Sending HD2 back to Vodafone tomorrow, need help installing stock 1.42 ROM over 1.61 - HD2 Windows Mobile 6.5 ROM Development

Hi guys as the title says I'm receiving a replacement HD2 tomorrow whilst giving my old one in and I'm afraid I'll get in trouble if I give in one with a 1.61 ROM. I flashed it with 1.61 using the goldcard method and I just tried running the normal installer for the 1.43 stock Vodafone ROM but I get this error:
"this update utility cannot be used for your pda phone..." Surely I don't need to use the goldcard method for the stock ROM do I?
Also can I use the same 1.61 goldcard for my new HD2?
Quick answers appreciated as I need to do this before tomorrow! Thank you very much for your help

Assistance (I hope)
Hi I am a newbee but the RUU_Leo_Vodafone_UK_1.43.405.1_Radio_Signed_15.26.50.07U_2.04.50.22_2_Ship is available as a link somewhere on the site.
I have just HSPL my voda leo and as part of the instructions from
DFT, bepe and Cotulla you should do the following to revert...
Only way to remove the HSPL is to flash an original SPL from SD card.
- Take any "RUU_signed.nbh" from a ship ROM and copy it to SD card.
- Rename it to "leoimg.nbh"
- Reset the device while pressing the volume down button
Hope this helps...

MaskedMagi said:
Hi guys as the title says I'm receiving a replacement HD2 tomorrow whilst giving my old one in and I'm afraid I'll get in trouble if I give in one with a 1.61 ROM. I flashed it with 1.61 using the goldcard method and I just tried running the normal installer for the 1.43 stock Vodafone ROM but I get this error:
"this update utility cannot be used for your pda phone..." Surely I don't need to use the goldcard method for the stock ROM do I?
yes you do
Also can I use the same 1.61 goldcard for my new HD2?
i would recommend you to install hspl in order to install any cooked rom you want
Quick answers appreciated as I need to do this before tomorrow! Thank you very much for your help
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see above the answers

you need this
here it is but i did not try it by myself

Thanks for your help guys, I'll see how I get on, the rapdishare link is down for the moment which is annoying though...
If worst comes to worse I'll just have to send it back with the 1.1 ROM, surely they wont find out then come back to my house and take the newer replacement off me?
I'll let you know how I get on, though might need more help in a minute given my track record!!

MaskedMagi said:
Hi guys as the title says I'm receiving a replacement HD2 tomorrow whilst giving my old one in and I'm afraid I'll get in trouble if I give in one with a 1.61 ROM. I flashed it with 1.61 using the goldcard method and I just tried running the normal installer for the 1.43 stock Vodafone ROM but I get this error:
"this update utility cannot be used for your pda phone..." Surely I don't need to use the goldcard method for the stock ROM do I?
Also can I use the same 1.61 goldcard for my new HD2?
Quick answers appreciated as I need to do this before tomorrow! Thank you very much for your help
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As far as i know/read into it,
The goldcard you used already will work again, You might need to reformat and hexedit again before it will work as that is what i had to do on 2nd rom update.

Rapidshare works now

sbibif said:
see above the answers
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addendum: YES you can use the same Gold card for your new device.
good luck with reverting to stock ROM, hope it works out for you!

Thanks just downloading the stock rom from rapidshare now. I got impatient so I just bought a one month membership, oh well I guess it will come in useful anyways, fingers crossed...

I have tried PDAVIET rom
its working fine ...
there are few bugs but running smoothly...

MaskedMagi said:
Thanks for your help guys, I'll see how I get on, the rapdishare link is down for the moment which is annoying though...
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Rapidshare is always busy, especially in the evening (CET). Keep hitting the F5 button in your browser, and you'll get lucky. Otherwise, get up early tomorrow and download will not be a problem. Alternatively google for the file name, someone somewhere could have it

Aaand done. That was unbelievably painless. All I did was plug my phone in via USB and double click the ROM file I downloaded off rapidshare, then it worked like a charm didn't have to do a thing!! Thanks for all your help guys, these forums are amazing!


