Have I brick my Magic? - myTouch 3G, Magic General

I have a rooted 32b magic. I tried many roms and it worked fine every time.
I got a grey screen after install and reboot if i tried to install anything else as Cyanogen.
I tried to unroot and downgrade to 1.5 to solve this problem...But i did not find a "how to"....
If i try to get in recovery mode i get a big "!" - another press on Home+Power brings me to a special kind of
recovery mode...(normally i have amon-ra 1.2.1)...this one has blue letters and has only 3 options (reboot, apply update.zip, wipe).
If i try to install any rom with apply update.zip...it says verification failed...installation aborted.
What have i done?

It seems somehow you have the original recovery image back, I'd say fastboot back into Amon Ra's and apply another ROM, see how that works.

Thanks Dixi789, this solved the problem!


Rom Manager Killed my recovery....help? (32B)

Basically i desided i would give the Rom manger and Clock Work Recovery a try, So i downloaded the App from the market and installed it then used it to flash the recovery. However now when i try to boot into recovery it just hangs at the Vodafone Screen at boot up.
I tried to reflash RA Recovery however if i do it within the Rom Manager it does the same and hangs when trying to boot to recovery mode. I tried flashing it by the terminal but that did work either.
So does anyone know what i should do!
try flashing via fastboot
how do i use fastboot? when i boot to fast boot the only options i have are
HBoot Mode
Reset device
Restart to HBoot
Power down
OK i tried flashing using fastboot but i got an error 'FAILED (remote: signature verify fail)'
same problem
i got the saame problem as youu!
Damn rom manager killd my recovery , not even the clockwork recovery will boot up! which sucks because now im stuck on superbad 1.3, i want to go back to cynagoen !!!
can you go back to cupcake using the guide below then come back up from scratch
I have been able to fix my problem hope this helps for you to!
i downloaded Amon_RA's recovery and trying installing using the terminal method. I got memory errors saying i was out of memory etc. so i turned SWAP on with 128mb and then swappyness to 60 an tried again, and this time it worked!
Couldnt be complete luck but i would give it a try if i was you
What worked for me.
I had this same problem. I spent hours and hours trying everything under the sun. This happened to me on Cyanogen 5.0.7 DStest7. I notice a lot of people on the cyanogen forum claiming that's what they use. I purchased the pro version and installed clockwork recovery through the app. I tried a lot of things and they all failed. I tried droid explorer exe to flash the recovery, fastboot method, I tried reflashing clockwork, terminal with and with out memory managers running. Finally, I tried flashing the Amon 1.6.2 recovery 3 times in a row with the clockwork app. I did a reboot every time. The last one took and I uninstalled clockwork. I'll probably never change it.
it has only killed your recovery because you selected the wrong option, you must flash the first option (Ion/MyTouch 3G) this is the version for the vodafone 32B handset
I was also frustrated when i chose the HTC Magic option and it hanging on the red voda splash screen
Hope i helped
please somebody helps me with the recovery as well..
im using motorola milestone..
i rooted my phone using UNIVERSAL ANDROOT.. the rooting went fine... plus flashing the clockwork recovery via rom manager went fine.. but everytime i reboot into recovery the recovery triangle logo just blinks for a second and my phone reboots and comes back normally to the homescreen.. how to ablolish this problem?
Best Regards.
I too am experiencing this problem. Flashed CWM Recovery today, then later flashed amon ra. Got into amon ra and successfully did a nand backup, then left it for a few hours. Just now tried to boot into recovery and got the oem android recovery 2e. Wtf is that about??

[Q] Can't boot to ClockWorkMod Recovery

First of all, I tried to search, but all solutions found did not work.
Now, the problem: I can't boot to ClockWorkMod Recovery anymore (version The phone just goes to the dreaded Red Triangle with the Exclamation sign. I tried Power + Volume Down, then to recovery, I get and error: "E:Can't open /cache/recovery/command".
I tried to reflash the ClockworkMod recovery from the ROM Manager menu, but it didn't solve the problem.
Thank you for any suggestions.
After the E:Can't open... message appears, wait for a while, and a blue menu appears. There choose "Apply sdcard: update.zip" (which, I believe, is there if you flashed CWM), and that should launch recovery mode.
At least that works for me. Good luck!
Thank you, it works. I then rebooted it and all is ok. Still when tried to access recovery via ClockWorkMod it doesn't work. Any ideas?
What do you mean by "recovery"? CWM recovery screen? You said that it works, after applying the update.zip that should bring you to recovery screen.
The update.zip will not flash your recovery partition. You need S-OFF and to use ADB to flash a new one.
Sent from my S-OFF Bell Canada HTC Legend.
randomXP said:
First of all, I tried to search, but all solutions found did not work.
Now, the problem: I can't boot to ClockWorkMod Recovery anymore (version The phone just goes to the dreaded Red Triangle with the Exclamation sign. I tried Power + Volume Down, then to recovery, I get and error: "E:Can't open /cache/recovery/command".
I tried to reflash the ClockworkMod recovery from the ROM Manager menu, but it didn't solve the problem.
Thank you for any suggestions.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I had the same thing, used "Fix Permissions" from within ROM Manager, then reflashed clockwork
let me know if this works for you too

[Fixed] Recovery Problem

I just perm rooted my shift and i flashed the recovery with the latest clockwork mod i think its like 3.0.14 or somethin anyways I cant access the recovery screen. I've installed roms before on the G1 but i cant figure this out. I can get to fastboot and i try and get to bootloader from there but it sits at the white screen with the HTC logo. I tried to install the rom from rom manager and that did the same logo screen.
I'd really like to get gingerbread workin so it would be nice if someone has a fix 8)
Thanks for reading my post.
I would reflash the recovery and reboot the phone if this doesn't work manually flash the recovery to the phone then boot to recovery from the bootloader.
Killer Shift
I had to set it up through fastboot. I figured it out like an hour after i posted. I hope this helps anyone with the same problem. Go to the perm-root for dummies and scroll down to the recovery instructions. Bam done.

[Q] Help with recovery menu!

I couldnt really find any other threads with the same problem. Ive flashed amon ra's recovery and it works..... for about 10 seconds, then it just boots up normally. Ive tried flashing an older version and the exact same thing happens. It never happened when I had stock recovery but now it doesnt want to work. Im trying to get an engineering spl which is why I need recovery.
Post here ALL fastboot info and what recovery image you are using (FULL NAME).

[Q] Rooted, Rom manager recovery and now lost

I have a mytouch 3g, 32B. I rooted with superoneclick, went fine. Downloaded rom manager and did a recovery, the latest version. Download a rom through Rom Manager, goes to recovery page, click update and then nothing happens. I have been reading for 5 hours and cannot get this. Please help
I should clarify. It will not go into Clockwork mod recovery.
Did you try manually? Turn phone off, then turn on by pressing Home + Power.
P.s. you can try flash_image method too
Sent from my A7-040 using Tapatalk
I have tried to manually as well. Shouldn't it be as easy as download a Rom, name it update.zip and apply update at the recovery page? When I do that i get "failed to verify whole-file signature" "signature verifiication failed Installation aborted"
This is a Cyanogenmod ROM downloaded through ROMmanager.
Confusing a little...
Test custom recovery: turn phone off then turn on by pressing Home + Power
If you will see triangle with '!' - you have stock recovery
With stock recovery you can not flash any custom ROMs.
If you have stock recovery then RomManager did something wrong
But you can flash manually (as i posted before)

