive mentioned smartphones aswell as ppc) ... is the battery indicator shown in 10% blocks like the hermes or are they in steps of 1%?????
Anyone know of a reg hack or possibility that this will be changeable to 1% steps???????? (ROM change or the like?)
Ah yes, pretty irritating, guess we'll have to wait for the rom updates?
mrvanx said:
Anyone know of a reg hack or possibility that this will be changeable to 1% steps???????? (ROM change or the like?)
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There is still no way to change the battery monitor to 1% steps.
From what I've checked, there is still no fix for this massive flood of low battery notifications. If anyone have any other idea... please share it.
My WM6 ROM show low battery warning at 40% - really annoying. I really just want to get of these notifications altogether!!
One possible cause of the battery showing that it is full only to have it drop 50-80% after a few minutes is that you are using a trickle-charger such as the USB cable to charge it.
When charging with one of these devices, when the battery says it's fully charged it usually isn't. You will want to take it off of the charger for a minute or two after it says it is full and then put the charger back on if you want to get a consistent full charge with a trickle charger.
Any news about the annoying low battery notifications?
I hate it and I would like to kill it forever...
In s-k software's sktools there an option to allow it to show the low battery notification in the sounds and notifications. I find this very useful as i disable the message on the screen which gets in the way when it pops up to tell you battery is low. You can even change the sound or just disable the notification completely! Theres got to be a reg setting for it so people can use this little hack without buying the program.

Battery Icon that shows mA as well

Anyone know of a status bar Battery Icon that also shows drain in either mA or mW?
If not, perhaps someone around here might be interested in creating one as I have looked but cannot find one. (I do not mean a Today Plugin like HomeScreenPlusPlus/BatterStatus)
The idea:
Essentially similar to the WM Battery Icon that is there now with bars showing charge but with added feature of numerals showing mA drain. These numeral could either be overlayed on the icon or squeezed beneath it in tiny font.
The advantage of this arrangement is:
1) it would work with TF3D on a Diamond. This is because it would not be a today plugin. Simpy an alternative to the current battery icon on the Status bar.
2) Would enable user to always see charge remaining and current load.
I like the idea of always being able to see the load on my battery as often I have apps running in the background which are chewing through the battery. Conversely if the mA drain is low I know these apps cannot be running and all is good. Makes for an easy way to increase battery life.
Essentially all the app would have to do is somehow ascertain current drain in mA and display it over the battery bars on the icon. Nothing more. Be great if one of you clever programs could put this together. I reckon it would be popular.
Would any one else be interested in a replacement for the default status bar battery icon that worked like this?
Battery Status is ur best bet

Battery status problem

Hello all,
I'm using the original European rom (the first updated ROM that came out; didn't have time to install the second updated ROM )
The only program I'm running is S2U2 (slide to unlock2), the newest version.
The problem I'm experiencing is the next: The battery status from S2U2 gives a percentage of 26%, but the battery indicator from Windows Mobile (upper right corner) gives an indication of 2 Blocks (so battery more than half-full).
When I go to the settings tab, press more and have a look at the battery indicator of Windows Mobile in detailed version, I see I have only 3 green blocks left. This shows the INDICATION of S2U2 of 26% battery remaining was correct!
But the TRUE CAPACITY isnt, because:
The weirdest thing is, my battery stayed at the level of 26% remaining ALL DAY, while normally my battery goes down with about 20% a day..
The problem is situated in WM itsself I guess :s
It also isn't something that happened once, it has occurred more often...
I also shut down the phone every evening and boot it up every morning, but I never experienced any trouble with that. Even letting the battery go flat to about 3% and then a full recharge (as wel leaving the phone turned on as letting it shut down by itsself) didn't help...
Any Idea's / experience with it?
Thanks in advance,
The answer is in the information you've provided; The WM "4-bar" display shows 25% per bar. If S2U2 is showing 26%, that's over 25%, and therefore showing two bars
A small explaination:
- 4 bars = 100% - 76%
- 3 bars = 75% - 51%
- 2 bars = 50% - 26%
- 1 bar = 25% - 0%
As for the battery draining faster / slower than usual, it all depends on usage. In low signal areas the battery will drain faster as it spends more ticks trying to get a connection. Turning the screen on and off consumes battery power, using WiFi, leaving applications running in the background... Any number of causes.
Not really
At the moment I'm at 21% according to S2U2 (yes, a full day and I only used 5% battery power, not really possible I think...)
The battery indicator in the right corner still shows 2 bars... And the indicator from 'all settings' still shows 3 blocks left...
There is defenitely something strange going on, because I never really experienced this problems when the phone was brand new...

Can battery status show actual charge level instead of cycling thru 20/40/60/80/100?

Hi all,
One of the things that annoys me about the S200 is that the battery indicator, when charging, doesn't show the actual charge level (but instead, cycles through 20/40/60/80/100)
So, if I want to check the charge level of the phone, I have to disconnect, and then (if it is not charged enough), reconnect.
Is there any tweak that would get it to display actual charge? (All my previous WinMo phones - even going back 8 years - behaved this way)
Check out this App. I use it and i love it. It shows a battery line and can show percentual state of battery.
UUK3 said:
Check out this App. I use it and i love it. It shows a battery line and can show percentual state of battery.
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I'm trying this on Arto's 2.8 (Manila) ROM and it doesn't appear to do anything at all... are you using a Manila or non-Manila ROM?
Also, it isn't clear from the description if it will display battery level accurately while charging.. can u confirm it's behaviour?
BTW Arto's ROM already includes a mod to show battery to 1% accuracy (but while charging it only shows a charging icon - and battery settings cycles 20/40/60/80/100).
I think the issue is not in the displaying app, but some means to change how the phone reports the battery level to software (perhaps a reg mod or driver mod)
forgett this app
my mistake. batti only shows % steps. this means that the line is cutted in parts (like blocks). sorry no numerical display

Battery Icon Problem!

Hi guys
I don't know why my phone's battery Icon shows the percentage every 10 percent,
I mean It doesn't show the range of it it just say 10,20,30,40,50,....and so on.
is there any solution?
I have TP2 with wm6.5 official rom.