Telstra HTC HD - Flashing the ROM

I have a Telstra branded HD and wanted to know if anyone has tried flashing the ROM on one of these to a standard ROM?
If so, which one did you use to flash the ROM?
Not that I know anything about flashing ROM's and the phone is only a day old so I am a little worried about trying it.
The first thing I there anyway of backing up the ROM and anything else needed to return the phone to a Telstra branded ROM for warranty purposes if required.
I am at my wits end with this phone in it's current form as I am trying to run it with a vodafone SIM, so all the Telstra shortcuts and websites don't work anyway, that and the Telstra tab seems to replace the weather tab with the current ROM.
I suppose I had better see if I can search the forum for instructions on flashing ROM's for dummies....anyone know a good thread?
Flashing a ROM is not difficult its flashing an spl that is scary(since if you mess up or if your device shuts off while its in the process you have a brick in your hands now, with a rom all you need to do is try again.), also if you want it to be at stock condition if you want to revert back to the original ROM, then use USPL, doesn't change the spl. You have to dump the ROM from the device and then you save it some where safe, then you flash a ROM of your choice. Its not that hard to initiate the process though, since its basically the same for all the devices, if you search around here on the forum for a guide then that should do you some good , but since I am nice here are some useful links.
Guide to flashing: Guide
List of cooked ROMs:
Awesome, thanks for that, I am off to do some reading, one quick question...
On the first guide it says I need to CID-unlock the phone, it that what USPL and HSPL can do for me?
Yea, you don't have to cid unlock since its not available for the Blackstone yet.
Just HardSPL'd my Telstra BLAC120?
I've just used HardSPL on my Telstra Touch HD which is a BLAC120? Is it safe to continue flashing ROM's or can I somehow go back to the original SPL? Then use USPL?
The phone is still in working order after the HardSPL Flash.
HSPL is perfectly fine, but if you want it to be like stock(for warranty purposes), just use USPL to flash the original spl back. You are perfectly fine how you are Lucus Maximus.
~~Tito~~ said:
HSPL is perfectly fine, but if you want it to be like stock(for warranty purposes), just use USPL to flash the original spl back. You are perfectly fine how you are Lucus Maximus.
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Cheers, thanks for the help
This is making my head spin.....been reading and downloading and I am getting very confused, once it all falls into place I am guessing it is going to be easy.
Right I would like to dump the existing ROM and flash with a new one....I need to confirm the steps and what is required.
CID-Unlock the phone, from what you said I don't need to worry about this part
1. Run USPL - have downloaded v2.4...should be good to go
2. What is RUU Update as it mentions it in the instructions for USPL
3. I am guessing at this point I need to backup the existing ROM, not sure how this is done
3. Then the guide says to download the new ROM and run the exe and follow the steps.....sounds easy enough
Some of the guides don't really explain much.....anyway I am thinking of giving it a go.
So do you flash radio's and splash screens using the same method.
Sorry for all the questions (I am guessing you have heard them all before, but I can't find a thread from a ROM flashing virgin like me with all the info), I have been reading, but gets a little confusing after a while.
Ok, RUU update is just the .exe file to use the .nbh(rom file) so it can start flashing.
Hmmm. . . . . .if I had any htc device right now I would make a video guide. . . .
It takes like 2 times for you to get used to flashing a phone, don't worry we have all been there .
pikey1967 said:
This is making my head spin.....been reading and downloading and I am getting very confused, once it all falls into place I am guessing it is going to be easy.
Right I would like to dump the existing ROM and flash with a new one....I need to confirm the steps and what is required.
CID-Unlock the phone, from what you said I don't need to worry about this part
1. Run USPL - have downloaded v2.4...should be good to go
2. What is RUU Update as it mentions it in the instructions for USPL
3. I am guessing at this point I need to backup the existing ROM, not sure how this is done
3. Then the guide says to download the new ROM and run the exe and follow the steps.....sounds easy enough
Some of the guides don't really explain much.....anyway I am thinking of giving it a go.
So do you flash radio's and splash screens using the same method.
Sorry for all the questions (I am guessing you have heard them all before, but I can't find a thread from a ROM flashing virgin like me with all the info), I have been reading, but gets a little confusing after a while.
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If you don't want to worry about backing up your existing ROM the Telstra one is available on the HTC website here
Hope that helps
Thanks for that....right now to go and find myself a new ROM.
Just out of interest, which ROM did you use Lucas?
Been looking at this.......
Dutty's ROMS
What is the difference with these:
HD V1.7 5.2.20769.1.4.5 Full CVSD WWE
HD V1.7 5.2.20769.1.4.5 Full MSVC WWE
I am yet to work out all this ROM talk......I am guessing WWE is the English version, but what is "CVSD" & "MSVC"
Oh and how do I work out what radio version these ROMS use to make sure it is the same as the one I have
When you turn on your device, look at the red R and see what it says, then when you flash a ROM with a different radio, just re flash yours.(same process as flashing a ROM but easier, and there are different radios available to DL).
pikey1967 said:
Thanks for that....right now to go and find myself a new ROM.
Just out of interest, which ROM did you use Lucas?
Been looking at this.......
Dutty's ROMS
What is the difference with these:
HD V1.7 5.2.20769.1.4.5 Full CVSD WWE
HD V1.7 5.2.20769.1.4.5 Full MSVC WWE
I am yet to work out all this ROM talk......I am guessing WWE is the English version, but what is "CVSD" & "MSVC"
Oh and how do I work out what radio version these ROMS use to make sure it is the same as the one I have
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FAQ: What are CVSD and MSVC.
Solution: CVSD is Cyberon Voice Speed Dial which is mostly the default voice application in most shipped ROMs. MSVC is Microsoft Voice Command which is an advance voice application from MS.
I tried Black Pearl, but most things I've read are saying that Dutty's is the best, so giving that a go now.
As long as I can get all the telstra site settings working I'll stick with it otherwise it's back to the Telstra ROM untill I can find out a way to get it all working.
Too easy, flashed the ROM to Duttys v1.7
Now to go and find all the missing ring tones and stuff, I think I saw something in a thread about Dutty having extra cabs to install this stuff...
I would recommended this to anyone who is trying to run the Telstra branded HD on anything other than the Telstra network.
Getting there now, I have managed to download all the ringtones and stuff, so I have more than the 3 ringtones supplied with the ROM
Where is this MSVC that is supposed to be part of the ROM???
Off to search some more and see what other software I can find.
This has made the Telstra branded HD a lot better, all Telstra branding has gone, including splash screen and the phone actually works now, can get POP3 email, Internet, Exchange email etc without an issue.
The first thing it did was set the phone up for the correct Network as soon as I put in the SIM and powered it up....great!
Well I was really pissed off with the HD with all the Telstra branding and was at the point of returning the HD and going back to the iPhone, but now things are starting to look up......we will see how things go.
pikey1967 said:
Getting there now, I have managed to download all the ringtones and stuff, so I have more than the 3 ringtones supplied with the ROM
Where is this MSVC that is supposed to be part of the ROM???
Off to search some more and see what other software I can find.
This has made the Telstra branded HD a lot better, all Telstra branding has gone, including splash screen and the phone actually works now, can get POP3 email, Internet, Exchange email etc without an issue.
The first thing it did was set the phone up for the correct Network as soon as I put in the SIM and powered it up....great!
Well I was really pissed off with the HD with all the Telstra branding and was at the point of returning the HD and going back to the iPhone, but now things are starting to look up......we will see how things go.
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Yep, all you needed to do is change the ROM, you didn't need to return anything. It was just the shipped ROM that's all.
Thanks again for your help....
Still trying to find the MSVC app in Dutty's ROM v1.7???
I downloaded the MSVC version, but can't see the application
great info here guys, just got my HD the other day and dislike all the Telstra branding. one question though before I begin changing ROM's, did you guys finally end up getting the weather tab to work, or the "customize tabs" option in the settings tab?
Ditto! Can someone pls confirm Dutty's ROM has weather+stocks tab etc? And can someone who downloaded the Telstra ROM off HTC please mirror it somewhere? (attach here or mediafire it etc). Or if anyone has an official Blackstone rom from another region that would be good too... many thanks!

1.48 and 1.61 and 2.01

New member and a proud owner of an HD2 for the last 2 days. I got mine from a vendor in Chicago and it was an O2 branded unlocked phone. Not a big deal, after spending about 3 hrs trying to understand all the details of how to upgrade from 1.43 to 1.48. But i am trying to understand if 1.61 is an official HTC release, if so where can i download the ROM. Is there a Sticky which explains the diff between the ROMS. Is 2.01 coming out as an official HTC update or is it a cooked ROM. Is there a way to create a gold card without the help of the QMAT guys because they will be discotinuing their service soon. Please help me answer these questions, so that I never have to leave the WM paltform and go to IPHONE again. I love WM but just never worked for me. It looks like this HD2 might actually be working in my favor, so far happy.
I don't think you can make gold image without the qmat but the is really simple process that I follwed and it worked like a charm. 1.61 is the htc official realease for turkey region and is very fast and stable 2.01 is work in progress. here is the link to follow for gold image. this is the esiest to follow
can someone post a link in the sticky for the 1.61rom so that everyone looking for it can have easy access. I have tried the fourm search option but it cannot search for numbers only. Or may be i am not doing it right.
ankur1234 said:
can someone post a link in the sticky for the 1.61rom so that everyone looking for it can have easy access. I have tried the fourm search option but it cannot search for numbers only. Or may be i am not doing it right.
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the thread is near this one:
ankur1234 said:
can someone post a link in the sticky for the 1.61rom so that everyone looking for it can have easy access. I have tried the fourm search option but it cannot search for numbers only. Or may be i am not doing it right.
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Her you go......
Hi - just to tag onto the end of this one. I did the goldcard thingy last night....i have an english o2 branded phone (or i did have at least) its stock 1.48 now. So, here's the question? have i got to run through the entire goldcard walkthrough from the start to go to the turkish rom ? and do i have to generate another goldcard thing again from qmat or can i use the same one?
No! You have to do the Goldcard only once! then you can use it as much as you want unles you format it afcourse!
I've formatted my card (quick format) and it still works....

Phone bricked - does anybody have an official T-Mobile ROM?

Ouch - after trying to SSPL my phone, it doesn't boot anymore. It's a T-Mobile branded Leo which doesnt allow to flash original HTC ROMs.
Now I need to try a T-Mob version. Anybody Can provide one ?
Thanks !
have you tried downloading an official rom from HTC with your phone's serial number?
Thanks for the tip, but: Sorry, this software download is not suitable for your device.
Anyone who has a T-Mob ROM from somewhere ?
try a gold card solution...i also got a t-mobile hd2 i sued gold card to upto 1.6 rom...its working good...
Hello Matmax,
I had the same Problem, but you can try a Hardreset.
Turn your LEO off ( Battery out and in)
Press Volume up and down together
and turn HD2 on.
I had to try several times.
There is no official T-Mobile ROM to download.
New T-Mobile ROM comes out next week in Germany (They said),14091,19349-_,00.html
UK T-Mobile rom I saw posted last week.
So, flashing roms using sspl does not work with this type of t mobile branded leo?
For me it seems so :-(
I tried several hard resets, doesn't help. Thnanks also for the UK stock ROM, but that gives me another INVALID VENDER ID
Matmax said:
For me it seems so :-(
I tried several hard resets, doesn't help. Thnanks also for the UK stock ROM, but that gives me another INVALID VENDER ID
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i think u must post ur problem in sticked Bepe thread, may he has the help.
Auch!! I am also searching for a suitable T mobile rom (UK) for my leo, but could't find any, yet...
P.S.:I planned to flash another rom using new sspl, but after reading your post I think I will wait a bit more... (If someone would not give a different feedback...)
I think your best bet is to go for the GoldCard method, although it would be nice if someone could host the T-Mobile rom on a site other than rapidshare.
GC method worked on my UK T-Mobile HD2...
0Reefa said:
I think your best bet is to go for the GoldCard method, although it would be nice if someone could host the T-Mobile rom on a site other than rapidshare.
GC method worked on my UK T-Mobile HD2...
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Thanks for the tipp, but with a dead phone, Goldcard doesn'T help much
Matmax said:
Thanks for the tipp, but with a dead phone, Goldcard doesn'T help much
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Post in the Bepe thread or PM him for help. Either way it would be useful for all of us to understand from him and you what went wrong and to fix it so other people don't have the same problem.
Can you get to the boot loader screen? Pressing down on vol and powering on...?
0Reefa said:
Can you get to the boot loader screen? Pressing down on vol and powering on...?
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Yes - but don't have a ROM I can flash (T-Mobile Germany).
Hard reset - works fine
Boot loader - works fine
Boot - stops after the versions of radio etc. is shown (red numbers on black screen)
Cavallipurosangue said:
Auch!! I am also searching for a suitable T mobile rom (UK) for my leo, but could't find any, yet...
P.S.:I planned to flash another rom using new sspl, but after reading your post I think I will wait a bit more... (If someone would not give a different feedback...)
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I have T-mobile HD2 and sspl works fine. I am on my 3rd rom now.
T-MOBILE USA,13335.msg214232.html#msg214232
Matmax said:
Yes - but don't have a ROM I can flash (T-Mobile Germany).
Hard reset - works fine
Boot loader - works fine
Boot - stops after the versions of radio etc. is shown (red numbers on black screen)
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Re try Using SSPL and the custom rom it will flash from boot loader.
I had the problem first time using SSPL it crashes and stayed at bootloader. Every time fails You disconnect the cable and reconnect, Then re tried several time running SSPL with IT2 rom and 3rd or fourth attempt it worked. If not UK 1.48 version will work on T mobile uk.
Good luck
T-Mobile UK ROM
Hi try downloading this one from my 4Shared account. I don't think that it's the fastest link but it may help you out of a hole....
I too have a T-Mobile HD2 and was about to flash the new Miri ROM until I saw your post. Now a tad nervous about doing so......
Mat, before you tried to SSPL flash your Leo did you have a stock T-Mob rom or had you already GoldCarded to a new release rom?

Rom upgrade for HD2 from o2 (UK) - won't let me!!!

Hi guys, anyone know the way to overcome this?
How to upgrade to a higher ROM?
Even HTC's website won't let me downloading the ROM saying that the upgrade aren't for this device!!!
p.s. sorry I'm new to winmo...
use a gold card in sd slot or just install HSPL first
wtf is a gold card? i keep seeing people refer to it but never what it is, i imagine its a sim card with a toffee penny wrapper stuck to it lol
Basicly its a sd card with its unique serial number run though some software but as its no longer free just use hspl if you dont have a goldcard.
Forget about the goldcard, you don't need one so long as you have a copy of the original rom available, which you do. Hunt it out in the official roms forum. First post, first link, 1.43 section, its listed there. Thats your backup, then instal hspl and you can flash what you like.
Your HD2 is locked to o2 (UK) ROMs only so you cant put any of the official HTC ROMs or any of the custom ROMs from the "HD2 ROM Delvelopment" forum
because of this your always be running out of date software as the phone operators are always so slow at releasing updates if they do at all.
BUT if you download HSPL from the above forum thread "[HSPL] HowTo flash everything"
and install it to your phone your then be able to put on any ROM you like. Don't worry its near impossible to muck anything up and you can always put the phone back to its original rom, just do a little reading if your still not sure.
Great Guys! HSPL helped!!! I've upgraded...shame I can't manage to download Rom 1.66 as it always crashes and the download in general is sooo slow (not the internet issue)...but maybe with a bit of patience I'll get it at the end!
Cheers once again!!!
essensial said:
Hi guys, anyone know the way to overcome this?
How to upgrade to a higher ROM?
Even HTC's website won't let me downloading the ROM saying that the upgrade aren't for this device!!!
p.s. sorry I'm new to winmo...
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HTC have now listed a new ROM upgrade ( released 27/04/10) for the HD2 on their UK support website (
Let me know how you get on with it as when I enter my o2 serial number I still get the error message you mentioned. I have sent a message to HTC support...just waiting for a reply.
shutty2k3 said:
HTC have now listed a new ROM upgrade ( released 27/04/10) for the HD2 on their UK support website (
Let me know how you get on with it as when I enter my o2 serial number I still get the error message you mentioned. I have sent a message to HTC support...just waiting for a reply.
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all you o2 guys that cant down load have been able to get 1.66 from htc's site for months now this rom is purley for the forgoton few (like me) who got the phone as o2 launched and locked down (no wifi router etc) I ran this rom for a day and it nice and snappy fast but its still not wm 6.5.3 so i am back on touch-x again now the 2.07 radio in the o2 rom was quite ok in my area when I used it a few months ago but the 2.10 in my opionion is a match for recption with better battery life just my 2 cents hope it may help some of you
What about Virgin Mobile? Will they get a Rom Upgrqade???? they seems to have been left out of the loop even though they were the first (technically second) carrier of the phone.

Simple question to reduce confussion

Hi all,
I have an HTC HD2 phone that I spld and now running RUU_Leo_HTC_WWE_1.66.405.2_Radio_Signed_15.30.50.07U_2.06.51.07_Ship.exe.
I purchased it from Sydney a month ago while on busniess, and now back home in the states.
I want to know, what is the safest ROM out here on XDA that I can start with and maintain updates as they come. I see that there are so many different ROMS on this forum and I am confused what is what and what do each ROM do different then others etc... and I want one and stick with it. Is that an Okay route?
I just downloaded RUU_Leo_1_5_TMOUS_2.10.531.0_Radio_Signed_15.34.50.07U_2.08.50.08_2_Ship.exe
Is this better than my other one I had running named "RUU_Leo_HTC_WWE_1.66.405.2_Radio_Signed_15.30.50.07U_2.06.51.07_Ship.exe"
To summarize, is there a cheat sheet or list of all ROMs that can work with my HTC HD2 that shows screen shots or anything that can help me isolate a ROM?
The one you have is the best in terms of released HTC stock ROMs - that 2.10 ROM is for the T-Mobile HD2 so will have settings/restrictions on it specifically for T-Mobile customers.
I'd stick with 1.66 for the time being and then maybe look into cooked ROMs if you need other features
If you flash this 2.10 US rom you are trapped with the included SPL 2.08 (if I am coorect) and you cannot downgrade at the moment to SPL 1.42 in order to use the available HSPL 1.42.
You can still flash roms via SSPL but no radios.
Best regards,
richsark said:
Hi all,
I have an HTC HD2 phone that I spld and now running RUU_Leo_HTC_WWE_1.66.405.2_Radio_Signed_15.30.50.07U_2.06.51.07_Ship.exe.
I purchased it from Sydney a month ago while on busniess, and now back home in the states.
I want to know, what is the safest ROM out here on XDA that I can start with and maintain updates as they come. I see that there are so many different ROMS on this forum and I am confused what is what and what do each ROM do different then others etc... and I want one and stick with it. Is that an Okay route?
I just downloaded RUU_Leo_1_5_TMOUS_2.10.531.0_Radio_Signed_15.34.50.07U_2.08.50.08_2_Ship.exe
Is this better than my other one I had running named "RUU_Leo_HTC_WWE_1.66.405.2_Radio_Signed_15.30.50.07U_2.06.51.07_Ship.exe"
To summarize, is there a cheat sheet or list of all ROMs that can work with my HTC HD2 that shows screen shots or anything that can help me isolate a ROM?
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only if they flash using the sd card method - active sync will be fine
DonĀ“t think so.
If he starts the "offical" file:
He will flash including SPL and will have therefore the new SPL.
Only if he is using SSPL than he will keep his original SPL and his original radio, but depending on his radio the 2.10 rom might be not booting.
I guess you are right if has the HSPL1.42 allready.
Because of all the discussions about the 2.10 rom (and the implications) I think it is better thinking twice or triple before clicking on that file ...
Best regards,
EddyOS said:
only if they flash using the sd card method - active sync will be fine
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no it won't, it only flashed the ROM - the only way to flash an SPL back on is via sd card method. I've flashed many stock ROMs on my phone via activesync and I still have HSPL on it
if the file he downloads is an exe file, then i think it replaces everything, spl and radio
if you however extract the exe using winrar or whatever, just extract RUU_Signed.nbh - this is the ROM image, flash this with customRuu and you're sorted
Then how come I've used the stock .exe files with HSPL and it's not replaced the SPL?
EddyOS said:
Then how come I've used the stock .exe files with HSPL and it's not replaced the SPL?
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Again, only flashing via SD card method will overwrite your SPL. You can use directly an official .exe or extract it,. either way, as long as you have HSPL alrady on the phone, any flash via activesync will never overwrite your hspl
Hi, I installed the tmo us as I indicated above with no issues. I did see that the pictures are a lot better at night and the phone seems more stable.
Out of interest, if you go into the bootloader, what SPL does it show?
1 more question guys, do you think the HD2 which will be released in TMobile USA, will have their official rom, I mean 2.0 and above, so we cant install HSPL for it, right?
More than likely, yes - otherwise the ROM is pontless!!
EddyOS said:
More than likely, yes - otherwise the ROM is pontless!!
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It seems to be quite a big drawback, doesnt it?
need help on telstra handset htc hd2 sms sending dont work
hey guys
i've got a telstra htc hd2 handset brought it out rite & when i put me optus sim card i can get mms sending / recevieing internet working receving calls & recevieing sms's work but when i go to reply or send a sms it had a tryangle with ! mark & then it comes with noterficatons unbale to send sms.
ive checked the service center number with optus thsta all corret & ive flshed me handset with a non telstra rom also that did the same thing comes back with unable to send sms ive also done a sim replacement & that hasnt helped eirther also ive tried everything even the sms buge fix as well so im pritty muc running out what else to do could any of use plz help woud be really nice to be able to send sms.
=) ausiechick22
aussiechick22 said:
hey guys
i've got a telstra htc hd2 handset brought it out rite & when i put me optus sim card i can get mms sending / recevieing internet working receving calls & recevieing sms's work but when i go to reply or send a sms it had a tryangle with ! mark & then it comes with noterficatons unbale to send sms.
ive checked the service center number with optus thsta all corret & ive flshed me handset with a non telstra rom also that did the same thing comes back with unable to send sms ive also done a sim replacement & that hasnt helped eirther also ive tried everything even the sms buge fix as well so im pritty muc running out what else to do could any of use plz help woud be really nice to be able to send sms.
=) ausiechick22
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try this.
settings menu all settings connections advanced network scroll right to the sms tab. ideally set the drop down to "gsm preferred", but try all the options
samsamuel said:
try this.
settings menu all settings connections advanced network scroll right to the sms tab. ideally set the drop down to "gsm preferred", but try all the options
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i've tried both settings still coming back with unable to send sms.
ive tried anther rom but that aint doe anything.

